I’m Gonna Eat Your Babies and Kill Your Grandma!

August 15th, 2008 | Tags: , , , , , , ,

I admit it, I am here for your children, liberties and certainly your faith, I want it all.

I gotta say, my favorite part of this editorial is it’s purely hypocritical nature and interesting choice of words.

They are “feeling a real need to convert people,” and preaching an “un-gospel.”

As opposed to Christian missionaries or those .. preaching the gospel?

crusading across America to proclaim his atheism to newspaper

Crusades..  yeah, nice, equate Atheists with a bunch of religious nuts who went around slaughtering and raping those who didn’t believe in their favorite fictional character; sounds about right to me.

The “new atheists”

We’ve warned you about them before on our website—but now they’re on a much more aggressive march all across America. No longer are they just staying in their classrooms or writing books and articles in the comfort of their offices. They are “the new atheists,” and they are aggressively going after your children, your liberties, and your faith!

According to the print media and websites, the new atheists say “evangelism is a moral imperative” to spread their “good news” in “persuading people of the virtues of atheism.” They are “drawing on evolution,” and are vocally “hostile to religions,” especially “fundamentalist Christianity and Islam.” They are “feeling a real need to convert people,” and preaching an “un-gospel.” In one media report, it was stated that “at some point there is going to be enough pressure that it is just going to be too embarrassing to believe in God.”

One of the most outspoken of this new breed of atheists is the vehement anti-creationist Dr. Richard Dawkins of Oxford University in England; another is philosopher, Sam Harris. The Washington Post wrote a major article about Harris and stated: “How exactly the faithful [Christians] will transition to a godless, Good Book-less cosmology is not exactly clear … but he is heartened by countries such as Sweden, where he claims 80% of the populace do not believe in God.”

These atheists are not just publicity seekers. They are very serious about their mission. Dawkins, from England, was recently crusading across America to proclaim his atheism to newspapers, websites, and at public meetings.

Some people might say to me, “But there’s no way Americans will go for atheism. Most people believe in God, even if they don’t take the Bible seriously as AiG does.” Think back to the 1950s. What if someone back then said to you, “Beware, the homosexual movement is on the march—if we don’t do something, ‘gay’ marriages will be legalized across the country.” Almost all of us at that time would have said that there’s no way Americans would ever accept this. Most people believe that marriage is one man for one woman, so, no, this will never happen in America.But as you know, it has happened—and continues to happen!

Interestingly, these new atheists liken their growing movement to that of the gay activists. One stated: “We’re in the same position the gay movement was in a few decades ago. There was need for people to come out. The more people who came out, the more people had the courage to come out. “That’s the case with atheists. They are more numerous than anybody realizes.”

If you think this observation is an exaggeration, just consider the popularity of two recent books associated with these new atheists: The God Delusion by Dawkins and Letter to a Christian Nation by Harris. Both books bitterly attack Christianity. Dawkins is more than just angry, though. He has a purpose, says a reviewer: “the whole book is meant to change people’s minds.”

The God Delusion was #8 on the New York Times bestseller list, #10 on Publishers Weekly, and #2 on the Amazon best-seller rankings in November 2006. At the same time, Letter was #6 on the Times list, and #8 in the Amazon rankings. Meanwhile, an increasing number of atheists are attacking our Christian faith in several major newspapers and websites—with their evolutionary beliefs often presented.

It prompts me to ask: “Why are atheists now getting so much publicity and gaining ground? What’s happened in the culture to allow this?” As we’ve been saying for years, there’s been a change in this culture—at a foundation level. Generations have been indoctrinated by the secular education system and media to build their thinking on human reason, not the Word of God. And at the base of this is the creation/evolution issue.

Evolutionary indoctrination has produced generations (even in the church) who doubt the Bible. Barna Research discovered that of teenagers today who call themselves born-again Christians, only 9% believe there is such a thing as absolute truth. These young people are ripe for “secular evangelists” like Dawkins and Harris.

