Romney Spokesman Won’t Say If Atheists Have Place In America

 As much as I dislike Giuliani, Romney has now taken top place for candidates I dislike. He wants tolerance for his religion, but wants none for non-believers. Fuck Romney.

Romney Spokesman Won’t Say If Atheists Have Place In America

A spokesman for the Mitt Romney campaign is thus far refusing to say whether Romney sees any positive role in America for atheists and other non-believers, after Election Central inquired about the topic yesterday

It’s a sign that Romney may be seeking to submerge evangelical distaste for Mormonism by uniting the two groups together in a wider culture war. Romney’s speech has come under some criticism, even from conservatives like David Brooks and Ramesh Ponnuru, for positively mentioning many prominent religions but failing to include anything positive about atheists and agnostics.

Indeed, the only mentions of non-believers were very much negative. “It is as if they’re intent on establishing a new religion in America – the religion of secularism. They’re wrong,” Romney said, being met by applause from the audience.