My sister bought me one of these for Christmas (oh, the irony :). I haven’t yet stuck it on the car because of the bad weather, but I am wondering how long it will be before my car is keyed, even here in the UK.
Here in the US we have a store Spencers, i work there and we have a bumper magnet that says ” i <3 Jesus" then the Jesus is crossed off and is replaced by "blowjobs" lol. i got it and it got all keyed up and made it look more authentic, then someone stole it lmao.
haha no! we have crazy christians just as much as in the US! Although that being said, I have that Dinosaur on my car and she’s fine so far. my guess is that most people don’t get it!
That is amazing! I hope the dumb broad who wrote that is dumb enough to try and is caught. Let’s see her explain to police why she was vandalizing someone’s car. Good Christian my ass.
it says
“- Tierra Mesa Resident!” as in a fellow resident of Tierra Mesa…
Jared Feb 17, 2010 @ 15:19:51
Ah, sweet irony. Tierra is also the name of a genetic algorithm computer program written to simulate evolution in small, self-replicating digital organisms.
’cause big, bubbly letters are oh-so typical of female handwriting, if i remember all those notes in High School that i got correctly… seriously. No man writes like that, unless it’s a gay man, but a gay man is not likely to have anything to do with organized religion like Christianity and therefore probably wouldn’t be offended by the sticker. also, given a woman’s propensity for being easily offended (not being sexist, look up the studies), i can safely say that it’s a woman. a man just wouldn’t give a shit, and the only reason he would is because his wife/girlfriend might and is withholding sex depending on his answer.
Couple this with her belief that she has the right to order other people what to do with their property and you have a very accurate picture of the inane arrogance these religions imbue in their flock.
No you don’t. You have a person who is just as emotionally immature as whoever applied the plaque to their car and every poster here who has said that they want one, too.
The person who put the plaque on their car showed their disrespect for religion (looks like more of the evolution v. creation b.s.) by taunting it. They instigated the issue … the note writer ratcheted it up. Neither is in the right.
You guys can go ahead and duke it out for “King of the Sandbox” if you want. But when you win, you’ll still be in the sandbox.
Yeah, so where did you get this idea that religion can’t be talked down on – it’s ridiculous in and of itself. I mean, it’s just ASKING for it.
Creation vs. Evolution can hardly even be called a debate, because the creation side of it is childish. Anytime they start losing (which always happens) they just make something up to back theirselves – kind of similar to the way God was made up in the first place.
Oh harry, there you go again with the ad hominem, since you have nothing logical to back up your ridiculous beliefs.
Nothing about creationism isn’t childish. “Goddidit and that’s that” is extremely childish. That’s all creationism is. Are you suggesting it’s more? Then back up your claims.
Locke003 Jan 30, 2010 @ 12:33:03
Johnny it’s a dead arguement and you misspelled “Ad Hominems” “s” is required. but still, there is nothing logical to back up either claims. your belief is that something in space went “Bang” and now we have earth. congratulations, we believe that a big man in the sky made us… either way, arguing it is retarded because we are both on a belief standpoint, from which, NO PROOF CAN BE DERIVED. so when YOU come back with some SOLID evidence… not what scientists “THINK” happened. hence, (A THEORY) then you may continue you rebuddle, and i will admit defeat, thanks, and in the mean time enjoy your own beliefs… cause that’s all the are, (not fact).
Berk Feb 02, 2010 @ 20:48:34
You seem to have trouble discerning the difference between the theory of Evolution and the Big Bang theory. They are completely different from one another, and your confusion of the two illustrates a complete lack of understanding regarding the topic. Evolution is the gradual accumulation of small changes over time to form new species. The Big Band theory is a theory regarding the origin of the universe. Both are supported with reams of scientific evidence.
Get your facts straight.
SSC Feb 03, 2010 @ 17:51:19
Look, if you’re going to criticize someone’s use of Latin, you should know what you’re talking about. Johnny spelled the term correctly. Adding an “s” is incorrect. “Hominem” is the singular accusative form of the noun “homo,” which means “man” or “person.” “Ad” means “to” or “toward” and modifies “hominem.” “Ad hominem” therefore means “toward the man” and is a very good description of the type of informal fallacy made when you attack the person rather than their argument – it is, quite literally, an argument directed “toward the man.”
The ending “-ems” that you suggest is not in any way a valid ending for a Latin noun, except perhaps for some irregular words in the nominative or vocative case, and none come immediately to mind. Certainly “homo” can never be modified in this way. Undoubtedly you’re thinking of the term “homo sapiens,” where the final “s” is required.
So, in short, make sure you know what you’re talking about before you open your mouth.
nando Feb 05, 2010 @ 01:28:24
What Would Jesus Do? Write a passive aggressive letter threatening to remove the ‘offense’ by force? Any Christian that agree with this mentality is a God damned hypocrite.
asdf Feb 18, 2010 @ 12:37:47
I have to point out here, that, yes, evolution is a theory. But its a theory in the same way that gravity is considered a theory (seriously, look it up). Just because science has higher standards than theology for considering something a “truth” doesn’t mean that you can equate the two.
Second of all, its ridiculous to say that creationism and evolution have standing on even ground. You can watch things evolve. You can put bacteria under a microscope, subject it to different adversities (UV rays, temperature, etc) and watch the bacteria reproduce to be adapted. The only debate here is whether or not that’s what happened in the past (hence the “theory”), and since God hasn’t shown up in a while to create something from nothing, I’d say that evolution is certainly winning the argument.
Third of all, don’t even bring the big bang up. That’s all but proven by the two guys who won the nobel for physics a few years ago by finding and tracking the errant radiation still floating around the universe left over from the bang.
asdf Feb 18, 2010 @ 12:44:48
Also, I certainly hope you believe in evolution because the bacteria out there that are now resistant to penicillin and a few other antibiotics (via evolution) are gonna kill you whether you believed they evolved or not. and the scientists who all understood this and made up new antibiotics to keep your ass alive also believe it. You’re the only one’s left in the dust if you don’t. Believing in creationism today is the equivalent of believing in a flat world or geo-centric universe was a few hundred years ago.
Christianity is actually not so bad if you don’t get hung up on the pointless crap like creationism, homosexuals, and basically the whole old testament.
MistaRIPsta210 Jan 30, 2010 @ 17:59:07
Actually locke003, theres plenty of evidence for a big bang. In fact, dark matter was recently proven to be true. Dark matter is whats left after the big bang. ANd ignorance doesnt equate proof. Just because you are ignorant on how the universe works, and dont even know what the theorys you try to discredit even state, doesnt mean god exists. THere is NO SHRED of evidence to support your side. Every claim we’ve made, has mass ammounts of evidence to back it up. We know evolutions true. We have ample evidence to show that the big bang happened. You’ve got nothing except an ignorant superstition. If you had proof, you’d buy us over in a minute. BUt the proof for your side doesnt exist. Ours does.
And another thing. Learn what the fuck the word THeory means. It doesnt mean a GUess. Im sick of these ignorant christians thinking htat the word “theory” automatically means its dismissable.
We KNOW for a fact that gravity is real. Yet we still refer to the theory of gravity. THe THEORY of gravity is just scientists attempt at explaining gravity using the evidence we have in front of us. Gravity Might now work exactly like we think it does, but it still exists. And it wont stop while we bicker and debate. WE KNOW evolution happens. For a FACT. The scientific community doesnt even waste time trying to prove you idiots wrong. Many fields of medicine RELY on evolution being true. THe THEORY of evolution is just our explination on how evolution works based on the evidence in front of us. THe theory might not be exactly right, but evolution happens. And theres plenty of proof for it. Just like there is MASS amounts of proof proving the big bang happened, or could have happened. Including dark matter. And again ignorance doesnt equate proof. Just because YOU are ignorant on a certain subject, doesnt give your diety any more credibility.
Type evidence for the big bang into google, and see just how ignorant your jabbering is. The evidence is out there for people willing to look. But since you are biased, and wont accept any answer that doesnt involve your god, you refuse to accept established fact. Now if you came to ME with proof that god existed without a doubt, id convert on the spot. So stop trying to group us together saying its all based on beliefs. No, your ignorance is based on beliefs and faith. ANd faith means nOTHING. Its believing in somehting that has no proof to back it up. There never was proof never will be.The other side has plenty tho.
Oh, and even tho us athiests are getting into these debates, scientists on the whole arent out to prove religion to be wrong. Scientists are out to find the truth. If that truth happens to discredit religion, then it goes to show that these old superstitions cant stand the tests of time. REAL scientist dont argue of creationism. Because there isnt a credible scientist on this earth that takes that junk seriously. And there are scientists from every religion. Science doesnt work on a bias. YOu do. Science takes evidence, and looks for whatever answer that evidence points to. You already have an answer in your head, and wont accept any evidence that is contrary to that pre set answer. That, my friend is BIASED.
Alan Sklan Jan 30, 2010 @ 23:12:14
Please do not take this comment very seriously, but since sound needs atmosphere to exist, I think it is time we call the Event, The First Flash. All evidence for the “big bang” should apply to the First Flash as well. If scientists called the event the First Flash, there would be no arguments between science and religion. The first thing created, after all was light.s Besides I read somewhere that the term “big bang” was used in derision about the budding theory about the origin of the universe.
Also, look up the Large Hadron Collider. Interesting stuff.
Most christians who try to discredit the big bang, dont even know what it is, or anything about it.
G'orzak Feb 16, 2010 @ 22:31:36
I don’t even know where to begin. First of all, I didn’t hear about dark matter being “proven to be true”. If I recall, they think it exists, but they’re no sure yet. Also, you said that dark matter is “what’s left after the big bang”? News flash: THE ENTIRE FUCKING UNIVERSE IS WHAT’S LEFT AFTER THE BIG BANG.
Just think Feb 05, 2010 @ 15:45:42
So if I understand you correctly, you’re saying that a comic representation of someone’s beliefs justifies vandalism and threats of theft?
It seems like you are the one who has an immature sense of justice.
I found the sticker funny and I’m sure many people find it insightful. A difference of opinion, even if it were in bad taste, never justifies criminal behavior.
What makes you think that Creationism and Evolution are two entities. They may be the same and we just don’t understand it yet. Why do I hear more condemnation about Christians and not much about Islamic Terrorist, who go out and murder a dozen people because someone burned the Koran? And I’m not sure what a plastic T-Rex, eating a symbolic fish, has to do with the evolutionary theory. It would be the Christians that would be more than likely to agree that dinosaurs were around when people walked this Earth. Go check out Glen Rose State Park in Texas.
Why is it people make the word theory sound like a bunch of paleo-geologists just got drunk one night and thought it up? A scientific theory, by definition, is an explanation that fits many scientific truths to link them. The proof you like is well documented. Carbon dating, geographic shifts indicating time, development, and sediment solidification into new plates (Eons…). On the biological side, we have genetic alterations being mapped, the genome finally fully revealed, the stages of cellular development, and, the bigges proof, evolution going on right this minute. You know human being are beginning to be born without wisdom teeth? Because we don’t require them anymore for survival, and our genes are phasing them out. And each generation is taller than the last? Nutrition and medicine are changing the shape of our genome yet again. And for proof of natural selection in nature? Look up the pepper moth. The Big Bang may not be the precise explanation or beginning, but it’s counterargument, a big man in the sky, is just ridiculous. There is so much phenomenal wonder all around us, I can’t understand why people are hell bent (no joke intended) on trying to explain it as an ancient pre-hebraic dessert tribe would.
As for the wisdom teeth, sorry to tell you but there is no proof for your theory. And I never read anything about a “Big man in the sky” before. I did read, “Let there be Light”. As I stated earlier in a previous post, could creation and evolution be one of the same. Is the story of David and Goliath also the story of Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal. Who one that battle? Instead of being intent to find the differences, find the similarities. They are there.
Michael Jan 28, 2010 @ 13:57:34
More like “King of the Car Owned by One of Them.”
However tasteless you think it is, you can put any sticker you want on your car.
Telling others what they can or can’t do is a completely different level. How would the christian react to someone telling them they can’t put NotW on their car? They’d throw a hissy fit and scream and burn down the neighborhood (maybe not literally.) Well, the way she feels free to threaten and treat apparent strangers like children, maybe this christian would really get violent.
What if this picture was of someone who left a letter on a Christian’s car for having a picture of Jesus kicking Darwin in the ass? Would you be offended by that? Would you laugh? I’m just wondering here, I’m not taking sides, haha.
Actually I don’t think I have ever been offended by anything. That’s not to say I don’t have beliefs but more along the lines that I believe anyone can believe what they wish and its when I let their beliefs effect how I feel is when I admit defeat. Someone could have sticker implicating that computer programmers are acne riddled permanent-virgin nocturnal caffeine fiends (that’s the most insulting thing I could think of to myself) and I wouldn’t be phased a bit.
No need to be so sensitive dude!
What, do you expect everyone to tippy toe around while trying not to offend?
Fuck that shit and fuck you.
I say offend! Offend everybody, and then maybe you will learn to not take shit so seriously. Faggot.
You know what, DBess? I agree. Offend everyone. First off, all the niggers should be stacked on a barge and left to drift at sea.
The atheist Jan 29, 2010 @ 18:57:44
Bill in Detroit :No you don’t. You have a person who is just as emotionally immature as whoever applied the plaque to their car and every poster here who has said that they want one, too.
The person who put the plaque on their car showed their disrespect for religion (looks like more of the evolution v. creation b.s.) by taunting it. They instigated the issue … the note writer ratcheted it up. Neither is in the right.
You guys can go ahead and duke it out for “King of the Sandbox” if you want. But when you win, you’ll still be in the sandbox.
Dudes dudes dudes take another glance at the photo and you notice its just science eating away at all the bullshit religion has stuffed into your way open minds.
>The person who put the plaque on their car showed their disrespect for religion (looks like more of the evolution v. creation b.s.) by taunting it. They instigated the issue
So, if I vandalize the next car I see with a “Jesus Loves You” sticker, it’s the Christians fault for instigating it?
Ok, athiests are so inconsidereate about the subject of religion. hold on now hold on… Before you get all barking mad, let me explain. many religious followers are very tolerant of others and their beliefs. i do not poke fun at or mock the fact that atheists have no god do i? if someone has an “i love jesus” sticker on their car, it does not mean “I love jesus (and and if you don’t then hmm you can go fuck yourself.” no, it simply means what it says. If i was in ireland, and wore a shirt with an american flag on it… is it disrespectful? no you dunce. it is simply what i am interested in. now if a christian has a sticker on their car depicting an athiest being stabbed by a cross… then by all means… take issue with it. don’t be so narrow minded about your topic of atheis or whatever religion you may be, just because some took offense to a very offensive sticker. thank you.
Its called freedom of speech. You don’t have to like what someone saids but you cannot persecute (remove their car from a parking lot) because of it.
I’m an atheist, and I have seen how “tolerant” Christians are. This tolerant includes socially shunning people for being atheist, preconstructed views of immorality because of athiesm, and (my personal favorite) is the “street preachers” that come to my campus and yell at all of the student body about how we are going to hell if we don’t change our ways.
So unless YOUR chuch openly accepts people of all sexual orientation, don’t talk about being tolerant. No religion is tolerant of other religions, but at least you don’t see atheist going door to door interupting my dinner trying to give me “reading material” about a deity I have no interest in hearing about.
bigman Feb 11, 2010 @ 23:34:02
What is with you christians and your dumbass idea that your made up shit should be respected.
It is totally fictional. Grow up, fairy tales are for children.
You are not accepting of others beliefs, YOUR book says that only your god exists.
Stop shitting on about tolerance.
Have a shot a thinking logically some time, its nice to not live in a make believe world.
john May 17, 2010 @ 20:45:49
Wow, this is a really messed up way to look at this. Religion really has poisoned your mind, dude. Fucking get a thicker skin and deal with the fact that people are allowed to question your religion.
nic Jan 30, 2010 @ 23:55:24
How is it immature to be an atheist? All the person did was put a sticker on their car to show their belief, same as a christian who puts a fish on their car. They had every right to do so and the letter and any possible follow up were inappropriate.
James Smith João Pessoa, Brazil Feb 04, 2010 @ 15:59:26
No Bill, religion by preaching intolerance and hate (like you) instigated it. While she has a right to practice her delusions and even advertise them, she has no right to impose her values on others nor to attempt to restrict their right of free speech.
She was just as ignorant and arrogant about it as you are. Ignorance and arrogance so often seem to go together. The more ignorant a person, the more arrogant they are about their stupidity. Look in the mirror Bill, you’ll see exactly what I mean.
Dude, disrespect for religion? Of COURSE I disrespect religion. It’s stupid. I don’t believe in your invisible man, and I laugh at your silly beliefs. But guess what, I don’t respect anyone who holds those beliefs either. So you and your god are in for a butt-load of derision.
Of course if it was real your god would strike me dead, but I’m still here.
“If somebody votes for a party that you don’t agree with, you’re free to argue about it as much as you like; everybody will have an argument but nobody feels aggrieved by it. If somebody thinks taxes should go up or down you are free to have an argument about it, but on the other hand if somebody says ‘I mustn’t move a light switch on a Saturday’, you say, ‘Fine, I respect that’. The odd thing is, even as I am saying that I am thinking ‘Is there an Orthodox Jew here who is going to be offended by the fact that I just said that?’ but I wouldn’t have thought ‘Maybe there’s somebody from the left wing or somebody from the right wing or somebody who subscribes to this view or the other in economics’ when I was making the other points. I just think ‘Fine, we have different opinions’. But, the moment I say something that has something to do with somebody’s (I’m going to stick my neck out here and say irrational) beliefs, then we all become terribly protective and terribly defensive and say ‘No, we don’t attack that; that’s an irrational belief but no, we respect it’.”
– Douglas Adams
What the hell has any religion done to deserve any respect whatsoever? Is it the child molesting leaders? Perhaps the horrific wars and killings? Perhaps the burnings of “witches”?
Actually a lot of christians accept the existence of dinosaurs. I’m an atheist but I recall Genesis God creating creatures that roamed the earth before Adam and Eve. They usually just have a problem with the idea of men coming from apes. That said anyone who can’t appreciate the humor in this sticker really needs to lighten up.
The difference is Christians believe w/o evidence that I’m going to hell for not sharing their fantasy. The evidence is on my side, so please “Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment.” John 7:24, and “judge not lest ye be judged” Matt 7:1.
Yep, people who put provocative emblems on their cars instigate vandalism just like women who dress in revealing clothing instigate rape. I would really not like to meet you.
“The person who put the plaque on their car showed their disrespect for religion (looks like more the evolution v. creation b.s.) by taunting it. They instigated the issue … the note writer ratcheted it up. Neither is in the right”
Tell me, please, in what way did the “person who put the plaque on their car show disrespect for religion”. These “plaques” are a way for expressing the beliefs of people who believe in the theory of evolution, just as christians believe in god. These plaques were created in response to all the christians who so proudly display their beliefs on other people through the christian fish decals that they have on their cars. Why is it when a christian sees a decal of an evolutionary belief they get so offended, whether it is disrespectful of christianity (dinosaur eating the christian fish) or not. Believers of the evolution theory have all the same rights as christians to display their beliefs on their OWN property. Whether christians want to be affected by it or not is their own matter, but they have no right to demand, even more threaten that such displays be removed. I think anybody who disagrees with this statement should look into this thing called the first amendment.
Bill in Detroit said,
The person who put the plaque on their car showed their disrespect for religion (looks like more of the evolution v. creation b.s.) by taunting it. They instigated the issue …
So if I go and burn the Koran, it’s my fault that 10,000 miles away people murder a dozen people. So we don’t have the Freedom of Speech? This is shallow thinking Mr. Bill.
Read the Consitution homie, thankfully were allowed to stand on our porches with a 12 gauge, and even point it at the offender. Besides, if this tard wants to start shit, just wait until late at night, and just take their tires off the car. End of story.
So the lady’s beliefs have been insulted by the car’s sticker. I don’t blame her for being upset. But it was obviously the reaction that the Toyota owner desired. Very immature, Toyota owner. Grow up.
You’re telling the owner of the vehicle to grow up? What about the crazy lady who runs around leaving threatening messages written in crayon on other peoples property and thinks she owns the apartment complex?
Honestly if a sticker insults your belief in your own religion, you clearly have bigger issues with your own faith than what someone else thinks about your dumbass religion.
Where the hell does it say she was offended for religous reasons? maybe the sticker just blindly pisses her off. maybe she was traumitized as a child? heh jurrassic park anyone? And one more thing. What’s to say she isn’t the land lord? what if it really is her parking complex? Seriously people who automatically blame religion….*sigh* In any case I so want one of those stickers. BITCHIN ASS COOL!!! *thinks about jurassic park*
as a Christian, i dont appreciate the dinosaur sticker…however, i also dont like the Christian fish (Ichthus) eatting a Darwin fish either… its rude regardless of whos on the receiving end. I also as a christian dont understand why other Christians expect people who dont proclaim that faith to behave or act like they do. I do however expect one who acts like a christian to behave like one. anyway, just little ole me trying to solve the worlds problems! take care all :)
most people say they are christian. it turns out most of them dont live it, but they like to preach it. this is true in about 70-80% of the cases. not many are, in fact, Christ-like
Nobody cares who’s more “Christ-like”. That’s not something that makes any difference to anything. Also, christian, where are you getting these statistics? Could it be that you’re pulling them out of your ass? You people do seem quite fond of making shit up on the spot.
Ya, I’ve never seen that fish b4 2009.. lol
If I only had $.01 every time I’ve seen it form 1980, could be earlier, I would not be working today.
I was confirmed, that is 10 years of catholic school and such.
After all this I asked questions and all I got “it should be your faith”
If your ‘God’ is so great boil some water and put your hand into it as you pray, your book said it will help you, but science has a theory on how heat travels. If you get burnt is it your weak ‘God’ or science?
I help the church, although I’m not a member, only to see after MOST gatherings these ‘God’ loving, love everybody, help you when I can, people almost ram cars to get out of the lot first.
This is why it pisses so many people off, it’s not what they really believe, but only the symbols they worship. Funny we don’t see Jewish, Pagan, Hindu, Wicken, I could go on, but only the catholics think they are above everyone.
Let me just ask 1 question, it is really simple, who killed more people:
1)Religion (this includes governments run by religion)
Easy: Religion Billions in the name of ‘god’
Atheists 0 in the name of anything.
GrowUp Apr 18, 2010 @ 18:23:52
Atheists have killed approximately 80 million people over the last 100 years.
Soviets (Lenin,Stalin) – 20 million
Chinese (Mao) – 60 million
This comes no where close to the numbers of dead due to Christianity (or Islam, for that matter), but it is incorrect to say that Atheists have killed no one, ever. There have actually been more, but I do not know for certain that they were actual atheists, so have not included them in the numbers (Pol Pot; Burmese Junta; Hitler [Jewish heritage, believed in mysticism]; Castro; numerous genocides in Africa)
A few side notes:
-I am a Christian, and I want that sticker! It’s freakin hilarious.
-To the Fundamentalist dumbasses on here – when you show your ignorance of the facts, you will be attacked. Don’t say something just because you think you heard your preacher say it. Thats stupid. he only says these stupid things because if he can get you to believe it, you will continue going to his church and donating money, thus paying for his kids’ college and his wife’s Jaguar.
-Note 2 for the Fundamentalist dumbasses: When you come on this strong, you turn people away. You look crazy to everyone but people that are already on your side, and so you are actually pushing away everyone but the people that you don’t need to talk to.
– Sorry to nit pick, but when you say “big bang”, you are talking about something going kaboom and making a whole lot of noise. If you want to discuss the beginning of the Universe, you need to capitalize the name (i.e. Big Bang).
– To those of you that do not believe in the Big Bang, do believe there are Dinosaurs in the Bible, etc – you are all morons.
– To the Atheists – not all Christians hate you. 85% of the country is Christian, and you hate all of us because of the 10% that are morons. I don’t hate you, I don’t hate gays, and I don’t hate people that get abortions. Please don’t hate me, and the others like me, simply because you have had a bad experience with some backwoods, Bible-thumping hillbilly.
Toys_R_Us_Kid Jul 13, 2010 @ 21:22:55
GrowUp –
Since you’re setting the record straight, let me help you.
I’m sure atheists have killed millions of people, but I can give you a 99.9% guarantee that no war/slaughter has been committed in the name of atheism. Obviously, to say that an atheist has never killed someone is a fallacy. You seem to be creating a straw woman argument here. Maybe the main impetus behind the Crusades was money and the main impetus behind the Twin Towers was revenge, but these acts were definitely committed in the name of a religious deity.
I am a preacher’s son and I paid my way through college and my mom drives a Ford Focus. I’m sure that some preachers are in it for the wrong reason but many (I would hope a majority) do it because they are passionate about their beliefs, just as myself and some of these other friendly atheists are passionate about their beliefs.
You correct us (atheists as a whole apparently) stating that we are mistaken because not all Christians hate us, and then in the falling sentence you seem to make the assumption that all atheists hat Christians. Well, you just have to know that that’s not true. I, for one, have plenty of love to give.
Mike Jan 29, 2010 @ 11:25:11
Well, Atheists have been kicking around since Ancient-Greece (and probably before) so the who said what first argument falls in their favour :p
But we’re going to base whole theological/a-theological discussions on stickers and ‘but he started it!’ then we’re onto a looser folks.
Mike out.
(also, I’m getting me one of them stickers regardless of the above :D )
Actually, you have to think that first they had to agree on which god or gods are real. So the first argument would be something like “A fish god? That’s stupid, the elephant god is the only true god.”
There might’ve been some guy in the back saying “How do we even know they’re real?”
But way back then he probably would’ve been killed.
Whats funny is I’m sure you fags on here defending the dinosaur sticker would be offended if the dinosaur was eating Muhammad or some other towel head entity, jackasses!
Harry, my boy, you’re an idiot. Why would I respect ol’ Mo the Pedophile any more than Jeebus the Zombie god? THERE ARE NO GODS. I disrespect all religion equally. And religious people.
If you don’t like people laughing at your beliefs, stop having such silly beliefs.
I’d only be insulted by Mo’ because people and dinosaurs never met, there are a few million years between the two periods of earth’s history. Similarly I’d be insulted if it was Jesus in the dino’s mouth; I don’t want to be associated with people dumb enough to think that cavemen ever hunted dinosaurs. The idea that what appears to be a t-rex would be eating fish is silly enough, but a nice comment on how Christians were silly enough to try to go where they didn’t belong… again.
Just as Christians shouldn’t lump together “non-Christian”, “heathens”, and “any other religion”, we ask that you don’t confuse all Christians. Firstly, there are dozens of different branches of Christianity, but we are considered Christians because we belief Jesus is the Messiah. However, our views, actions, and doctrines differ within each sect.
It is unfortunate that there are some who preach the Gospel but fail to live it. I would like to apologize on behalf of those Christians you may have experienced in your lifetime who have caused you to believe we’re all ignorant, small-minded, and arrogant. I promise that there are some of us who are actually trying to be Christ-like, but, as you may know: Nobody’s perfect.
As unfortunate as you might consider Christians preaching the gospel but failing to live it, I would be profoundly more concerned by Christians who actually do live by scripture. There is a lot of genuinely disturbing stuff in that book of yours.
I would rather have hypocritical – yet moderate – Christians, thank you very much. What they lack in intellectual integrity they generally make up for in humane agreeableness.
Every single christian, regardless of what branch of christianity they follow, thinks they are living the way Jesus wanted them to live. And every single one of them says that scripture backs up that branch. What makes your branch any better?
I think you all need to get over it, its a joke, sure, maybe insensitive to ones beliefs but how about the “if you dont believe what we believe you can burn in a firey hell for eternity” stuff. everyone needs to stop being anal about shit like this and get on with REAL problems that are happening in our world. “oh no he has a sticker which i dont like on his car”…”oh you hurt my feelings because you expressed your opinion about your beliefs being better than mine”. grow up.
To begin… I think the stick-on is hilarious. Secondly, the point of the emblem is to invoke the exact reactions that most of you are having. Third, and most importantly, freedom of speech allows this person to put a dinosaur emblem on his/her car and no one can really “force” it to be taken off. Sure, some scenarios might give someone the leverage to “ask” with necessity; however anyone who really gets that upset over this thing might want to re-evaluate their priorities before making a big deal out of something so small.
Did anyone else notice that the note appears to be written in crayon? Watch out for tierra, she’s “absolutley” pissed! And I don’t think anyone wants to know what its like to be stabbed with a crayola…
anyone who sees the fault as the car-owner’s needs to grow up. leave aside for a moment how ridiculous religion is – and just focus on the facts that are available.
1)car-owner has a right to put the sticker on their car.
2)religion is no longer allowed to be help up away from ridicule. you can ridicule my taste in music, who i want to run the country, but NOT what I believe about the nature of existence? NO! there are enough of us now that refuse to keep quiet about it. times have changed.
3)the note-writer has no right to consider the apartment complex hers, or to deface someone’s property – no matter her beliefs.
you are clearly in the wrong technically, as well as realistically. there is no god, get over it already.
Have to disagree with your analogy. You can be ridiculed for anything. It happens all the time. Someone might say, “you are clearly in the wrong . . .” You’re assuming a few things. First, that it’s an apartment. Could it be Condo’s that people purchase? Could it be an owner of the complex that also lives there? And when you saw that there is no God, can you prove that. How DID life get here in the first place? Who started everything and what was that start. Could someone say, “If evolution exists then God created it”. It’s easy to say there is no God, a little bit harder to explain why this universe is here.
Isn’t it a shame we can’t just beat people who go out of their way to say stupid shit like that. I would crack her pathetic skull with a bat, spit in her face and ask….where the fuck is your god now you dumb, mistranslating cunt.
lol, anyway, I do this shit back home in the bible belt, and felt that I’d let you all know what I fucking think.
BTW, Jesus in Mathew:1 said he would teach those fucking dumb fisher man to be a fisherman of “man”. You don’t do this by going around forcing people to think the way you do. It’s just as insensitive to the the dinosaur lover who eats christians, to force dumb fucking canonites and their dumb fucking beliefs. Why do we waste time going to school, learning science if the fucking people of this planet refuse to use the associated logic. For fuck’s sake, take out a so called christian today and beat the living shit outta them.
Rebecca you’re a dumbfuck who makes no sense. You should do gods will and kill yourself. You will be affected by this post i assure you. You will let these words settle in your psyche and have little control over what they mean to you. And do you know why? Because you are weak and in need of someone to tell you a bedtime story before your long rest. You can’t imagine a universe without some sort of protection from yourself. You got into religion because the people around you were doing it, and you didnt’ have enough logic to think for yourself. Be stupid your entire life and see where it gets you.
Woah. Way to be judgmental. You don’t even know this girl and you’re telling her to kill herself? Why? Because she believes in something that cant be proven just as you dont believe in something that cant be disproven? She said nothing to deserve this kind of response. All the did was state her opinion on this matter, and in a much more polite matter than you did. And considering this is a primarily atheist site, she is anything but weak. I bet you wouldnt go into a church group and preach your dis-belief. Its people like you who make atheists like me look bad.
