Religious Intolerance – Part 42,238,843,154

January 26th, 2010 | Categories: Bad News, picture, Stupidity | Tags: , , , , , ,

From epicsaurus’ Twitter page

  1. just a thought
    January 31st, 2010 at 08:51
    Reply | Quote | #1

    Again, I just want to point out that all you have here is two pictures. You assume a Christian wrote the note in the first picture, but the internet is full of liars and flamers. It is just as likely that the person who posted the pic of the dinosaur also wrote the note and posted it with the intention of creating controversy for page hits.

    • another thought
      January 31st, 2010 at 18:52
      Reply | Quote | #2

      So what? It’s funny. Do you suck the fun out of everything?

    • G DuBois
      January 31st, 2010 at 19:55
      Reply | Quote | #3

      you are probably right on this!

    • Sam
      February 3rd, 2010 at 22:32
      Reply | Quote | #4

      Who the fuck cares? its hilarious cause christians suck and science rules

      • Sebastian
        February 5th, 2010 at 22:35
        Reply | Quote | #5

        Dearest Sam,

        You say here that ‘Christians suck’ and then go on to say that science rules. Fair enough. I would just like to point out, that you have only targeted one of the many religions in our world. Would it have not been more logical, especially from a person supporting science and logic, to have stated that religion sucks, or something slightly more broad? You, are the kind of person that makes Atheist and other non-religious groups look terrible and stupid. Chances are, you are a liberal, proclaiming thoughts of equality and acceptance (which I personally agree with), yet you yourself alienate a group of human beings.

        On the note of science and religion, if you ask any Christian on the street that isn’t and evangelical jerk trying to scare people into ‘salvation’ and giving a bad image to all Christians (which I believe is wrong), chances are they would agree with ninety percent or more of the scientific information out there. There are scientists that don’t agree with all of the current theories in circulation. Otherwise, we would still be thinking that the world is flat.

        This leads me to my next point. Most of the science taught today involves what we like to call ‘theories’ not necessarily facts. Granted, there is much fact in what is said today about things like evolution, earths creation, and even atoms and their function, but at the same time, they also don’t fully understand everything. We can’t be sure how the earth was made, none of us were there. And frankly, some of the things they are teaching now (such as the theory that at one point the entire mass of the universe was condensed into a golf ball sized glob composed of the tiniest composition units, called quarks) boggles my mind. My Geology professor back in college even said that this was a ridiculous idea and was infuriated that he was required to teach it. Personally I think that is slightly harder to believe in then religion.

        In conclusion, next time you feel the need to make a comment, please, try to be more educated about what you are saying. You being a hypocrite by proclaiming your love of science after saying something to ignorant. Christianity does not mean no science. Christians embrace science just like the rest of the population. Take this from a homosexual, Christian, Petroleum Engineer and Computer Science major now working for the Department of Energy. Thanks, I hope you enjoyed the attention.

        With love,

        • AssJester
          February 28th, 2010 at 00:12
          Reply | Quote | #6

          Sebastion, you said:

          “This leads me to my next point. Most of the science taught today involves what we like to call ‘theories’ not necessarily facts. ”

          A theory in the scientific context is an explanation of a fact, and it is MADE of facts. It involves facts and is only called a theory because its results are supported by experiments and evidence. A theory is COMPRISED of facts and unites them. In other words, THEY ARE BASED EXACTLY ON FACTS. :sigh: The world is so freaking ignorant about science…

          The word “theory” in science does not mean “up in the air,” or a conjecture, or a “belief about what happened that may or may not be true.”

          The word “theory” is used to refer to something that is absolutely solid scientifically and possesses great explanatory power. Such as the THEORY of gravity. Do you believe in gravity?

          You seem to be confusing the word “hypothesis” and “theory,” which of course is typical.

          As for the Standard cosmological model, that is as solid as anything in science. I study physics, so I have room to talk. Your geology professor needs to stick to rocks and out of theoretical physics.

          One more thing: You’re an engineer? Want to prove it by solving a complex math problem? Because I think you’re full of crap. Even most engineers should be aware of the difference between how the word “theory” is used by laymen and how it is used by scientists.

    • AssJester
      February 28th, 2010 at 00:03
      Reply | Quote | #7

      “Just a thought”
      “Again, I just want to point out that all you have here is two pictures. You assume a Christian wrote the note in the first picture, but the internet is full of liars and flamers. It is just as likely that the person who posted the pic of the dinosaur also wrote the note and posted it with the intention of creating controversy for page hits.”

