Woman Blames Devil After Husband Burns Daughter in Microwave
It’s ok honey, the Devil made you put our baby in the microwave, I forgive you.
Man, imagine the things you could get away with if your wife buys the old “the devil made me do it” routine..
A woman blames the devil and not her husband for severely burning their infant daughter after the 2-month-old was put in a microwave, a Houston television station reported.
Eva Marie Mauldin said Satan compelled her 19-year-old husband, Joshua Royce Mauldin, to microwave their daughter May 10 because the devil disapproved of Joshua’s efforts to become a preacher.
“Satan saw my husband as a threat. Satan attacked him because he saw (Joshua) as a threat,” Eva Mauldin told Houston television station KHOU-TV.
A Galveston County grand jury indicted Joshua Mauldin last week on child injury charges after hearing evidence that he placed his daughter in a motel microwave for 10 to 20 seconds.
The infant, Ana Marie, remains hospitalized. She suffered burns on the left side of her face and to her left hand, police said.
Eva Marie Mauldin, the girl’s 20-year-old mother, told the television station that her husband is “not the monster people are making him out to be.”
“That was not my husband; my husband is a wonderful father,” she said. “Satan was working through his weaknesses.”
Eva Maudlin described those weaknesses as an undisclosed mental disability, and that her efforts to get help for him have failed.
Police said Joshua Mauldin told them he put Ana Marie in the microwave because he was under stress. The family had arrived in Galveston the day before.
Gingrich Tells Grads to Challenge ‘Radical Secularism’
Hey, guess what? This country was apparently not founded on the idea of separation of church and state and is clearly not what you would refer to as a secular government. At least not according to this douchebag (Newt Gingrich), who claims that there is a “growing culture of radical secularism” (whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean).
Honestly, the most disappointing thing about this is, people like him will make noise and decry anyone who tries to stop religion from creeping it’s way into government. People like them are THE MOST UNAMERICAN PEOPLE YOU CAN FIND. I wont even hesitate to say that they’re on par with those who attacked New York City on September 11th. They are here to take away the freedoms of those who live free in this country by forcing their views on everyone, and they do it all in the name of their big imaginary man in the sky who apparently only cares about those who follow their religion. They don’t care what you believe or have the right to believe. They are tearing apart what has been fought for in this country for centuries. Secular government IS freedom. Secular government is THE only way to allow complete freedom to choose what to believe or not believe. Anyone who tries to force their views on others by shoving their crap into government is infringing upon ALL our rights to live free.
Don’t think twice about it, once religion makes its way into government, laws will be passed based on that religion. Theocracies are found throughout the world and this isn’t one of them for good reason. Want an example as to why it isn’t? Take a look at Iraq.
Gingrich Tells Grads to Challenge ‘Radical Secularism’
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich told Liberty University’s graduating class Saturday to honor the spirit of school founder Jerry Falwell by confronting “the growing culture of radical secularism” with Christian ideals.
Gingrich, who is considering a 2008 presidential run, quoted Bible passages to a mournful crowd of about 17,000 packed into the university’s football stadium four days after Falwell’s death.
Despite the somber tone of the day, graduates who covered the football field chanted “Jerry! Jerry!” in tribute to Falwell.
“A growing culture of radical secularism declares that the nation cannot profess the truths on which it was founded,” Gingrich said. “We are told that our public schools can no longer invoke the creator, nor proclaim the natural law nor profess the God-given quality of human rights.
“In hostility to American history, the radical secularists insist that religious belief is inherently divisive and that public debate can only proceed on secular terms,” he said.
Gingrich also decried what he called judges’ overreaching efforts to separate church and state.
“Too often, the courts have been biased against religious believers. This anti-religious bias must end,” he said.
Liberty’s commencement has become a forum for conservative politicians. Last year’s address came from Republican presidential candidate John McCain, who made amends with Falwell after attacking him by name during McCain’s failed 2000 White House bid.
Gingrich said he won’t decide until October whether to run for president.