BTW, beliefs aren’t scientific. You have data supporting something in favor of a hypothesis (educated guess) or not. So to say that christians can disagree with the beliefs of science is fallacious. Simply put, stupid. What evidence do you have. My grandmother started hearing voices that told her to do shit. Come to find out, she wasn’t a profit after all, but a medical case for science. Her brain had stopped its normal functioning and began excreting certain chemicals, providing an illusionary ride back. Has it ever occurred to you that we (modern people) didn’t invent mental disorders and the fuckers who wrote out some of the stories in your good book could have been suffering from dilusionary medical mental symptoms of schizophrenia or related brain diseases? Of course not, cause its easier to accept that you’re stupid and willing to follow another stupid fuck who is probably touching your little brother right now.
harry :Whats funny is I’m sure you fags on here defending the dinosaur sticker would be offended if the dinosaur was eating Muhammad or some other towel head entity, jackasses!
Quoted for posterity… nothing more saliva-inducing than watching a “christian” devolve into a more explicit hypocrite right before your eyes.
Did anyone think that maybe it was written in crayon, because it was a child, or a young person? Maybe who hasn’t formulated their beliefs of their own and hasn’t yet recognised the purpose of reason? I mean come on, it’s written in crayon, and the hand writing isn’t good…
You are all spouting off ‘fuck you’, ‘asshole’ and ‘fag’ in response to a child… shameful.
I haven’t met any person that’s currently xtian who has formulated their beliefs on their own and has recognized the purpose of reason. However, I’ve met a lot of people who used to be xtians and who have formulated their beliefs on their own – but they’re all atheists now.
You just met the first one. There are millions of people who formulated their beliefs on their own. That’s why there are so many interpretations of the Bible, Koran and all other books. However, there are those as myself that has figured it out to please myself. You find these people all over. Maybe you’re just to young now to understand, but I’ll bet you that before you pass on, and I hope you live a long life, you’ll make peace with YOUR God.
I will say that I don’t agree with the way the Tierra Mesa resident handled their opposing view on the emblem. Not that it matters, or that any of you will care, but I would not have said anything. I understand that we all have differing beliefs, and agree with most of you that the resident should not have written such a childish letter. It was very un-Christlike, in my opinion. But, you don’t have to agree with me. That’s okay.
In regards to Harry and his comment about Muhammad and other Gods – did he state he was a Christian? I do not recall reading that. He may be, in which case, as I stated earlier – please do not lump us together. Christians have differing beliefs. It’s sad that you’re allowing stereotypes to lead you into such hateful territory.
And Roberto, I respect your beliefs. I also respect the way you stated what you believe. I will agree that we disagree on the matter, as well as the way we express our opinions. You can call me stupid, a ‘dumbfuck’, or any of the other hateful names you threw at Christians, but I will not revert to your level. It breaks my heart that you have so much hatred within your soul. (I realize you’ll most likely find joy within my heartbreak. That’s okay.)
atheistlibertariancriminalasshole Feb 04, 2010 @ 16:06:53
cait, don’t be heart broken. i as an atheist do not hate you. in fact provided you meet some very minimal aesthetic & hygienic standards would gladly do you to demonstrate my lack of animosity towards the religious who choose not to push their viewpoints on the rest of us. you came w/ an olive branch, you should not have been derided.
Self-rightous Athiests are just as bad as sanctimonious Christians. A tired cliche car sticker extolling the percieved superiority of believing in evoluton makes you look like a douche-nozzle. An outraged crayon weilding fundamentalist who so fervently believes in creationism she takes offense to such idiocy is also equally an utter waste of semen.
Unfortunately in the the end, you both fail. Why don’t you get together and start a suicide pact. Then you both can finally settle who is right and wrong and free the rest of the world from a couple of tools in the process.
We are all free to make up our beliefs, but not our own facts. If you consider facts, then the dinosaur sticker is clearly less judgmental than the Christian fish with it’s bible creation story, and judgments that all non-believers are going to eternal hell.
Atheists commit no similar offenses against Christians. They simply object to being judged by Christians who are too often hipocrats and lack any facts supporting Christian judgments.
So to all you Christians, “Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment.” John 7:24, and “judge not lest thou be judged” Matthew 7:1.
Self-rightous Athiests are just as bad as sanctimonious Christians.
They’re equal? Really? How many terrorist Atheists have you heard of? I’ve heard of many Christian terrorists that have killed in the name of their god. Two words, “Abortion Clinics”.
A tired cliche car sticker extolling the percieved superiority of believing in evoluton makes you look like a douche-nozzle.
And you’re ugly, are we done throwing pointless insults?
An outraged crayon weilding fundamentalist who so fervently believes in creationism she takes offense to such idiocy is also equally an utter waste of semen.
That was unnecessarily graphic.
Unfortunately in the the end, you both fail.
Having a bit of fun means we fail? Would you rant like this to anyone mentioning ‘god’, ‘jesus’, ‘christ’ or ‘the bible’? I don’t believe you would, so why is this evoking such anger?
Why don’t you get together and start a suicide pact. Then you both can finally settle who is right and wrong and free the rest of the world from a couple of tools in the process.
You’re quite a bright one, aren’t you? You want a group of people that don’t believe in life after death, to kill themselves to prove to you they’re right?
Why don’t you take your own bullshit suggestion and get the fuck off my website, so I can be free of a tool like you.
Religion isn’t some untouchable golden cow here, people, and frankly, doesn’t matter in this debate. He has every right to put his opinion on his own car. This Tierra person has ZERO right to demand that the owner of the car remove the sticker, and would face vandalism charges if she attempted to remove it herself.
People need to get over this stupid “I’m so offended” shit.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
For starters, I’ll say that I consider myself an agnostic theist (in the truest sense of the word “agnostic”; look it up).
I find humor in things that are humorous — even things that my fellow “Christians” would tell me I should be offended by. My stance is “Funny is funny”. The emblem is slightly humorous, although I am sure it is funnier to those whose lives are centered around flaunting their disbelief in creationism (specifically) and God (usually, the precursor to said disbelief in creationism).
As Hey-Zeus pointed out, Americans have freedom of speech and expression. Therefore, as is surely obvious, any American has the liberty to express him/herself accordingly, regardless of whether or not it offends someone’s delicate sensibilities — whether on grounds of religious belief or just a fear of fish-eating dinosaurs.
That said, I do find it equally as immature to express oneself for the sole purpose of provoking others (though I make no presuppositions as to the intent of the person having the emblem on his/her car) as to express one’s offense at such an act childishly.
If I had even taken notice of such an emblem, I likely may have written a similar note — not out of offense, mind you — but because it makes for interesting Stumbles like this one. Bravo.
Not a real threat, Ian. A crayon-scribed, anonymous “threat” that would surely be photographed and posted on the internet for people like me to laugh at — and not because I was legitimately offended, but because I had the foresight to realize how many entertaining comments and flame-wars it would generate in the online fora.
The funniest thing about the sticker is that dinosaurs are in the bible… so to me all it means is a t-rex eating a fish. Someone didn’t do their homework if it is supposed to be slamming Christianity lol
Lmao. THe creation museum is the biggest joke ive ever heard. Not one educated scientist there. Not one person with even a degree related to any field of science there.
Creationism isnt even considered a scientific theory. The scientific community doesnt take it seriously. Only people who do, are religious folkd who gain something from it being true.
Creationism has never been considered scientific theory. You see, science books change every few years, because they are found to be wrong. The Bible doesn’t need to change. Also you might take a look at Glen Rose State Park and explain why you find human footprints in the same strata as dinosaurs prints. This would be a Creationist argument.
Dustin Jan 31, 2010 @ 13:38:27
People can believe whatever they want. yes. yes. I agree. Freedom of thought.
But why does is seem like the Christian world is using science to further explain their beliefs? It’s as though they subconsciously realize science is “winning” in the constant search for the answers to the big questions?
When I was in Hebrew School, they denied even talking about dinosaurs. One teacher even responded with something like “Some animals were evil and had reproduced with each other and had ‘freak animals’, and Noah didn’t take them on the boat. That’s why we see fossils of Dinos today”…Oh please…
Back to my point. The Christian world is slowly seeing that science (not to say there is no science in the bible) is gaining in supporters over the past century, so now we see this Creationism Museums.
Some better examples of what I’m talking about. Go to this website.
It’s basically using all the work that the scientific world is using and saying “Since it’s so complicated, there must be a deity that designed it all.” Which may or may not be true, who really knows? The point is…
Imagine if this Christian (or any religion, you get the idea) website was copied on parchment in the 1600’s. The editors would be burned at the stake. But now, Religion is accepting more and more ideas (completely understandable), but trying to make it all still fit in.
Please respond with kindness and intellectualism to this post. I would love to hear peoples’ opinions against/for my own. Thank you.
Amazed by the stuff people write. I’m a Christian. Very active in a ministry that does much to help people and serve the communtiy. I think the magnet is funny, not offensive. Its a playful jab by someone who doesn’t fully know or understand Christianity. I say this because if one truely knows the Word, they know God and how to rightly Love others. God gave us free will and consequence for our actions. Enjoy the magnet, please don’t key someones car. One is a display of a point of view, they other is destructive and a sin.
Remember Gods Love Never Fails.
May God Bless you,
Elder NLOI
I love how the christians help the community. What about the one where they go to an impoverished country, thats been RAVAGED by aids, and tell them if they use protection they are going to hell.
Opportunist at all? Its no secret that the ignorant are more likely to follow religion. The more ignorant a population is, the more likely they are to follow superstition. SO lets go to a country that cant afford to educate themselves, and tell them all they will be burned for eternity if they didnt comply.
Some might say thats a catholic thing, yet the catholic church is the oldest christian organization around, and most sects branched off of it.
I’m not sure of any Christian group that goes to a impoverished country to try to help them, that is insistent on the people, not to wear condoms. But I have seen many Christians groups help with medical, food, housing and water to help these people. Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater. And it’s not true that the ignorant are more likely to follow religion. That in of itself is an ignorant comment.
Stop the violence yo. ugh. Get the fuck over yourselves. So much fail, and I fail too for even posting a comment here. But I’m really hammered right now, so I decided to comment. That’s all.
So what happened to just accepting that we’re all human and that there is absolutely no-way to prove whether there is a god, or that Darwinism is correct?
Stop bickering and get back to important things, like living, not fighting.
Actually we have evidence that Darwinian Evolution is correct, you’d know that if you paid any attention in high school biology. Observed reactions, genetic connections and lineage, the fossil record…
You cannot say the same of religion, subscribe to it or not. Science is not faith, science is just a quantifying of an objective reality. The two don’t even have to be an either one or the other unless you are a bible fundamentalist.
i find all of this very hilarious. how ignorant MOST of you are, && its funny because youre arguing that you are not ignorant, yet nothing but ignorance is pouring out of your mouth… The car owner, well hey, look there, OWNS the damn car, so the car owner can do whatever he wants. its called freedom. if it offends you, suck it up && be a big boy or girl. if you are overly reliqious, good for you, but that would be like us telling you to take christian signs of YOUR car, && you would get pissy now, wouldnt you? just as you have the freedom to express your religion, others have the freedom to express theirs, whether you agree with it or not. for all you christians who know nothing of your religion, you are dumbasses. wasnt ‘god’ all loving && forgiving, && if thats the case then no one would burn in hell right, especially if jesus payed for our sins. part of christianity is to love EVERYONE, yet you spend it hating all the non-christians. now remember this is only going for stupid religious people, not all of them. plus, you are going to have to deal with people who are NOT the same relgion as you, so deal with it. dont get pissed everytime someone disagrees, because NO ONE really knows if there is a god or not, we just assume from our own beleifs && ideals. && if you say you know for sure that there is a god, then im assuming youve met him && yall had a little chat, right? wrong. you wont know until you die.getting pissed off because someone doesnt beleive in the same god as you is like getting pissed that someone doesnt like the same flavour ice cream or doesnt like the same style of music. btw, even if the lady WAS the owner, she wouldnt be able to do that or else the owner could sue her for discrimination. && Harry, so your saying everyone who DOESNT beleive in christianity is a ‘fag’, && beleives in a god with a towel on their head, right? well, go shoot yourself, because you are the most non christian person i have ever heard to claim being a christian. god wants everyone to love each other, not call them fags && discriminate THEIR religion && beleifs, so congratulations you have disobeyed god.
I’m a middle-aged woman living in Scotland, and a Christian who believes in God and Christ.
I do however believe in evolution as well. And I believe that God created the universe using the big bang. My God is quite capable of setting something like that in motion and using science and evolution to transform the primordial chaos into what we see now. Quite frankly I think that’s a terrific way of doing things.
I sometimes think God must be very amused by some of the things people say about him, and if you think God has no sense of humour, I suggest you take all your clothes off and stand in front of a full length mirror!
Can you tell me where the bible supports evolution?
Sorry, but evolution and christianity do NOT mix.
Unless you happen to be talking about the evolution of religion itself.
The people who started the earliest religions, made all sorts of ridiculous claims, and believed with every fiber of their being that these claims where true.
People used to think lightning was caused by a big dude in the clouds throwing bolts down at the ground. Science eventually proved this to be wrong. Whenever a religion becomes outdated, another one comes to take over. Use common sense for a minute. If you believe in evolution, then you should at LEAST be smart enough to know that the world isnt 8000 years, and that humans themselves have been around MUCH MUCH longer then that. And since christianity is only 2000 years old, that means for THOUSANDS of years there was no jesus, and people where believing in other gods. When people got smarter and realized those gods where wrong, they eventually created christianity.
christianity will die out just like the rest of those religions did.
Nowhere does christianity support evolution, and many things in the bible go against evolution. Yet evolution is an established FACT. So maybe its time to start realizing that christianity is no different then any of those religions in the past. The scientific community has known for quite some time now, just how life could have started naturally on this planet. They dont debate these things anymore, because idiots with superstitious beliefs are gonna be around forever.During an astroid collision, there is enough energy to create proteins and the building blocks of life. And also during volcanic eruptions. Science KNOWS that life CAN start without the aid of a god. So why even include one in the equation. YOu see that every claim for a god in the past has been shot down,what makes you think christianity will last any longer?
Also, check out dark matter on the internet. Dark matter is what is left over after the big bang, and explains many phenomenon. Recently scientists captured 3 particals of dark matter, proving without a doubt it existed.
We dont know exactly how all these things work yet, but we know they are there.
Scientist KNOW god isnt needed to create the universe
Scientists KNOW god isnt needed to create life
AND scientists KNOW that evolution is a fact.
God wasnt even a factor until humans invented god. So why even include him in the equation?
Nazreel, couldn’t have said it better myself. I always believed that science and religion are one of the same. The Holy Spirit = The Laws of Nature. God does have a sense of humor. If Evolution exists then God created it. My ancestors came from Scotland but now I live in Texas Hill Country.
Proverbs16:25 :Amazed by the stuff people write. I’m a Christian. Very active in a ministry that does much to help people and serve the communtiy. I think the magnet is funny, not offensive. Its a playful jab by someone who doesn’t fully know or understand Christianity. I say this because if one truely knows the Word, they know God and how to rightly Love others. God gave us free will and consequence for our actions. Enjoy the magnet, please don’t key someones car. One is a display of a point of view, they other is destructive and a sin.Remember Gods Love Never Fails.May God Bless you,ReaElder NLOI
&& you my friend is what we call a REAL christian. Thank you for actually listening to what ‘God’ says && not being a small minded asshole. you take it as a joke, as it SHOULD be taken, which shows that you actually listen to what ‘god’ is saying.
I am a christian and as such God has given me something few of you seem to have. A sense of humor – I think the sticker is hysterical. I think the person who wrote the note needs a lesson on respecting others opinions and a bit of a leave it alone it is not bothering anyone attitude adjustment.
This whole thing is hardly worth more than a good giggle.
foolish religious people,how can anyone with any intelligence believe in a boogie man,and if there was do you think it would be happy with what weve done to the place,its time mankind stood up and took responsibility for their actions and stop living in a un reality and deal with reality.when you die you become dust thats it .so cherish and respect thie planet that you and the resy of us live water my friends be water
I am taking no sides, but I did find more humor in the note than in the emblem. Neither is necessarily offensive to me. However, I think that without the note, the photo of the emblem would not have been as humorous or interesting. And it definitely would not have provided me with such entertainment here.
Wes :…and that there is absolutely no-way to prove whether there is a god, or that Darwinism is correct?
That’s the basis of true agnosticism — that we can never know anything for sure. This is why I consider myself an agnostic theist. I believe in God, but not because I think that proof exists (or will ever exist). I have simply made a choice based on the evidence with which I have been presented. I support the notion that someone else, even presented with the exact same evidence, could logically arrive at the conclusion that God (or any other deity) does not exist.
A wise man once told me something that has stuck with me ever since: “Nothing can be proven. One can merely stack up evidence in favor of one conclusion or the other.” Our beliefs depend largely upon perception and perspective. Insert “four blind men describing and elephant” analogy here.
the existence of some god is irrelevant to our radical freedom
• the founding document of our secular state does not contain the word “God.”
James Madison, primary author of the Constitution, in 1789 explained its two prescriptive clauses limiting the reach of religious authoritarianism:
“. . . Congress should not establish a religion, and enforce the legal observation of it by law, nor compel men to worship God in any Manner contrary to their conscience.” (Source: 1 Annals of Congress 730. August 15, 1789)
These three simple demands are an explication of the anti-establishment doctrine in the first amendment and of Article VI Section 3. — The Constitution makes freedom of conscience a necessary condition for unfeigned religious belief to be possible.
Here is a radical freedom which millions of Americans would deny to all of us. Even should some “god” exist, as claimed by theism or by deism, we have the sovereign right to reject any claim that “It” must be acknowledged, accepted, or worshiped.
Disbelief, as a form of a psychological attitude toward some claim, does not require any evidence. I may simply declare that your scriptural god is objectionable — and noting the androcentrism, He stinks. And despite the alleged metaphysical consequence, I’m quite prepared to go to some xian Hell as a location where all the best souls will be found.
anti_supernaturalist :…Disbelief, as a form of a psychological attitude toward some claim, does not require any evidence. I may simply declare that your scriptural god is objectionable…
As a preface, I do not intend to argue for or against the existence of a deity.
I am not quite sure exactly how the bulk of your comment (prior to the section I quoted) pertains to what I had previously written, so a further explanation would be of interest to me.
Regarding the portion I quoted, I believe it nearly impossible to decide to believe or disbelieve something in a vacuum completely devoid of any evidence — whether for or against a particular proposition (It should be noted however, that I believe “evidence” in and of itself to be neutral; the “for” or “against” typically has to do with the presentation of said evidence, and would still be open to interpretation). I can think of only one way to make a decision in the manner you suggest: leave the decision to chance. If one were to base a decision on something such as a coin flip, it could be said that a conclusion was reached devoid of evidence.
However, since you imply that you find the notion of a deity “objectionable”, I would posit that you must surely have some grounds upon which to base an objection. It should be noted that I am not interested in knowing the reasons behind your objection; rather, I would like to hear further support for your position that “disbelief…does not require any evidence.” Unless, of course, you think of disbelief as the null, in which case, I’ve heard that tired argument too many times.
Again, I take no issue with your disbelief, as you are entitled to believe — or disbelieve — whatever you choose.
“…rather, I would like to hear further support for your position that “disbelief…does not require any evidence.” Unless, of course, you think of disbelief as the null, in which case, I’ve heard that tired argument too many times.”
Burden of proof. It rests on the claimant. And that’s not a “tired argument,” it’s basic to the act of reasoning, and to demand the opposite is to commit a logical fallacy.
“That’s the basis of true agnosticism — that we can never know anything for sure.”
You don’t know what you’re talking about. Agnosticism has to do with knowledge bearing on *supernatural* claims. Darwinism is not a supernatural claim, nor is any claim about a god that has such an agent imposing upon the natural world in such a way as would leave evidence of its existence. *Most* acts attributed by the faithful to their deity of choice are of just this variety and are therefore subject to scientific investigation. The agnosticism of Huxley (who coined the term) is not the confused certitude of the uncertain it is made out to be by those who have rushed to hijack the concept for the purpose of giving their confusion an air of philosophical credence. In other words, the original agnostic would find your “true agnosticism” ridiculous.
“Insert “four blind men describing and elephant” analogy here.”
I’d rather you not, since it’s a self-defeating analogy and is only persuasive to those whose beliefs require it.
Atheists don’t have freedom of expression in the US
• sick of xian propaganda
We’ve been brainwashed to make nice with idiot religionists who wear crosses and stars of David as God bling.
If I wore any in-your-face tee shirt proclaiming garbage like “Jesus is Lord” in bold nobody would criticize it and I’d get others who would praise me with a friendly Amen.
What I won’t get will be criticism from anyone in the US telling me to stop being a pushy Jesus propagandist, threatening me, or trying to harm me.
However, I guarantee that publicly wearing “Bored with Jesus” or “Atheists have more Sex” or “God is dead” on a tee will get stares, yells, threats, and physical intimidation.
• free to wear only if I dare.
Not wearing an anti-religion shirt — it’s not being polite; it’s being careful.
After all we atheists are the most hated minority in Ameristan, our xian Taliban dominated America. [For solid evidence from well run surveys visit the Pew Memorial Foundation
There should be equal time for disbelief in a secular society — insist on it, but only anonymously in print. Because we don’t live in a land which permits “freedom of conscience” to non-believing minorities.
Which is why I protect myself from Dominionist thugs who want to create an Ameristan . . . by signing myself:
While Im not a fan of the sticker it did make me laugh. Keep it on your car, Im thinking God will bring it up when youre kneeling in front of him… should be interesting †
Sterling :While Im not a fan of the sticker it did make me laugh. Keep it on your car, Im thinking God will bring it up when youre kneeling in front of him… should be interesting †
Haha! That’s the trick of Xianity, isn’t it? “Do whatever you want, but when you die, BIG DADDY will punish you forever and ever and ever and ever just ‘cuz he rules!”
MistaRIPsta210 :Millions of starving children pray to god everyday, hoping god will end their suffering.
That’s because apparently baby-J doesn’t care about starving children. He only answers to prayers of rich white americans looking for job promotions. Oh, and he has to spend a lot of time arranging images of his virgin mother to appear in vegetables, so there’s really not enough time to feed all those hungry crybabies.
I think you all misread the note. The woman isn’t religious, her family was eaten by a T-Rex andshe can’t stand anything that reminds her of that horrific day.
Things like this really bother me.
First of all, what a way to show the world how Christians are supposed to be. Good job. Now even more people think we’re jerks.
While I don’t like the sticker, I wouldn’t even CONSIDER doing something like that.
Second, even disregarding the religious issue, what a cruddy way to treat other people. If you disagree with someone, hold a reasonable conversation with them–preferably a productive conversation, but that may be asking too much. Just hold a decent conversation with them. Threatening them (although that isn’t a very serious threat…) is ridiculous.
I’m going to side with Greenworld, Christianity and Evolution really aren’t compatible.
Why not? Because you’re cherry picking what parts of the bible you want to believe to be factual and non-factual.. this is based on your own beliefs, that happen to be independent of Christianity.
Realistically, you know evolution is true, but you don’t want to let go of your ‘faith’, and you ignore the incompatibilities in the process. I applaud your following of science, but you can’t pick and choose when logic can apply.
If god loves us and created us (through slow guidance), then why has he let countless generations of our ancestry suffer countless horrible (and basically random) permutations of ailments and diseases in order to become the species we are today. There was no guidance, evolution is random, natural selection on the other hand is not.
None of this has anything to do with a god. This is just life taking course, and life is cruel (maybe not for you).
Oh. please. The largest Christian church on the planet sees no contradiction. For thousands of years, religious people have understood theology to be allegorical, and have primarily been interested in religion as a source of standards of interpersonal behavior. The leading religious scholars have been clear in labeling scriptural literalness as a modern fallacy. Read Karen Armstrong’s “The Great Transformation” for more information about the role of religion in Axial age societies.
Please do not confuse your limited exposure to a specific set of modern sects as being representative of millenia of religious tradition. It isn’t Christianity, it’s Christianism.
“The largest Christian church on the planet sees no contradiction.”
The church may not, but the people who follow it do. They’re fools and are the real image of that church whether you like it or not. The two concepts don’t mix. As Ian pointed out, being a Christian while accepting evolution is cherry picking. The Bible does have passages that outright deny evolution, and as a whole it does this as well.
“For housands of years, religious people have understood theology to be allegorical, and have primarily been interested in religion as a source of standards of interpersonal behavior.”
Don’t even get me started on this. The morality of the Bible is savage and barbaric. Interpersonal behaviour would do well to avoid any suggestions made by this book.
“The leading religious scholars have been clear in labeling scriptural literalness as a modern fallacy.”
I would argue once again that leading religious scholars do not represent any sort of majority whatsoever. They represent themselves and nothing more.
Religion should play no role in modern society, as it is primitive and childish and unscientific. It is the outright denial of evidence that we have come to discover.
You cannot believe that the earth is 6000 years old, and believe that millions and even billions of years of evolution have occurred. It just doesn’t match up. Furthermore, you cannot call yourself a Christian and not believe the earth is 6000 years old. This, again, is cherry picking. You call it Christianism, I, and I’m sure many others, would call it idiocy. (To drive the point home, I would also call Christianity itself idiocy.)
Evolution, natural selection, biological Darwinism, a thirst for evidence, is incompatible with fairy tales of men in the sky and virgin mothers.
Real Christians are individuals who are humble enough to realize they are far from perfect. Real Christians live by faith that on judgement day their imperfections will be forgiven because of one mans sacrifice.. Real Christians are very aware of their sins because of the holy spirit and daily begin a new battle against it. The person who wrote that note seems like what we Christians call a “baby Christian”, who although very passionate about her Lord, gave the devil a foothold by allowing that kind of note to give non believers more amunition again Jesus.
Dont spout this bullshit. Every person that claims to be a christian, thinks they are a real christian. I have as much respect for your belief as i do for those idiots holding signs saying god hates fags, and god hates jews.
All i gather from this is just another example of how both scientists and christians can be ignorant and unnecessarily cruel to each other trying to make their belief turf out to be better than the rest.. When the truth is we can all learn and joke from each other regardless of beliefs or disbeliefs.. The problem as i see it isnt with religion or science.. its that people cant seem to stop wanting each others beliefs beaten down and conquered.. you cant conquer a belief.. you can kill people you can change what they are taught.. you can rip their roots away from them but you will find it doesnt ever seem to cause progress in the big picture regardless of how great your intentions and expectations were.. let people be and find themselves and spirituality/higher power and science on their own.. if they want help give what you can, information and otherwise.. thats all you can do.. because when you try to do more you will find it won’t work how you planned it.. and in the long run its usually not funny.
Scientists dont rely on beliefs and faith. They rely on evidence. Evolution is an established FACT. 100%
We know evolution happens.And before oyu sprout on with the “its only a theory bullshit”, read what the word theory means. Theory means an attempt at explaining somehting thats based in fact.
Take the theory of gravity. We know gravity exists. Theres no doubt about it. The THEORY of gravity, is just our attempt at explaining it. We dont know how it works for sure,and that theory may be wrong but we know its there and its not going to go away while idiots with manmade superstition argue about it.
We know evolution is a fact. Its not a faith based belief, its a fact.
If a christian EVER found evidence PROVING 100% without a doubt that christianity was real, I GUARANTEE you, 90% of athiests would convert immediately.
So what you should have said is, you cant conquer a faith based belief, because the idiots believe it regardless of the evidence against them. Theres no evidence supporting that god exists. Theres no evidence that even supports that JESUS existed. The earliest historical mention we know about, wasnt made till YEARS after he supposedly died. The romans kept records of EVERYTHING, from murderers to common pig thieves, yet they didnt mention a man that pissed off the entire empire? Get real. There weren’t any TV’s back then. The favorite thing to do, was to write. And since people back then where superstitious and uneducated, they made up these big elaborate storys about gods and ghouls and superstition. There where litteraly THOUSANDS of storys written in the same style as the bible during that time. And there where many books cut from the bible that most christians read today. Yet nobodys got enough common sense to cut through the bullshit. Notice how the scientific community doesnt take even consider many of the things in the bible as plausible theory. Because common sense tells you its bullshit. But hey, if people want to follow a book that says the earth is flat,that you must stone your wife infront of her father if you find out on your wedding day that she isnt a virgin,and that wearing nylon is a sin, then i guess ignorance is all they will ever know.
Christians who truly believe, as I do, will not debate this issue, because it is a matter of faith. I believe period. I do not have to make excuses for my belief, neither do I have to try to compel anyone else to believe.
Some one already posted that they are both wrong. But the christian is is more accountable. Atheist believe they are Gods in themselves, they make their own rules. Her God gave her a command; ‘Love your neighbor” she or he owes that person an apology.
Christ also said to love my enemy, I should never enter into debate with anyone, or judge anyone, I need only to believe.
Then why did you comment at all ignoramous?
God i hate how christians throw the word faith around like it holds some sort of significance. DO you idiots KNOW what the word FAITH means?
A belief that is not based upon proof. Saying you have faith, doesnt give you or your god credibility. It hsows that you are a pawn who will buy into something without questioning it and using your damn brain. You know why the christian religion puts so much emphasis on the word faith? Because no evidence will ever surface to support your side. Lmao. It is a matter of faith. lmao. If you would have been born into a muslim family, in a muslim environment, where everyone tells you islam is the right religion, chances are youd be in here spouting off about faith in mohammed and you’d be just as sure that ISLAM is real, as you are sure that christianity is real. Faith means nothing.
I also wanted to add that I have never seen that symbol before I do not take offense in it, actually if I knew what it meant I would laugh along with it, none of us should take life to serious.
Which is more offensive? That a Christian might have to tolerate a humorous sticker that goes against their beliefs, or that an atheist/agnostic has to tolerate the Ten Commandments displayed in public buildings?
One is personal property, and is frankly sort of funny. The other is public, and quite sad. Especially when you consider the Biblical punishment for breaking commandments is death more often than not.
i agree, however, i truly believe and am very spiritual. although i wont say that what i believe in is specifically christianity.. that does not mean i pick and choose to find an easier way.. i just believe what my heart can wrap itself around naturally.. i refuse to follow a religion completely first off because of the conquering aspect that most seem to find necessary and second because i believe that unless a person is raised horribly that person should not have to be commanded to do what they should already know to be right in their own heart.. you should want to do that NOT ONLY for your own redemption but because everyone else deserves that just as you deserve it from them.. and god whatever you may call him deserves it too as our maker and building blocks combined.. i seriously doubt that most atheists see themselves as gods or can rationalize any rules at all for their own personal gain.. they are just fed up with the subtle judgments and manipulations as well as the uglier side and not so subtle cruelties repeated throughout history by “organized” religion and politics.. an example.. who is a christian to say that an aboriginal person who has been raised in peace with no specific knowledge of either science or organized religion doesn’t deserve a christian “heaven” when they die? there are peoples left in this world who did not even need the message that Jesus brought those of us who had lost our way.. what real progress has “civilization” and science brought us? how can we know we werent happier before all this so called knowledge? and wasnt it the fruit of the tree of “knowledge” that was an essential factor in beginning to get us where we are at right now? i realize i’m diverging from the topic.. and i apologize.. but this train of thought keeps popping up in my head recently and if you have a comment or reply to it.. it would be appreciated.