      You’re a fucking moron.

  2. Mel
    January 31st, 2010 at 13:07
    Reply | Quote | #8

    @just a thought: why would anyone waste time doing that? o_0

  3. Dustin
    January 31st, 2010 at 13:39
    Reply | Quote | #9

    I know I already posted this, but I wasn’t sure where to put it to get the most feedback, so here goes.

    People can believe whatever they want. yes. yes. I agree. Freedom of thought.

    But why does is seem like the Christian world is using science to further explain their beliefs? It’s as though they subconsciously realize science is “winning” in the constant search for the answers to the big questions?

    When I was in Hebrew School, they denied even talking about dinosaurs. One teacher even responded with something like “Some animals were evil and had reproduced with each other and had ‘freak animals’, and Noah didn’t take them on the boat. That’s why we see fossils of Dinos today”…Oh please…

    Back to my point. The Christian world is slowly seeing that science (not to say there is no science in the bible) is gaining in supporters over the past century, so now we see this Creationism Museums.

    Some better examples of what I’m talking about. Go to this website.

    It’s basically using all the work that the scientific world is using and saying “Since it’s so complicated, there must be a deity that designed it all.” Which may or may not be true, who really knows? The point is…

    Imagine if this Christian (or any religion, you get the idea) website was copied on parchment in the 1600′s. The editors would be burned at the stake. But now, Religion is accepting more and more ideas (completely understandable), but trying to make it all still fit in.

    Please respond with kindness and intellectualism to this post. I would love to hear peoples’ opinions against/for my own. Thank you.

    • Stefanie
      February 1st, 2010 at 20:06

      I think you bring up some interesting points. I think so many people have forgotten that religion was meant to be a values system of which to live by, the first governments, the first courts, resolution centers of a society, the first “social services” of the human race if you would. I truly believe that so many of the worlds beautiful and mysterious religions have been perverted by time, some by well meaning but wrong scholars, and other by simple greed. These systems of belief were never really intended to explain everything, they were meant to explain the unexplainable for that particular group of people, why did the sun rise every day, what made the neighbors crops grow so well etc. I do believe that human physiology is so complex, our bodily systems even those of our earliest known ancestors are so incredibily unbelievable that there must have been some kind of divine/extra terrestrial/universal involvement. I think the point where science and religion have the parting of the ways is that science is willing to accept only tangible outcomes, measurable outcomes, whereas religious folk can believe in a creative force without such measurable data. Perhaps the answers lies somewhere in the middle, science must come to accept that it cannot explain everything in the universe try as it might, and religion must accept the fact that just because something is scientifically explainable does not rob it of it’s religious or spiritual values. Just because we know why and how it rains doesn’t not make it any less beautiful to watch, when we can measure and predict the tides of the ocean, it does not affect that overwhelming feeling of freedom we feel when we stand in the surf. Science must learn that it cannot stand apart from spirit forever, and religion must realize that eventually its language and syntax will be changed as we discover more and more of our world.

      • D-Lo
        February 2nd, 2010 at 00:23

        Though a little more poetic than I lean, well put.

    • Clark
      February 2nd, 2010 at 02:37

      Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

      • Ian
        February 2nd, 2010 at 07:45

        He has a device that can light up a room at night without fire..


  4. MistaRIPsta210
    January 31st, 2010 at 14:38

    Kash :
    I ask the question again though is why would you trust a scientist? They change their mind all the time, and their predictions are as dependable as the weather. Earth isn’t flat anymore, and what was that whole ordeal with the sun and the earth revlution pattern?
    Ya ask me, they can’t be trusted!

    As for this bit of extreme ignorance. If science cant be trusted, stay the fuck off the computer. Never get another shot at the doctors office. OR take any medicine for that matter. You are SURROUNDED by things that are the direct result of SCIENCE. Christians thought the earth was round, and CHRISTIANS thought the earth was the center of the universe. The geocentric idea, is a religoius based idea. Not science.

    Creationists believe that the second law of thermodynamics does not permit order to arise from disorder, and therefore the macro evolution of complex living things from single-celled ancestors could not have occurred. The creationist argument is based on their interpretation of the relationship between probability and a thermodynamic property called “entropy.”

