Larry David pisses off Christians by pissing on Christ
Larry David pisses off Christians by pissing on Christ
Larry David has created quite a little firestorm that seems to be growing into a wildfire. It seems there are some people who are pissed that his character on HBO’s Curb Your Enthusiasm pissed, albeit accidentally, on a picture of Jesus Christ.
In the episode, Larry accidentally splashes a picture of Jesus when he is urinating at someone’s house. For whatever reason, though Larry noticed the sprinkle on the face of the Jesus, he didn’t wipe it away.
After Larry leaves, the two women of the house see the urine on the picture, which they assume is a teardrop (it’s below Jesus’ eye), and drop to their knees claiming a miracle. Jesus is crying!
Now, Twitter is all a-tweet with people who are so upset by the episode they are banding together to get the attention of Glenn Beck so that he will “expose” Larry David’s supposed bigotry on his show.
The Web site, Big Hollywood, has posted an e-mail it received from someone who has promised to not watch Curb anymore. The e-mail said, “‘…what I saw made me feel a little sick, extremely disappointed and a bit angry as well. I will never watch the show again as I have lost all respect and feelings of good will for Mr. David.'”
Several people have responded to the e-mail in the comments section of the piece. Oddly, one person, who describes Larry as a “Christ hater” seems to think that this action of Larry David somehow lessens the supposed anti-semitism of Mel Gibson. The person wrote, “It doesn’t make Mel Gibson look anywhere near as bad, now does it?”
Another person, who vowed never to watch the show again, said, “I loved this show and thought it was so funny. All that’s changed. I can’t believe he is this crude and would go to this extreme to insult so many. As a Jew, he should understand compassion and sensitivity to others. I’m disgusted and disappointed.”
Really, people? He didn’t really p!ss on your Jesus any more than he really pissed on the picture of Jesus in the show. It is fiction – PRETEND – and we know you are good at pretending. You should understand this concept.
Further, in the show it was an accident. It’s not like his character thought, “piss on Jesus!” and therefore literally pissed on Jesus.
Perhaps what really has these people so upset is not so much the fact that Larry’s character urinated on Jesus but that he made it seem that some people are so gullible as to assume a miracle so easily without investigating what the truth of the matter may be. (And of course, we know that never happens in real life.)
Oct 28, 2009 @ 12:03:34
“It doesn’t make Mel Gibson look anywhere near as bad, now does it?”
Why? Because Larry David pretended to splash water on the picture of a fictional character while Mel Gibson hates actual people? Yeah, I can see how that would diminish it. Dumbass.
“he made it seem that some people are so gullible as to assume a miracle so easily without investigating what the truth of the matter may be.”
Ding, ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!
Oct 28, 2009 @ 12:06:12
Larry David is probably the funniest man on TV, and he could definitely make a hilarious show like “Curb” without the sacrilegious bullshit. Let’s see him crap on a picture of Obama – “it’s only fiction.” – – The argument that he accidently pissed on Jesus: c’mon, that’s weak… He remorselessly crossed a line…. I love his ethics: “Drive a Prius – piss on Jesus” I guess that’s morality in LA. I’m not watching his show anymore.
Oct 28, 2009 @ 17:04:52
In the show it was an accident or just pretend? You must have your brains in TV lala land! Just another case of a jew showing their disrespect for Jesus. Why do they hate him so much? Lets think about that… maybe they have some alliance with the devil? Only someone evil could have such hate for someone who only did good in their life. How many times have I heard Jesus disrespected in a show only to see it was directed by a jewish director. Larry is just honestly showing his true side!
Oct 28, 2009 @ 17:06:31
Uhh, Jesus was supposedly a Jew…..
Oct 28, 2009 @ 22:38:19
Ian, I know; Jesus was a Jew. That’s what makes it so ironic. That’s what makes any Jewish resentment of Jesus really strange – HE WAS A JEWISH TEACHER – whether you think he was the messiah or not….. Truthfully, a lot of Jews wish Jesus would fade away….. I knew an old-school Jewish lady in France and she said that she and her family blamed the Holocaust on Jesus in some roundabout way…… Anyway, I don’t know what Larry David is thinking. He’s kind of equally irreverent towards everything.
Oct 28, 2009 @ 22:42:13
I THOUGHT OF A MORAL EQUIVALENT TO Larry David PEEING ON JESUS’ PICTURE: What if he pissed on a picture of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Oh now THAT would be offensive to “liberal” sensibilities…. Whatever.
Oct 28, 2009 @ 23:39:32
As soon as I saw this episode I knew people were going to be pissed off.
Oct 29, 2009 @ 02:48:51
hahaha hilarious larry – keep up the good work, i for one am hoping he shits on a picture of the last supper next. get over it people jesus is a fucking myth anyway all you brainwashed idiots cant see great humour right in front of your faces – and if you are supposedly true christians why dont you follow your lords lead and turn the other cheek and forgive him? hypocritical idiots.
Oct 29, 2009 @ 08:49:02
This is hilarious. Mostly for the “scandal” it’s causing. In Hollywood, there’s an old saying, “Talk good about me, talk bad about me… but just talk about me!!!”
And I can see Larry hit the jackpot with this one. People are definitely talking about him.
Oct 30, 2009 @ 02:14:29
I just used up good printer ink printing out a picture of jesus, putting it in my toilet and blasting a hole in it with my piss. I wouldn’t recommend doing this again, the paper makes your piss splash around.
Oct 30, 2009 @ 10:28:21
If you are a true Christian, you should turn the other cheek – a piss-stained cheek, that is…
Nov 05, 2009 @ 07:49:41
Yet they didn’t have a problem with him burning down a nativity scene by accident in an early season?
Nov 10, 2009 @ 12:19:34
You know, I never really liked that show, but I may have to start watching it now. That is just too funny! It makes you wonder how many other “miracles” that people have “seen” were made up like that! Heh, silly catholics.