I’m a former Christian and am now more of an agnostic since I couldn’t reconcile my intellect with my faith. I don’t care if you’re an atheist, a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew, a worshiper of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or anything else. The point is, the threat in the letter is ILLEGAL and if this person removes the sticker it is VANDALISM. This isn’t about how stupid believing in a god is or how mean atheists are or anything else. The point is the person who left the note is obviously an ignorant, uneducated, thoughtless, unstable criminal and needs to be arrested for threatening to damage personal property.
Also, the sticker is hilarious. It’s just saying the driver believes evolution kicks creation’s ass. Not a big deal. I see fish stickers on cars ALL THE TIME. Today I saw a jeep with three fish stickers and a bumper sticker that said “I live for Jesus” and a stupid sticker praising their middle school student. I couldn’t figure out why they needed me to know all that. Anyway, all these Darwin fish and funny dinosaur stickers wouldn’t even exist if religious fundamentalists didn’t start the fish sticker war in the first place.
This is not a religious issue. It’s a legal issue. And it’s funny.
Actually, a mere “threat” of removing the emblem would not be a crime. Until the note-writer attempts to follow through with removing the emblem, no crime has been committed.
If this becomes a recurring incident, it could be considered harassment; however, an isolated incident is not. If the note had threatened some sort of bodily harm, it would be assault, and therefore a crime.
The legal definition of conspiracy requires two or more persons. If a single person wrote the note, then in the eyes of the law, it would not be considered “conspiracy to commit a crime.”
The recipient of the letter was the second person. Only one person was instigating the conspiracy, but two people were involved.
D-Lo Jan 31, 2010 @ 14:45:29
Let me rephrase. The legal definition of conspiracy requires two or more perpetrators.
Josh Jan 29, 2010 @ 22:49:33
i like your point michelle.. i guess i was trying to inspire some kind of solution to bigger problems that or at least inspire others to ponder and discuss it.. but that was selfish of me.. this is a legal issue not a religious one and yes it is a pretty funny one..
I am a Christian. I am not proud of the many mistakes I have made in my life, just as I am not proud of the way some people who call themselves Christians behave. People like the person who wrote this letter have a very long history of pushing people who are “on the fence” over it, and they certainly are not displaying the true nature of God…LOVE.
Not to mention that I have no respect for people who have an opportunity to speak to a person face-to-face (apparently they are neighbors?) and choose not to. I also have no respect for people who have read this verse or that verse out of the Bible and then authoritatively dismiss it as if they had read the entire thing. That tells me they are weak, their convictions are weak, they are really immature, or that they are just parroting what they have heard others say. Or maybe all of the above- who knows?
I believe in dinosaurs. I believe that no man (or woman) can presume to know how God thinks or what God’s plan is. I am Berean. I understand that I will never, at least in this life, have all of the answers. I understand the meaning of the word “faith”. My faith fills me with peace, which is really quite amazing- especially when I read some of the hateful and somewhat violent ways some of the God-haters attempt to disprove my God. To all of them, I must send out a heart-felt “THANKYOU!!!”, they have served to reinforce my beliefs and my faith in a rather unexpected way :) MAY GOD BLESS US ALL!!!!!
Im a christian, and i find that hilarious. people like that give the rest of us tolerant people a bad name. can science and religion really not co-exist? can a person not believe in evolution and creation as well? i believe the Bible needs to be interpreted like the Constitution of the United States – it needs to be interpreted through the eyes of those living in modern times, not the same exact way as the people that wrote it thousands of years ago. maybe it was God’s plan for animals to evolve over time? and who said that the Earth was LITERALLY created in 7 days? Maybe those “7 days” were the millions of years it took for the Earth to actually form, but since the people living back in the late BC and early AD years didnt have the knowledge to correctly pen what they thought, they put it on paper as best they could and still have it make sense to the world. plus the Bible has been translated and re-written so many times, the versions we have today could have so many different things than the original ones. when it comes down to it, the Bible really just needs to be guidelines to living a good life and being kind and tolerant to other people, something this person obviously missed when they thumbed through it.
The versions around today could have so many different things then the original ones, yet you still follow it? Wow. Who’s to say the entire book hasnt been changed? Whos to say that countless lords, kings, priests, liars, and crooks havent completely changed the message in the past 2000 years? The bible is supposed to be the true word of god. Yet he just lets people change it at whim? Makes no sense. Evolution and christianity do not go together. Period. Any other claim is just an excuse. If the bible is so open for interpretation, then whos to say that ANY of your superstitious beliefs are right? Maybe in the original bible, jesus wasnt born of a virgin. And as for the bible just being guidelines….a book that talks of stoning women, killing entire populations, and many other attrocities is NOT something good and honest people should be using as guidelines. And it takes alot more to be a moral person because you feel its the right way to be, then to pretend to be a moral person for fear of hell.
By the way, check out the Nag Hammadi Library. A nice collection of books the catholic church tried to take out of the bible
It’s a sticker… a fucking sticker of a dinosaur eating a fish.
This doesn’t appear to be a personal attack on anyone in particular.
Some people just over react. If a car sticker is making you so upset that you feel the need to wright a threatening crayon written note you need to find something more productive to do with your time.
It’s interesting that this page is titled “religious intolerance”. I am really wondering what the title refers to, the letter or the sticker.
Seriously, the sticker shows a dinosaur eating up a fish (Christian symbol). Eating up someone’s religion? Now if that’s not a perfect emblem of intolerance in itself…
The truly sad thing to me is the fact that this sticker/magnet/whatever is at least 10x more funny and creative than any of the millions of stickers of people peeing on things, flipping you off, or saying crass things. So what if you don’t like it? It’s original, it’s funny (to some), and it places something out there for people to see and comment on. Myself, I am not a big fan of either “blind faith” creationism OR textbook evolution. I was raised New England Baptist (think Puritans) and can look at this sticker as being entertaining. You who are totally offended by it need to ask yourself why. Is it that you have not found the comfort zone in your life that allows you to shrug and say “Well, it works for them.” Re-read the bible and ask yourself how many times did Jesus attach conditions to his healings, etc, beyond perhaps having those that were healed show themselves to the priests. Why did this condition exist? Because the healed one would not be allowed back in the community and synagogue until the priests had judged them clean, not because of some deep seated need to be recognized for his deeds. Why can’t we who consider ourselves “Christians” be like that? The Buddhists have stories that reflect the fact that their reincarnated leader (sorry folks, flaking on official titles here) the Llama or whatever, will be recognized by going around doing good QUIETLY. Why should they have all the fun? Instead of writing a letter threatening someone’s property, how about opening a discourse with the person who has the sticker and find out their position. Maybe they just thought it funny, maybe they truly ARE an evolutionist. Either way, if you go into the discussion open and honestly willing to look at their side as every bit as valid as your side, you might have quite an enjoyable conversation. Hey, what could it hurt? (If you are secure in your belief systems, you have nothing to fear from honest discourse.) Sorry so long, only intended to put in my two cents worth.
human beings identify with symbols and messages that stand for authority, power, belief.
Could you imagine a Tokyo car park user of a similar Toyota getting upset over a misrepresentation of Godzilla eating the wrong type of fish and writing an angry note about it? No! But for argument’s sake, would mohammed eating a carrot be equally upsetting in a car park in a respectable apartment complex in a muslim country? What would get you puzzled looks and notes in red crayon in a different culture? And i’m thinking of light hearted stickers like this one – not crude insults but humorous ones.
As a Baptist pastor, I am finding this discussion highly amusing. The truth is that anyone can make fun of or belittle any one else’s beliefs, that is pretty easy. Yes, I believe in a magic man form the sky who died for my sins, and some here believe that nothing combined with nothing and then blew up and became something, which then became dinosaurs and evolved into people, and that’s fine. it’s also easy to hurl insults. What is far more difficult, and far less common, is to listen to and respect another persons feelings and views. You may not feel that you owe anybody respect and that’s fine too, but you can’t expect people to take what you believe or say seriously if you don’t offer them the same. The sticker is pretty funny though, and the crayon note is even funnier.
Again, your ignorance doesnt give your diety credibility. Its not that we believe nothing went boom and turned into something. THere is MUCH MUCH evidence supporting hte big bang theory. And even if we dont know exactly how it works, we know it could happen, and something like it did happen. We’ve caught dark matter and proven that it exists. Dark matter is whats left over after the big bang. SO SOMETHING happened that follows close to the big bang, and didnt involve a diety. Even if we havent figured it out exactly as it happened yet, scientists have proven for a fact that evolution happens. The whole “its just a theory” scapegoat doesnt work on anybody that actually has some sort of knowledge on the subject. We KNOW evolution happens we just dont know exactly how it happens. The THEORY of evolution is our attempt at explaining it based on the evidence in front of it. Even if the theory isnt exactly right, we still know for a fact evolution happens. And we’ve known for a number of years now. THe only people who disagree with it are religious folk who are biased, and think that evolution is out to destroy their religion. Darwin never set out to disprove religion. He set out to find out how things work, and the evidence just happened to discredit this group of superstitions, because it was made by uneducated man and couldnt stand the tests of time. There arent a group of scientist out there competing to destroy religion. SCientists dont even pay attention to these religious idiots anymore. SCientists are out to gather information and find the truth. If that truth discredits someones religion, then common sense shows you that religion is manmade BS. Since man could first put together rational thought, man has been creating these myths to explain what they could not. Because man fears what man cant understand.and these beliefs reflected what was known at the time. As new knowledge came, old relgions died. Thousands of religions have come and gone. Thousands are still around today. the vast majority of ‘em cant be true. Christianity is no different then any of these other religions. It will die out just like the thousands before it. Faith means nothing. Its an unfounded belief with no evidence to support it. THe only reason there is so much emphasis on the word, is because there will never be evidence to support it.And if you would have been born in a family that followed a different religion, and lived in a place where the majority followed that same religion, and all your life you where told that that was what was right, and accept it without question, chances are you would be in here supporting that religion with the same arguments you use to support christianity. So sorry if somebody with an ounce of common sense, who is smart enough to learn from the mistakes made in the past, and can rationally put two and two together, regards your superstition as bullshit. Christians say it all the time.ANd so do people of all religions Nothing will sway their beliefs. That, my friend is BIASEd. No matter what evidence comes out, religious folk ignore it. Athiests on the other hand, would convert on the spot if evidence was ever uncovered that proved god existed without a doubt. But the evidence we have, points to another conclusion.And the only arguments religious folk have, are arguments that people from every religion try to use. “i know god exists because i felt him” Ok, well thousands of muslims, jews, hindus, etc say the exact same thing about their faith, and genuinely believe it to be true. Ya all cant be right. “Ive seen people in church fall to the ground and start speaking in tongues” lmao many people have been caught “faking it” and ive seen people from other religions, so sure th4ey where under the spell of their diety, that they could stick spieks through their faices and not feel it. Its all in the mind. The mind is a complicated thing. And obsessions can become so bad, you actually start believing things are happening because of that obsession.
I don’t see what the big deal is. The sticker is freedom of speech. I believe in God, but I think the sticker is hilarious. Some people just need to calm down. I don’t care if I’m being sterotypical, but most people that parade their love of Jesus all over thier cars, shirts, speech, etc. are the ones that cast the most stones which God DIDN’T want. So by being so faithful to God, they are in turn doing the opposite of what He wanted.
Johnny it’s a dead arguement and you misspelled “Ad Hominems” “s” is required. but still, there is nothing logical to back up either claims. your belief is that something in space went “Bang” and now we have earth. congratulations, we believe that a big man in the sky made us… either way, arguing it is retarded because we are both on a belief standpoint, from which, NO PROOF CAN BE DERIVED. so when YOU come back with some SOLID evidence… not what scientists “THINK” happened. hence, (A THEORY) then you may continue you rebuddle, and i will admit defeat, thanks, and in the mean time enjoy your own beliefs… cause that’s all the are, (not fact).
here we go again.. if you want to attack scientific theories as “just being what scientists think”, then I suggest you get off this computer (EVIL WITCH BOX OF LIGHTS), turn off all the lights in your house (LIGHTNING IN A GLASS JAR!), stop driving your car (HORSELESS DEVIL MACHINE!), and if you ever get hurt, certainly, never go to a hospital (DEN OF HEALING WIZARDS!). Why? Because ALL of the above were created using scientific THEORIES.
I suggest you take a look at a few scientific THEORIES:
because you’ve clearly deluded yourself in to believing that a theory is nothing more than a passing thought, when in reality, they’re tested and proven phenomena.
And before one more idiot gets on here trying to discredit something, saying its just a theory. Look up what the damn word means.
Gravity exists. YOu can test that and see for yourself. Yet scientists still refer to the theory of gravity, so whats going on?
Oh wait….BECAUSE A THEORY IS AN ATTEMPT AT EXPLAINING SOMETHING THATS BASED ON FACT. We KNOW gravity exists, and its not going to stop while we bicker about how it works. Same with evolution. We KNOW evolution happens. The THEORY of evolution is just our attempt at explaining how it happens based on the mass amounts of EVIDENCE we have infront of us.MASS AMOUNTS of evidence. The theory of evolution may not be exactly how evolution works, but we still know evolution happens.
And the biggest defeat to all evolution deniers…The one species that christians want to keep away from evolution the most, is the one species we have the most evidence supporting the fact that they evolved….HUMANS. We have more evidence showing that humans evolved, then we do for any other organism.
Ignorance does not give a diety credibility.
Just because some of you dont know how things work, doesnt mean god did it. We used to think people god sick because god was angry. We didnt understand it, so god must have done it. We found out this wasnt the case. Now people are saying god must have created the universe, because they are to ignorant to know how it works. Just because you dont know how something works, doesnt automatically give credibility to your diety. There wasnt even a mention of any diety for BILLIONS of years, until humans came along and started creating them in their heads. The religious folk made the claim, its their job to present the evidence.
Well, while you guys are arguing about what’s real and what isn’t, I’m just gonna go make something of myself. :) Maybe on the way I can discover the ACTUAL truth.
I just want to point out that all you have here is two pictures. You assume a Christian wrote the note in the first picture, but the internet is full of liars and flamers. It is just as likely that the person who posted the pic of the dinosaur also wrote the note and posted it with the intention of creating controversy for page hits.
And here is my story. I am a Christian and have several stickers on my truck. While inside the school at my daughter graduation, someone took the time to peel of 4 of them off and mutilate 2 others. At first I was like “what kind of jerk would do something like that to someone else’s property”. Then I was like “poor guy. They must be awful angry to do something like that so someone else’s property. Rather they are Christian or not, it takes someone that (I feel) is very angry and doesn’t know how to properly handle their emotions. Just my thoughts. Whatever.
lol why should we believe scientists? how long have you told me that the earth was flat? or that an atom is the smallest molecule? I think I’d rather put my faith God and not a less than perfect scientist!
Hey moron, again if you dont know what the fuck you are talking about dont talk. It wasnt SCIENTISTS claiming the earth was flat. It was believers in CHRISTIANITY, because the book supports a flat earth. The arabic world already knew the world was round, while the christians where killing anybody saying that this was wrong. The greeks theorized the world was round, the romans thought it was common knowledge. It was the christians that said otherwise. Do a little research. The bible says the earth is flat, sits on foundations, blah blah blah.ANd before you recite scripture, realize that a CIRCLE and a SPHERE are two different thing. A CIRCLE is a flat plain, a SPHERE is a ball.
Science has room for errors. And as time goes on, and we find more information, those errors are corrected. Religion is based on a bias. If the evidence points to anything BUT a god, you refuse to accept it. Thats definition of biased. Now, if you where to ever uncover evidence that proves without a doubt that god exists, you’d see most of the athiests on this planet convert on the spot. But that evidence doesnt exist. ANd it never will.
Chwg is not close to sphere. Not even close. As a matter of fact, the hebrew word for sphere is used only a few verses later. But not to describe the shape of the earth. Rwd is the hebrew word for sphere. They are entirely different. YOU look it up.
One thing is certain; Atheists do believe in God. They reject God, but they do believe. You guys aren’t fooling me. Also, I want you to know that your faith or lack of faith in following the way of Jesus Christ is appointed to you. YOU do not choose God. God chooses you. Have a nice day and God bless you.
Wow. The ignorance is killing me. Athiests dont believe in god, because athiests dont rely on faith. Again Faith = a belief that isnt supported by evidence. Faith isnt some kind of powerful word, it simply means morons will follow something even if it isnt true. Faith in the real world means nothing. The reason the religious use it so much, is because faith is all they can ever have since real evidence doesnt exist.
Ok so Atheists believe in ‘god’ huh? LOOK UP THE DEFINITION OF ATHEIST retard!!!! And which god are you referring to anyway? Zeus?? I wish the fucking rapture would happen so all you ass-hats would disappear.
One thing is certain; Bill believes in Odin and Zeus. Bill rejects Odin and Zeus, but he does believe. Bill isn’t fooling me. Also, I want you Bill to know that your faith or lack of faith in following the way of Thor and Hercules is appointed to you. YOU do not choose Odin nor Zeus. Odin and Zeus choose you. Have a nice day and may Cthulhu eat you when the stars are right.
MistaRIPsta210 : Athiests on the other hand, would convert on the spot if evidence was ever uncovered that proved god existed without a doubt.
Hmmm..that must be why they offer stocks @ IPO cost after they’ve already gone through the roof!!! Why didn’t I think of that?! (leaving to go make my millions…)
God answers prayer all the time, Atheists are simply turned off by the whole thing because they can’t accept that God doesn’t always say yes! Which is exactly their reasoning for the whole God doesn’t exist. If he did nothing bad would ever happen. Why do we need God again?
Millions of starving children pray to god everyday, hoping god will end their suffering. And you want me to take these faggots praying to god, wishing for job promotions? Give me a break. Prayers dont come true. And unless you have evidence otherwise, stfu. People have been praying to different dietys for thousands of years, and i can show you thousands of cases, where muslims, jews, and many people of other religions thought the prayers to their diety came true. I dont take mohammed seriously when he says allah answered his prayer, and i dont take your ignorance seriously either. There are THOUSANDS of people who follow the book the best they can, who never get their prayers answered. And heres a good one. Almost everyday, another news report comes out somewhere in the country where parents refused to take their children to recieve medical care because they think prayer is all they need. There isnt a single case, where their prayers actually came true, and their children end up dying because of ignorant superstitions got in the way of the medical care they needed. SO if you cant back up your claim that prayers come true, dont give me that crap. If something good happens, christians say it was because they are in gods good graces. WHen something bad happens its because god works in mysterious ways.Get real. Or how about get some common sense. The local highschool won their basketball game, because they prayed that they would. What about the loosing team. Their prayers didnt come true. It has just as much credibility coming from you, as it does for the countless other people from other religions claiming the same thing about their faiths. There are plenty of succesful people who dont believe in christianity. YOur argument is false and ignorant.
Another name for a prayer is an affirmation. By saying it helps you to obtain it. I have not heard of millions of children praying. I’m sure you have evidence or you would have to stfu, wouldn’t you? Prayers do come true for those who believe. They have for myself and my family. And you might know thousands of people who follow the book and don’t get their prayers answered, but then again, you haven’t died yet. When you do, just remember who really loves you.
Harmony Jan 31, 2010 @ 00:20:34
MistaRIPsta210 :Hey moron, again if you dont know what the fuck you are talking about dont talk.Do a little research. The bible says the earth is flat, sits on foundations, blah blah blah.ANd before you recite scripture, realize that a CIRCLE and a SPHERE are two different thing. A CIRCLE is a flat plain, a SPHERE is a ball.
Why don’t you try some research? Oh, wait…because you already know everything- sorry. Well maybe you forgot: please research the meaning of the word “firmament”- (particularly the Hebrew word)
MistaRIPsta210 : There wasnt even a mention of any diety for BILLIONS of years, until humans came along
God wasnt a factor, until we made god a factor. The universe went on just fine for billions of years without a god. Why bring one into the picture now.
Firmament is mentioned 17 times in the king james version. And in each case it was translated from the hebrew word raqiya which meant the visible vault of the sky. ANother week and unthought out argument, that has been shot down many times. The word raqiya comes from the word riqqua which means beaten out. In ancient times brass objects where either cast in the form required or beaten into shape on an anvil.A good craftsman can beat a lump of brass into a thin bowl. Elihu asks job to beat out raqa or the vault of the skies as he does hard as a mirror of cast metal.
1 chronicles 16:30, Psalm 93:1, psalm 96:10, psalm 104:5, and Isaiah 45:18 all speak of a firm immovable earth. Wow. This is downright FALSE. WHoooaaaa.
Not to mention the hebrews had the egyptians on one side, and the babylonians on the other, and both groups thought of the world as flat. Since 99 percent of the stuff in the old and new testements are stolen storys from older faiths, it makes sense.
Firmament refers to the vault or dome that sat over the flat earth that the writers of the bible envisions. A vault or dome wouldnt sit on a sphere now would it? Not to mention the king who saw a tree of great height at the centre of the earth, that was visible to earths farthest bounds. Jesus also sat ontop of a mountain that was so high he saw the entire earth. Hard to do if the earth is a sphere, you know, because you cant see whats underneath you.
Most compelling argument ive seen all day. Oh wait…its the same thing all christians do when they dont have an arguement. Get a clue. ANd some common sense.
The Bible does talk about the Earth being round. Moses was said to rise above the Earth where he saw the “Roundness” of our planet. Maybe there are more than just your interpretation of the Bible. If you think all Christians are ignorant, then are you a type a person who will help them or just criticize them?
The Bible also says that the Earth was set on pillars laid at the bottom of the sea;
Psalm 24:1
“…The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him
For he laid the earth’s foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths.”
1 Samuel 2:8
“For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and he set the world on them.”
– Psalm 104:5
“He established the earth upon its foundations, so that it will not totter, forever and ever.”
The Bible also says that a dome divides the water, snow and hail stored above from the water of the ocean. It has floodgates that open and close;
Genesis 1:6-7, “Let there be a dome to divide the water and to keep it in two separate places… and it was done. So Godmade a dome, and it separated the water under it
Genesis 8:2
“Now the springs of the deep and the floodgates of the heavens had been closed, and the rain had stopped falling from the sky.”
Job 38:22,
“Have you entered the storehouse of the snow, and seen the treasury of the hail?” 7
The phrase “explaining color to a blind man” comes to mind for some reason. Only this blind man is arrogant and hateful, not to mention obsessed, and has google and wikepedia at his fingertips.
Why do you care so much? Did a Christian pee in your Cheerios this morning or does the whole thing really touch you that deeply? You know, like the repressed gay guy that likes to beat up other gay guys. It must strike some chord of doubt within that psyche of yours, otherwise you would shrug it off as something you just didn’t agree with. Are you trying to convince all of us idiotic believers or yourself? Just a thought.
MistaRIPsta210 : A vault or dome wouldnt sit on a sphere now would it?
keep letting your fingers do the walking…..though you may want to get yourself a study Bible that explains origins words and also in what way they are used. It may just do you some good to learn more about the Hebrew language. At least then you would sound a bit more convincing when you insist that you’ve “done your research”.
Dude, you havent said one thing thats relevant to your cause. YOu have no argument so you stick to the same ignorant christian cliche’s. Run around the subject, call a few names, and ask why we care so much. Idk where your from, but i live in america. A country that is CONTROLLED by religion. We KNOW evolution is a fact, yet some places are still fighting over whether or not to teach creationism in schools. Just shrug it off. Lmao. Your on a site called irreligion. Hmm….now why would a christian come to a site for people who dont believe in christianity. The fact that you commented puts you in the same boat you fucking moron. All you’ve said is research the hebrew language, when Ive already wrote down what the words are.You’ve brought nothing to the argument except ignorance. You seem to be talking like your on to something. Well present the evidence, and we’ll talk. If what I posted was wrong, prove it. Dont just dance around the subject. Cuz the one who looks like the idiot, is the one who walks into the argument, yet has NOTHING to say on the subject thats being argued.
Evolutions a fact. Proven 100%
Science has proven that a god isnt needed to start life. There are two different scenarios where proteins and the building blocks of life can be created from inorganic material on this planet.Asteroid collisions and volcanic eruptions ANd thats just the two we know about. A god isnt needed to create life. This is also 100% fact.
And science has also proven that a god isnt needed to create the universe.
Even if we dont know how all these things work exactly at this time, it still shows GOD ISNT NEEDED.
If you are uneducated on the subject, maybe you shouldnt be spewing your ignorance in the first place. THe feelings i have towards christianity, are the same feelings i have towards any religion. I speak of christianity now, because thats what this discussions all about. If you have nothing to add to the argument, dont say anything.
The bible says the earth is immovable. No matter what context you put it in, its downright false. If you know somethign that hasnt been posted, then post it instead acting like a stereotypical christian dipshit.
Though I am a believer in the theory of evolution, it is still a theory. Nothing is 100%. There is no physical proof of the missing link. So if you insist on telling other people to check their facts why don’t you check your own.
God damn it this is getting annoying. Why dont you check out what the word THEORY means. THEORY isnt a guess. THEORYS dont get proven correct. THEORY is an attempt at explaining something based on fact.
Gravity exists. We know this. Scientists still refer to the THEORY of gravity, because the THEORY of gravity is our attempt at explaining the FACT of gravity. Same for evolution. Evolution happens. Fact. The THEORY of evolution is our attempt at explaining how it works.
2. Isn’t evolution just a theory that remains unproven?
In science, a theory is a rigorously tested statement of general principles that explains observable and recorded aspects of the world. A scientific theory therefore describes a higher level of understanding that ties “FACTS” together. A scientific theory stands until proven wrong — it is never proven correct. The Darwinian theory of evolution has withstood the test of time and thousands of scientific experiments; nothing has disproved it since darwin first proposed it more than 150 years ago. Indeed, many scientific advances, in a range of scientific disciplines including physics, geology, chemistry, and molecular biology, have supported, refined, and expanded evolutionary theory far beyond anything Darwin could have imagined.
Not to mention i can probrably recite more scripture from memory, then you and most of the christians that have posted here. because people with a little bit of brain power research something before they speak on it. Unlike christians, who refuse to pick up a book because anything against their religion is so taboo, its not even worth learning about.
“dirr dirr dirr I didnt evolve from no monkey dirr dirr dirr.” GIve me a fucking break. Get over your ego and get a clue.
I understand your frustration, but I don’t understand why you generalize every Christian as the same. “Unlike christians, who refuse to pick up a book because anything against their religion is so taboo, its not even worth learning about.” (MistaRIPsta210)
Some Christians really do have a brain and choose to use it.
Im not generalizing all christians. I said MOST. Yes, there are MANY very intelligent christians. There are MANY very intelligent people of ALL religions.
But yet not one christian thats posted here even seems to know what the word theory means.
Its sort of annoying to get into an argument with someone, who obviously doesnt know what they are talking about. But ill try to keep it more civil from now on.
you’re telling Christians to get over their egos whilst in the same paragraph arrogantly pronouncing that you know more than most of the Christians here. You simply have no way of knowing if that statement is true, you simply think it’s true, therefore you may want to consider getting over your own ego.
Again. I said most. The majority of christians dont know what the hell their book says. This is no secret. The majority of people who claim to be chrisitans,dont know much about the book they follow. Not true of all, but most.
You weary me. First of all, I stumbled onto this page. DUDE did you ever any of my thoughts on evolution? The answer would be “no” because I haven’t mentioned them. Personally, I believe that evolution may have been the process by which God formed man. If eternity is as the blink of an eye, then why wouldn’t this be possible? Although some specific animals (like the giraffe) seem to laugh in the face of evolution. Unless it popped out of the primordial slime just as it is today (cardiovascular system) it wouldn’t have survived long enough to procreate let alone evolve.
The word firmament is significant because of it’s relation to a bowl or a tent. Nowhere does the Bible ever refer to the shape of the world, but the use of this word proves that no one at that time thought it was just flat. It was considered a hemisphere; a dome, if you will. I understand this is not a sphere exactly, but DEFINITELY not flat.
When you are on an airplane, on a clear day, don’t you see the horizon all around you? From where you are the horizon is the bounds or boundry of the earth. Please remember that the authors of this book were trying to convey some ideas that had no specific words to describe them to the standards of today’s scientists. They were sometimes attempting to explain the unexplainable with an extremely young (to you and I) and simple (yet beautiful) language with a limited vocabulary.
As far as the earth being immovable, this phrase is used when speaking to man- as in “you cannot make the earth move”, whereas the earth heaving (earthquake) and volcanoes are mentioned a great deal. Maybe you are referring to the rotation of the earth? I’m not really sure.
As far as the two proteins you mentioned: I am aware of a BARELY successful synthesis of one protein under labratory conditions. I am not aware of two. This protein is not what impresses me. It is the extraordinary, and (as far as we know yet)unique, conditions and environment (elementally, gravitationally and the location in proximity to our sun) of our planet in addition to this “building block” that astound me. For all of these elements to have come together at exactly the right time and exactly the right place just by sheer accident….believing that seems pretty idiotic to me. It is statistically impossible that something as incredible as that happened, then was followed by the successful evolution of millions of different species.
And please, don’t take all of this personally. After all, you seem as passionate as if you were defending your religion and you claim not to have one so CHILL wit your grumpy “taking it all too hard” ass :)
I stumbled here to.Second off, evolution and the bible dont go together. Period. Many aspects of evolution go downright against it. There isnt an animal on the planet that goes against evolution. Not a one. Of course i dont expect you to understand what evolution is. Regardless of if you stumbled this or not, you still found it necessary to comment. Again that puts you in the same boat. Care to share more of your ignorance?
THe word firmament refered to the dome of heaven. Nothing in the book refers to the world as being anything but flat. And the word CHwg, which means circle is used in the book, while another word for sphere is used only a few verses later, proving that htere was a word for sphere, but the writers didnt find it necessary to use this word in relation to the earth because they thought the earth was flat. The earth doesnt stand on foundations as the bible says. YOu are aware, meaning you heard something but disregarded it before learning more about it for fear of retribution from god or whatever other reason you chose not to educate yourself. When asteroids hit the earth, there is enough power to create proteins and the building blocks for life. THis isnt a hypothosis.This is the same thing when volcanoes erupted. When volcanoes erupt underwater, some of these materials get caught up in the clay that lays at the bottom of the ocean, preventing these proteins from being destroyed as fast as they are made.
Scientists have recreated these events and created these proteins. God isnt needed.Period. I dont give a fuck what your book says. Fact says otherwise.
I have no religion. Period.My beliefs are based on evidence and facts. Your beliefs have neither of these. Not a single one. A lack of a belief in a diety isnt a religion. ANd im not defending it passionately. Im disgusted that its the year 2010, science has proven evolution is fact, and yet there are still idiots in this world carrying on with these arguments. I argue against ignorance passionately
Harmony :It is the extraordinary, and (as far as we know yet)unique, conditions and environment (elementally, gravitationally and the location in proximity to our sun) of our planet in addition to this “building block” that astound me. For all of these elements to have come together at exactly the right time and exactly the right place just by sheer accident….believing that seems pretty idiotic to me. It is statistically impossible that something as incredible as that happened, then was followed by the successful evolution of millions of different species.
