44% of Americans: “Christians get on my nerves”
100% of me finds them annoying too, we have so much in common..
Survey: Non-attendees find faith outside church
A new survey of U.S. adults who don’t go to church, even on holidays, finds 72% say “God, a higher or supreme being, actually exists.” But just as many (72%) also say the church is “full of hypocrites.”
Indeed, 44% agree with the statement “Christians get on my nerves.”
LifeWay Research, the research arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, based in Nashville, conducted the survey of 1,402 “unchurched” adults last spring and summer. The margin of error is plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.
The survey defines “unchurched” as people who had not attended a religious service in a church, synagogue or mosque at any time in the past six months.More than one in five (22%) of Americans say they never go to church, the highest ever recorded by the General Social Survey, conducted every two years by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago. In 2004, the percentage was 17%.
Many of the unchurched are shaky on Christian basics, says LifeWay Research director Ed Stetzer.
Just 52% agree on the essential Christian belief that “Jesus died and came back to life.”
And 61% say the God of the Bible is “no different from the gods or spiritual beings depicted by world religions such as Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.,” although Buddhist philosophy has no god and Hindus worship many.
Belief in ‘a generic god’
Non-churchgoers “lean to a generic god that fits into every imaginable religious system, even when (systems) contradict one another,” Stetzer says. “If you went back 100 years in North America, there would have been a consensus that God is the God in the Bible. We can’t assume this any longer.
“We no longer have a home-field advantage as Christians in this culture.”
Scott Little
Jan 10, 2008 @ 14:33:58
“We no longer have a home-field advantage as Christians in this culture.â€
Of course the Huckabites and Romnites might disagree with this. I didn’t know that belief was a ball game!
Rob Adams
Jan 11, 2008 @ 17:23:34
I love when Christians tell me the bible is inerrant and completely true.I just point out that there are over a thousand Christian denominations,and not a one can agree on anything,including directions on the way one is saved.Yep,the bible….clear as MUD!
john burleson
Jan 11, 2008 @ 18:02:12
this poll should open the fundamentists christians eyes because its mostly them and other fundamentists muslim,jew all go to far
john burleson
Jan 11, 2008 @ 18:06:54
i do think there is a god ,i was raised in a pentacostal church and some of the men would sin on saturday and go get jesus on sunday people are starting to through stones back
john burleson
Jan 11, 2008 @ 18:13:52
and the women would gossip carry on about there friends in church and look down on others and then and then be holy then now about others
Eric Tsakonas
Jan 11, 2008 @ 18:24:07
Every religion from Judaism to Hinduism and every major philosopher from Plato to Confucius has taught some version of the golden rule (not a X-tian invention). Creating laws to discriminate against a group of people was supposed to end 40 years ago, yet the Christian community finds it far more important to maliciously attack gays than to treat them as they would like to be treated. I have never seen the passage in the Bible that justifies the hatred that was expressed when the “moral majority” voted pro-discrimination, pro-do unto others however you want to. It is actions like these that sicken those of us that do treat others how we would like to be treated! This is just an example what makes many Christians in this country hypocrites.
Peggy Ringelstetter
Jan 12, 2008 @ 04:22:15
I know in the Catholic Bible,it says in John3:16 you MIGHT go to heaven,My big question why in heck did Jesus die for?In these days we are warned to be cautious with our faith,,and man the way things are going,,we have way too many ideas on how to live life eternally,$$$$,in the Catholic church.,,,,,
I saw a man on the roof of a flooded area,he was praying for GOD to rescue him,a boat comes by,and the man says,no God will rescue me,a helicopter comes and the water level is close to his waist,,HE PROUDLY says,,No MY GOD will rescue me,,I’ll stay and pray for He loves me so much he will rescue me ,when the water drowns the man ,,he dies and goes to heaven,He ask God why didn’t you rescue me?GOD said”I sent a boat,I sent a HELICOPTER……
Jesus went to the Heavens gate,asked St.Peter what with the hoards of people,he was suppose to be more selective..ST.Peter says,”Don’t blame me your MOTHER is minding the back door”
Peggy Ringelstetter
Jan 12, 2008 @ 04:23:52
hey just a after thought,,Maybe if Catholic believe they MIGHT go to heaven,,they believe in Gambling,,BINGO *~*
The Shane
Jan 12, 2008 @ 18:39:50
I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness, and look how I turned out…agnostic, and loving it.
Jan 12, 2008 @ 20:36:47
was it the “only 144k people are going to heaven” thing? ;)
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