Pope ‘Whipped Himself In Remorse For Sins’ Reveals Nun
Yeah, that sounds like and healthy..
Pope ‘Whipped Himself In Remorse For Sins’ Reveals Nun
POPE John Paul II regularly whipped himself in a sign of “remorse for his sins”, a nun has disclosed.
Pope John Paul, who died four years ago at 84, is being considered for sainthood by the Catholic Church – the ultimate accolade and a tribute to his holiness.
As part of the Vatican’s investigation, thousands of documents have been examined by officials from the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. Among them is the testimony of Polish nun Tobiana Sobodka, a member of the Sacred Heart of Jesus order.
She worked for Pope John Paul in his private Vatican apartments and at his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo near Rome.
Sister Sobodka said: “Several times he would put himself through bodily penance.
“We would hear it – we were in the next room at Castel Gandolfo. You could hear the sound of the blows when he flagellated himself. He did it when he was still capable of moving on his own.”
The whipping is also confirmed by Bishop Emery Kabongo, for several years a secretary for Pope John Paul.
He said: “He would punish himself and in particular just before he ordained bishops and priests before passing on the sacraments he wanted to prepare himself. I never actually saw it myself but several people told me about it.”
Sister Sobodka’s leaked statements, published in the Italian newspaper La Stampa, are part of a new book on Pope John Paul II by its Vatican correspondent.
Self-flagellation is sometimes used by devoted Catholics because of the whipping endured by Christ from the Romans before he was crucified. It is still common in the Philippines and Latin America among some strict monastic orders and by some members of the lay organisation Opus Dei featured in The Da Vinci Code movie. In the film – condemned by the Vatican – murderous Albino monk Silas, an Opus Dei member, is seen whipping his back and drawing blood as he prays on his knees.
Thanks to kchiu for this story.
Nov 27, 2009 @ 09:39:23
This is another sickness in the church, and those catholics that make up excuses that many devoted catholics do this self-flagellation are sick. When someone flagellates themselves how do they know they are doing it hard enough or long enough to make any difference?
The current catholic church is in chaos. There are now more liberal catholics in the american catholic church then right winged ultra conservatives. The part timers, pretenders, fence sitters, The christmas and easter mass only attenders, cafeteria catholics. The sexually abusing priests, the lying bishops and sweep under the carpet cardinals. The thousands of catholic priests and millions of american laity that want celebacy optional and the Pope screams NO! All of the liberal nuns in american that are now under two investigations by the vatican and are about to be paddled. Its obvious the catholic church has lost control, and the guy at the top is the one to blame. Self-flagellation, I don’t think so, but should know that the laity are not following the churches teachings as they once did. I wonder why?
Nov 27, 2009 @ 16:04:49
Catholics are so kinky.