And as for this little bit, all youve managed to say is that its to complicated for your ignorant brain to grasp, so god must have automatically done it. Its not statistically impossible.Science has proven this. Its highly unlikely but not possible. Its like winning the lotto. Chances are, you arent going to win. But somebody somewhere will. Earth is that somebody. There are trillions of stars in the universe, with trillions of planets orbiting around them. And trillions of years for the chances to come together just right. And if oyu KNEW something about what you where talking about, you’d see that everything ISNT as perfect as we thought. Hell, even the design of the human body is flawed when compared to other species. From vestigial organs that arent used anymore, to the curve in our back from when we started walking on hind legs, which leaves many with back pains. Oh, and wisdom teeth. Our jaws arent as big as our ancestors, and cant handle them, yet more and more people are born without them and never grow them. Humans where not created in gods image. GOd was created in humans image.
Lanugo, the line of fur that grows on fetuses is proof of our mammilian past, the pilometor effect, or goosebumps is more proof. In the wild, this makes animals hair stand on end to make them seem bigger. NOt to mention hiccups, the true human tail, the fused chromosome 2 the vitamin c pseudogene, and many otheres. ALl this goes against the bible.
As for the big bang and the beginnings of the earth, its not as statistically impossible as you say it is, and beliefs have nothing to do with it. Evidence says you are downright wrong. It is very statistically impossible, and not as perfect as you make it out to be. You are just to ignorant to understand it. ANd again, ignorance doesnt equate proof. And your ego doesnt either. Because even if you could prove that its impossible for the universe to end up like it is, it doesnt mean your religion is right. ANd science has proven many aspects of it to be wrong…Like how life startd how it arrived at the stages its at how the planet formed etc. Scientists have witnessed planets being formed in the galaxy. THere wasnt any god out there molding them, they formed naturally. Scientists know how stars form, know how galaxys form etc. The only thing thats really up for debate, is the spark that caused it all. And even thats pretty much agreed upon in the scientific world, as dark matter has been proven to be real.
Heres a good article explaining just how not perfect the universe is, and how it formed. Read it. Its not an athiest website, so you should be ok.
Big Bang Theory – Evidence for the Theory
What are the major evidences which support the Big Bang theory?
* First of all, we are reasonably certain that the universe had a beginning.
* Second, galaxies appear to be moving away from us at speeds proportional to their distance. This is called “Hubble’s Law,” named after Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) who discovered this phenomenon in 1929. This observation supports the expansion of the universe and suggests that the universe was once compacted.
* Third, if the universe was initially very, very hot as the Big Bang suggests, we should be able to find some remnant of this heat. In 1965, Radioastronomers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered a 2.725 degree Kelvin (-454.765 degree Fahrenheit, -270.425 degree Celsius) Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB) which pervades the observable universe. This is thought to be the remnant which scientists were looking for. Penzias and Wilson shared in the 1978 Nobel Prize for Physics for their discovery.
* Finally, the abundance of the “light elements” Hydrogen and Helium found in the observable universe are thought to support the Big Bang model of origins.
isnt it funny how the scientific community seems to all be in agreement on the subject, and the only people who arent, are religious folk who gain something from these scientists being wrong?
And even if the big bang proves to NOT be the way it happened, there was deffinetly a beginning and it didnt involve a god.
here’s another good one. I know its wikipedia, but it lays out most of the basic beliefs. But since christians like to jump on ANYTHING that might be able to discredit the opposition, ill include more then just the wiki article.
The earliest and most direct kinds of observational evidence are the Hubble-type expansion seen in the redshifts of galaxies, the detailed measurements of the cosmic microwave background, the abundance of light elements (see Big Bang nucleosynthesis), and today also the large scale distribution and apparent evolution of galaxies[41] which are predicted to occur due to gravitational growth of structure in the standard theory. These are sometimes called “the four pillars of the Big Bang theory”.[42]
The evidence for the Big Bang comes from many pieces of observational data that are consistent with the Big Bang. None of these prove the Big Bang, since scientific theories are not proven. Many of these facts are consistent with the Big Bang and some other cosmological models, but taken together these observations show that the Big Bang is the best current model for the Universe. These observations include:
* The darkness of the night sky – Olbers’ paradox.
* The Hubble Law – the linear distance vs redshift law. The data are now very good.
* Homogeneity – fair data showing that our location in the Universe is not special.
* Isotropy – very strong data showing that the sky looks the same in all directions to 1 part in 100,000.
* Time dilation in supernova light curves.
The observations listed above are consistent with the Big Bang or with the Steady State model, but many observations support the Big Bang over the Steady State:
* Radio source and quasar counts vs. flux. These show that the Universe has evolved.
* Existence of the blackbody CMB. This shows that the Universe has evolved from a dense, isothermal state.
* Variation of TCMB with redshift. This is a direct observation of the evolution of the Universe.
* Deuterium, 3He, 4He, and 7Li abundances. These light isotopes are all well fit by predicted reactions occurring in the First Three Minutes.
Finally, the angular power spectrum of the CMB anisotropy that does exist at the several parts per million level is consistent with a dark matter dominated Big Bang model that went through the inflationary scenario.
The Big Bang is the leading theory that almost all astrophysicists believe explains the origin of the universe. This is because all observations so far made support the Big Bang theory; there are four main lines of evidence that are most-often used.
The first was discussed above: The expansion of the universe. The universe is expanding now, so in the past it must have been smaller. If it were smaller in the past, then there probably was a time when it was infinitesimally small. One could ask why don’t we think that it might be expanding now but it could have been shrinking before and we just don’t know about it. The answer is that there is simply no mechanism that we know about that could accomplish this transition on a universal scale.
The second line of evidence is the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB) that was discovered in 1965 by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson from Bell Labs. They were working with a microwave receiver, but were getting noise from every direction they pointed the receiver. It was coming from all over the sky at what seemed to be exactly the same frequency. This was the first evidence for the CMB, and they later shared a Nobel Prize for this discovery.
The CMB is an “echo” left over from when the universe was approximately 300,000 years old, as predicted by the Big Bang model. As something becomes compressed, as matter was when the universe was young, it becomes hot. The actual “heat” comes from particles’ movements – the faster they move, the more energetic they are, and so the more heat we see. The universe was so hot before it was 300,000 years old that atoms could not form. Because of this, photons – particles of light – could not move around, for they kept reacting with electrons.
Therefore, during this period, the universe was effectively opaque. Once the universe had reached 300,000 years old, atoms could form, and electrons were now bound to a nucleus. Once this happened, photons could move about freely. This “first light” is the CMB, and its existence is a very strong indication that the Big Bang occurred.
The third major pillar of the Big Bang theory lies in the abundance of the different elements of the universe. The theory predicts that certain amounts of hydrogen, helium, and other elements should be made. Observations have shown almost exactly the amounts that are predicted.
The fourth piece is that the Big Bang theory is the only one that comprehensively lays down a framework for the eventual evolution of the universe as we observe it today.
Let’s take a quick look at the past. The post- Big- Bang universe is about 14 billion years old. The Earth has only been around for about 4.5 billion of those years. Life on Earth has only been around for about 3.7 billion of them. And human life has only been around for a ridiculously puny 200,000.
And now let’s take a quick look at the future. The surface temperature of our Sun is rising. In about one billion years, the surface of the Earth will be too hot for liquid water to exist, thus putting a big ol’ kibosh on this whole Life on Earth project. And if our current understanding of astronomy is correct, the universe itself is just going to keep expanding and expanding forever, until everything in it is dissipated into atoms drifting in space.
In other words:
The post- Big- Bang Universe is about 14 billion years old. The slice of that time that includes life is only 3.7 billion years — less than a third of its total existence. And the slice of that time that includes human life is only 200,000 years — one 7,000th of its total existence so far.
Sun_Red_Giant And even if human beings defy all evolutionary odds and survive for the entire existence of life on Earth… well, life on Earth won’t be around past another billion years. And even if the insanely improbable happens, and humankind somehow figures out interstellar travel and planetary colonization and thus survives past the Sun’s big Red Giant kaflooey… well, planets themselves aren’t going to be around forever, what with the universe’s eternal expansion and all. Things fall apart; the center cannot hold, as the great W.C. Fields once said. If current astronomy is correct, the life-span of the universe is going to be far, far longer than the life-span of humanity.
THe point is, its not as perfect as you claim. And a little research shows that. THeres a reason why scientists dont even bother with idiotic claims of creationism, and a perfect universe.
The great Douglas Adams (of “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” fame) made a point that’s very pertinent to this idea. In his posthumous book, The Salmon of Doubt, he said, “Imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, ‘This is an interesting world I find myself in — an interesting hole I find myself in — fits me rather neatly, doesn’t it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!'”
He was talking about the evolution of life on Earth, and the hubris of assuming that, because we fit so neatly into our environment, therefore both we and our environment must have been specially designed. But his argument applies equally well to the cosmic version of the argument from design, every bit as much as the biological version.
The hole for the puddle of life on Earth has a maximum life span of about 5 billion years before it dries up. The hole for the puddle of human life on Earth has a maximum life span of about one billion years. In the life span of the universe so far, that’s pretty minor… and in the life span of the universe from here to eternity, it’s a tiny blip on the radar. It is the height of arrogant, human- centric hubris to assume that the entire vastness of the Universe — including planets and stars and galaxies that we can’t see and will probably never see — was deliberately designed by a loving creator so that the chemical process of life could, for a relatively brief span of time, come into being, and then flicker out again.
Time for all the posters to stop squabbling. You all sound like playground children.
Until someone can answer “Where does everything come from? please shut up!” [i.e., not an opinion or theory but factual knowledge of the origin of everything.] And don’t use the usual suspects; this includes God/religious texts, and the scientific hypothesis on the origins of the Universe/Multiverse including matter space and time. I know the answer but you posters are not worthy of my answer. PS. I am not a Christian, a scientist nor an atheist but must say that Atheists are closer to the truth than Christians, Muslims, Buddhists etc. – but only by a small degree.
And as proof I don’t want a theory, just the facts. And please don’t insult me by using the Bible or scientific “facts”. Use your brain and think! I’ve spent many, many years thinking before finding the answer.
YOu say you dont want a theory, which makes me think you dont know what the word theory is. THeory doesnt mean guess.Theory is an attempt at explaining something based on facts.
Again, we know gravity exists. WE dont know how it works exactly. The theory of gravity is an attempt at explaining the fact of gravity. Just as the theory of evolution is an attempt at explaining the fact of evolution. Because evolution is fact.
Saying you know the answer, but refuse to tell us doesnt give you much credibiliy. Established facts point to no creator. Unless you are thinkink along the lines of string theory and holographic principle. Which is very interesting but also an entirely different discussion.
There are a ridiculous number of comments on this picture but one thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of people are saying the person writing the note is overreacting to the sticker when to obviously that person (and to a large number of other people) religion is something very serious. Let me give you an example; how would you feel if I got a picture of your mom, photo-shopped her head onto a Chimpanzee’s body that’s being fucked by neanderthal? Not very happy I’d imagine, and that’s exactly how some people feel when they see that sticker.
Apologies for the language but I wanted to get my point across.
And those people need to get the fuck over it, and realize that regardless of how strongly they stick to these superstitions, they have NOTHING to back it up. Religion and a persons mother are something entirely different.And since religion has caused more destruction, then any one single mom on this planet, ima just dismiss this as nonsense.
lol Mista, evolution is hardly a fact. How do you explain The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, which contradicts evolution, or the inventor of its very nonsense who admits that his theory may not be true.
“There must have been innumerable transitional forms in the formation of new species. No convincing evidence of these missing links exists.”
“Natural selection can not account for the instinct of animals such as that of the honey bee, “which has practically anticipated the discoveries of profound mathematics.”
“The offspring of such nearly related species as can be crossed are sterile, showing that nature discourages and in no wise encourages the formation of new species.”
Those are Darwins words himself.
I ask the question again though is why would you trust a scientist? They change their mind all the time, and their predictions are as dependable as the weather. Earth isn’t flat anymore, and what was that whole ordeal with the sun and the earth revlution pattern?
Oh my god. More ignorance to shoot down. Evolution is 100% fact. Science has proven this and is in agreement. Every fossil is a transitional fossil. Use common sense for a minute. Darwin NEVER EVER said that his theory might now be true. THis is a rumor, made up by christians, and its been proven to be a rumor made by christians. Funny how christians are so sure they are right, that they have to resort to lies. Scientists dont just change their mind. If evidence points to one answer, thats what they go with. Learn how science works, before you show your ignorance posting crap like this.
And it wasnt SCIENTISTS that said the earth was flat. it was CHRISTIANS. During the middle ages, it was CHRISTIANS that stuck to this. At that time, the arabic world thought it was common knowledge that the earth was round, the greek had the idea that the earth was round, and the romans considered it common knowledge also.
Evolution is 100% fact, and the entire scientific community is in agreement with this. The ONLY people saying different are religious people who have something to gain by it not being true.
We have observational evidence. Both field and lab. Not to mention there are branches of medicine that rely on evolution being true.
We have fossils that we would expect to see if evolution where true. And there has NEVER been a fossil that contradicted evolution. Just claims. Made by religious folk.The scientific community doesnt even argue about this anymore. Evolution is common knowledge.
@. Isn’t evolution just a theory that remains unproven?
In science, a theory is a rigorously tested statement of general principles that explains observable and recorded aspects of the world. A scientific theory therefore describes a higher level of understanding that ties “FACTS” together. A scientific theory stands until proven wrong — it is never proven correct. The Darwinian theory of evolution has withstood the test of time and thousands of scientific experiments; nothing has disproved it since darwin first proposed it more than 150 years ago. Indeed, many scientific advances, in a range of scientific disciplines including physics, geology, chemistry, and molecular biology, have supported, refined, and expanded evolutionary theory far beyond anything Darwin could have imagined.
Evolution happens. 100% fact. The only thing up for debate, is exactly HOW it happens.
gee someone wasn’t hugged enough as a child or I am speaking to 1. And talk about ignorance, the entire scientist community does not agree with Evolution, including Einstein. Evolution is a theory, simply because their is absolutely no way to prove it. And yet their is no way to prove Intelligent Design either. But Intelligent makes a heck of lot more sense.
I suggest you start backing up your silly nonsense about it being 100% fact, cause I guarantee you not one respectable and intelligent believes that.
If you wish to call me a liar on the quotes on Darwin then fine, you may read the articles here on how Evolution is easily disproved and definitely not Fact.
Evolution has never been about explaining the origin of life, it has always been about denying God’s Existence.
and just for kicks and laughs that makes complete sense.
>the entire scientist community does not agree with Evolution,
It actually does. with the exception of a few crackpots like Michael Behe.
>including Einstein.
>Evolution is a theory, simply because their is absolutely no way to prove it.
By your restrictive definition, you can’t prove anything other than mathematical proofs, why concern yourself with anything then? We should get rid of our court systems, since nothing can be proven conclusively. I also can no longer trust anything I see, hear, touch, smell or taste, because I can’t be sure what I’m sensing is actually there, I have no *proof*.
>But Intelligent makes a heck of lot more sense.
Lol, yeah, dinosaurs + zombie jesus + earth’s age being the sum of a bunch of biblical figures (some of which exceed 900 years old) makes waaaaaaaay more sense. You’re funny.
>I suggest you start backing up your silly nonsense about it being 100% fact, cause I guarantee you not one respectable and intelligent believes that.
As you stated, nothing can be proven, but then again, if evolution is 99.99999999% correct, and creationism is 0.00000000% correct.. I think I’ll jump on the evolution band wagon.
>If you wish to call me a liar on the quotes on Darwin then fine, you may read the articles here on how Evolution is easily disproved and definitely not Fact.
Easily disprove evolution? Wow, 2 articles? Want me to cite about 100,000 articles saying the exact opposite?
>Evolution has never been about explaining the origin of life, it has always been about denying God’s Existence.
Thanks for showing you have no concept of evolution, since you just said something that no scientist has ever said. Humans are not decedents of monkeys, nor chimps, nor gorillas, nor orangutans..
MistaRIPsta210 Feb 02, 2010 @ 16:23:04
THis is why nobody here is going to take You seriously. IF you dont know what evolution is, you have no room to speak on it. Scientists never said we descended from monkeys.
Hmmm…..seems like the scientific community thinks this whole thing is a joke.They’ve been caught lying and misleading to further their agenda, and base their views on religious, not scientific reasoning.
“The Scientific Dissent From Darwinism document has been widely criticized on several different grounds
Finally, there appear to be a few who appear on the list who are not firmly committed to the agenda advanced by the Discovery Institute, and who have been misled into signing or who have changed their minds. Russell D. Renka, a political scientist, said that the Discovery Institute presented the list in an appeal to authority to support its anti-evolution viewpoint.[39]
A paper from a think tank, the Center for Inquiry said that Dissent From Darwinism is one of the Discovery Institute intelligent design campaigns to discredit evolution and bolster claims that intelligent design is scientifically valid by creating the impression that evolution lacks broad scientific support.[40]
In November 2001, the National Center for Science Education stated that the then current version of the document appeared “to be very artfully phrased” to represent a diverse range of opinions, set in a context which gives it a misleading spin to confuse the public.[12]”
An organization that lies, and misleads people into joining, isnt an organization with much credibility.
“In addition, the list was signed by only about 0.01% of scientists in the relevant fields. According to the National Science Foundation, there were approximately 955,300 biological scientists in the United States in 1999.[41] The theory of evolution is overwhelmingly accepted throughout the scientific community.[21] Professor Brian Alters of McGill University, an expert in the creation-evolution controversy, is quoted in an article published by the NIH as stating that “99.9 percent of scientists accept evolution”.[22]
Critics have also noted that the wording and advertising of the original statement was, and remains, misleading,[12] and that a review of the signatories suggested many doubt evolution due to religious, rather than scientific beliefs.[13] The claims made for the importance of the list have also been called intellectually dishonest because it represents only a small fraction of the scientific community,[5] and includes an even smaller number of relevant experts.
The institutions appearing in the list are the result of a conscious choice by the Discovery Institute to only present the most prestigious affiliations available for an individual. For example, if someone was trained at a more prestigious institution than the one they are presently affiliated with, the school they graduated from will more often be listed, without the distinction being made clear in the list. This is contrary to standard academic and professional practice and, according to Forrest and Branch, is deliberately misleading.[1]
For example, the institutions listed for Raymond G. Bohlin, Fazale Rana, and Jonathan Wells, were the University of Texas at Dallas, Ohio University, and the University of California, Berkeley respectively, the schools from which they obtained their Ph.D. degrees. However, their present affiliations are quite different: Probe Ministries for Bohlin, the Reasons to Believe Ministry for Rana, and the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture for Wells.[1]”
Again, these people are all RELIGIOUS people, who are obviously biased towards religion. The scientific community doesnt even take these clowns seriously.
And Phil Skell, the organizer of this joke, isnt a bio chemist. He’s a fraud.
“A quick search of the NAS website returns the following list of biochemistry members. I count 163 members, Phil Skell is not among them. I also count 41 members in evolutionary biology and 84 in genetics and 87 under Cellular and Developmental Biology”
Again. The scientific community is in agreement. Evolution happens. Period.
Xiox Apr 28, 2011 @ 22:57:47
Anyone who has any real basis researching any works from Einstein, Maxwell, or Lorentz, will actually know the Einstein was a complete fucking moron, and bullshit his way into fame. Don’t believe me? Do a look up on Lorentz and Maxwell’s work on Relativity, and Electromagnetism, now compare it to Einstein’s bullshit, because of him and his crackpot “theory” and everyone holding so much of a bearing on his “brilliant” incomplete and unstable schemes the scientific community has been holding itself back for nearly a century! So to even bother questioning whether Einstein believed in Evolution or not doesn’t even fucking matter, the guy doesn’t even amount to his own damn “work”!
Tom Barren is an Ordaned minister. Hmm….Obviously he isnt working from a biased standpoint. Almost every article I posted, where from college funded websites, or science based websites. THe scientific community considereds evolution fact. Darwin never renounced his theory.THis was a rumor made up by christians with an agenda. Which has been proven. And Darwin believed his theory to be the correct answere up until the day he died. Einstein never disproved evolution, and ive posted links to websites of CREDIBLE SCIENTISTS rebuking these claims. Sorry but Id say they have more credibility then a minister who obviously has a biased towards religion. ANd einstein wasnt a christian. He was spiritual, but not a christian.
When I was a fairly precocious young man I became thoroughly impressed with the futility of the hopes and strivings that chase most men restlessly through life. Moreover, I soon discovered the cruelty of that chase, which in those years was much more carefully covered up by hypocrisy and glittering words than is the case today. By the mere existence of his stomach everyone was condemned to participate in that chase. The stomach might well be satisfied by such participation, but not man insofar as he is a thinking and feeling being.Young Einstein
As the first way out there was religion, which is implanted into every child by way of the traditional education-machine. Thus I came – though the child of entirely irreligious (Jewish) parents – to a deep religiousness, which, however, reached an abrupt end at the age of twelve.
Through the reading of popular scientific books I soon reached the conviction that much in the stories of the Bible could not be true. The consequence was a positively fanatic orgy of freethinking coupled with the impression that youth is intentionally being deceived by the state through lies; it was a crushing impression.
As for other websites. REAL scientists have already refuted all these ridiculous claims.
FOr every list AGAINST evolution you posted, theres another one refuting it.
But again. The scientific community IS in agreement. We KNOW evolution happens.
THe links you posted, why not post who wrote them. From the biography you get from clicking on the authors name, you find out he’s a minister. WHo obviously has a biased towards christianity. I take the words of profesionals who dedicate their lives to the field, over somebody whom knows NOTHING on the subject, dedicated to a pre-set biased answer.
Every argument that christians and creationists have tried to use, have been refuted by somebody who knows what they are talking about.
“Evolution violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics.”
This shows more a misconception about thermodynamics than about evolution. The second law of thermodynamics says, “No process is possible in which the sole result is the transfer of energy from a cooler to a hotter body.” [Atkins, 1984, The Second Law, pg. 25] Now you may be scratching your head wondering what this has to do with evolution. The confusion arises when the 2nd law is phrased in another equivalent way, “The entropy of a closed system cannot decrease.” Entropy is an indication of unusable energy and often (but not always!) corresponds to intuitive notions of disorder or randomness. Creationists thus misinterpret the 2nd law to say that things invariably progress from order to disorder.
However, they neglect the fact that life is not a closed system. The sun provides more than enough energy to drive things. If a mature tomato plant can have more usable energy than the seed it grew from, why should anyone expect that the next generation of tomatoes can’t have more usable energy still? Creationists sometimes try to get around this by claiming that the information carried by living things lets them create order. However, not only is life irrelevant to the 2nd law, but order from disorder is common in nonliving systems, too. Snowflakes, sand dunes, tornadoes, stalactites, graded river beds, and lightning are just a few examples of order coming from disorder in nature; none require an intelligent program to achieve that order. In any nontrivial system with lots of energy flowing through it, you are almost certain to find order arising somewhere in the system. If order from disorder is supposed to violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics, why is it ubiquitous in nature?
The thermodynamics argument against evolution displays a misconception about evolution as well as about thermodynamics, since a clear understanding of how evolution works should reveal major flaws in the argument. Evolution says that organisms reproduce with only small changes between generations (after their own kind, so to speak). For example, animals might have appendages which are longer or shorter, thicker or flatter, lighter or darker than their parents. Occasionally, a change might be on the order of having four or six fingers instead of five. Once the differences appear, the theory of evolution calls for differential reproductive success. For example, maybe the animals with longer appendages survive to have more offspring than short-appendaged ones. All of these processes can be observed today. They obviously don’t violate any physical laws.
Also. You claiming that evolution is about disproving religion, takes any credibility away that you might have. Science isnt out to get religion. Science is out to find the truth. Darwin never set out to prove religion false. He set out to find the truth. It was the religious folk that tried to skew everything, to make it seem like they where being attacked.
I love it when people quote the 2nd law of thermodynamics as proof that evolution cannot occur.
One thing you forget. The Earth is NOT a closed system. We are constantly being bombarded with energy from the sun. Now if you need me to walk you through why this makes the 2nd law irrelevant, well, I doubt you’ll understand anyway.
Man it must be awesome to be a christian preacher, to be able to come up with complete bullshit and then just finish it with “Just cuz” and if asked again why, end it with the qualifier “Cuz god said so!” I mean damn, I’d be makin all sorts of families making me new tennis shoes, and saying that God demands it of his people! Tis how the Romans did it, why not?
At least with Science, you can see where it starts and where it ends. As opposed to any other religion were expected to follow something based on some hokus pokus, and “visions” from prophets high on drugs, I mean shit if people actually followed Jesus’ true teachings you’d get he was telling you to get high and drunk, and help your neighbors out, and this whole “fuck the system” nonsense, kinda sounds like the 60s hmmm..and those folks even suffered religions persecution too.. how ironic.
Pay more attention to your stupid bible at least, don’t quote stupid shit that has nothing to do with anything relevant.
People always say that religion starts wars. When reading this I find it funny how it can’t be the religions that make humans fight it must be humanity, because 90% or so of these people are even bickering with each other about their own beliefs. Or perhaps Atheism is an actual religion.
Jan 27, 2010 @ 00:14:57
how…incriminating of her!
Mark Browne
Jan 27, 2010 @ 04:31:16
My sister bought me one of these for Christmas (oh, the irony :). I haven’t yet stuck it on the car because of the bad weather, but I am wondering how long it will be before my car is keyed, even here in the UK.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 12:18:23
I hope that’s unlikey
Feb 05, 2010 @ 00:09:02
Where do i get one? :)
Charley Simons
Feb 09, 2010 @ 21:35:07
I have had used these for 15 years. great way to stick it to the nuts
Feb 17, 2010 @ 07:22:32
I don’t think they are meant to be stuck on your nuts.
Feb 19, 2010 @ 13:45:46
HA! That was a great visual.
Feb 05, 2010 @ 14:14:43
Here in the US we have a store Spencers, i work there and we have a bumper magnet that says ” i <3 Jesus" then the Jesus is crossed off and is replaced by "blowjobs" lol. i got it and it got all keyed up and made it look more authentic, then someone stole it lmao.
Feb 17, 2010 @ 15:22:08
In the UK? I’d have thought you were more likely to get keyed for having a fish than a dinosaur.
me :)
Apr 03, 2011 @ 04:51:52
haha no! we have crazy christians just as much as in the US! Although that being said, I have that Dinosaur on my car and she’s fine so far. my guess is that most people don’t get it!
Apr 28, 2011 @ 15:59:23
ha ironic the religious people are so violent enough to key your car.. when they are suppose to be loving and accepting people of god.
Jan 27, 2010 @ 04:54:52
Oh, wow: I want one of those bad boys. And now I’m going to need a car to put it on!
Jan 27, 2010 @ 08:07:48
Can anybody tell me where i can get one of those stickers ?
Jan 27, 2010 @ 08:31:04
You can find one of the stickers in the link
– Peace, Chad
Jan 27, 2010 @ 10:41:29
That is amazing! I hope the dumb broad who wrote that is dumb enough to try and is caught. Let’s see her explain to police why she was vandalizing someone’s car. Good Christian my ass.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 20:58:50
Maybe I missed it, but where does it say that the person who left the note was a woman?? Everyone is saying she/her/broad etc….?
Jan 29, 2010 @ 21:26:58
the crayon/orange writing says it all.
Feb 04, 2010 @ 21:09:06
when’s the last time you met a dude named “Tierra”?
Feb 04, 2010 @ 23:26:46
it says
“- Tierra Mesa Resident!” as in a fellow resident of Tierra Mesa…
Feb 17, 2010 @ 15:19:51
Ah, sweet irony. Tierra is also the name of a genetic algorithm computer program written to simulate evolution in small, self-replicating digital organisms.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 16:54:33
What makes you assume it’s a she?
Jan 31, 2010 @ 00:08:23
Given the handwriting…probably a dude, clever emblem though…
Feb 02, 2010 @ 20:40:47
Given the handwriting, its most likely an 8 year old
Feb 14, 2010 @ 04:09:27
What makes you so sure that a woman wrote that note? Christianity makes everyone crazy, not just “broads”.
Oct 23, 2010 @ 16:22:08
’cause big, bubbly letters are oh-so typical of female handwriting, if i remember all those notes in High School that i got correctly… seriously. No man writes like that, unless it’s a gay man, but a gay man is not likely to have anything to do with organized religion like Christianity and therefore probably wouldn’t be offended by the sticker. also, given a woman’s propensity for being easily offended (not being sexist, look up the studies), i can safely say that it’s a woman. a man just wouldn’t give a shit, and the only reason he would is because his wife/girlfriend might and is withholding sex depending on his answer.
Jan 22, 2011 @ 02:59:28
oh how i like your response :)
Jan 27, 2010 @ 12:39:24
“…if you want to park in my complex…” My complex?
Couple this with her belief that she has the right to order other people what to do with their property and you have a very accurate picture of the inane arrogance these religions imbue in their flock.
Bill in Detroit
Jan 27, 2010 @ 23:15:07
No you don’t. You have a person who is just as emotionally immature as whoever applied the plaque to their car and every poster here who has said that they want one, too.
The person who put the plaque on their car showed their disrespect for religion (looks like more of the evolution v. creation b.s.) by taunting it. They instigated the issue … the note writer ratcheted it up. Neither is in the right.
You guys can go ahead and duke it out for “King of the Sandbox” if you want. But when you win, you’ll still be in the sandbox.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 02:17:44
Wow, I couldn’t have put it better myself, well put!
Jan 28, 2010 @ 02:17:56
Yeah, so where did you get this idea that religion can’t be talked down on – it’s ridiculous in and of itself. I mean, it’s just ASKING for it.
Creation vs. Evolution can hardly even be called a debate, because the creation side of it is childish. Anytime they start losing (which always happens) they just make something up to back theirselves – kind of similar to the way God was made up in the first place.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 02:24:27
Ryan, there you go talking out of your ass and thinking with your ass again…
Jan 28, 2010 @ 02:34:23
Oh harry, there you go again with the ad hominem, since you have nothing logical to back up your ridiculous beliefs.
Nothing about creationism isn’t childish. “Goddidit and that’s that” is extremely childish. That’s all creationism is. Are you suggesting it’s more? Then back up your claims.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 12:33:03
Johnny it’s a dead arguement and you misspelled “Ad Hominems” “s” is required. but still, there is nothing logical to back up either claims. your belief is that something in space went “Bang” and now we have earth. congratulations, we believe that a big man in the sky made us… either way, arguing it is retarded because we are both on a belief standpoint, from which, NO PROOF CAN BE DERIVED. so when YOU come back with some SOLID evidence… not what scientists “THINK” happened. hence, (A THEORY) then you may continue you rebuddle, and i will admit defeat, thanks, and in the mean time enjoy your own beliefs… cause that’s all the are, (not fact).
Feb 02, 2010 @ 20:48:34
You seem to have trouble discerning the difference between the theory of Evolution and the Big Bang theory. They are completely different from one another, and your confusion of the two illustrates a complete lack of understanding regarding the topic. Evolution is the gradual accumulation of small changes over time to form new species. The Big Band theory is a theory regarding the origin of the universe. Both are supported with reams of scientific evidence.
Get your facts straight.
Feb 03, 2010 @ 17:51:19
Look, if you’re going to criticize someone’s use of Latin, you should know what you’re talking about. Johnny spelled the term correctly. Adding an “s” is incorrect. “Hominem” is the singular accusative form of the noun “homo,” which means “man” or “person.” “Ad” means “to” or “toward” and modifies “hominem.” “Ad hominem” therefore means “toward the man” and is a very good description of the type of informal fallacy made when you attack the person rather than their argument – it is, quite literally, an argument directed “toward the man.”
