‘Muhammad’ teddy teacher arrested

Good thing these guys are protecting god from evil teachers who dare desecrate the supremely omnipotent creator and ruler of the universe who apparently can’t clean house himself, right?

‘Muhammad’ teddy teacher arrested

A British school teacher has been arrested in Sudan accused of insulting Islam’s Prophet, after she allowed her pupils to name a teddy bear Muhammad.

Colleagues of Gillian Gibbons, 54, from Liverpool, said she made an “innocent mistake” by letting the six and seven-year-olds choose the name.

Ms Gibbons was arrested after several parents made complaints.

A spokesman from the British Embassy in Sudan’s capital, Khartoum, said it was unclear whether she had been charged.

Embassy officials are expected to visit Ms Gibbons in custody later.

“We are in contact with the authorities here and they have visited the teacher and she is in a good condition,” an embassy spokesman said.

The spokesman said the naming of the teddy happened months ago and was chosen by the children because it is a common name in the country.

“This happened in September and the parents did not have a problem with it,” he said.