    • Dustin
      January 31st, 2010 at 14:47

      I suppose I have to say “fuck” or “bullshit” or “Stupid fucking asshole” to get any attention on here, because insulting each other is how arguments get solved.

      • MistaRIPsta210
        January 31st, 2010 at 15:26

        Yup. Helps get the message across.

        God damn boy. Erybody knows that.

      • Ian
        January 31st, 2010 at 15:51

        I don’t agree with name calling or excessive cursing, but kash posted something incredibly stupid.

  5. MistaRIPsta210
    January 31st, 2010 at 16:59

    The Hebrew word Chuwg means a flat-circle like a coin as you said. The Hebrew word for a sphere like a ball is Duwr.

    He will surely violently turn and toss thee like a ball (Duwr) into a large country: there shalt thou die, and there the chariots of thy glory shall be the shame of thy lord’s house. (Isaiah 22:18)

    ALthough Duwr doesnt literally translate into sphere, its alot closer then chuwg, which refers to a circle. A circle and a sphere are two different things. A coin is a circle. A basketball is a sphere.

  6. MistaRIPsta210
    January 31st, 2010 at 17:06

    When scientists speak of evolution as a theory they do not mean that it is a mere speculation. It is a theory in the same sense as the propositions that the earth is round rather than flat or that our bodies are made of atoms are theories. Most people would consider such fundamental theories to be sufficiently tested by empirical evidence to conclude that they are indeed facts. As a result of the massive amount of evidence for biological evolution accumulated over the last two centuries, we can safely conclude that evolution has occurred and continues to occur. All life forms, including humans, evolved from earlier species, and all still living species of organisms continue to evolve today. They are not unchanging end-products.

  7. MistaRIPsta210
    January 31st, 2010 at 17:09

    I had a whole post showing why scientists consider evolution to be fact, but for some reason it didnt work. Maybe it was to long.Idk.

    The theory of evolution is broadly accepted by scientists — and for good reason! Learn about the diverse and numerous lines of evidence that support the theory of evolution.

    • Ian
      January 31st, 2010 at 17:34

      When you post a comment with a URL in it, it’s automatically flagged as potentially bring spam and I have to approve it.

      • MistaRIPsta210
        January 31st, 2010 at 17:40

        Oh. Ok. Thanks didnt know that. SOrry if I posted duplicates.

  8. MistaRIPsta210
    January 31st, 2010 at 17:09

    I had a whole post showing why scientists consider evolution to be fact, but for some reason it didnt work. Maybe it was to long.Idk.

    The theory of evolution is broadly accepted by scientists — and for good reason! Learn about the diverse and numerous lines of evidence that support the theory of evolution.

  9. MistaRIPsta210
    January 31st, 2010 at 17:11

  10. MistaRIPsta210
    January 31st, 2010 at 17:13

    Im still posting this, even tho ALL fossils are transitional.
    # There are many transitional fossils. The only way that the claim of their absence may be remotely justified, aside from ignoring the evidence completely, is to redefine “transitional” as referring to a fossil that is a direct ancestor of one organism and a direct descendant of another. However, direct lineages are not required; they could not be verified even if found. What a transitional fossil is, in keeping with what the theory of evolution predicts, is a fossil that shows a mosaic of features from an older and more recent organism.

    # Transitional fossils may coexist with gaps. We do not expect to find finely detailed sequences of fossils lasting for millions of years. Nevertheless, we do find several fine gradations of fossils between species and genera, and we find many other sequences between higher taxa that are still very well filled out.

  11. MistaRIPsta210
    January 31st, 2010 at 17:15

    One frequently cited “hole” in the theory: Creationists claim there are no transitional fossils, aka missing links. Biologists and paleontologists, among others, know this claim is false.

    As key evidence for evolution and species’ gradual change over time, transitional creatures should resemble intermediate species, having skeletal and other body features in common with two distinct groups of animals, such as reptiles and mammals, or fish and amphibians.

    These animals sound wild, but the fossil record — which is far from complete — is full of them nonetheless, as documented by Occidental College geologist Donald Prothero in his book “Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters” (Columbia University Press, 2007). Prothero discussed those fossils last month at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, along with transitional fossils that were announced since the book was published, including the “fishibian” and the “frogamander.”