The ending “-ems” that you suggest is not in any way a valid ending for a Latin noun, except perhaps for some irregular words in the nominative or vocative case, and none come immediately to mind. Certainly “homo” can never be modified in this way. Undoubtedly you’re thinking of the term “homo sapiens,” where the final “s” is required.
So, in short, make sure you know what you’re talking about before you open your mouth.
Feb 05, 2010 @ 01:28:24
What Would Jesus Do? Write a passive aggressive letter threatening to remove the ‘offense’ by force? Any Christian that agree with this mentality is a God damned hypocrite.
Feb 18, 2010 @ 12:37:47
I have to point out here, that, yes, evolution is a theory. But its a theory in the same way that gravity is considered a theory (seriously, look it up). Just because science has higher standards than theology for considering something a “truth” doesn’t mean that you can equate the two.
Second of all, its ridiculous to say that creationism and evolution have standing on even ground. You can watch things evolve. You can put bacteria under a microscope, subject it to different adversities (UV rays, temperature, etc) and watch the bacteria reproduce to be adapted. The only debate here is whether or not that’s what happened in the past (hence the “theory”), and since God hasn’t shown up in a while to create something from nothing, I’d say that evolution is certainly winning the argument.
Third of all, don’t even bring the big bang up. That’s all but proven by the two guys who won the nobel for physics a few years ago by finding and tracking the errant radiation still floating around the universe left over from the bang.
Feb 18, 2010 @ 12:44:48
Also, I certainly hope you believe in evolution because the bacteria out there that are now resistant to penicillin and a few other antibiotics (via evolution) are gonna kill you whether you believed they evolved or not. and the scientists who all understood this and made up new antibiotics to keep your ass alive also believe it. You’re the only one’s left in the dust if you don’t. Believing in creationism today is the equivalent of believing in a flat world or geo-centric universe was a few hundred years ago.
Christianity is actually not so bad if you don’t get hung up on the pointless crap like creationism, homosexuals, and basically the whole old testament.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 17:59:07
Actually locke003, theres plenty of evidence for a big bang. In fact, dark matter was recently proven to be true. Dark matter is whats left after the big bang. ANd ignorance doesnt equate proof. Just because you are ignorant on how the universe works, and dont even know what the theorys you try to discredit even state, doesnt mean god exists. THere is NO SHRED of evidence to support your side. Every claim we’ve made, has mass ammounts of evidence to back it up. We know evolutions true. We have ample evidence to show that the big bang happened. You’ve got nothing except an ignorant superstition. If you had proof, you’d buy us over in a minute. BUt the proof for your side doesnt exist. Ours does.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 18:11:52
And another thing. Learn what the fuck the word THeory means. It doesnt mean a GUess. Im sick of these ignorant christians thinking htat the word “theory” automatically means its dismissable.
We KNOW for a fact that gravity is real. Yet we still refer to the theory of gravity. THe THEORY of gravity is just scientists attempt at explaining gravity using the evidence we have in front of us. Gravity Might now work exactly like we think it does, but it still exists. And it wont stop while we bicker and debate. WE KNOW evolution happens. For a FACT. The scientific community doesnt even waste time trying to prove you idiots wrong. Many fields of medicine RELY on evolution being true. THe THEORY of evolution is just our explination on how evolution works based on the evidence in front of us. THe theory might not be exactly right, but evolution happens. And theres plenty of proof for it. Just like there is MASS amounts of proof proving the big bang happened, or could have happened. Including dark matter. And again ignorance doesnt equate proof. Just because YOU are ignorant on a certain subject, doesnt give your diety any more credibility.
Type evidence for the big bang into google, and see just how ignorant your jabbering is. The evidence is out there for people willing to look. But since you are biased, and wont accept any answer that doesnt involve your god, you refuse to accept established fact. Now if you came to ME with proof that god existed without a doubt, id convert on the spot. So stop trying to group us together saying its all based on beliefs. No, your ignorance is based on beliefs and faith. ANd faith means nOTHING. Its believing in somehting that has no proof to back it up. There never was proof never will be.The other side has plenty tho.
Oh, and even tho us athiests are getting into these debates, scientists on the whole arent out to prove religion to be wrong. Scientists are out to find the truth. If that truth happens to discredit religion, then it goes to show that these old superstitions cant stand the tests of time. REAL scientist dont argue of creationism. Because there isnt a credible scientist on this earth that takes that junk seriously. And there are scientists from every religion. Science doesnt work on a bias. YOu do. Science takes evidence, and looks for whatever answer that evidence points to. You already have an answer in your head, and wont accept any evidence that is contrary to that pre set answer. That, my friend is BIASED.
Alan Sklan
Jan 30, 2010 @ 23:12:14
Please do not take this comment very seriously, but since sound needs atmosphere to exist, I think it is time we call the Event, The First Flash. All evidence for the “big bang” should apply to the First Flash as well. If scientists called the event the First Flash, there would be no arguments between science and religion. The first thing created, after all was light.s Besides I read somewhere that the term “big bang” was used in derision about the budding theory about the origin of the universe.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 00:19:46
Also, look up the Large Hadron Collider. Interesting stuff.
Most christians who try to discredit the big bang, dont even know what it is, or anything about it.
Feb 16, 2010 @ 22:31:36
I don’t even know where to begin. First of all, I didn’t hear about dark matter being “proven to be true”. If I recall, they think it exists, but they’re no sure yet. Also, you said that dark matter is “what’s left after the big bang”? News flash: THE ENTIRE FUCKING UNIVERSE IS WHAT’S LEFT AFTER THE BIG BANG.
Just think
Feb 05, 2010 @ 15:45:42
So if I understand you correctly, you’re saying that a comic representation of someone’s beliefs justifies vandalism and threats of theft?
It seems like you are the one who has an immature sense of justice.
I found the sticker funny and I’m sure many people find it insightful. A difference of opinion, even if it were in bad taste, never justifies criminal behavior.
Thos Weatherby
Apr 03, 2011 @ 11:00:31
What makes you think that Creationism and Evolution are two entities. They may be the same and we just don’t understand it yet. Why do I hear more condemnation about Christians and not much about Islamic Terrorist, who go out and murder a dozen people because someone burned the Koran? And I’m not sure what a plastic T-Rex, eating a symbolic fish, has to do with the evolutionary theory. It would be the Christians that would be more than likely to agree that dinosaurs were around when people walked this Earth. Go check out Glen Rose State Park in Texas.
Apr 03, 2011 @ 11:15:50
I wrote about this yesterday.
As for the rest of the crap you just wrote, it’s not even worth arguing.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 03:49:25
Bravo. Well put, sir.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 17:04:55
Why is it people make the word theory sound like a bunch of paleo-geologists just got drunk one night and thought it up? A scientific theory, by definition, is an explanation that fits many scientific truths to link them. The proof you like is well documented. Carbon dating, geographic shifts indicating time, development, and sediment solidification into new plates (Eons…). On the biological side, we have genetic alterations being mapped, the genome finally fully revealed, the stages of cellular development, and, the bigges proof, evolution going on right this minute. You know human being are beginning to be born without wisdom teeth? Because we don’t require them anymore for survival, and our genes are phasing them out. And each generation is taller than the last? Nutrition and medicine are changing the shape of our genome yet again. And for proof of natural selection in nature? Look up the pepper moth. The Big Bang may not be the precise explanation or beginning, but it’s counterargument, a big man in the sky, is just ridiculous. There is so much phenomenal wonder all around us, I can’t understand why people are hell bent (no joke intended) on trying to explain it as an ancient pre-hebraic dessert tribe would.
Thos Weatherby
Apr 03, 2011 @ 11:14:52
As for the wisdom teeth, sorry to tell you but there is no proof for your theory. And I never read anything about a “Big man in the sky” before. I did read, “Let there be Light”. As I stated earlier in a previous post, could creation and evolution be one of the same. Is the story of David and Goliath also the story of Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal. Who one that battle? Instead of being intent to find the differences, find the similarities. They are there.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 13:57:34
More like “King of the Car Owned by One of Them.”
However tasteless you think it is, you can put any sticker you want on your car.
Telling others what they can or can’t do is a completely different level. How would the christian react to someone telling them they can’t put NotW on their car? They’d throw a hissy fit and scream and burn down the neighborhood (maybe not literally.) Well, the way she feels free to threaten and treat apparent strangers like children, maybe this christian would really get violent.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 17:33:37
What if this picture was of someone who left a letter on a Christian’s car for having a picture of Jesus kicking Darwin in the ass? Would you be offended by that? Would you laugh? I’m just wondering here, I’m not taking sides, haha.
Feb 03, 2010 @ 23:45:00
Actually I don’t think I have ever been offended by anything. That’s not to say I don’t have beliefs but more along the lines that I believe anyone can believe what they wish and its when I let their beliefs effect how I feel is when I admit defeat. Someone could have sticker implicating that computer programmers are acne riddled permanent-virgin nocturnal caffeine fiends (that’s the most insulting thing I could think of to myself) and I wouldn’t be phased a bit.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 02:02:06
No need to be so sensitive dude!
What, do you expect everyone to tippy toe around while trying not to offend?
Fuck that shit and fuck you.
I say offend! Offend everybody, and then maybe you will learn to not take shit so seriously. Faggot.
Feb 08, 2010 @ 21:31:56
it’s not like the guy who took those pictures had a dick in his mouth. what’s with the homophobia?
Feb 16, 2010 @ 22:50:54
You know what, DBess? I agree. Offend everyone. First off, all the niggers should be stacked on a barge and left to drift at sea.
The atheist
Jan 29, 2010 @ 18:57:44
Dudes dudes dudes take another glance at the photo and you notice its just science eating away at all the bullshit religion has stuffed into your way open minds.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 00:01:31
>The person who put the plaque on their car showed their disrespect for religion (looks like more of the evolution v. creation b.s.) by taunting it. They instigated the issue
So, if I vandalize the next car I see with a “Jesus Loves You” sticker, it’s the Christians fault for instigating it?
I respectfully disagree.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 12:27:49
Ok, athiests are so inconsidereate about the subject of religion. hold on now hold on… Before you get all barking mad, let me explain. many religious followers are very tolerant of others and their beliefs. i do not poke fun at or mock the fact that atheists have no god do i? if someone has an “i love jesus” sticker on their car, it does not mean “I love jesus (and and if you don’t then hmm you can go fuck yourself.” no, it simply means what it says. If i was in ireland, and wore a shirt with an american flag on it… is it disrespectful? no you dunce. it is simply what i am interested in. now if a christian has a sticker on their car depicting an athiest being stabbed by a cross… then by all means… take issue with it. don’t be so narrow minded about your topic of atheis or whatever religion you may be, just because some took offense to a very offensive sticker. thank you.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 14:56:22
Its called freedom of speech. You don’t have to like what someone saids but you cannot persecute (remove their car from a parking lot) because of it.
I’m an atheist, and I have seen how “tolerant” Christians are. This tolerant includes socially shunning people for being atheist, preconstructed views of immorality because of athiesm, and (my personal favorite) is the “street preachers” that come to my campus and yell at all of the student body about how we are going to hell if we don’t change our ways.
So unless YOUR chuch openly accepts people of all sexual orientation, don’t talk about being tolerant. No religion is tolerant of other religions, but at least you don’t see atheist going door to door interupting my dinner trying to give me “reading material” about a deity I have no interest in hearing about.
Feb 11, 2010 @ 23:34:02
What is with you christians and your dumbass idea that your made up shit should be respected.
It is totally fictional. Grow up, fairy tales are for children.
You are not accepting of others beliefs, YOUR book says that only your god exists.
Stop shitting on about tolerance.
Have a shot a thinking logically some time, its nice to not live in a make believe world.
May 17, 2010 @ 20:45:49
Wow, this is a really messed up way to look at this. Religion really has poisoned your mind, dude. Fucking get a thicker skin and deal with the fact that people are allowed to question your religion.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 23:55:24
How is it immature to be an atheist? All the person did was put a sticker on their car to show their belief, same as a christian who puts a fish on their car. They had every right to do so and the letter and any possible follow up were inappropriate.
James Smith João Pessoa, Brazil
Feb 04, 2010 @ 15:59:26
No Bill, religion by preaching intolerance and hate (like you) instigated it. While she has a right to practice her delusions and even advertise them, she has no right to impose her values on others nor to attempt to restrict their right of free speech.
She was just as ignorant and arrogant about it as you are. Ignorance and arrogance so often seem to go together. The more ignorant a person, the more arrogant they are about their stupidity. Look in the mirror Bill, you’ll see exactly what I mean.
Feb 04, 2010 @ 19:41:22
Dude, disrespect for religion? Of COURSE I disrespect religion. It’s stupid. I don’t believe in your invisible man, and I laugh at your silly beliefs. But guess what, I don’t respect anyone who holds those beliefs either. So you and your god are in for a butt-load of derision.
Of course if it was real your god would strike me dead, but I’m still here.
Quoth the Adams
Feb 05, 2010 @ 13:52:04
“If somebody votes for a party that you don’t agree with, you’re free to argue about it as much as you like; everybody will have an argument but nobody feels aggrieved by it. If somebody thinks taxes should go up or down you are free to have an argument about it, but on the other hand if somebody says ‘I mustn’t move a light switch on a Saturday’, you say, ‘Fine, I respect that’. The odd thing is, even as I am saying that I am thinking ‘Is there an Orthodox Jew here who is going to be offended by the fact that I just said that?’ but I wouldn’t have thought ‘Maybe there’s somebody from the left wing or somebody from the right wing or somebody who subscribes to this view or the other in economics’ when I was making the other points. I just think ‘Fine, we have different opinions’. But, the moment I say something that has something to do with somebody’s (I’m going to stick my neck out here and say irrational) beliefs, then we all become terribly protective and terribly defensive and say ‘No, we don’t attack that; that’s an irrational belief but no, we respect it’.”
– Douglas Adams
Feb 05, 2010 @ 18:20:31
You maaaaaaaaaaad you Christian, you mad, you mad!
Feb 13, 2010 @ 09:27:52
I’ll start respecting your religion when it starts respecting my atheism, buddy. Respect has to be earned, it isn’t a right.
Feb 16, 2010 @ 20:59:32
What the hell has any religion done to deserve any respect whatsoever? Is it the child molesting leaders? Perhaps the horrific wars and killings? Perhaps the burnings of “witches”?
Fuck religion.
No respect needed.
Feb 16, 2010 @ 23:58:07
Feb 17, 2010 @ 08:42:52
Actually a lot of christians accept the existence of dinosaurs. I’m an atheist but I recall Genesis God creating creatures that roamed the earth before Adam and Eve. They usually just have a problem with the idea of men coming from apes. That said anyone who can’t appreciate the humor in this sticker really needs to lighten up.
Feb 22, 2010 @ 10:49:37
The difference is Christians believe w/o evidence that I’m going to hell for not sharing their fantasy. The evidence is on my side, so please “Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment.” John 7:24, and “judge not lest ye be judged” Matt 7:1.
May 29, 2010 @ 19:20:46
Yep, people who put provocative emblems on their cars instigate vandalism just like women who dress in revealing clothing instigate rape. I would really not like to meet you.
Dec 13, 2010 @ 13:13:10
“The person who put the plaque on their car showed their disrespect for religion (looks like more the evolution v. creation b.s.) by taunting it. They instigated the issue … the note writer ratcheted it up. Neither is in the right”
Tell me, please, in what way did the “person who put the plaque on their car show disrespect for religion”. These “plaques” are a way for expressing the beliefs of people who believe in the theory of evolution, just as christians believe in god. These plaques were created in response to all the christians who so proudly display their beliefs on other people through the christian fish decals that they have on their cars. Why is it when a christian sees a decal of an evolutionary belief they get so offended, whether it is disrespectful of christianity (dinosaur eating the christian fish) or not. Believers of the evolution theory have all the same rights as christians to display their beliefs on their OWN property. Whether christians want to be affected by it or not is their own matter, but they have no right to demand, even more threaten that such displays be removed. I think anybody who disagrees with this statement should look into this thing called the first amendment.
Thos Weatherby
Apr 03, 2011 @ 11:19:33
Bill in Detroit said,
The person who put the plaque on their car showed their disrespect for religion (looks like more of the evolution v. creation b.s.) by taunting it. They instigated the issue …
So if I go and burn the Koran, it’s my fault that 10,000 miles away people murder a dozen people. So we don’t have the Freedom of Speech? This is shallow thinking Mr. Bill.
Apr 28, 2011 @ 22:41:15
Read the Consitution homie, thankfully were allowed to stand on our porches with a 12 gauge, and even point it at the offender. Besides, if this tard wants to start shit, just wait until late at night, and just take their tires off the car. End of story.
Jan 27, 2010 @ 22:03:03
That crayon writing is very creepy.
Charlie VandenHoek
Jan 27, 2010 @ 23:09:58
So the lady’s beliefs have been insulted by the car’s sticker. I don’t blame her for being upset. But it was obviously the reaction that the Toyota owner desired. Very immature, Toyota owner. Grow up.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 03:55:47
You’re telling the owner of the vehicle to grow up? What about the crazy lady who runs around leaving threatening messages written in crayon on other peoples property and thinks she owns the apartment complex?
Apr 28, 2011 @ 22:44:45
Honestly if a sticker insults your belief in your own religion, you clearly have bigger issues with your own faith than what someone else thinks about your dumbass religion.
Jan 27, 2010 @ 23:10:30
Fuck the dinosaur
Jan 28, 2010 @ 03:59:46
I actually did fuck a dinosaur once. Not as pleasant as you might think.
Feb 08, 2010 @ 23:05:46
little loose for your taste?
Jan 27, 2010 @ 23:11:34
Or here
Jan 27, 2010 @ 23:30:09
Where the hell does it say she was offended for religous reasons? maybe the sticker just blindly pisses her off. maybe she was traumitized as a child? heh jurrassic park anyone? And one more thing. What’s to say she isn’t the land lord? what if it really is her parking complex? Seriously people who automatically blame religion….*sigh* In any case I so want one of those stickers. BITCHIN ASS COOL!!! *thinks about jurassic park*
Jan 30, 2010 @ 08:04:54
she signs as “resident”…
Aug 16, 2010 @ 01:20:21
If she was the landlord I’m pretty sure that would make it illegal.
Jan 27, 2010 @ 23:31:18
as a Christian, i dont appreciate the dinosaur sticker…however, i also dont like the Christian fish (Ichthus) eatting a Darwin fish either… its rude regardless of whos on the receiving end. I also as a christian dont understand why other Christians expect people who dont proclaim that faith to behave or act like they do. I do however expect one who acts like a christian to behave like one. anyway, just little ole me trying to solve the worlds problems! take care all :)
Jan 28, 2010 @ 00:01:10
most people say they are christian. it turns out most of them dont live it, but they like to preach it. this is true in about 70-80% of the cases. not many are, in fact, Christ-like
Jan 28, 2010 @ 04:04:17
As a bible-belt resident, I’d definately have to agree with you there.
Feb 16, 2010 @ 22:23:08
Nobody cares who’s more “Christ-like”. That’s not something that makes any difference to anything. Also, christian, where are you getting these statistics? Could it be that you’re pulling them out of your ass? You people do seem quite fond of making shit up on the spot.
Nov 11, 2010 @ 02:09:34
As opposed to people who made their shit up 2000 years ago.
Apr 28, 2011 @ 22:48:33
Redz = Win post is win.
Not like their holidays all come pagan beliefs in the first place.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 00:01:52
You Christians have to realize that there are a majority of people out here that disagree with your beliefs…just as you disagree with our beliefs.
You keep your Christian messages away from us and we’ll keep ours from you, when that happens. Turn about is fair play,,,so play fair!
Isn’t that supposed to be the Christian way?
Jan 28, 2010 @ 02:19:33
who’s the one that displayed their view first, you jackass
Jan 28, 2010 @ 02:42:25
the christians. which is why the dinosaur emblem has any meaning.
Feb 05, 2010 @ 13:55:17
Ah, touché. Nicely lost argument there, harry.:)
Feb 07, 2010 @ 02:57:33
Ya, I’ve never seen that fish b4 2009.. lol
If I only had $.01 every time I’ve seen it form 1980, could be earlier, I would not be working today.
I was confirmed, that is 10 years of catholic school and such.
After all this I asked questions and all I got “it should be your faith”
If your ‘God’ is so great boil some water and put your hand into it as you pray, your book said it will help you, but science has a theory on how heat travels. If you get burnt is it your weak ‘God’ or science?
I help the church, although I’m not a member, only to see after MOST gatherings these ‘God’ loving, love everybody, help you when I can, people almost ram cars to get out of the lot first.
This is why it pisses so many people off, it’s not what they really believe, but only the symbols they worship. Funny we don’t see Jewish, Pagan, Hindu, Wicken, I could go on, but only the catholics think they are above everyone.
Let me just ask 1 question, it is really simple, who killed more people:
1)Religion (this includes governments run by religion)
Easy: Religion Billions in the name of ‘god’
Atheists 0 in the name of anything.
Apr 18, 2010 @ 18:23:52
Atheists have killed approximately 80 million people over the last 100 years.
Soviets (Lenin,Stalin) – 20 million
Chinese (Mao) – 60 million
This comes no where close to the numbers of dead due to Christianity (or Islam, for that matter), but it is incorrect to say that Atheists have killed no one, ever. There have actually been more, but I do not know for certain that they were actual atheists, so have not included them in the numbers (Pol Pot; Burmese Junta; Hitler [Jewish heritage, believed in mysticism]; Castro; numerous genocides in Africa)
A few side notes:
-I am a Christian, and I want that sticker! It’s freakin hilarious.
-To the Fundamentalist dumbasses on here – when you show your ignorance of the facts, you will be attacked. Don’t say something just because you think you heard your preacher say it. Thats stupid. he only says these stupid things because if he can get you to believe it, you will continue going to his church and donating money, thus paying for his kids’ college and his wife’s Jaguar.
-Note 2 for the Fundamentalist dumbasses: When you come on this strong, you turn people away. You look crazy to everyone but people that are already on your side, and so you are actually pushing away everyone but the people that you don’t need to talk to.
– Sorry to nit pick, but when you say “big bang”, you are talking about something going kaboom and making a whole lot of noise. If you want to discuss the beginning of the Universe, you need to capitalize the name (i.e. Big Bang).
– To those of you that do not believe in the Big Bang, do believe there are Dinosaurs in the Bible, etc – you are all morons.
– To the Atheists – not all Christians hate you. 85% of the country is Christian, and you hate all of us because of the 10% that are morons. I don’t hate you, I don’t hate gays, and I don’t hate people that get abortions. Please don’t hate me, and the others like me, simply because you have had a bad experience with some backwoods, Bible-thumping hillbilly.
Jul 13, 2010 @ 21:22:55
GrowUp –
Since you’re setting the record straight, let me help you.
I’m sure atheists have killed millions of people, but I can give you a 99.9% guarantee that no war/slaughter has been committed in the name of atheism. Obviously, to say that an atheist has never killed someone is a fallacy. You seem to be creating a straw woman argument here. Maybe the main impetus behind the Crusades was money and the main impetus behind the Twin Towers was revenge, but these acts were definitely committed in the name of a religious deity.
I am a preacher’s son and I paid my way through college and my mom drives a Ford Focus. I’m sure that some preachers are in it for the wrong reason but many (I would hope a majority) do it because they are passionate about their beliefs, just as myself and some of these other friendly atheists are passionate about their beliefs.
You correct us (atheists as a whole apparently) stating that we are mistaken because not all Christians hate us, and then in the falling sentence you seem to make the assumption that all atheists hat Christians. Well, you just have to know that that’s not true. I, for one, have plenty of love to give.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 11:25:11
Well, Atheists have been kicking around since Ancient-Greece (and probably before) so the who said what first argument falls in their favour :p
But we’re going to base whole theological/a-theological discussions on stickers and ‘but he started it!’ then we’re onto a looser folks.
Mike out.
(also, I’m getting me one of them stickers regardless of the above :D )
Feb 05, 2010 @ 11:42:51
Actually, you have to think that first they had to agree on which god or gods are real. So the first argument would be something like “A fish god? That’s stupid, the elephant god is the only true god.”
There might’ve been some guy in the back saying “How do we even know they’re real?”
But way back then he probably would’ve been killed.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 01:53:53
Did she write that in crayon?…. just wondering.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 11:58:38
Yes! It is written in crayon. hha
Jan 28, 2010 @ 02:22:57
Whats funny is I’m sure you fags on here defending the dinosaur sticker would be offended if the dinosaur was eating Muhammad or some other towel head entity, jackasses!
Jan 28, 2010 @ 02:37:42
harry is a troll? Don’t you have anything better to do with your time than be a child?
Jan 28, 2010 @ 23:40:56
your a huge hypocrite
Jan 28, 2010 @ 23:42:04
Jan 28, 2010 @ 02:40:56
you know what harry, you’re absolutely right. i would be offended if it was muhammad. and do you know why? because fuck jesus, and fuck you.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 02:43:35
It’s amazing. There really *are* Christians too ignorant to tell the difference between “non-Christian”, “heathen”, and “any other religion”.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 07:44:39
Fag? How very Christian of you to use such wording.
Also, I would happily use mohammad on such a cartoon.. in fact…..
Feb 04, 2010 @ 19:46:09
Harry, my boy, you’re an idiot. Why would I respect ol’ Mo the Pedophile any more than Jeebus the Zombie god? THERE ARE NO GODS. I disrespect all religion equally. And religious people.
If you don’t like people laughing at your beliefs, stop having such silly beliefs.
Feb 05, 2010 @ 12:38:57
I’d only be insulted by Mo’ because people and dinosaurs never met, there are a few million years between the two periods of earth’s history. Similarly I’d be insulted if it was Jesus in the dino’s mouth; I don’t want to be associated with people dumb enough to think that cavemen ever hunted dinosaurs. The idea that what appears to be a t-rex would be eating fish is silly enough, but a nice comment on how Christians were silly enough to try to go where they didn’t belong… again.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 03:01:26
Just as Christians shouldn’t lump together “non-Christian”, “heathens”, and “any other religion”, we ask that you don’t confuse all Christians. Firstly, there are dozens of different branches of Christianity, but we are considered Christians because we belief Jesus is the Messiah. However, our views, actions, and doctrines differ within each sect.
It is unfortunate that there are some who preach the Gospel but fail to live it. I would like to apologize on behalf of those Christians you may have experienced in your lifetime who have caused you to believe we’re all ignorant, small-minded, and arrogant. I promise that there are some of us who are actually trying to be Christ-like, but, as you may know: Nobody’s perfect.
Sketch Sepahi
Jan 28, 2010 @ 11:27:47
As unfortunate as you might consider Christians preaching the gospel but failing to live it, I would be profoundly more concerned by Christians who actually do live by scripture. There is a lot of genuinely disturbing stuff in that book of yours.
I would rather have hypocritical – yet moderate – Christians, thank you very much. What they lack in intellectual integrity they generally make up for in humane agreeableness.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 00:18:06
Every single christian, regardless of what branch of christianity they follow, thinks they are living the way Jesus wanted them to live. And every single one of them says that scripture backs up that branch. What makes your branch any better?
Jan 28, 2010 @ 03:02:45
I think you all need to get over it, its a joke, sure, maybe insensitive to ones beliefs but how about the “if you dont believe what we believe you can burn in a firey hell for eternity” stuff. everyone needs to stop being anal about shit like this and get on with REAL problems that are happening in our world. “oh no he has a sticker which i dont like on his car”…”oh you hurt my feelings because you expressed your opinion about your beliefs being better than mine”. grow up.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 03:32:37
To begin… I think the stick-on is hilarious. Secondly, the point of the emblem is to invoke the exact reactions that most of you are having. Third, and most importantly, freedom of speech allows this person to put a dinosaur emblem on his/her car and no one can really “force” it to be taken off. Sure, some scenarios might give someone the leverage to “ask” with necessity; however anyone who really gets that upset over this thing might want to re-evaluate their priorities before making a big deal out of something so small.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 03:45:34
Did anyone else notice that the note appears to be written in crayon? Watch out for tierra, she’s “absolutley” pissed! And I don’t think anyone wants to know what its like to be stabbed with a crayola…
Jan 28, 2010 @ 11:14:13
anyone who sees the fault as the car-owner’s needs to grow up. leave aside for a moment how ridiculous religion is – and just focus on the facts that are available.
1)car-owner has a right to put the sticker on their car.
2)religion is no longer allowed to be help up away from ridicule. you can ridicule my taste in music, who i want to run the country, but NOT what I believe about the nature of existence? NO! there are enough of us now that refuse to keep quiet about it. times have changed.
3)the note-writer has no right to consider the apartment complex hers, or to deface someone’s property – no matter her beliefs.
you are clearly in the wrong technically, as well as realistically. there is no god, get over it already.
Thos Weatherby
Apr 03, 2011 @ 11:35:11
Have to disagree with your analogy. You can be ridiculed for anything. It happens all the time. Someone might say, “you are clearly in the wrong . . .” You’re assuming a few things. First, that it’s an apartment. Could it be Condo’s that people purchase? Could it be an owner of the complex that also lives there? And when you saw that there is no God, can you prove that. How DID life get here in the first place? Who started everything and what was that start. Could someone say, “If evolution exists then God created it”. It’s easy to say there is no God, a little bit harder to explain why this universe is here.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 11:39:34
Isn’t it a shame we can’t just beat people who go out of their way to say stupid shit like that. I would crack her pathetic skull with a bat, spit in her face and ask….where the fuck is your god now you dumb, mistranslating cunt.
lol, anyway, I do this shit back home in the bible belt, and felt that I’d let you all know what I fucking think.
BTW, Jesus in Mathew:1 said he would teach those fucking dumb fisher man to be a fisherman of “man”. You don’t do this by going around forcing people to think the way you do. It’s just as insensitive to the the dinosaur lover who eats christians, to force dumb fucking canonites and their dumb fucking beliefs. Why do we waste time going to school, learning science if the fucking people of this planet refuse to use the associated logic. For fuck’s sake, take out a so called christian today and beat the living shit outta them.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 11:43:16
Rebecca you’re a dumbfuck who makes no sense. You should do gods will and kill yourself. You will be affected by this post i assure you. You will let these words settle in your psyche and have little control over what they mean to you. And do you know why? Because you are weak and in need of someone to tell you a bedtime story before your long rest. You can’t imagine a universe without some sort of protection from yourself. You got into religion because the people around you were doing it, and you didnt’ have enough logic to think for yourself. Be stupid your entire life and see where it gets you.
