Germany Prepares to Ban Scientology
 Aww, I guess this means Tom Cruise can’t go to Germany anymore.. sniff sniff.
Germany Prepares to Ban Scientology
Germany’s interior ministers announced Friday that they consider Scientology to be unconstitutional. They have asked the country’s domestic intelligence agency to prepare a dossier on the organization’s activities with a view to ban it next year.
Germany’s interior ministers announced on Friday that they considered Scientology to be unconstitutional and said they would seek to ban the organization.
Berlin Interior Minister Ehrhart Körting told reporters that the interior ministers of Germany’s 16 federal states and the federal Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble “consider Scientology to be an organization that is not compatible with the constitution.” The ministers, who are meeting for a two-day conference in Berlin, now plan to charge the country’s domestic intelligence agency, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, with preparing a dossier to pave the way for a possible ban next year.
The agency has had the organization under observation for over a decade. Germany does not consider Scientology to be a religion but a money-making cult.
Dec 07, 2007 @ 18:42:08
Good. Scientology is just another facet of the ignominious carpet of sects that pester Western civilization. They just want to make make money – America’s supreme value – and they make people dependent, unhappy, despondent. Off with them.
Dec 07, 2007 @ 19:08:03
It always amazes me how some people can make blanket statements about an entire country, i.e., Arminius’ “supreme value” slant.
I wonder how Germany will enact said ban. Arrests will be made? Will people set themselves on fire? Will other cults be banned as well? Will we someday be religion free?
I hope so, but not at the expense of individual choice.
Perhaps that’s the next great battle.
Dec 08, 2007 @ 09:20:43
It always amazes me how some people – even such that hope for a “religion free” future –
can rush to side with flagrantly cynical and hypocritical wrong-doers in the name of freedom of religion … A remarkable logical summersault indeed.
By the way, recent years have proven beyond doubt (confirmed by many Americans) that today’s Germany may not be perfect (who is?) but is definitely far closer to the ideal of democracy than the USA, who have ruined their reputation in a horrendous moral downfall.
I say this neither with pride nor with “schadenfreude” but the sadness and disappointment of a one-time enthusiastic admirer.
Dec 08, 2007 @ 15:06:57
Having had dealings with them myself, I must say, I am quite happy to see that Germany may get rid of them.
It really is about the money; again, speaking from personal experience. They also attempted to seduce me, sexually, into joining (The girl I was talking to about joining? You could see her nipples from that shirt, and she incessantly jiggled her boobs every other second. She also “LOVES to PARTY with the GUYS of SCIENTOLOGY*Wink, smooch.*)
Soo, a religion that uses sexual seduction, and becomes *extremely* interested in how much money is in my wallet…plus a lot of visible cameras…yeah, doesn’t seem like they’re good people.
Sorry for rambling.
Dec 08, 2007 @ 17:01:57
As I understand it, cults are illegal in Germany, and Scientology is considered a cult. In fact, I heard a rumor that the only reason Cruise was allowed in to film his last movie (over summer ’07) was because he paid a large fee.
But as I said, that was a rumor.
Dec 08, 2007 @ 18:05:37
Oh really? She also “LOVES to PARTY with the GUYS of SCIENTOLOGY? You are a goddam liar! Or you ran in to a real nutcase. I am a scientologist and anyone who knows anything about the religion knows that a sexually promiscuous member would not last five minutes before being kicked out! That is just such a joke that I can barely write this. And it is this kind of baldface lie that make people unwilling to investigate for themselves.
Dec 08, 2007 @ 18:39:03
Hahaha you’re a scientologist?
Nice to know who the idiots are. I should fix your name for you. *fixes it*
But that’s besides the point, we all know that all Scientologists are sexy promiscuous deviants, don’t deny it.
Dec 08, 2007 @ 22:16:01
Fools, sooner or later, demonstrate what they are: fools. Or, in some cases, criminal fools.
S m a s h Scientology – not only in Germany, but everywhere !
Except in the US – that’s a nearly hopeless case: A nation beleaguered by stupid ignorant fundamentalist sects, small or large, uneducated masses that know nothing ( yet ignore anything rational ) but what their mind masters tell them.
American sects are a stock party joke in cultured Western European gatherings.
Dec 08, 2007 @ 22:24:39
By the way, Germany’s top tabloid – Europe’s biggest -, which I generally despise, is calling the Scientology Money-Making Machine the “Cruise Sext”. For a change: Fully agreed !
Away with sects! Mormon or Islam or whatever.
Dec 08, 2007 @ 22:26:07
of course it must read: the “Cruise Sect”. Freudian?
Dec 09, 2007 @ 22:45:59
Larry: wake up, they are taking your money, and they are making you become more stupid (no offense).
It is amazing how people join those god damn cults!!! the stupidity they force you to believe, those followers have such weak minds, I feel sorry for them.
I don’t know much about scientology (other that is a money maker con for the leaders) and the first time I heard about them was when that asshole (can I use that adjective here?) Hubbard forced his followers to buy his mind-washing-garbage-book so it would become a “best seller”…….
I am libertarian so I don’t think teh German gov should kick them out, even for being a king fake religion….. if people are stupid enough to follow that crap, let them drown themselves.
Dec 10, 2007 @ 02:50:49
Freudian indeed.
Dec 10, 2007 @ 21:24:37
Read this:
side 289
and the German constitution:
Article 9 section 2.
and think it over.
Dec 10, 2007 @ 22:13:27
I also recently blogged about this topic, as I said, I hope the German Government looks at a few other ‘religions’ to ban. I consider Scientology to be a money making cult, but I also think a lot of other religions are money making cults – American Televangelists are a prime example.
The amazing thing was a comment I received, which was a large diatribe about how Scientology ‘is a religion’ and citing references to it being endorsed as such.
I’ve been wondering if this person was just copying their diatribe on any blog that had ‘ban scientology’ in the title? obviously not in your case.
Dec 17, 2007 @ 00:11:15
Though I dislike Scientology, I don’t know if I like the idea of outlawing it completely. Stupid people can believe whatever they like and give their money to whoever.
Dec 17, 2007 @ 20:39:00
Dystopian, they don’t want to outlaw Scientology because Scientologists are stupid and give away their money. I’m pretty sure it’s legal and constitutional to be stupid and give away money in Germany. And you don’t need to join Scientology to do it.
Did you read what Lars was pointing to in those 2 pdfs? That should make this issue clear.
Like OzAtheist, I hope they turn their attention to some other religions too. And I hope other countries follow the example.
Congratulations Germans, on having such a (relatively) rational approach to these problems.
Dec 19, 2007 @ 12:27:37
“But that’s besides the point, we all know that all Scientologists are sexy promiscuous deviants, don’t deny it.”
Heyyyyyy–stop insulting us (completely rational) Sexy Promiscuous Deviants with that shit!
Dec 19, 2007 @ 13:09:36
damn, did I say sexy, I mean sexually. Yeesh, last thing I want to do is compliment those deranged idiots.
Dec 23, 2007 @ 21:47:55
Hey Larry, go here : and then get a grip.
Isn’t it sad that we have to resort to banning this badly written science fiction nonsense when, in a sane and harmonious world EVERYONE would just laugh at the very idea of this ludicrous belief system. Ho hum….. Anyway, who’s up for organising a ban on the rest of these brainwashing, fear mongering psychologically damaging cults? Catholicism to be outlawed first I reckon.
Apr 09, 2008 @ 03:24:03
bout time a country grew some balls and did something about those scumbags
Nov 12, 2008 @ 21:42:17