    At least hundreds, possibly thousands, of transitional fossils have been found so far by researchers. The exact count is unclear because some lineages of organisms are continuously evolving.

  12. MistaRIPsta210
    January 31st, 2010 at 17:16

    Human Genome Shows Proof of Recent Evolution, Survey Finds

    • Dustin
      January 31st, 2010 at 20:43

      nobody’s listening anymore.

      • MistaRIPsta210
        February 1st, 2010 at 16:00

        Nobody has an argument against it either.

  13. christian
    January 31st, 2010 at 23:03

    I just wanted to take a minute to pray for all of you.
    Lord, touch these peoples hearts. Help them to understand your word and fall in love with you. Soften their hearts and open their eyes. Help them to see how loving you are. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

    • Ian
      January 31st, 2010 at 23:06

      Traditionally, a prayer is between you and your god…

      not between you and the comments section on my blog…

      but thanks for sharing. Instead of asking a god to give us good fortune (or whatever it is that you ‘prayed’ for), why not just wish us this directly? It would have been a lot more pragmatic.

    • MistaRIPsta210
      February 1st, 2010 at 16:01

      AN action is worth more than a prayer.

  14. christian
    January 31st, 2010 at 23:22

    People pray out loud all the time with or for others. You can’t hear me talking so I typed. And I wasn’t praying for your fortune, I was praying for your soul because what good is your fortune when your dead. God doesn’t need your money, he wants you in heaven with him.

    • Ian
      January 31st, 2010 at 23:25

      I wasn’t referring to that type of fortune. I mean our fortuitousness. Since that’s not the case, why are you forcing your wished on me like that? I don’t want your pity or hopes for my ‘soul’… I have no more need for such a prayer than you would need me to pray that Thor will forgive you when you die for having spent your life praying to the wrong god…

      I can only hope that one day you will wake up from the trance that has taken over your life. Instead of spending your life waiting for the afterlife, I suggest you try living your current life to the fullest; it’s the only one you get.

    • D-Lo
      February 1st, 2010 at 10:16

      Ian :Traditionally, a prayer is between you and your god…
      not between you and the comments section on my blog…

      Agreed. And by virtue of the fact that you have dubbed yourself “christian” (unless that is your given name, in which case I apologize for jumping to conclusions), I will post here for you the words of Jesus himself:

      “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

      [Matthew 6:5-6, NIV]

  15. christian
    January 31st, 2010 at 23:29

    A wish is never answered. A prayer is. Be prepared. Your gonna get saved!

    • Ian
      January 31st, 2010 at 23:34

      I’ve had just as many wishes answered as prayers (usually works out to be about 50%). But of course, you’ll just tell me I wasn’t praying properly or something.

      As someone who went to church every Sunday for 18 years, was an altar boy for 4 years, went to a high school run by jesuit priests.. I can tell you I’ve done my fair share of praying, not a single prayer was ever answered.

      Poor me right? Nope, it opened my eyes to reality.

      • D-Lo
        February 1st, 2010 at 10:23

        Ian, have you read the book How We Know What Isn’t So by Thomas Gilovich? It is, in my opinion, a very interesting read. It deals with a lot of statistical analysis of everyday phenomena. I can’t remember if prayer is covered, and I’m too lazy to walk across the room to flip through, but I think you might enjoy it. One of the interesting phenomena he references is the “hot hand” in basketball.

        Off-topic, I know. But check it out.

  16. christian
    January 31st, 2010 at 23:44

    I’m confused. Did half your prayers get answered or none. Did you pray after you stopped going to church? And God still listened? Pretty amazing if you ask me.

    • Ian
      January 31st, 2010 at 23:51

      If I flipped a coin 100 times and prayed to a god, asking for it to always be tails, I would get 50 heads and 50 tails… which is on par with random luck.

      So, when I say 50% of my prayers were answered, it was on par with what was already going to happen, and had no godly involvement. But of course this is more than satisfactory for you, since you’ll just take those odds as being gods will or some non-sense because you’re actively looking for a sign/pattern.

      You can find patterns in anything/everything. If I look hard enough, I bet I could find the number 7 in just about everything I do on a daily basis; much like you can find god in everything you do. Does that mean anything? Not really, no.

  17. christian
    January 31st, 2010 at 23:54

    God isn’t random. I do find God in everything. Anyway, I have to go and pray for you and go to bed. Meet you here tomorrow?