Fuck you
Feb 06, 2010 @ 15:43:55
Woah. Way to be judgmental. You don’t even know this girl and you’re telling her to kill herself? Why? Because she believes in something that cant be proven just as you dont believe in something that cant be disproven? She said nothing to deserve this kind of response. All the did was state her opinion on this matter, and in a much more polite matter than you did. And considering this is a primarily atheist site, she is anything but weak. I bet you wouldnt go into a church group and preach your dis-belief. Its people like you who make atheists like me look bad.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 12:01:59
BTW, beliefs aren’t scientific. You have data supporting something in favor of a hypothesis (educated guess) or not. So to say that christians can disagree with the beliefs of science is fallacious. Simply put, stupid. What evidence do you have. My grandmother started hearing voices that told her to do shit. Come to find out, she wasn’t a profit after all, but a medical case for science. Her brain had stopped its normal functioning and began excreting certain chemicals, providing an illusionary ride back. Has it ever occurred to you that we (modern people) didn’t invent mental disorders and the fuckers who wrote out some of the stories in your good book could have been suffering from dilusionary medical mental symptoms of schizophrenia or related brain diseases? Of course not, cause its easier to accept that you’re stupid and willing to follow another stupid fuck who is probably touching your little brother right now.
How stupid the aliens must think we are.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 13:29:47
QFT. haha.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 08:19:33
quantum field theory??
Jan 28, 2010 @ 13:33:57
Quoted for posterity… nothing more saliva-inducing than watching a “christian” devolve into a more explicit hypocrite right before your eyes.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 13:53:21
Did anyone think that maybe it was written in crayon, because it was a child, or a young person? Maybe who hasn’t formulated their beliefs of their own and hasn’t yet recognised the purpose of reason? I mean come on, it’s written in crayon, and the hand writing isn’t good…
You are all spouting off ‘fuck you’, ‘asshole’ and ‘fag’ in response to a child… shameful.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 14:04:48
Well, when it’s a 30-year-old child, or older, it’s time to stop coddling the stupid.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 15:03:32
Bri, the only person saying “fag” was addressing it at non-Christians.
The “Fuck yous” are at 1:1.
No one but you has used the term “asshole”. The only one who called anyone a “jackass” or used the term “ass” derogatorily was also Christian.
Persecution Complex much?
Feb 05, 2010 @ 13:59:22
I haven’t met any person that’s currently xtian who has formulated their beliefs on their own and has recognized the purpose of reason. However, I’ve met a lot of people who used to be xtians and who have formulated their beliefs on their own – but they’re all atheists now.
Thos Weatherby
Apr 03, 2011 @ 11:41:04
You just met the first one. There are millions of people who formulated their beliefs on their own. That’s why there are so many interpretations of the Bible, Koran and all other books. However, there are those as myself that has figured it out to please myself. You find these people all over. Maybe you’re just to young now to understand, but I’ll bet you that before you pass on, and I hope you live a long life, you’ll make peace with YOUR God.
Charlie Vanden Hoek
Jan 28, 2010 @ 15:21:02
So did the woman take the sticker off, or did she just write a note? You people are entertaining. Thanks.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 15:24:49
I will say that I don’t agree with the way the Tierra Mesa resident handled their opposing view on the emblem. Not that it matters, or that any of you will care, but I would not have said anything. I understand that we all have differing beliefs, and agree with most of you that the resident should not have written such a childish letter. It was very un-Christlike, in my opinion. But, you don’t have to agree with me. That’s okay.
In regards to Harry and his comment about Muhammad and other Gods – did he state he was a Christian? I do not recall reading that. He may be, in which case, as I stated earlier – please do not lump us together. Christians have differing beliefs. It’s sad that you’re allowing stereotypes to lead you into such hateful territory.
And Roberto, I respect your beliefs. I also respect the way you stated what you believe. I will agree that we disagree on the matter, as well as the way we express our opinions. You can call me stupid, a ‘dumbfuck’, or any of the other hateful names you threw at Christians, but I will not revert to your level. It breaks my heart that you have so much hatred within your soul. (I realize you’ll most likely find joy within my heartbreak. That’s okay.)
Feb 04, 2010 @ 16:06:53
cait, don’t be heart broken. i as an atheist do not hate you. in fact provided you meet some very minimal aesthetic & hygienic standards would gladly do you to demonstrate my lack of animosity towards the religious who choose not to push their viewpoints on the rest of us. you came w/ an olive branch, you should not have been derided.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 16:17:59
let’s all take it easy. love kalyan
A Literate
Jan 28, 2010 @ 17:12:22
Self-rightous Athiests are just as bad as sanctimonious Christians. A tired cliche car sticker extolling the percieved superiority of believing in evoluton makes you look like a douche-nozzle. An outraged crayon weilding fundamentalist who so fervently believes in creationism she takes offense to such idiocy is also equally an utter waste of semen.
Unfortunately in the the end, you both fail. Why don’t you get together and start a suicide pact. Then you both can finally settle who is right and wrong and free the rest of the world from a couple of tools in the process.
Feb 22, 2010 @ 11:14:50
We are all free to make up our beliefs, but not our own facts. If you consider facts, then the dinosaur sticker is clearly less judgmental than the Christian fish with it’s bible creation story, and judgments that all non-believers are going to eternal hell.
Atheists commit no similar offenses against Christians. They simply object to being judged by Christians who are too often hipocrats and lack any facts supporting Christian judgments.
So to all you Christians, “Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment.” John 7:24, and “judge not lest thou be judged” Matthew 7:1.
Thos Weatherby
Apr 03, 2011 @ 11:43:00
The same then must be true for atheists. But I’m reading a lot of anti Christian judgment out there.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 20:28:31
They’re equal? Really? How many terrorist Atheists have you heard of? I’ve heard of many Christian terrorists that have killed in the name of their god. Two words, “Abortion Clinics”.
And you’re ugly, are we done throwing pointless insults?
That was unnecessarily graphic.
Having a bit of fun means we fail? Would you rant like this to anyone mentioning ‘god’, ‘jesus’, ‘christ’ or ‘the bible’? I don’t believe you would, so why is this evoking such anger?
You’re quite a bright one, aren’t you? You want a group of people that don’t believe in life after death, to kill themselves to prove to you they’re right?
Why don’t you take your own bullshit suggestion and get the fuck off my website, so I can be free of a tool like you.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 22:41:58
@ A Literate: Here, you may borrow my mirror. Yea, I thought so.
@ Ian regarding A Literate: Pwnt.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 22:59:28
Who said that was a Christian fish anyway? The Dinosaur ate the bottom of it, maybe he started with the feet because he found it repulsive? lol
I dunno maybe people assume Christians deny the existence of Dinosaurs so it must definitely be a Christian fish, lol
Jan 28, 2010 @ 23:09:40
Religion isn’t some untouchable golden cow here, people, and frankly, doesn’t matter in this debate. He has every right to put his opinion on his own car. This Tierra person has ZERO right to demand that the owner of the car remove the sticker, and would face vandalism charges if she attempted to remove it herself.
People need to get over this stupid “I’m so offended” shit.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 23:24:30
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Jan 28, 2010 @ 23:57:50
For starters, I’ll say that I consider myself an agnostic theist (in the truest sense of the word “agnostic”; look it up).
I find humor in things that are humorous — even things that my fellow “Christians” would tell me I should be offended by. My stance is “Funny is funny”. The emblem is slightly humorous, although I am sure it is funnier to those whose lives are centered around flaunting their disbelief in creationism (specifically) and God (usually, the precursor to said disbelief in creationism).
As Hey-Zeus pointed out, Americans have freedom of speech and expression. Therefore, as is surely obvious, any American has the liberty to express him/herself accordingly, regardless of whether or not it offends someone’s delicate sensibilities — whether on grounds of religious belief or just a fear of fish-eating dinosaurs.
That said, I do find it equally as immature to express oneself for the sole purpose of provoking others (though I make no presuppositions as to the intent of the person having the emblem on his/her car) as to express one’s offense at such an act childishly.
If I had even taken notice of such an emblem, I likely may have written a similar note — not out of offense, mind you — but because it makes for interesting Stumbles like this one. Bravo.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 00:01:00
You’d threaten to remove it?
Jan 29, 2010 @ 00:17:09
Not a real threat, Ian. A crayon-scribed, anonymous “threat” that would surely be photographed and posted on the internet for people like me to laugh at — and not because I was legitimately offended, but because I had the foresight to realize how many entertaining comments and flame-wars it would generate in the online fora.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 00:03:15
It’s in CRAYON! CRAYON! How apropos.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 21:33:02
im glad im not the only one who noticed =)
Jan 29, 2010 @ 00:03:37
The funniest thing about the sticker is that dinosaurs are in the bible… so to me all it means is a t-rex eating a fish. Someone didn’t do their homework if it is supposed to be slamming Christianity lol
Jan 29, 2010 @ 00:14:42
good point Ben
Jan 29, 2010 @ 11:18:52
So are unicorns, zombies, witches and ghosts. Believe in those too?
Jan 29, 2010 @ 17:11:02
Where does it say dinosaurs are in the Bible? Got a scripture to toss my way, chef? XD
Jan 30, 2010 @ 12:32:55
Jan 31, 2010 @ 00:22:41
Lmao. THe creation museum is the biggest joke ive ever heard. Not one educated scientist there. Not one person with even a degree related to any field of science there.
Creationism isnt even considered a scientific theory. The scientific community doesnt take it seriously. Only people who do, are religious folkd who gain something from it being true.
Thos Weatherby
Apr 03, 2011 @ 11:48:13
Creationism has never been considered scientific theory. You see, science books change every few years, because they are found to be wrong. The Bible doesn’t need to change. Also you might take a look at Glen Rose State Park and explain why you find human footprints in the same strata as dinosaurs prints. This would be a Creationist argument.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 13:38:27
People can believe whatever they want. yes. yes. I agree. Freedom of thought.
But why does is seem like the Christian world is using science to further explain their beliefs? It’s as though they subconsciously realize science is “winning” in the constant search for the answers to the big questions?
When I was in Hebrew School, they denied even talking about dinosaurs. One teacher even responded with something like “Some animals were evil and had reproduced with each other and had ‘freak animals’, and Noah didn’t take them on the boat. That’s why we see fossils of Dinos today”…Oh please…
Back to my point. The Christian world is slowly seeing that science (not to say there is no science in the bible) is gaining in supporters over the past century, so now we see this Creationism Museums.
Some better examples of what I’m talking about. Go to this website.
It’s basically using all the work that the scientific world is using and saying “Since it’s so complicated, there must be a deity that designed it all.” Which may or may not be true, who really knows? The point is…
Imagine if this Christian (or any religion, you get the idea) website was copied on parchment in the 1600’s. The editors would be burned at the stake. But now, Religion is accepting more and more ideas (completely understandable), but trying to make it all still fit in.
Please respond with kindness and intellectualism to this post. I would love to hear peoples’ opinions against/for my own. Thank you.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 00:43:34
Amazed by the stuff people write. I’m a Christian. Very active in a ministry that does much to help people and serve the communtiy. I think the magnet is funny, not offensive. Its a playful jab by someone who doesn’t fully know or understand Christianity. I say this because if one truely knows the Word, they know God and how to rightly Love others. God gave us free will and consequence for our actions. Enjoy the magnet, please don’t key someones car. One is a display of a point of view, they other is destructive and a sin.
Remember Gods Love Never Fails.
May God Bless you,
Elder NLOI
Jan 30, 2010 @ 00:30:47
I love how the christians help the community. What about the one where they go to an impoverished country, thats been RAVAGED by aids, and tell them if they use protection they are going to hell.
Opportunist at all? Its no secret that the ignorant are more likely to follow religion. The more ignorant a population is, the more likely they are to follow superstition. SO lets go to a country that cant afford to educate themselves, and tell them all they will be burned for eternity if they didnt comply.
Some might say thats a catholic thing, yet the catholic church is the oldest christian organization around, and most sects branched off of it.
Thos Weatherby
Apr 03, 2011 @ 11:54:25
I’m not sure of any Christian group that goes to a impoverished country to try to help them, that is insistent on the people, not to wear condoms. But I have seen many Christians groups help with medical, food, housing and water to help these people. Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater. And it’s not true that the ignorant are more likely to follow religion. That in of itself is an ignorant comment.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 04:38:00
Stop the violence yo. ugh. Get the fuck over yourselves. So much fail, and I fail too for even posting a comment here. But I’m really hammered right now, so I decided to comment. That’s all.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 08:35:07
So what happened to just accepting that we’re all human and that there is absolutely no-way to prove whether there is a god, or that Darwinism is correct?
Stop bickering and get back to important things, like living, not fighting.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 08:52:05
You will NOT put Darwinian Evolution on the same level as religion. Darwinian Evolution is science, religion is wishful thinking.
Feb 10, 2010 @ 15:26:49
Actually we have evidence that Darwinian Evolution is correct, you’d know that if you paid any attention in high school biology. Observed reactions, genetic connections and lineage, the fossil record…
You cannot say the same of religion, subscribe to it or not. Science is not faith, science is just a quantifying of an objective reality. The two don’t even have to be an either one or the other unless you are a bible fundamentalist.
Feb 16, 2010 @ 22:38:57
Actually, guys, Wes is right. The universe doesn’t make sense. Science doesn’t work.
Feb 16, 2010 @ 22:40:47
“Science doesn’t work”
Feel free to clarify and possibly prove that statement.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 11:00:19
i find all of this very hilarious. how ignorant MOST of you are, && its funny because youre arguing that you are not ignorant, yet nothing but ignorance is pouring out of your mouth… The car owner, well hey, look there, OWNS the damn car, so the car owner can do whatever he wants. its called freedom. if it offends you, suck it up && be a big boy or girl. if you are overly reliqious, good for you, but that would be like us telling you to take christian signs of YOUR car, && you would get pissy now, wouldnt you? just as you have the freedom to express your religion, others have the freedom to express theirs, whether you agree with it or not. for all you christians who know nothing of your religion, you are dumbasses. wasnt ‘god’ all loving && forgiving, && if thats the case then no one would burn in hell right, especially if jesus payed for our sins. part of christianity is to love EVERYONE, yet you spend it hating all the non-christians. now remember this is only going for stupid religious people, not all of them. plus, you are going to have to deal with people who are NOT the same relgion as you, so deal with it. dont get pissed everytime someone disagrees, because NO ONE really knows if there is a god or not, we just assume from our own beleifs && ideals. && if you say you know for sure that there is a god, then im assuming youve met him && yall had a little chat, right? wrong. you wont know until you die.getting pissed off because someone doesnt beleive in the same god as you is like getting pissed that someone doesnt like the same flavour ice cream or doesnt like the same style of music. btw, even if the lady WAS the owner, she wouldnt be able to do that or else the owner could sue her for discrimination. && Harry, so your saying everyone who DOESNT beleive in christianity is a ‘fag’, && beleives in a god with a towel on their head, right? well, go shoot yourself, because you are the most non christian person i have ever heard to claim being a christian. god wants everyone to love each other, not call them fags && discriminate THEIR religion && beleifs, so congratulations you have disobeyed god.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 11:04:52
I’m a middle-aged woman living in Scotland, and a Christian who believes in God and Christ.
I do however believe in evolution as well. And I believe that God created the universe using the big bang. My God is quite capable of setting something like that in motion and using science and evolution to transform the primordial chaos into what we see now. Quite frankly I think that’s a terrific way of doing things.
I sometimes think God must be very amused by some of the things people say about him, and if you think God has no sense of humour, I suggest you take all your clothes off and stand in front of a full length mirror!
Jan 30, 2010 @ 00:45:44
Can you tell me where the bible supports evolution?
Sorry, but evolution and christianity do NOT mix.
Unless you happen to be talking about the evolution of religion itself.
The people who started the earliest religions, made all sorts of ridiculous claims, and believed with every fiber of their being that these claims where true.
People used to think lightning was caused by a big dude in the clouds throwing bolts down at the ground. Science eventually proved this to be wrong. Whenever a religion becomes outdated, another one comes to take over. Use common sense for a minute. If you believe in evolution, then you should at LEAST be smart enough to know that the world isnt 8000 years, and that humans themselves have been around MUCH MUCH longer then that. And since christianity is only 2000 years old, that means for THOUSANDS of years there was no jesus, and people where believing in other gods. When people got smarter and realized those gods where wrong, they eventually created christianity.
christianity will die out just like the rest of those religions did.
Nowhere does christianity support evolution, and many things in the bible go against evolution. Yet evolution is an established FACT. So maybe its time to start realizing that christianity is no different then any of those religions in the past. The scientific community has known for quite some time now, just how life could have started naturally on this planet. They dont debate these things anymore, because idiots with superstitious beliefs are gonna be around forever.During an astroid collision, there is enough energy to create proteins and the building blocks of life. And also during volcanic eruptions. Science KNOWS that life CAN start without the aid of a god. So why even include one in the equation. YOu see that every claim for a god in the past has been shot down,what makes you think christianity will last any longer?
Also, check out dark matter on the internet. Dark matter is what is left over after the big bang, and explains many phenomenon. Recently scientists captured 3 particals of dark matter, proving without a doubt it existed.
We dont know exactly how all these things work yet, but we know they are there.
Scientist KNOW god isnt needed to create the universe
Scientists KNOW god isnt needed to create life
AND scientists KNOW that evolution is a fact.
God wasnt even a factor until humans invented god. So why even include him in the equation?
Thos Weatherby
Apr 03, 2011 @ 12:01:15
Nazreel, couldn’t have said it better myself. I always believed that science and religion are one of the same. The Holy Spirit = The Laws of Nature. God does have a sense of humor. If Evolution exists then God created it. My ancestors came from Scotland but now I live in Texas Hill Country.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 11:08:15
&& you my friend is what we call a REAL christian. Thank you for actually listening to what ‘God’ says && not being a small minded asshole. you take it as a joke, as it SHOULD be taken, which shows that you actually listen to what ‘god’ is saying.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 11:31:43
I am a christian and as such God has given me something few of you seem to have. A sense of humor – I think the sticker is hysterical. I think the person who wrote the note needs a lesson on respecting others opinions and a bit of a leave it alone it is not bothering anyone attitude adjustment.
This whole thing is hardly worth more than a good giggle.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 15:15:24
foolish religious people,how can anyone with any intelligence believe in a boogie man,and if there was do you think it would be happy with what weve done to the place,its time mankind stood up and took responsibility for their actions and stop living in a un reality and deal with reality.when you die you become dust thats it .so cherish and respect thie planet that you and the resy of us live water my friends be water
Jan 29, 2010 @ 16:24:50
Am I the only person who finds it funny that the note is written in crayon!! :-)
Jan 29, 2010 @ 22:47:52
I am taking no sides, but I did find more humor in the note than in the emblem. Neither is necessarily offensive to me. However, I think that without the note, the photo of the emblem would not have been as humorous or interesting. And it definitely would not have provided me with such entertainment here.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 16:49:43
That’s the basis of true agnosticism — that we can never know anything for sure. This is why I consider myself an agnostic theist. I believe in God, but not because I think that proof exists (or will ever exist). I have simply made a choice based on the evidence with which I have been presented. I support the notion that someone else, even presented with the exact same evidence, could logically arrive at the conclusion that God (or any other deity) does not exist.
A wise man once told me something that has stuck with me ever since: “Nothing can be proven. One can merely stack up evidence in favor of one conclusion or the other.” Our beliefs depend largely upon perception and perspective. Insert “four blind men describing and elephant” analogy here.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 17:16:57
the existence of some god is irrelevant to our radical freedom
• the founding document of our secular state does not contain the word “God.”
James Madison, primary author of the Constitution, in 1789 explained its two prescriptive clauses limiting the reach of religious authoritarianism:
“. . . Congress should not establish a religion, and enforce the legal observation of it by law, nor compel men to worship God in any Manner contrary to their conscience.” (Source: 1 Annals of Congress 730. August 15, 1789)
These three simple demands are an explication of the anti-establishment doctrine in the first amendment and of Article VI Section 3. — The Constitution makes freedom of conscience a necessary condition for unfeigned religious belief to be possible.
Here is a radical freedom which millions of Americans would deny to all of us. Even should some “god” exist, as claimed by theism or by deism, we have the sovereign right to reject any claim that “It” must be acknowledged, accepted, or worshiped.
Disbelief, as a form of a psychological attitude toward some claim, does not require any evidence. I may simply declare that your scriptural god is objectionable — and noting the androcentrism, He stinks. And despite the alleged metaphysical consequence, I’m quite prepared to go to some xian Hell as a location where all the best souls will be found.
the anti_supernaturalist
Jan 29, 2010 @ 22:33:37
As a preface, I do not intend to argue for or against the existence of a deity.
I am not quite sure exactly how the bulk of your comment (prior to the section I quoted) pertains to what I had previously written, so a further explanation would be of interest to me.
Regarding the portion I quoted, I believe it nearly impossible to decide to believe or disbelieve something in a vacuum completely devoid of any evidence — whether for or against a particular proposition (It should be noted however, that I believe “evidence” in and of itself to be neutral; the “for” or “against” typically has to do with the presentation of said evidence, and would still be open to interpretation). I can think of only one way to make a decision in the manner you suggest: leave the decision to chance. If one were to base a decision on something such as a coin flip, it could be said that a conclusion was reached devoid of evidence.
However, since you imply that you find the notion of a deity “objectionable”, I would posit that you must surely have some grounds upon which to base an objection. It should be noted that I am not interested in knowing the reasons behind your objection; rather, I would like to hear further support for your position that “disbelief…does not require any evidence.” Unless, of course, you think of disbelief as the null, in which case, I’ve heard that tired argument too many times.
Again, I take no issue with your disbelief, as you are entitled to believe — or disbelieve — whatever you choose.
Mar 07, 2010 @ 20:14:47
“…rather, I would like to hear further support for your position that “disbelief…does not require any evidence.” Unless, of course, you think of disbelief as the null, in which case, I’ve heard that tired argument too many times.”
Burden of proof. It rests on the claimant. And that’s not a “tired argument,” it’s basic to the act of reasoning, and to demand the opposite is to commit a logical fallacy.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 00:23:50
Evolutions already been proven. We know it happens. Just not sure exactly how it happens yet.
Mar 07, 2010 @ 20:09:07
“That’s the basis of true agnosticism — that we can never know anything for sure.”
You don’t know what you’re talking about. Agnosticism has to do with knowledge bearing on *supernatural* claims. Darwinism is not a supernatural claim, nor is any claim about a god that has such an agent imposing upon the natural world in such a way as would leave evidence of its existence. *Most* acts attributed by the faithful to their deity of choice are of just this variety and are therefore subject to scientific investigation. The agnosticism of Huxley (who coined the term) is not the confused certitude of the uncertain it is made out to be by those who have rushed to hijack the concept for the purpose of giving their confusion an air of philosophical credence. In other words, the original agnostic would find your “true agnosticism” ridiculous.
“Insert “four blind men describing and elephant” analogy here.”
I’d rather you not, since it’s a self-defeating analogy and is only persuasive to those whose beliefs require it.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 16:56:42
Atheists don’t have freedom of expression in the US
• sick of xian propaganda
We’ve been brainwashed to make nice with idiot religionists who wear crosses and stars of David as God bling.
If I wore any in-your-face tee shirt proclaiming garbage like “Jesus is Lord” in bold nobody would criticize it and I’d get others who would praise me with a friendly Amen.
What I won’t get will be criticism from anyone in the US telling me to stop being a pushy Jesus propagandist, threatening me, or trying to harm me.
However, I guarantee that publicly wearing “Bored with Jesus” or “Atheists have more Sex” or “God is dead” on a tee will get stares, yells, threats, and physical intimidation.
• free to wear only if I dare.
Not wearing an anti-religion shirt — it’s not being polite; it’s being careful.
After all we atheists are the most hated minority in Ameristan, our xian Taliban dominated America. [For solid evidence from well run surveys visit the Pew Memorial Foundation
There should be equal time for disbelief in a secular society — insist on it, but only anonymously in print. Because we don’t live in a land which permits “freedom of conscience” to non-believing minorities.
Which is why I protect myself from Dominionist thugs who want to create an Ameristan . . . by signing myself:
the anti_supernaturalist
Jan 29, 2010 @ 17:04:56
Holy shit, what did I miss..?
Jan 29, 2010 @ 17:13:33
While Im not a fan of the sticker it did make me laugh. Keep it on your car, Im thinking God will bring it up when youre kneeling in front of him… should be interesting †
Jan 29, 2010 @ 19:28:21
Haha! That’s the trick of Xianity, isn’t it? “Do whatever you want, but when you die, BIG DADDY will punish you forever and ever and ever and ever just ‘cuz he rules!”
Jan 29, 2010 @ 21:30:14
disregard that, i suck cocks.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 00:07:27
Feb 05, 2010 @ 14:05:20
That’s ok. So does Ted Haggard.
Feb 05, 2010 @ 14:20:10
That’s because apparently baby-J doesn’t care about starving children. He only answers to prayers of rich white americans looking for job promotions. Oh, and he has to spend a lot of time arranging images of his virgin mother to appear in vegetables, so there’s really not enough time to feed all those hungry crybabies.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 17:52:35
That’s friggin hilarious. Silly Christians.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 18:08:22
Fair enough, I hate Toyotas too!
Jan 29, 2010 @ 18:17:26
I think you all misread the note. The woman isn’t religious, her family was eaten by a T-Rex andshe can’t stand anything that reminds her of that horrific day.
Thos Weatherby
Apr 03, 2011 @ 12:04:01
No, you’re wrong, the person (we don’t know the gender, Tierra is the name of the housing complex) is from Japan and that’s God-zilla.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 18:52:49
Things like this really bother me.
First of all, what a way to show the world how Christians are supposed to be. Good job. Now even more people think we’re jerks.
While I don’t like the sticker, I wouldn’t even CONSIDER doing something like that.
Second, even disregarding the religious issue, what a cruddy way to treat other people. If you disagree with someone, hold a reasonable conversation with them–preferably a productive conversation, but that may be asking too much. Just hold a decent conversation with them. Threatening them (although that isn’t a very serious threat…) is ridiculous.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 18:56:04
And thank you for the evolution and Christianity comments! You can easily be a Christian, and still believe we evolved.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 19:26:02
No you can’t.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 00:17:56
I’m going to side with Greenworld, Christianity and Evolution really aren’t compatible.
Why not? Because you’re cherry picking what parts of the bible you want to believe to be factual and non-factual.. this is based on your own beliefs, that happen to be independent of Christianity.
Realistically, you know evolution is true, but you don’t want to let go of your ‘faith’, and you ignore the incompatibilities in the process. I applaud your following of science, but you can’t pick and choose when logic can apply.
If god loves us and created us (through slow guidance), then why has he let countless generations of our ancestry suffer countless horrible (and basically random) permutations of ailments and diseases in order to become the species we are today. There was no guidance, evolution is random, natural selection on the other hand is not.
None of this has anything to do with a god. This is just life taking course, and life is cruel (maybe not for you).
Jun 05, 2010 @ 16:41:37
Oh. please. The largest Christian church on the planet sees no contradiction. For thousands of years, religious people have understood theology to be allegorical, and have primarily been interested in religion as a source of standards of interpersonal behavior. The leading religious scholars have been clear in labeling scriptural literalness as a modern fallacy. Read Karen Armstrong’s “The Great Transformation” for more information about the role of religion in Axial age societies.
Please do not confuse your limited exposure to a specific set of modern sects as being representative of millenia of religious tradition. It isn’t Christianity, it’s Christianism.
Jun 06, 2010 @ 02:10:48
“The largest Christian church on the planet sees no contradiction.”
The church may not, but the people who follow it do. They’re fools and are the real image of that church whether you like it or not. The two concepts don’t mix. As Ian pointed out, being a Christian while accepting evolution is cherry picking. The Bible does have passages that outright deny evolution, and as a whole it does this as well.
“For housands of years, religious people have understood theology to be allegorical, and have primarily been interested in religion as a source of standards of interpersonal behavior.”
Don’t even get me started on this. The morality of the Bible is savage and barbaric. Interpersonal behaviour would do well to avoid any suggestions made by this book.
“The leading religious scholars have been clear in labeling scriptural literalness as a modern fallacy.”
I would argue once again that leading religious scholars do not represent any sort of majority whatsoever. They represent themselves and nothing more.
Religion should play no role in modern society, as it is primitive and childish and unscientific. It is the outright denial of evidence that we have come to discover.
You cannot believe that the earth is 6000 years old, and believe that millions and even billions of years of evolution have occurred. It just doesn’t match up. Furthermore, you cannot call yourself a Christian and not believe the earth is 6000 years old. This, again, is cherry picking. You call it Christianism, I, and I’m sure many others, would call it idiocy. (To drive the point home, I would also call Christianity itself idiocy.)
Evolution, natural selection, biological Darwinism, a thirst for evidence, is incompatible with fairy tales of men in the sky and virgin mothers.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 19:50:21
Real Christians are individuals who are humble enough to realize they are far from perfect. Real Christians live by faith that on judgement day their imperfections will be forgiven because of one mans sacrifice.. Real Christians are very aware of their sins because of the holy spirit and daily begin a new battle against it. The person who wrote that note seems like what we Christians call a “baby Christian”, who although very passionate about her Lord, gave the devil a foothold by allowing that kind of note to give non believers more amunition again Jesus.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 00:52:13
Dont spout this bullshit. Every person that claims to be a christian, thinks they are a real christian. I have as much respect for your belief as i do for those idiots holding signs saying god hates fags, and god hates jews.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 19:55:27
All i gather from this is just another example of how both scientists and christians can be ignorant and unnecessarily cruel to each other trying to make their belief turf out to be better than the rest.. When the truth is we can all learn and joke from each other regardless of beliefs or disbeliefs.. The problem as i see it isnt with religion or science.. its that people cant seem to stop wanting each others beliefs beaten down and conquered.. you cant conquer a belief.. you can kill people you can change what they are taught.. you can rip their roots away from them but you will find it doesnt ever seem to cause progress in the big picture regardless of how great your intentions and expectations were.. let people be and find themselves and spirituality/higher power and science on their own.. if they want help give what you can, information and otherwise.. thats all you can do.. because when you try to do more you will find it won’t work how you planned it.. and in the long run its usually not funny.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 01:04:57
Scientists dont rely on beliefs and faith. They rely on evidence. Evolution is an established FACT. 100%
We know evolution happens.And before oyu sprout on with the “its only a theory bullshit”, read what the word theory means. Theory means an attempt at explaining somehting thats based in fact.
Take the theory of gravity. We know gravity exists. Theres no doubt about it. The THEORY of gravity, is just our attempt at explaining it. We dont know how it works for sure,and that theory may be wrong but we know its there and its not going to go away while idiots with manmade superstition argue about it.
We know evolution is a fact. Its not a faith based belief, its a fact.
If a christian EVER found evidence PROVING 100% without a doubt that christianity was real, I GUARANTEE you, 90% of athiests would convert immediately.
So what you should have said is, you cant conquer a faith based belief, because the idiots believe it regardless of the evidence against them. Theres no evidence supporting that god exists. Theres no evidence that even supports that JESUS existed. The earliest historical mention we know about, wasnt made till YEARS after he supposedly died. The romans kept records of EVERYTHING, from murderers to common pig thieves, yet they didnt mention a man that pissed off the entire empire? Get real. There weren’t any TV’s back then. The favorite thing to do, was to write. And since people back then where superstitious and uneducated, they made up these big elaborate storys about gods and ghouls and superstition. There where litteraly THOUSANDS of storys written in the same style as the bible during that time. And there where many books cut from the bible that most christians read today. Yet nobodys got enough common sense to cut through the bullshit. Notice how the scientific community doesnt take even consider many of the things in the bible as plausible theory. Because common sense tells you its bullshit. But hey, if people want to follow a book that says the earth is flat,that you must stone your wife infront of her father if you find out on your wedding day that she isnt a virgin,and that wearing nylon is a sin, then i guess ignorance is all they will ever know.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 21:16:19
Christians who truly believe, as I do, will not debate this issue, because it is a matter of faith. I believe period. I do not have to make excuses for my belief, neither do I have to try to compel anyone else to believe.