  1. Herman Cummings
    August 15th, 2008 at 17:19
    Reply | Quote | #1

    A Letter Sent To Louisiana:

    Doing Things Correctly.

    Hello. My name is Herman Cummings. I am the leading expert on the book of Genesis. There is no “close second”. I’m also the author of the book “Moses Didn’t Write About Creation!”.

    Now that Louisiana has boldly broken the monopoly of teaching evolution, it is important to maintain some measure of control and consistency, in order to provide equal education to all students and prevent the distribution of false and foolish teachings.

    With the freedom to entertain alternatives to evolution, it is a given that the text of Genesis will be discussed. That is where I come in. Present day creationism and theology have no understanding of the (early) Genesis text. Some teachers may try to render what they think Genesis says, and they will be in error. The seven days in Genesis are too scientific to be understood without proper training, and they are not about Creation Week. Genesis is actually an advanced book of mathematics and science, that conveys the prehistoric history of life on Earth. I call it “the Observations of Moses”.

    In 1598 BC, on Mt. Sinai, God showed six 12-hr visions to Moses, who later had them written down. Moses did not understand what he saw. God was revealing to mankind the concept of Geologic Time, and the history of life on Earth after Creation Week.

    I teach a 6-hr class for science teachers which gives them an overview of the first three chapters of Genesis, as it pertains to the appearance, and extinction, of life forms during the geologic history of Earth. This is the correct opposing view of evolution as should be presented in biology classes. Creationism is not the opposing view to evolution. Creationism would oppose the theory of the “Big Bang”.

    After taking this course, the teachers can correctly answer the questions that students would have about the apparent differences between what science has discovered, and what was previously erroneously perceived to be written in the Bible. Thus, the students would be given a balanced education in science, without solely being taught the dogma of atheism.

    Also, by providing my class to your teachers, I also give protection against lawsuits which the ACLU is certainly anxious to file. I contacted the Dover Area school district in Pennsylvania, but they ignored me, and they lost both their jobs and the court case. I contacted both the Cobb County Board members and their law firm in Georgia, in 2004, and they both ignored me, and they lost their district case. I know how to defeat the ACLU in open court in such cases, to the point that they would be discouraged from filing such lawsuits again. But I would have to be invited to work with the defense.

    Please contact me as soon as possible, in order that we can schedule classes for this current school year.

    Herman Cummings
    PO Box 1745
    Fortson GA 31808

  2. The Barefoot Bum
    August 15th, 2008 at 17:26
    Reply | Quote | #2

    I don’t know who is kookier, Ken or Herman.

  3. Psychodiva
    August 17th, 2008 at 08:53
    Reply | Quote | #3

    Herman I think :)

    I wonder if AIG realises we are also ‘marching’ accross Europe? or maybe they just don’t care and like a lot of North Americans fail to recognise there is another whole world outside their borders :)

  4. Lindsay
    August 17th, 2008 at 20:21
    Reply | Quote | #4

    By the way AIG makes it sound…it heartens me to know that more people have learned to think for themselves…and I mean whether they come to the conclusion that they believe in god or not. Perhaps there is hope for America!

  5. Greg
    August 17th, 2008 at 23:53
    Reply | Quote | #5

    Haha, Herman is fucking nuts!

  6. .
    August 18th, 2008 at 10:10
    Reply | Quote | #6

    ^Amen to what Lindsay said.

    Genesis is a really advanced book of mathematics and science, huh? I agree. That means my math teachers (and calculators) must have been lying about the value of pi, though. And the water canopy idea is a very good theory, certainly better than all the others!

    And why would you oppose the Big Bang theory? It is a Roman Catholic Church proposal, after all. Boy, these creationists are odd.

  7. Alejandro Bolaños Rosales
    August 18th, 2008 at 18:30
    Reply | Quote | #7

    Poor Herman…

  8. hung men tgp
    February 21st, 2009 at 11:21
    Reply | Quote | #8

    There is obviously a lot to know about this. I think you made some good points in Features also.