It was the first commencement without Falwell, the Baptist preacher who established the church-based university in 1971, before he founded the Moral Majority that helped elect Ronald Reagan president in 1980.
On Tuesday morning, the 73-year-old Falwell was discovered without a pulse in his office at Liberty and pronounced dead at a hospital about an hour later. His physician said Falwell had a heart condition and presumably died of a heart rhythm abnormality.
His funeral was set for Tuesday.
His son, Jerry Falwell Jr., addressed Liberty’s students Saturday as the school’s new chancellor.
“No one can replace dad, but … ,” he said before he choked with emotion. Applause rippled across the crowd as he struggled to regain his composure. “But there’s a team here ready to carry on and we’re going to give it everything we have as he did for so long.”
Falwell intended Liberty to be his most enduring legacy. He envisioned it as a “Protestant Notre Dame,” projecting fundamentalist Christianity for generations. It was to be a training ground for conservative politicians, lawyers and judges — warriors in what Falwell perceived as a cultural war against liberals, gay rights, legalized abortion and forces he saw as a threat to Christianity.
Gingrich said after his speech that Falwell’s death would not slow the Christian right’s efforts.
“Anybody on the left who hopes that when people like Reverend Falwell disappear that the opportunity to convert all of America has gone with them fundamentally misunderstands why institutions like this were created,” Gingrich said.
Attention Lunatic Atheists
Do I even need to comment? Ok, I will; Fucking Religion.
Leave a Message in the Anonymous Atheist Complaint Box
 Ah, some delightful letters to the Atheist Comaplaint Box:
Girl Stoned to Death For Loving the Wrong Boy
Who says religion doesn’t spread love and peace..? I’m not going to post the video, but after having seen it; the only words that come to mind are: Fucking Barbaric. This kind of shit is inexcusable, the girl goes out with someone of a different religion, so they smash her skull in with bricks and rocks and leave her to bleed to death.
 A 17-year-old girl has been stoned to death in Iraq because she loved a teenage boy of the wrong religion.
As a horrifying video of the stoning went out on the Internet, the British arm of Amnesty International condemned the death of Du’a Khalil Aswad as “an abhorrent murder” and demanded that her killers be brought to justice.
Reports from Iraq said a local security force witnessed the incident, but did nothing to try to stop it. Now her boyfriend is in hiding in fear for his life.
Miss Aswad, a member of a minority Kurdish religious group called Yezidi, was condemned to death as an “honour killing” by other men in her family and hardline religious leaders because of her relationship with the Sunni Muslim boy.
Vatican: If you criticize us, you’re a terrorist.
New rules have been applied to the population of the world. You are a terrorist if you criticize the Vatican and it’s followers, that’s right you’re right up there with the guys who slaughtered 3,000 people in the WTC attacks and you’re going straight to hell.
Who says the Vatican doesn’t spread messages of love and peace.. ? It’s clear they mean no ill will to anyone (that obeys every word command they give).
The Vatican’s official newspaper accused an Italian comedian on Wednesday of “terrorism” for criticizing the Pope and warned his rhetoric could fuel a return to 1970s-style political violence.
In an unusually strongly worded editorial, L’Osservatore Romano said a presenter of a televised May Day rock concert, which is sponsored by Italy’s labor unions, had launched “vile attacks” on Pope Benedict in front of an “excitable crowd.”
“This, too, is terrorism. It’s terrorism to launch attacks on the Church,” it said. “It’s terrorism to stoke blind and irrational rage against someone who always speaks in the name of love, love for life and love for man.”
At the concert, held every year in front of the Saint John in Lateran basilica — Rome’s cathedral where Pope Benedict sits as bishop — one of the presenters, Andrea Rivera, spoke out against the Pontiff’s stand on a number of issues.
“The Pope says he doesn’t believe in evolution. I agree, in fact the Church has never evolved,” he said.
He also criticized the Church for refusing to give a Catholic funeral to Piergiorgio Welby, a man who campaigned for euthanasia as he lay paralyzed with muscular dystrophy. He died in December after a doctor agreed to unplug his respirator.