Some one already posted that they are both wrong. But the christian is is more accountable. Atheist believe they are Gods in themselves, they make their own rules. Her God gave her a command; ‘Love your neighbor” she or he owes that person an apology.
Christ also said to love my enemy, I should never enter into debate with anyone, or judge anyone, I need only to believe.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 00:09:55
I am an atheist and I certainly do not regard myself as a god. The rules I follow are the rules of society, I don’t make them up as I go.
Do not assert your rules over us atheists, unless you want us returning the favor.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 01:10:05
Then why did you comment at all ignoramous?
God i hate how christians throw the word faith around like it holds some sort of significance. DO you idiots KNOW what the word FAITH means?
A belief that is not based upon proof. Saying you have faith, doesnt give you or your god credibility. It hsows that you are a pawn who will buy into something without questioning it and using your damn brain. You know why the christian religion puts so much emphasis on the word faith? Because no evidence will ever surface to support your side. Lmao. It is a matter of faith. lmao. If you would have been born into a muslim family, in a muslim environment, where everyone tells you islam is the right religion, chances are youd be in here spouting off about faith in mohammed and you’d be just as sure that ISLAM is real, as you are sure that christianity is real. Faith means nothing.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 21:22:40
I also wanted to add that I have never seen that symbol before I do not take offense in it, actually if I knew what it meant I would laugh along with it, none of us should take life to serious.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 21:47:31
Which is more offensive? That a Christian might have to tolerate a humorous sticker that goes against their beliefs, or that an atheist/agnostic has to tolerate the Ten Commandments displayed in public buildings?
One is personal property, and is frankly sort of funny. The other is public, and quite sad. Especially when you consider the Biblical punishment for breaking commandments is death more often than not.
All in all… People need to lighten up.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 21:55:15
i agree, however, i truly believe and am very spiritual. although i wont say that what i believe in is specifically christianity.. that does not mean i pick and choose to find an easier way.. i just believe what my heart can wrap itself around naturally.. i refuse to follow a religion completely first off because of the conquering aspect that most seem to find necessary and second because i believe that unless a person is raised horribly that person should not have to be commanded to do what they should already know to be right in their own heart.. you should want to do that NOT ONLY for your own redemption but because everyone else deserves that just as you deserve it from them.. and god whatever you may call him deserves it too as our maker and building blocks combined.. i seriously doubt that most atheists see themselves as gods or can rationalize any rules at all for their own personal gain.. they are just fed up with the subtle judgments and manipulations as well as the uglier side and not so subtle cruelties repeated throughout history by “organized” religion and politics.. an example.. who is a christian to say that an aboriginal person who has been raised in peace with no specific knowledge of either science or organized religion doesn’t deserve a christian “heaven” when they die? there are peoples left in this world who did not even need the message that Jesus brought those of us who had lost our way.. what real progress has “civilization” and science brought us? how can we know we werent happier before all this so called knowledge? and wasnt it the fruit of the tree of “knowledge” that was an essential factor in beginning to get us where we are at right now? i realize i’m diverging from the topic.. and i apologize.. but this train of thought keeps popping up in my head recently and if you have a comment or reply to it.. it would be appreciated.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 22:35:47
I’m a former Christian and am now more of an agnostic since I couldn’t reconcile my intellect with my faith. I don’t care if you’re an atheist, a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew, a worshiper of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or anything else. The point is, the threat in the letter is ILLEGAL and if this person removes the sticker it is VANDALISM. This isn’t about how stupid believing in a god is or how mean atheists are or anything else. The point is the person who left the note is obviously an ignorant, uneducated, thoughtless, unstable criminal and needs to be arrested for threatening to damage personal property.
Also, the sticker is hilarious. It’s just saying the driver believes evolution kicks creation’s ass. Not a big deal. I see fish stickers on cars ALL THE TIME. Today I saw a jeep with three fish stickers and a bumper sticker that said “I live for Jesus” and a stupid sticker praising their middle school student. I couldn’t figure out why they needed me to know all that. Anyway, all these Darwin fish and funny dinosaur stickers wouldn’t even exist if religious fundamentalists didn’t start the fish sticker war in the first place.
This is not a religious issue. It’s a legal issue. And it’s funny.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 22:55:49
Actually, a mere “threat” of removing the emblem would not be a crime. Until the note-writer attempts to follow through with removing the emblem, no crime has been committed.
If this becomes a recurring incident, it could be considered harassment; however, an isolated incident is not. If the note had threatened some sort of bodily harm, it would be assault, and therefore a crime.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 00:04:19
Conspiracy to commit a crime is a crime.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 17:58:50
The legal definition of conspiracy requires two or more persons. If a single person wrote the note, then in the eyes of the law, it would not be considered “conspiracy to commit a crime.”
Jan 31, 2010 @ 11:45:39
The recipient of the letter was the second person. Only one person was instigating the conspiracy, but two people were involved.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 14:45:29
Let me rephrase. The legal definition of conspiracy requires two or more perpetrators.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 22:49:33
i like your point michelle.. i guess i was trying to inspire some kind of solution to bigger problems that or at least inspire others to ponder and discuss it.. but that was selfish of me.. this is a legal issue not a religious one and yes it is a pretty funny one..
Jan 29, 2010 @ 23:29:29
I am a Christian. I am not proud of the many mistakes I have made in my life, just as I am not proud of the way some people who call themselves Christians behave. People like the person who wrote this letter have a very long history of pushing people who are “on the fence” over it, and they certainly are not displaying the true nature of God…LOVE.
Not to mention that I have no respect for people who have an opportunity to speak to a person face-to-face (apparently they are neighbors?) and choose not to. I also have no respect for people who have read this verse or that verse out of the Bible and then authoritatively dismiss it as if they had read the entire thing. That tells me they are weak, their convictions are weak, they are really immature, or that they are just parroting what they have heard others say. Or maybe all of the above- who knows?
I believe in dinosaurs. I believe that no man (or woman) can presume to know how God thinks or what God’s plan is. I am Berean. I understand that I will never, at least in this life, have all of the answers. I understand the meaning of the word “faith”. My faith fills me with peace, which is really quite amazing- especially when I read some of the hateful and somewhat violent ways some of the God-haters attempt to disprove my God. To all of them, I must send out a heart-felt “THANKYOU!!!”, they have served to reinforce my beliefs and my faith in a rather unexpected way :) MAY GOD BLESS US ALL!!!!!
Jan 30, 2010 @ 02:34:23
“I believe in dinosaurs”
‘Nuff said.
Jan 29, 2010 @ 23:32:04
This is one of the best flame wars I’ve ever seen, it kept me smiling all the way down here to #109. Bravo!
Jan 29, 2010 @ 23:41:33
Jan 30, 2010 @ 00:06:06
If you want a real flame war, check out these threads:
Jan 30, 2010 @ 02:28:34
FREEDOOM OF SPEECH – or are we living in a pretend democracy?
Jan 30, 2010 @ 03:03:53
Im a christian, and i find that hilarious. people like that give the rest of us tolerant people a bad name. can science and religion really not co-exist? can a person not believe in evolution and creation as well? i believe the Bible needs to be interpreted like the Constitution of the United States – it needs to be interpreted through the eyes of those living in modern times, not the same exact way as the people that wrote it thousands of years ago. maybe it was God’s plan for animals to evolve over time? and who said that the Earth was LITERALLY created in 7 days? Maybe those “7 days” were the millions of years it took for the Earth to actually form, but since the people living back in the late BC and early AD years didnt have the knowledge to correctly pen what they thought, they put it on paper as best they could and still have it make sense to the world. plus the Bible has been translated and re-written so many times, the versions we have today could have so many different things than the original ones. when it comes down to it, the Bible really just needs to be guidelines to living a good life and being kind and tolerant to other people, something this person obviously missed when they thumbed through it.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 05:15:28
The versions around today could have so many different things then the original ones, yet you still follow it? Wow. Who’s to say the entire book hasnt been changed? Whos to say that countless lords, kings, priests, liars, and crooks havent completely changed the message in the past 2000 years? The bible is supposed to be the true word of god. Yet he just lets people change it at whim? Makes no sense. Evolution and christianity do not go together. Period. Any other claim is just an excuse. If the bible is so open for interpretation, then whos to say that ANY of your superstitious beliefs are right? Maybe in the original bible, jesus wasnt born of a virgin. And as for the bible just being guidelines….a book that talks of stoning women, killing entire populations, and many other attrocities is NOT something good and honest people should be using as guidelines. And it takes alot more to be a moral person because you feel its the right way to be, then to pretend to be a moral person for fear of hell.
By the way, check out the Nag Hammadi Library. A nice collection of books the catholic church tried to take out of the bible
Jan 30, 2010 @ 03:10:28
It’s a sticker… a fucking sticker of a dinosaur eating a fish.
This doesn’t appear to be a personal attack on anyone in particular.
Some people just over react. If a car sticker is making you so upset that you feel the need to wright a threatening crayon written note you need to find something more productive to do with your time.
The sticker is badass.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 05:32:12
That person missed her calling … should have been a Muslim.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 08:31:12
It’s interesting that this page is titled “religious intolerance”. I am really wondering what the title refers to, the letter or the sticker.
Seriously, the sticker shows a dinosaur eating up a fish (Christian symbol). Eating up someone’s religion? Now if that’s not a perfect emblem of intolerance in itself…
Jan 30, 2010 @ 10:01:04
I think you need to look up what intolerance means.
Having a sticker that pokes fun at (or even criticizes) something, is not intolerance.
Demanding something be removed, and if it isn’t, it will be removed.. is intolerance.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 09:20:52
The truly sad thing to me is the fact that this sticker/magnet/whatever is at least 10x more funny and creative than any of the millions of stickers of people peeing on things, flipping you off, or saying crass things. So what if you don’t like it? It’s original, it’s funny (to some), and it places something out there for people to see and comment on. Myself, I am not a big fan of either “blind faith” creationism OR textbook evolution. I was raised New England Baptist (think Puritans) and can look at this sticker as being entertaining. You who are totally offended by it need to ask yourself why. Is it that you have not found the comfort zone in your life that allows you to shrug and say “Well, it works for them.” Re-read the bible and ask yourself how many times did Jesus attach conditions to his healings, etc, beyond perhaps having those that were healed show themselves to the priests. Why did this condition exist? Because the healed one would not be allowed back in the community and synagogue until the priests had judged them clean, not because of some deep seated need to be recognized for his deeds. Why can’t we who consider ourselves “Christians” be like that? The Buddhists have stories that reflect the fact that their reincarnated leader (sorry folks, flaking on official titles here) the Llama or whatever, will be recognized by going around doing good QUIETLY. Why should they have all the fun? Instead of writing a letter threatening someone’s property, how about opening a discourse with the person who has the sticker and find out their position. Maybe they just thought it funny, maybe they truly ARE an evolutionist. Either way, if you go into the discussion open and honestly willing to look at their side as every bit as valid as your side, you might have quite an enjoyable conversation. Hey, what could it hurt? (If you are secure in your belief systems, you have nothing to fear from honest discourse.) Sorry so long, only intended to put in my two cents worth.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 09:48:12
human beings identify with symbols and messages that stand for authority, power, belief.
Could you imagine a Tokyo car park user of a similar Toyota getting upset over a misrepresentation of Godzilla eating the wrong type of fish and writing an angry note about it? No! But for argument’s sake, would mohammed eating a carrot be equally upsetting in a car park in a respectable apartment complex in a muslim country? What would get you puzzled looks and notes in red crayon in a different culture? And i’m thinking of light hearted stickers like this one – not crude insults but humorous ones.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 11:56:20
As a Baptist pastor, I am finding this discussion highly amusing. The truth is that anyone can make fun of or belittle any one else’s beliefs, that is pretty easy. Yes, I believe in a magic man form the sky who died for my sins, and some here believe that nothing combined with nothing and then blew up and became something, which then became dinosaurs and evolved into people, and that’s fine. it’s also easy to hurl insults. What is far more difficult, and far less common, is to listen to and respect another persons feelings and views. You may not feel that you owe anybody respect and that’s fine too, but you can’t expect people to take what you believe or say seriously if you don’t offer them the same. The sticker is pretty funny though, and the crayon note is even funnier.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 18:33:47
Again, your ignorance doesnt give your diety credibility. Its not that we believe nothing went boom and turned into something. THere is MUCH MUCH evidence supporting hte big bang theory. And even if we dont know exactly how it works, we know it could happen, and something like it did happen. We’ve caught dark matter and proven that it exists. Dark matter is whats left over after the big bang. SO SOMETHING happened that follows close to the big bang, and didnt involve a diety. Even if we havent figured it out exactly as it happened yet, scientists have proven for a fact that evolution happens. The whole “its just a theory” scapegoat doesnt work on anybody that actually has some sort of knowledge on the subject. We KNOW evolution happens we just dont know exactly how it happens. The THEORY of evolution is our attempt at explaining it based on the evidence in front of it. Even if the theory isnt exactly right, we still know for a fact evolution happens. And we’ve known for a number of years now. THe only people who disagree with it are religious folk who are biased, and think that evolution is out to destroy their religion. Darwin never set out to disprove religion. He set out to find out how things work, and the evidence just happened to discredit this group of superstitions, because it was made by uneducated man and couldnt stand the tests of time. There arent a group of scientist out there competing to destroy religion. SCientists dont even pay attention to these religious idiots anymore. SCientists are out to gather information and find the truth. If that truth discredits someones religion, then common sense shows you that religion is manmade BS. Since man could first put together rational thought, man has been creating these myths to explain what they could not. Because man fears what man cant understand.and these beliefs reflected what was known at the time. As new knowledge came, old relgions died. Thousands of religions have come and gone. Thousands are still around today. the vast majority of ‘em cant be true. Christianity is no different then any of these other religions. It will die out just like the thousands before it. Faith means nothing. Its an unfounded belief with no evidence to support it. THe only reason there is so much emphasis on the word, is because there will never be evidence to support it.And if you would have been born in a family that followed a different religion, and lived in a place where the majority followed that same religion, and all your life you where told that that was what was right, and accept it without question, chances are you would be in here supporting that religion with the same arguments you use to support christianity. So sorry if somebody with an ounce of common sense, who is smart enough to learn from the mistakes made in the past, and can rationally put two and two together, regards your superstition as bullshit. Christians say it all the time.ANd so do people of all religions Nothing will sway their beliefs. That, my friend is BIASEd. No matter what evidence comes out, religious folk ignore it. Athiests on the other hand, would convert on the spot if evidence was ever uncovered that proved god existed without a doubt. But the evidence we have, points to another conclusion.And the only arguments religious folk have, are arguments that people from every religion try to use. “i know god exists because i felt him” Ok, well thousands of muslims, jews, hindus, etc say the exact same thing about their faith, and genuinely believe it to be true. Ya all cant be right. “Ive seen people in church fall to the ground and start speaking in tongues” lmao many people have been caught “faking it” and ive seen people from other religions, so sure th4ey where under the spell of their diety, that they could stick spieks through their faices and not feel it. Its all in the mind. The mind is a complicated thing. And obsessions can become so bad, you actually start believing things are happening because of that obsession.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 11:58:24
umm… from the sky, though he did form the sky too. :)
Jan 30, 2010 @ 15:53:39
I don’t see what the big deal is. The sticker is freedom of speech. I believe in God, but I think the sticker is hilarious. Some people just need to calm down. I don’t care if I’m being sterotypical, but most people that parade their love of Jesus all over thier cars, shirts, speech, etc. are the ones that cast the most stones which God DIDN’T want. So by being so faithful to God, they are in turn doing the opposite of what He wanted.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 17:02:24
here we go again.. if you want to attack scientific theories as “just being what scientists think”, then I suggest you get off this computer (EVIL WITCH BOX OF LIGHTS), turn off all the lights in your house (LIGHTNING IN A GLASS JAR!), stop driving your car (HORSELESS DEVIL MACHINE!), and if you ever get hurt, certainly, never go to a hospital (DEN OF HEALING WIZARDS!). Why? Because ALL of the above were created using scientific THEORIES.
I suggest you take a look at a few scientific THEORIES:
because you’ve clearly deluded yourself in to believing that a theory is nothing more than a passing thought, when in reality, they’re tested and proven phenomena.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 18:41:56
And before one more idiot gets on here trying to discredit something, saying its just a theory. Look up what the damn word means.
Gravity exists. YOu can test that and see for yourself. Yet scientists still refer to the theory of gravity, so whats going on?
Oh wait….BECAUSE A THEORY IS AN ATTEMPT AT EXPLAINING SOMETHING THATS BASED ON FACT. We KNOW gravity exists, and its not going to stop while we bicker about how it works. Same with evolution. We KNOW evolution happens. The THEORY of evolution is just our attempt at explaining how it happens based on the mass amounts of EVIDENCE we have infront of us.MASS AMOUNTS of evidence. The theory of evolution may not be exactly how evolution works, but we still know evolution happens.
And the biggest defeat to all evolution deniers…The one species that christians want to keep away from evolution the most, is the one species we have the most evidence supporting the fact that they evolved….HUMANS. We have more evidence showing that humans evolved, then we do for any other organism.
Ignorance does not give a diety credibility.
Just because some of you dont know how things work, doesnt mean god did it. We used to think people god sick because god was angry. We didnt understand it, so god must have done it. We found out this wasnt the case. Now people are saying god must have created the universe, because they are to ignorant to know how it works. Just because you dont know how something works, doesnt automatically give credibility to your diety. There wasnt even a mention of any diety for BILLIONS of years, until humans came along and started creating them in their heads. The religious folk made the claim, its their job to present the evidence.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 19:29:01
Well, while you guys are arguing about what’s real and what isn’t, I’m just gonna go make something of myself. :) Maybe on the way I can discover the ACTUAL truth.
just a thought
Jan 30, 2010 @ 20:28:23
I just want to point out that all you have here is two pictures. You assume a Christian wrote the note in the first picture, but the internet is full of liars and flamers. It is just as likely that the person who posted the pic of the dinosaur also wrote the note and posted it with the intention of creating controversy for page hits.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 21:08:42
And here is my story. I am a Christian and have several stickers on my truck. While inside the school at my daughter graduation, someone took the time to peel of 4 of them off and mutilate 2 others. At first I was like “what kind of jerk would do something like that to someone else’s property”. Then I was like “poor guy. They must be awful angry to do something like that so someone else’s property. Rather they are Christian or not, it takes someone that (I feel) is very angry and doesn’t know how to properly handle their emotions. Just my thoughts. Whatever.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 21:14:39
lol why should we believe scientists? how long have you told me that the earth was flat? or that an atom is the smallest molecule? I think I’d rather put my faith God and not a less than perfect scientist!
Jan 30, 2010 @ 23:59:41
Hey moron, again if you dont know what the fuck you are talking about dont talk. It wasnt SCIENTISTS claiming the earth was flat. It was believers in CHRISTIANITY, because the book supports a flat earth. The arabic world already knew the world was round, while the christians where killing anybody saying that this was wrong. The greeks theorized the world was round, the romans thought it was common knowledge. It was the christians that said otherwise. Do a little research. The bible says the earth is flat, sits on foundations, blah blah blah.ANd before you recite scripture, realize that a CIRCLE and a SPHERE are two different thing. A CIRCLE is a flat plain, a SPHERE is a ball.
Science has room for errors. And as time goes on, and we find more information, those errors are corrected. Religion is based on a bias. If the evidence points to anything BUT a god, you refuse to accept it. Thats definition of biased. Now, if you where to ever uncover evidence that proves without a doubt that god exists, you’d see most of the athiests on this planet convert on the spot. But that evidence doesnt exist. ANd it never will.
not exactly
Jan 31, 2010 @ 08:42:34
actually if you go back to the original word that was translated circle, it actually means something a lot closer to sphere in hebrew. go look it up.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 16:45:43
Chwg is not close to sphere. Not even close. As a matter of fact, the hebrew word for sphere is used only a few verses later. But not to describe the shape of the earth. Rwd is the hebrew word for sphere. They are entirely different. YOU look it up.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 21:45:18
One thing is certain; Atheists do believe in God. They reject God, but they do believe. You guys aren’t fooling me. Also, I want you to know that your faith or lack of faith in following the way of Jesus Christ is appointed to you. YOU do not choose God. God chooses you. Have a nice day and God bless you.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 22:05:24
Well put Bill!
Jan 31, 2010 @ 00:01:31
Wow. The ignorance is killing me. Athiests dont believe in god, because athiests dont rely on faith. Again Faith = a belief that isnt supported by evidence. Faith isnt some kind of powerful word, it simply means morons will follow something even if it isnt true. Faith in the real world means nothing. The reason the religious use it so much, is because faith is all they can ever have since real evidence doesnt exist.
Thos Weatherby
Apr 03, 2011 @ 12:08:15
If it’s an overcast day, is the sunrise not there? Or is it just as beautiful?
Feb 05, 2010 @ 13:39:39
Ok so Atheists believe in ‘god’ huh? LOOK UP THE DEFINITION OF ATHEIST retard!!!! And which god are you referring to anyway? Zeus?? I wish the fucking rapture would happen so all you ass-hats would disappear.
Feb 05, 2010 @ 14:10:59
One thing is certain; Bill believes in Odin and Zeus. Bill rejects Odin and Zeus, but he does believe. Bill isn’t fooling me. Also, I want you Bill to know that your faith or lack of faith in following the way of Thor and Hercules is appointed to you. YOU do not choose Odin nor Zeus. Odin and Zeus choose you. Have a nice day and may Cthulhu eat you when the stars are right.
Jan 30, 2010 @ 23:58:57
Hmmm..that must be why they offer stocks @ IPO cost after they’ve already gone through the roof!!! Why didn’t I think of that?! (leaving to go make my millions…)
Jan 31, 2010 @ 00:15:08
Why dont you just pray for your millions. YOu know, because prayers are answered everyday and all.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 00:22:12
God answers prayer all the time, Atheists are simply turned off by the whole thing because they can’t accept that God doesn’t always say yes! Which is exactly their reasoning for the whole God doesn’t exist. If he did nothing bad would ever happen. Why do we need God again?
Jan 31, 2010 @ 00:34:47
Millions of starving children pray to god everyday, hoping god will end their suffering. And you want me to take these faggots praying to god, wishing for job promotions? Give me a break. Prayers dont come true. And unless you have evidence otherwise, stfu. People have been praying to different dietys for thousands of years, and i can show you thousands of cases, where muslims, jews, and many people of other religions thought the prayers to their diety came true. I dont take mohammed seriously when he says allah answered his prayer, and i dont take your ignorance seriously either. There are THOUSANDS of people who follow the book the best they can, who never get their prayers answered. And heres a good one. Almost everyday, another news report comes out somewhere in the country where parents refused to take their children to recieve medical care because they think prayer is all they need. There isnt a single case, where their prayers actually came true, and their children end up dying because of ignorant superstitions got in the way of the medical care they needed. SO if you cant back up your claim that prayers come true, dont give me that crap. If something good happens, christians say it was because they are in gods good graces. WHen something bad happens its because god works in mysterious ways.Get real. Or how about get some common sense. The local highschool won their basketball game, because they prayed that they would. What about the loosing team. Their prayers didnt come true. It has just as much credibility coming from you, as it does for the countless other people from other religions claiming the same thing about their faiths. There are plenty of succesful people who dont believe in christianity. YOur argument is false and ignorant.
Thos Weatherby
Apr 03, 2011 @ 12:13:09
Another name for a prayer is an affirmation. By saying it helps you to obtain it. I have not heard of millions of children praying. I’m sure you have evidence or you would have to stfu, wouldn’t you? Prayers do come true for those who believe. They have for myself and my family. And you might know thousands of people who follow the book and don’t get their prayers answered, but then again, you haven’t died yet. When you do, just remember who really loves you.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 00:20:34
Why don’t you try some research? Oh, wait…because you already know everything- sorry. Well maybe you forgot: please research the meaning of the word “firmament”- (particularly the Hebrew word)
Uh…ya think?
Jan 31, 2010 @ 00:49:40
God wasnt a factor, until we made god a factor. The universe went on just fine for billions of years without a god. Why bring one into the picture now.
Firmament is mentioned 17 times in the king james version. And in each case it was translated from the hebrew word raqiya which meant the visible vault of the sky. ANother week and unthought out argument, that has been shot down many times. The word raqiya comes from the word riqqua which means beaten out. In ancient times brass objects where either cast in the form required or beaten into shape on an anvil.A good craftsman can beat a lump of brass into a thin bowl. Elihu asks job to beat out raqa or the vault of the skies as he does hard as a mirror of cast metal.
1 chronicles 16:30, Psalm 93:1, psalm 96:10, psalm 104:5, and Isaiah 45:18 all speak of a firm immovable earth. Wow. This is downright FALSE. WHoooaaaa.
Not to mention the hebrews had the egyptians on one side, and the babylonians on the other, and both groups thought of the world as flat. Since 99 percent of the stuff in the old and new testements are stolen storys from older faiths, it makes sense.
Firmament refers to the vault or dome that sat over the flat earth that the writers of the bible envisions. A vault or dome wouldnt sit on a sphere now would it? Not to mention the king who saw a tree of great height at the centre of the earth, that was visible to earths farthest bounds. Jesus also sat ontop of a mountain that was so high he saw the entire earth. Hard to do if the earth is a sphere, you know, because you cant see whats underneath you.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 00:46:32
Miss RIPsta210, I hope you haven’t broken your fingers with more of that angry typing ;)
ps- get a life
Jan 31, 2010 @ 00:51:33
Most compelling argument ive seen all day. Oh wait…its the same thing all christians do when they dont have an arguement. Get a clue. ANd some common sense.
Thos Weatherby
Apr 03, 2011 @ 12:18:40
The Bible does talk about the Earth being round. Moses was said to rise above the Earth where he saw the “Roundness” of our planet. Maybe there are more than just your interpretation of the Bible. If you think all Christians are ignorant, then are you a type a person who will help them or just criticize them?
Apr 03, 2011 @ 20:25:24
The Bible also says that the Earth was set on pillars laid at the bottom of the sea;
Psalm 24:1
“…The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him
For he laid the earth’s foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths.”
1 Samuel 2:8
“For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and he set the world on them.”
– Psalm 104:5
“He established the earth upon its foundations, so that it will not totter, forever and ever.”
The Bible also says that a dome divides the water, snow and hail stored above from the water of the ocean. It has floodgates that open and close;
Genesis 1:6-7, “Let there be a dome to divide the water and to keep it in two separate places… and it was done. So Godmade a dome, and it separated the water under it
Genesis 8:2
“Now the springs of the deep and the floodgates of the heavens had been closed, and the rain had stopped falling from the sky.”
Job 38:22,
“Have you entered the storehouse of the snow, and seen the treasury of the hail?” 7
Jan 31, 2010 @ 01:35:29
The phrase “explaining color to a blind man” comes to mind for some reason. Only this blind man is arrogant and hateful, not to mention obsessed, and has google and wikepedia at his fingertips.
Why do you care so much? Did a Christian pee in your Cheerios this morning or does the whole thing really touch you that deeply? You know, like the repressed gay guy that likes to beat up other gay guys. It must strike some chord of doubt within that psyche of yours, otherwise you would shrug it off as something you just didn’t agree with. Are you trying to convince all of us idiotic believers or yourself? Just a thought.
keep letting your fingers do the walking…..though you may want to get yourself a study Bible that explains origins words and also in what way they are used. It may just do you some good to learn more about the Hebrew language. At least then you would sound a bit more convincing when you insist that you’ve “done your research”.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 01:53:35
Dude, you havent said one thing thats relevant to your cause. YOu have no argument so you stick to the same ignorant christian cliche’s. Run around the subject, call a few names, and ask why we care so much. Idk where your from, but i live in america. A country that is CONTROLLED by religion. We KNOW evolution is a fact, yet some places are still fighting over whether or not to teach creationism in schools. Just shrug it off. Lmao. Your on a site called irreligion. Hmm….now why would a christian come to a site for people who dont believe in christianity. The fact that you commented puts you in the same boat you fucking moron. All you’ve said is research the hebrew language, when Ive already wrote down what the words are.You’ve brought nothing to the argument except ignorance. You seem to be talking like your on to something. Well present the evidence, and we’ll talk. If what I posted was wrong, prove it. Dont just dance around the subject. Cuz the one who looks like the idiot, is the one who walks into the argument, yet has NOTHING to say on the subject thats being argued.
Evolutions a fact. Proven 100%
Science has proven that a god isnt needed to start life. There are two different scenarios where proteins and the building blocks of life can be created from inorganic material on this planet.Asteroid collisions and volcanic eruptions ANd thats just the two we know about. A god isnt needed to create life. This is also 100% fact.
And science has also proven that a god isnt needed to create the universe.
Even if we dont know how all these things work exactly at this time, it still shows GOD ISNT NEEDED.
If you are uneducated on the subject, maybe you shouldnt be spewing your ignorance in the first place. THe feelings i have towards christianity, are the same feelings i have towards any religion. I speak of christianity now, because thats what this discussions all about. If you have nothing to add to the argument, dont say anything.
The bible says the earth is immovable. No matter what context you put it in, its downright false. If you know somethign that hasnt been posted, then post it instead acting like a stereotypical christian dipshit.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 03:36:19
Though I am a believer in the theory of evolution, it is still a theory. Nothing is 100%. There is no physical proof of the missing link. So if you insist on telling other people to check their facts why don’t you check your own.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 16:49:26
God damn it this is getting annoying. Why dont you check out what the word THEORY means. THEORY isnt a guess. THEORYS dont get proven correct. THEORY is an attempt at explaining something based on fact.
Gravity exists. We know this. Scientists still refer to the THEORY of gravity, because the THEORY of gravity is our attempt at explaining the FACT of gravity. Same for evolution. Evolution happens. Fact. The THEORY of evolution is our attempt at explaining how it works.
2. Isn’t evolution just a theory that remains unproven?
In science, a theory is a rigorously tested statement of general principles that explains observable and recorded aspects of the world. A scientific theory therefore describes a higher level of understanding that ties “FACTS” together. A scientific theory stands until proven wrong — it is never proven correct. The Darwinian theory of evolution has withstood the test of time and thousands of scientific experiments; nothing has disproved it since darwin first proposed it more than 150 years ago. Indeed, many scientific advances, in a range of scientific disciplines including physics, geology, chemistry, and molecular biology, have supported, refined, and expanded evolutionary theory far beyond anything Darwin could have imagined.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 01:56:06
Not to mention i can probrably recite more scripture from memory, then you and most of the christians that have posted here. because people with a little bit of brain power research something before they speak on it. Unlike christians, who refuse to pick up a book because anything against their religion is so taboo, its not even worth learning about.
“dirr dirr dirr I didnt evolve from no monkey dirr dirr dirr.” GIve me a fucking break. Get over your ego and get a clue.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 04:13:28
I understand your frustration, but I don’t understand why you generalize every Christian as the same. “Unlike christians, who refuse to pick up a book because anything against their religion is so taboo, its not even worth learning about.” (MistaRIPsta210)
Some Christians really do have a brain and choose to use it.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 16:52:38
Im not generalizing all christians. I said MOST. Yes, there are MANY very intelligent christians. There are MANY very intelligent people of ALL religions.
