It’s making fun of idiots who believe in bullshit ideas and sit back, expecting their god to do all the work. Atheism is nothing but a disbelief in all deities, and that is what these comic strips are representing.
What is atheism’s starting point? What is non-theistic worldview’s foundation? Assumptions of biased and new-age philosophers as opposed to objective evidence?! Atheism = pitiable fallacy
Atheism believes that matter created mind. But if mind is not a logical necessity to create anything functional or creative, then molecules (not people) should have randomly come together to form the Empire State Building. Likewise, you don’t think that the dictionary developed due to an explosion in a printing press!
Atheism says that “nothing” created the universe and everything in it and there is no such a thing as a “cause” which resulted in the effect. Atheism’s starting point of morality is based on biased personal preferences rather than objective moral laws. Can it get more ridiculous
Atheism says that “nothing” created the universe and everything in it and there is no such a thing as a “cause” which resulted in the effect. What is stupid?.. to believe “nothing” created the universe, mankind etc or an intelligent mind created the universe and its laws?
i think i can safely speak on behalf of many Atheists in saying that nothing did not create somthing: the laws of physics did. The universe is quite possibly the result of a quantum fluctuation based on the unertainty principle. Both theories explain the resulting universe, however ours evolves with observation and predicts with much more accuracy the state of the world. (it also adheres to occam’s razor) For much of my life i also beleived in the cause and effect of the universe, but if you still do you clearly don’t know much about entanglement, especially entangled time. our foundation is science. there may be no evidence against god, but you can never prove the nonexistance of somthing. and the lack of evidence against something does not give a reason to beleive. if no one can see the effects, whats the point of studdying it?
and like you say, matter creating mind makes little sense. but guess what? i accept that as a scientific challenge that i would like to see solved. it does not make me invent devine beings to explain things. are you not comfortable with accepting things you dont know? atheism says nothing about morality, only that there is no god. this is good. the existance of god makes pleasing god the goal of morality. without god, morality is allowed to be what the definition of morality is: to let the least suffering occur. god confuses morality. especially when god gives specific rules to be followed without concern for their outcomes. in terms of morality, science helps people make moral choices much better than religion. this is because science promotes finding correct information and using valid logic to make choices. religion promotes neither. if there were such a thing as a devil child that threatened to kill us all, then yes, the moral decision would be to kill him or her. however they do not exist so the information is flawed. when you pick up the phone and your cat dies, and you get rid of your phone, the information is correct, but not the logic. what is correct or logical about god sending himself to himself to save himself from himself? how does that help people make moral decisions?
thank you for saying all that king lear to the moron with complete lack of logic and correct information who called themselves not a puppet of atheists. there r some reasoned philosophical arguments for the existence of god, but unfortunately you know none of them. make sure you actually know what you’re on about before you start bullshitting.
May 10, 2010 @ 19:01:00
what? so is this makign fun of athiests or the opposite…..?
May 10, 2010 @ 20:11:16
It’s making fun of idiots who believe in bullshit ideas and sit back, expecting their god to do all the work. Atheism is nothing but a disbelief in all deities, and that is what these comic strips are representing.
May 10, 2010 @ 20:11:45
Oct 24, 2010 @ 03:03:14
Hahahah athiests are gay
Dec 02, 2010 @ 04:51:56
Seeing as how this was making fun of theologians – look it up, I know it’s a big work for you – um…what?
Dec 11, 2012 @ 17:33:06
Hahahah athEIsts can spell
May 08, 2011 @ 12:47:58
Jesus was a faggot
Jul 16, 2011 @ 08:20:08
Hahaha Shaun is schezophrenic and/or retarded
Nov 05, 2011 @ 12:53:40
What is atheism’s starting point? What is non-theistic worldview’s foundation? Assumptions of biased and new-age philosophers as opposed to objective evidence?! Atheism = pitiable fallacy
Atheism believes that matter created mind. But if mind is not a logical necessity to create anything functional or creative, then molecules (not people) should have randomly come together to form the Empire State Building. Likewise, you don’t think that the dictionary developed due to an explosion in a printing press!
Atheism says that “nothing” created the universe and everything in it and there is no such a thing as a “cause” which resulted in the effect. Atheism’s starting point of morality is based on biased personal preferences rather than objective moral laws. Can it get more ridiculous
Atheism says that “nothing” created the universe and everything in it and there is no such a thing as a “cause” which resulted in the effect. What is stupid?.. to believe “nothing” created the universe, mankind etc or an intelligent mind created the universe and its laws?
Nov 11, 2011 @ 14:29:08
i think i can safely speak on behalf of many Atheists in saying that nothing did not create somthing: the laws of physics did. The universe is quite possibly the result of a quantum fluctuation based on the unertainty principle. Both theories explain the resulting universe, however ours evolves with observation and predicts with much more accuracy the state of the world. (it also adheres to occam’s razor) For much of my life i also beleived in the cause and effect of the universe, but if you still do you clearly don’t know much about entanglement, especially entangled time. our foundation is science. there may be no evidence against god, but you can never prove the nonexistance of somthing. and the lack of evidence against something does not give a reason to beleive. if no one can see the effects, whats the point of studdying it?
and like you say, matter creating mind makes little sense. but guess what? i accept that as a scientific challenge that i would like to see solved. it does not make me invent devine beings to explain things. are you not comfortable with accepting things you dont know? atheism says nothing about morality, only that there is no god. this is good. the existance of god makes pleasing god the goal of morality. without god, morality is allowed to be what the definition of morality is: to let the least suffering occur. god confuses morality. especially when god gives specific rules to be followed without concern for their outcomes. in terms of morality, science helps people make moral choices much better than religion. this is because science promotes finding correct information and using valid logic to make choices. religion promotes neither. if there were such a thing as a devil child that threatened to kill us all, then yes, the moral decision would be to kill him or her. however they do not exist so the information is flawed. when you pick up the phone and your cat dies, and you get rid of your phone, the information is correct, but not the logic. what is correct or logical about god sending himself to himself to save himself from himself? how does that help people make moral decisions?
Sep 02, 2012 @ 20:28:40
thank you for saying all that king lear to the moron with complete lack of logic and correct information who called themselves not a puppet of atheists. there r some reasoned philosophical arguments for the existence of god, but unfortunately you know none of them. make sure you actually know what you’re on about before you start bullshitting.
Dec 08, 2012 @ 05:37:21
I particularly liked the one about the new CEO. Says it all really.
Mar 08, 2016 @ 11:10:17
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Mar 08, 2016 @ 11:12:06
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Mar 08, 2016 @ 11:14:26
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