But yet not one christian thats posted here even seems to know what the word theory means.
Its sort of annoying to get into an argument with someone, who obviously doesnt know what they are talking about. But ill try to keep it more civil from now on.
not exactly
Jan 31, 2010 @ 08:48:49
you’re telling Christians to get over their egos whilst in the same paragraph arrogantly pronouncing that you know more than most of the Christians here. You simply have no way of knowing if that statement is true, you simply think it’s true, therefore you may want to consider getting over your own ego.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 16:54:11
Again. I said most. The majority of christians dont know what the hell their book says. This is no secret. The majority of people who claim to be chrisitans,dont know much about the book they follow. Not true of all, but most.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 02:35:03
why, that’s a catholic dinosaur, it’s eating fish on friday! the woman must be a protestant.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 03:15:03
You weary me. First of all, I stumbled onto this page. DUDE did you ever any of my thoughts on evolution? The answer would be “no” because I haven’t mentioned them. Personally, I believe that evolution may have been the process by which God formed man. If eternity is as the blink of an eye, then why wouldn’t this be possible? Although some specific animals (like the giraffe) seem to laugh in the face of evolution. Unless it popped out of the primordial slime just as it is today (cardiovascular system) it wouldn’t have survived long enough to procreate let alone evolve.
The word firmament is significant because of it’s relation to a bowl or a tent. Nowhere does the Bible ever refer to the shape of the world, but the use of this word proves that no one at that time thought it was just flat. It was considered a hemisphere; a dome, if you will. I understand this is not a sphere exactly, but DEFINITELY not flat.
When you are on an airplane, on a clear day, don’t you see the horizon all around you? From where you are the horizon is the bounds or boundry of the earth. Please remember that the authors of this book were trying to convey some ideas that had no specific words to describe them to the standards of today’s scientists. They were sometimes attempting to explain the unexplainable with an extremely young (to you and I) and simple (yet beautiful) language with a limited vocabulary.
As far as the earth being immovable, this phrase is used when speaking to man- as in “you cannot make the earth move”, whereas the earth heaving (earthquake) and volcanoes are mentioned a great deal. Maybe you are referring to the rotation of the earth? I’m not really sure.
As far as the two proteins you mentioned: I am aware of a BARELY successful synthesis of one protein under labratory conditions. I am not aware of two. This protein is not what impresses me. It is the extraordinary, and (as far as we know yet)unique, conditions and environment (elementally, gravitationally and the location in proximity to our sun) of our planet in addition to this “building block” that astound me. For all of these elements to have come together at exactly the right time and exactly the right place just by sheer accident….believing that seems pretty idiotic to me. It is statistically impossible that something as incredible as that happened, then was followed by the successful evolution of millions of different species.
And please, don’t take all of this personally. After all, you seem as passionate as if you were defending your religion and you claim not to have one so CHILL wit your grumpy “taking it all too hard” ass :)
Jan 31, 2010 @ 04:25:21
I stumbled here to.Second off, evolution and the bible dont go together. Period. Many aspects of evolution go downright against it. There isnt an animal on the planet that goes against evolution. Not a one. Of course i dont expect you to understand what evolution is. Regardless of if you stumbled this or not, you still found it necessary to comment. Again that puts you in the same boat. Care to share more of your ignorance?
THe word firmament refered to the dome of heaven. Nothing in the book refers to the world as being anything but flat. And the word CHwg, which means circle is used in the book, while another word for sphere is used only a few verses later, proving that htere was a word for sphere, but the writers didnt find it necessary to use this word in relation to the earth because they thought the earth was flat. The earth doesnt stand on foundations as the bible says. YOu are aware, meaning you heard something but disregarded it before learning more about it for fear of retribution from god or whatever other reason you chose not to educate yourself. When asteroids hit the earth, there is enough power to create proteins and the building blocks for life. THis isnt a hypothosis.This is the same thing when volcanoes erupted. When volcanoes erupt underwater, some of these materials get caught up in the clay that lays at the bottom of the ocean, preventing these proteins from being destroyed as fast as they are made.
Scientists have recreated these events and created these proteins. God isnt needed.Period. I dont give a fuck what your book says. Fact says otherwise.
I have no religion. Period.My beliefs are based on evidence and facts. Your beliefs have neither of these. Not a single one. A lack of a belief in a diety isnt a religion. ANd im not defending it passionately. Im disgusted that its the year 2010, science has proven evolution is fact, and yet there are still idiots in this world carrying on with these arguments. I argue against ignorance passionately
Jan 31, 2010 @ 04:09:03
Just wanted to insert a quote I heard today, “Natural Selection is a bitch.” I was channel flipping and ran across it, thought it would be funny…
So if neither side can prove it’s correct, does that mean both sides can not prove the other is wrong? I think I just said a double negative…o.O
Jan 31, 2010 @ 05:07:04
Evolution can be proven correct, and it has. Evolution is a well established fact, that every credible scientist on the planet acknowledges.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 04:48:25
And as for this little bit, all youve managed to say is that its to complicated for your ignorant brain to grasp, so god must have automatically done it. Its not statistically impossible.Science has proven this. Its highly unlikely but not possible. Its like winning the lotto. Chances are, you arent going to win. But somebody somewhere will. Earth is that somebody. There are trillions of stars in the universe, with trillions of planets orbiting around them. And trillions of years for the chances to come together just right. And if oyu KNEW something about what you where talking about, you’d see that everything ISNT as perfect as we thought. Hell, even the design of the human body is flawed when compared to other species. From vestigial organs that arent used anymore, to the curve in our back from when we started walking on hind legs, which leaves many with back pains. Oh, and wisdom teeth. Our jaws arent as big as our ancestors, and cant handle them, yet more and more people are born without them and never grow them. Humans where not created in gods image. GOd was created in humans image.
Lanugo, the line of fur that grows on fetuses is proof of our mammilian past, the pilometor effect, or goosebumps is more proof. In the wild, this makes animals hair stand on end to make them seem bigger. NOt to mention hiccups, the true human tail, the fused chromosome 2 the vitamin c pseudogene, and many otheres. ALl this goes against the bible.
As for the big bang and the beginnings of the earth, its not as statistically impossible as you say it is, and beliefs have nothing to do with it. Evidence says you are downright wrong. It is very statistically impossible, and not as perfect as you make it out to be. You are just to ignorant to understand it. ANd again, ignorance doesnt equate proof. And your ego doesnt either. Because even if you could prove that its impossible for the universe to end up like it is, it doesnt mean your religion is right. ANd science has proven many aspects of it to be wrong…Like how life startd how it arrived at the stages its at how the planet formed etc. Scientists have witnessed planets being formed in the galaxy. THere wasnt any god out there molding them, they formed naturally. Scientists know how stars form, know how galaxys form etc. The only thing thats really up for debate, is the spark that caused it all. And even thats pretty much agreed upon in the scientific world, as dark matter has been proven to be real.
Heres a good article explaining just how not perfect the universe is, and how it formed. Read it. Its not an athiest website, so you should be ok.
heres another good one.
Big Bang Theory – Evidence for the Theory
What are the major evidences which support the Big Bang theory?
* First of all, we are reasonably certain that the universe had a beginning.
* Second, galaxies appear to be moving away from us at speeds proportional to their distance. This is called “Hubble’s Law,” named after Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) who discovered this phenomenon in 1929. This observation supports the expansion of the universe and suggests that the universe was once compacted.
* Third, if the universe was initially very, very hot as the Big Bang suggests, we should be able to find some remnant of this heat. In 1965, Radioastronomers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered a 2.725 degree Kelvin (-454.765 degree Fahrenheit, -270.425 degree Celsius) Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB) which pervades the observable universe. This is thought to be the remnant which scientists were looking for. Penzias and Wilson shared in the 1978 Nobel Prize for Physics for their discovery.
* Finally, the abundance of the “light elements” Hydrogen and Helium found in the observable universe are thought to support the Big Bang model of origins.
isnt it funny how the scientific community seems to all be in agreement on the subject, and the only people who arent, are religious folk who gain something from these scientists being wrong?
Jan 31, 2010 @ 04:59:54
And even if the big bang proves to NOT be the way it happened, there was deffinetly a beginning and it didnt involve a god.
here’s another good one. I know its wikipedia, but it lays out most of the basic beliefs. But since christians like to jump on ANYTHING that might be able to discredit the opposition, ill include more then just the wiki article.
The earliest and most direct kinds of observational evidence are the Hubble-type expansion seen in the redshifts of galaxies, the detailed measurements of the cosmic microwave background, the abundance of light elements (see Big Bang nucleosynthesis), and today also the large scale distribution and apparent evolution of galaxies[41] which are predicted to occur due to gravitational growth of structure in the standard theory. These are sometimes called “the four pillars of the Big Bang theory”.[42]
What is the evidence for the Big Bang?
The evidence for the Big Bang comes from many pieces of observational data that are consistent with the Big Bang. None of these prove the Big Bang, since scientific theories are not proven. Many of these facts are consistent with the Big Bang and some other cosmological models, but taken together these observations show that the Big Bang is the best current model for the Universe. These observations include:
* The darkness of the night sky – Olbers’ paradox.
* The Hubble Law – the linear distance vs redshift law. The data are now very good.
* Homogeneity – fair data showing that our location in the Universe is not special.
* Isotropy – very strong data showing that the sky looks the same in all directions to 1 part in 100,000.
* Time dilation in supernova light curves.
The observations listed above are consistent with the Big Bang or with the Steady State model, but many observations support the Big Bang over the Steady State:
* Radio source and quasar counts vs. flux. These show that the Universe has evolved.
* Existence of the blackbody CMB. This shows that the Universe has evolved from a dense, isothermal state.
* Variation of TCMB with redshift. This is a direct observation of the evolution of the Universe.
* Deuterium, 3He, 4He, and 7Li abundances. These light isotopes are all well fit by predicted reactions occurring in the First Three Minutes.
Finally, the angular power spectrum of the CMB anisotropy that does exist at the several parts per million level is consistent with a dark matter dominated Big Bang model that went through the inflationary scenario.
The Big Bang is the leading theory that almost all astrophysicists believe explains the origin of the universe. This is because all observations so far made support the Big Bang theory; there are four main lines of evidence that are most-often used.
The first was discussed above: The expansion of the universe. The universe is expanding now, so in the past it must have been smaller. If it were smaller in the past, then there probably was a time when it was infinitesimally small. One could ask why don’t we think that it might be expanding now but it could have been shrinking before and we just don’t know about it. The answer is that there is simply no mechanism that we know about that could accomplish this transition on a universal scale.
The second line of evidence is the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB) that was discovered in 1965 by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson from Bell Labs. They were working with a microwave receiver, but were getting noise from every direction they pointed the receiver. It was coming from all over the sky at what seemed to be exactly the same frequency. This was the first evidence for the CMB, and they later shared a Nobel Prize for this discovery.
The CMB is an “echo” left over from when the universe was approximately 300,000 years old, as predicted by the Big Bang model. As something becomes compressed, as matter was when the universe was young, it becomes hot. The actual “heat” comes from particles’ movements – the faster they move, the more energetic they are, and so the more heat we see. The universe was so hot before it was 300,000 years old that atoms could not form. Because of this, photons – particles of light – could not move around, for they kept reacting with electrons.
Therefore, during this period, the universe was effectively opaque. Once the universe had reached 300,000 years old, atoms could form, and electrons were now bound to a nucleus. Once this happened, photons could move about freely. This “first light” is the CMB, and its existence is a very strong indication that the Big Bang occurred.
The third major pillar of the Big Bang theory lies in the abundance of the different elements of the universe. The theory predicts that certain amounts of hydrogen, helium, and other elements should be made. Observations have shown almost exactly the amounts that are predicted.
The fourth piece is that the Big Bang theory is the only one that comprehensively lays down a framework for the eventual evolution of the universe as we observe it today.
Let’s take a quick look at the past. The post- Big- Bang universe is about 14 billion years old. The Earth has only been around for about 4.5 billion of those years. Life on Earth has only been around for about 3.7 billion of them. And human life has only been around for a ridiculously puny 200,000.
And now let’s take a quick look at the future. The surface temperature of our Sun is rising. In about one billion years, the surface of the Earth will be too hot for liquid water to exist, thus putting a big ol’ kibosh on this whole Life on Earth project. And if our current understanding of astronomy is correct, the universe itself is just going to keep expanding and expanding forever, until everything in it is dissipated into atoms drifting in space.
In other words:
The post- Big- Bang Universe is about 14 billion years old. The slice of that time that includes life is only 3.7 billion years — less than a third of its total existence. And the slice of that time that includes human life is only 200,000 years — one 7,000th of its total existence so far.
Sun_Red_Giant And even if human beings defy all evolutionary odds and survive for the entire existence of life on Earth… well, life on Earth won’t be around past another billion years. And even if the insanely improbable happens, and humankind somehow figures out interstellar travel and planetary colonization and thus survives past the Sun’s big Red Giant kaflooey… well, planets themselves aren’t going to be around forever, what with the universe’s eternal expansion and all. Things fall apart; the center cannot hold, as the great W.C. Fields once said. If current astronomy is correct, the life-span of the universe is going to be far, far longer than the life-span of humanity.
How, exactly, is that perfect?
Jan 31, 2010 @ 05:05:31
THe point is, its not as perfect as you claim. And a little research shows that. THeres a reason why scientists dont even bother with idiotic claims of creationism, and a perfect universe.
The great Douglas Adams (of “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” fame) made a point that’s very pertinent to this idea. In his posthumous book, The Salmon of Doubt, he said, “Imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, ‘This is an interesting world I find myself in — an interesting hole I find myself in — fits me rather neatly, doesn’t it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!'”
He was talking about the evolution of life on Earth, and the hubris of assuming that, because we fit so neatly into our environment, therefore both we and our environment must have been specially designed. But his argument applies equally well to the cosmic version of the argument from design, every bit as much as the biological version.
The hole for the puddle of life on Earth has a maximum life span of about 5 billion years before it dries up. The hole for the puddle of human life on Earth has a maximum life span of about one billion years. In the life span of the universe so far, that’s pretty minor… and in the life span of the universe from here to eternity, it’s a tiny blip on the radar. It is the height of arrogant, human- centric hubris to assume that the entire vastness of the Universe — including planets and stars and galaxies that we can’t see and will probably never see — was deliberately designed by a loving creator so that the chemical process of life could, for a relatively brief span of time, come into being, and then flicker out again.
The Realm Master
Jan 31, 2010 @ 05:07:01
Time for all the posters to stop squabbling. You all sound like playground children.
Until someone can answer “Where does everything come from? please shut up!” [i.e., not an opinion or theory but factual knowledge of the origin of everything.] And don’t use the usual suspects; this includes God/religious texts, and the scientific hypothesis on the origins of the Universe/Multiverse including matter space and time. I know the answer but you posters are not worthy of my answer. PS. I am not a Christian, a scientist nor an atheist but must say that Atheists are closer to the truth than Christians, Muslims, Buddhists etc. – but only by a small degree.
And as proof I don’t want a theory, just the facts. And please don’t insult me by using the Bible or scientific “facts”. Use your brain and think! I’ve spent many, many years thinking before finding the answer.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 05:32:52
YOu say you dont want a theory, which makes me think you dont know what the word theory is. THeory doesnt mean guess.Theory is an attempt at explaining something based on facts.
Again, we know gravity exists. WE dont know how it works exactly. The theory of gravity is an attempt at explaining the fact of gravity. Just as the theory of evolution is an attempt at explaining the fact of evolution. Because evolution is fact.
Saying you know the answer, but refuse to tell us doesnt give you much credibiliy. Established facts point to no creator. Unless you are thinkink along the lines of string theory and holographic principle. Which is very interesting but also an entirely different discussion.
Feb 17, 2010 @ 00:00:59
Jan 31, 2010 @ 06:10:09
There are a ridiculous number of comments on this picture but one thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of people are saying the person writing the note is overreacting to the sticker when to obviously that person (and to a large number of other people) religion is something very serious. Let me give you an example; how would you feel if I got a picture of your mom, photo-shopped her head onto a Chimpanzee’s body that’s being fucked by neanderthal? Not very happy I’d imagine, and that’s exactly how some people feel when they see that sticker.
Apologies for the language but I wanted to get my point across.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 14:06:15
And those people need to get the fuck over it, and realize that regardless of how strongly they stick to these superstitions, they have NOTHING to back it up. Religion and a persons mother are something entirely different.And since religion has caused more destruction, then any one single mom on this planet, ima just dismiss this as nonsense.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 07:43:03
lol Mista, evolution is hardly a fact. How do you explain The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, which contradicts evolution, or the inventor of its very nonsense who admits that his theory may not be true.
“There must have been innumerable transitional forms in the formation of new species. No convincing evidence of these missing links exists.”
“Natural selection can not account for the instinct of animals such as that of the honey bee, “which has practically anticipated the discoveries of profound mathematics.”
“The offspring of such nearly related species as can be crossed are sterile, showing that nature discourages and in no wise encourages the formation of new species.”
Those are Darwins words himself.
I ask the question again though is why would you trust a scientist? They change their mind all the time, and their predictions are as dependable as the weather. Earth isn’t flat anymore, and what was that whole ordeal with the sun and the earth revlution pattern?
Ya ask me, they can’t be trusted!
Jan 31, 2010 @ 14:04:40
Oh my god. More ignorance to shoot down. Evolution is 100% fact. Science has proven this and is in agreement. Every fossil is a transitional fossil. Use common sense for a minute. Darwin NEVER EVER said that his theory might now be true. THis is a rumor, made up by christians, and its been proven to be a rumor made by christians. Funny how christians are so sure they are right, that they have to resort to lies. Scientists dont just change their mind. If evidence points to one answer, thats what they go with. Learn how science works, before you show your ignorance posting crap like this.
And it wasnt SCIENTISTS that said the earth was flat. it was CHRISTIANS. During the middle ages, it was CHRISTIANS that stuck to this. At that time, the arabic world thought it was common knowledge that the earth was round, the greek had the idea that the earth was round, and the romans considered it common knowledge also.
Evolution is 100% fact, and the entire scientific community is in agreement with this. The ONLY people saying different are religious people who have something to gain by it not being true.
We have observational evidence. Both field and lab. Not to mention there are branches of medicine that rely on evolution being true.
We have fossils that we would expect to see if evolution where true. And there has NEVER been a fossil that contradicted evolution. Just claims. Made by religious folk.The scientific community doesnt even argue about this anymore. Evolution is common knowledge. wgbh/evolution/library/faq/cat01.html#Q01
@. Isn’t evolution just a theory that remains unproven?
In science, a theory is a rigorously tested statement of general principles that explains observable and recorded aspects of the world. A scientific theory therefore describes a higher level of understanding that ties “FACTS” together. A scientific theory stands until proven wrong — it is never proven correct. The Darwinian theory of evolution has withstood the test of time and thousands of scientific experiments; nothing has disproved it since darwin first proposed it more than 150 years ago. Indeed, many scientific advances, in a range of scientific disciplines including physics, geology, chemistry, and molecular biology, have supported, refined, and expanded evolutionary theory far beyond anything Darwin could have imagined.
Evolution happens. 100% fact. The only thing up for debate, is exactly HOW it happens.
Feb 01, 2010 @ 00:37:21
gee someone wasn’t hugged enough as a child or I am speaking to 1. And talk about ignorance, the entire scientist community does not agree with Evolution, including Einstein. Evolution is a theory, simply because their is absolutely no way to prove it. And yet their is no way to prove Intelligent Design either. But Intelligent makes a heck of lot more sense.
I suggest you start backing up your silly nonsense about it being 100% fact, cause I guarantee you not one respectable and intelligent believes that.
If you wish to call me a liar on the quotes on Darwin then fine, you may read the articles here on how Evolution is easily disproved and definitely not Fact.
Evolution has never been about explaining the origin of life, it has always been about denying God’s Existence.
and just for kicks and laughs that makes complete sense.
Feb 01, 2010 @ 07:46:11
>the entire scientist community does not agree with Evolution,
It actually does. with the exception of a few crackpots like Michael Behe.
>including Einstein.
>Evolution is a theory, simply because their is absolutely no way to prove it.
By your restrictive definition, you can’t prove anything other than mathematical proofs, why concern yourself with anything then? We should get rid of our court systems, since nothing can be proven conclusively. I also can no longer trust anything I see, hear, touch, smell or taste, because I can’t be sure what I’m sensing is actually there, I have no *proof*.
>But Intelligent makes a heck of lot more sense.
Lol, yeah, dinosaurs + zombie jesus + earth’s age being the sum of a bunch of biblical figures (some of which exceed 900 years old) makes waaaaaaaay more sense. You’re funny.
>I suggest you start backing up your silly nonsense about it being 100% fact, cause I guarantee you not one respectable and intelligent believes that.
As you stated, nothing can be proven, but then again, if evolution is 99.99999999% correct, and creationism is 0.00000000% correct.. I think I’ll jump on the evolution band wagon.
>If you wish to call me a liar on the quotes on Darwin then fine, you may read the articles here on how Evolution is easily disproved and definitely not Fact.
Easily disprove evolution? Wow, 2 articles? Want me to cite about 100,000 articles saying the exact opposite?
>Evolution has never been about explaining the origin of life, it has always been about denying God’s Existence.
Feb 02, 2010 @ 00:53:52
And the second musketeer chimes in… can we have a third?
the list seems pretty big to me, but what do I know, I only descended from a monkey :S
Feb 02, 2010 @ 07:42:20
>I only descended from a monkey :S
Thanks for showing you have no concept of evolution, since you just said something that no scientist has ever said. Humans are not decedents of monkeys, nor chimps, nor gorillas, nor orangutans..
Feb 02, 2010 @ 16:23:04
THis is why nobody here is going to take You seriously. IF you dont know what evolution is, you have no room to speak on it. Scientists never said we descended from monkeys.
Hmmm…..seems like the scientific community thinks this whole thing is a joke.They’ve been caught lying and misleading to further their agenda, and base their views on religious, not scientific reasoning.
“The Scientific Dissent From Darwinism document has been widely criticized on several different grounds
Finally, there appear to be a few who appear on the list who are not firmly committed to the agenda advanced by the Discovery Institute, and who have been misled into signing or who have changed their minds. Russell D. Renka, a political scientist, said that the Discovery Institute presented the list in an appeal to authority to support its anti-evolution viewpoint.[39]
A paper from a think tank, the Center for Inquiry said that Dissent From Darwinism is one of the Discovery Institute intelligent design campaigns to discredit evolution and bolster claims that intelligent design is scientifically valid by creating the impression that evolution lacks broad scientific support.[40]
In November 2001, the National Center for Science Education stated that the then current version of the document appeared “to be very artfully phrased” to represent a diverse range of opinions, set in a context which gives it a misleading spin to confuse the public.[12]”
An organization that lies, and misleads people into joining, isnt an organization with much credibility.
“In addition, the list was signed by only about 0.01% of scientists in the relevant fields. According to the National Science Foundation, there were approximately 955,300 biological scientists in the United States in 1999.[41] The theory of evolution is overwhelmingly accepted throughout the scientific community.[21] Professor Brian Alters of McGill University, an expert in the creation-evolution controversy, is quoted in an article published by the NIH as stating that “99.9 percent of scientists accept evolution”.[22]
Critics have also noted that the wording and advertising of the original statement was, and remains, misleading,[12] and that a review of the signatories suggested many doubt evolution due to religious, rather than scientific beliefs.[13] The claims made for the importance of the list have also been called intellectually dishonest because it represents only a small fraction of the scientific community,[5] and includes an even smaller number of relevant experts.
The institutions appearing in the list are the result of a conscious choice by the Discovery Institute to only present the most prestigious affiliations available for an individual. For example, if someone was trained at a more prestigious institution than the one they are presently affiliated with, the school they graduated from will more often be listed, without the distinction being made clear in the list. This is contrary to standard academic and professional practice and, according to Forrest and Branch, is deliberately misleading.[1]
For example, the institutions listed for Raymond G. Bohlin, Fazale Rana, and Jonathan Wells, were the University of Texas at Dallas, Ohio University, and the University of California, Berkeley respectively, the schools from which they obtained their Ph.D. degrees. However, their present affiliations are quite different: Probe Ministries for Bohlin, the Reasons to Believe Ministry for Rana, and the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture for Wells.[1]”
Again, these people are all RELIGIOUS people, who are obviously biased towards religion. The scientific community doesnt even take these clowns seriously.
And Phil Skell, the organizer of this joke, isnt a bio chemist. He’s a fraud.
“A quick search of the NAS website returns the following list of biochemistry members. I count 163 members, Phil Skell is not among them. I also count 41 members in evolutionary biology and 84 in genetics and 87 under Cellular and Developmental Biology”
Again. The scientific community is in agreement. Evolution happens. Period.
Apr 28, 2011 @ 22:57:47
Anyone who has any real basis researching any works from Einstein, Maxwell, or Lorentz, will actually know the Einstein was a complete fucking moron, and bullshit his way into fame. Don’t believe me? Do a look up on Lorentz and Maxwell’s work on Relativity, and Electromagnetism, now compare it to Einstein’s bullshit, because of him and his crackpot “theory” and everyone holding so much of a bearing on his “brilliant” incomplete and unstable schemes the scientific community has been holding itself back for nearly a century! So to even bother questioning whether Einstein believed in Evolution or not doesn’t even fucking matter, the guy doesn’t even amount to his own damn “work”!
Feb 01, 2010 @ 15:53:05
Tom Barren is an Ordaned minister. Hmm….Obviously he isnt working from a biased standpoint. Almost every article I posted, where from college funded websites, or science based websites. THe scientific community considereds evolution fact. Darwin never renounced his theory.THis was a rumor made up by christians with an agenda. Which has been proven. And Darwin believed his theory to be the correct answere up until the day he died. Einstein never disproved evolution, and ive posted links to websites of CREDIBLE SCIENTISTS rebuking these claims. Sorry but Id say they have more credibility then a minister who obviously has a biased towards religion. ANd einstein wasnt a christian. He was spiritual, but not a christian.
When I was a fairly precocious young man I became thoroughly impressed with the futility of the hopes and strivings that chase most men restlessly through life. Moreover, I soon discovered the cruelty of that chase, which in those years was much more carefully covered up by hypocrisy and glittering words than is the case today. By the mere existence of his stomach everyone was condemned to participate in that chase. The stomach might well be satisfied by such participation, but not man insofar as he is a thinking and feeling being.Young Einstein
As the first way out there was religion, which is implanted into every child by way of the traditional education-machine. Thus I came – though the child of entirely irreligious (Jewish) parents – to a deep religiousness, which, however, reached an abrupt end at the age of twelve.
Through the reading of popular scientific books I soon reached the conviction that much in the stories of the Bible could not be true. The consequence was a positively fanatic orgy of freethinking coupled with the impression that youth is intentionally being deceived by the state through lies; it was a crushing impression.
As for other websites. REAL scientists have already refuted all these ridiculous claims.
FOr every list AGAINST evolution you posted, theres another one refuting it.
But again. The scientific community IS in agreement. We KNOW evolution happens.
Feb 01, 2010 @ 15:58:21
THe links you posted, why not post who wrote them. From the biography you get from clicking on the authors name, you find out he’s a minister. WHo obviously has a biased towards christianity. I take the words of profesionals who dedicate their lives to the field, over somebody whom knows NOTHING on the subject, dedicated to a pre-set biased answer.
Every argument that christians and creationists have tried to use, have been refuted by somebody who knows what they are talking about.
“Evolution violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics.”
This shows more a misconception about thermodynamics than about evolution. The second law of thermodynamics says, “No process is possible in which the sole result is the transfer of energy from a cooler to a hotter body.” [Atkins, 1984, The Second Law, pg. 25] Now you may be scratching your head wondering what this has to do with evolution. The confusion arises when the 2nd law is phrased in another equivalent way, “The entropy of a closed system cannot decrease.” Entropy is an indication of unusable energy and often (but not always!) corresponds to intuitive notions of disorder or randomness. Creationists thus misinterpret the 2nd law to say that things invariably progress from order to disorder.
However, they neglect the fact that life is not a closed system. The sun provides more than enough energy to drive things. If a mature tomato plant can have more usable energy than the seed it grew from, why should anyone expect that the next generation of tomatoes can’t have more usable energy still? Creationists sometimes try to get around this by claiming that the information carried by living things lets them create order. However, not only is life irrelevant to the 2nd law, but order from disorder is common in nonliving systems, too. Snowflakes, sand dunes, tornadoes, stalactites, graded river beds, and lightning are just a few examples of order coming from disorder in nature; none require an intelligent program to achieve that order. In any nontrivial system with lots of energy flowing through it, you are almost certain to find order arising somewhere in the system. If order from disorder is supposed to violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics, why is it ubiquitous in nature?
The thermodynamics argument against evolution displays a misconception about evolution as well as about thermodynamics, since a clear understanding of how evolution works should reveal major flaws in the argument. Evolution says that organisms reproduce with only small changes between generations (after their own kind, so to speak). For example, animals might have appendages which are longer or shorter, thicker or flatter, lighter or darker than their parents. Occasionally, a change might be on the order of having four or six fingers instead of five. Once the differences appear, the theory of evolution calls for differential reproductive success. For example, maybe the animals with longer appendages survive to have more offspring than short-appendaged ones. All of these processes can be observed today. They obviously don’t violate any physical laws.
Feb 02, 2010 @ 16:28:08
Also. You claiming that evolution is about disproving religion, takes any credibility away that you might have. Science isnt out to get religion. Science is out to find the truth. Darwin never set out to prove religion false. He set out to find the truth. It was the religious folk that tried to skew everything, to make it seem like they where being attacked.
Feb 15, 2010 @ 17:43:27
I love it when people quote the 2nd law of thermodynamics as proof that evolution cannot occur.
One thing you forget. The Earth is NOT a closed system. We are constantly being bombarded with energy from the sun. Now if you need me to walk you through why this makes the 2nd law irrelevant, well, I doubt you’ll understand anyway.
Apr 28, 2011 @ 23:04:23
Man it must be awesome to be a christian preacher, to be able to come up with complete bullshit and then just finish it with “Just cuz” and if asked again why, end it with the qualifier “Cuz god said so!” I mean damn, I’d be makin all sorts of families making me new tennis shoes, and saying that God demands it of his people! Tis how the Romans did it, why not?
At least with Science, you can see where it starts and where it ends. As opposed to any other religion were expected to follow something based on some hokus pokus, and “visions” from prophets high on drugs, I mean shit if people actually followed Jesus’ true teachings you’d get he was telling you to get high and drunk, and help your neighbors out, and this whole “fuck the system” nonsense, kinda sounds like the 60s hmmm..and those folks even suffered religions persecution too.. how ironic.
Pay more attention to your stupid bible at least, don’t quote stupid shit that has nothing to do with anything relevant.
Aug 02, 2011 @ 02:13:32
People always say that religion starts wars. When reading this I find it funny how it can’t be the religions that make humans fight it must be humanity, because 90% or so of these people are even bickering with each other about their own beliefs. Or perhaps Atheism is an actual religion.