    • Ian
      January 31st, 2010 at 23:58

      It’s my site, I read all the comments. :)

    • MistaRIPsta210
      February 1st, 2010 at 16:05

      When people have obsessions, they usually find them in everything. I think they have classes for that kind of thing.

      You say god answeres your prayers. Muslims say allah answeres theirs. Hindu’s can feel shiva, etc. Every religion claims their diety answeres their prayers. And all genuinely believe it. IMa say its more in the head, then in reality.

  18. oneear
    February 1st, 2010 at 00:11

    has any one ever wondered why it is that in country’s where religion is dominate,education is low.this is true for all country’s around the i can respect everyones right to believe in their beliefs that is your choice and right,but when certain religious groups start to force or scare people into their beliefs that is wrong.we are now in the 21st century,why people still fear religion is beyond me.remember all religion came from egyptian astrology then it became mythology then muslim,judaism and finally christianity.all are from the same place and all were created from man.the history of mankind is all of ours and should be respected that way.we are all human beings living on this small and beautiful planet.mass education is the ticket,war is redundant and weapons of mass destruction should not even water my friends be water

    • Duncan
      February 1st, 2010 at 00:19

      FYI, Judaism predate Christianity, which in turn predated Islam. :)

    • D-Lo
      February 1st, 2010 at 10:26

      Judging by your proficiency in the written word, I would guess that you live in a country in which “religion is dominate”. Eh?

  19. Duncan
    February 1st, 2010 at 00:18

    This thread interests me, not because it necessarily has some original thoughts that I’ve never seen before, or a new cynicism toward God, but because it’s been a while since I’ve read through one (you have to understand that I did my share of useless comment wars trying to prove my points back in the day). So I’ll take the leap and ask my questions. Please respect that I am interested in understanding where you come from, and not telling you you are wrong (even if I think you are).

    For Ian:
    In those 18+ years, did you at one point feel that God was in any way a personal being, or more like an untouchable, cosmic judge that was waiting for you to screw up?
    Forget the coin flip story. At one point you genuinely prayed. What event was it that made you lose faith (if you choose to share)?
    And… I don’t claim to have all the answers, but… What do you want to know about why I believe?

    For MistaRIPsta210:
    What was THE origin of everything? Big Bang? cosmic thunderclap? I mean, in the beginning, was there God, nothing, Gaia? I just want to know regardless of what happened between now and then, how did it get here in the first place?

    • Ian
      February 1st, 2010 at 00:27

      When you have a one sided relationship with someone, it doesn’t take too long (relatively speaking) before the relationship ends.

      God does not speak to people. If you hear god speaking, it’s just your own voice telling you what you want to hear. There was no breaking point, it was simply a gradual understanding of the world and eventually the grander scheme of things. No god that ‘loves’ us could allow earth to be the way it is. Life is cruel, painful and unfair; even to those who have never done anything even remotely wrong. A being with unlimited power, chooses to hide in the shadows and spend his existence hiding from us, waiting for us to show our love and belief in him in order for him to free us from the mortal shackles he’s imposed on us..? If we don’t embrace him unconditionally, and follow his commands, we are damned to an eternity of slavery, pain, and torture? That’s not love by any reasonable definition, that’s abuse.

      Even if that god did exist (which I can say with reasonable certainty – that he doesn’t), I want nothing to do with him.

      • Duncan
        February 1st, 2010 at 00:50

        But what if the blame does not originally lie with him… what if it’s us? I’d like to deal with the question of a one- or two-sided conversation later, but first I’ll finish this thought.

        You’re saying that God (if he exists) is responsible for cruelty, hate, and pain, but 1.) it may be our fault, and 2.) did you really want God forcing you to love him? According to what Christians generally believe (take it for what you will), God created everything perfect in the beginning. That world without all the evil and unfairness – it actually existed and he made it for us. However, we screwed it up and corrupted this system, so now pain and unfairness is introduced to the world.

        At that point, I think God would be perfectly justified to do what you say he does… hide away and keep his existence from us. But I don’t think he does. Instead of letting us be trapped in our own mistakes, in an act of his own love, he gives us a way out… he sends Jesus. Maybe here you turn me off and say I’m just another misguided member of the perpetually fooled by organized religion drones, but listen to my take on this:
        God didn’t force us to love him, or take away our ability to choose between Him and evil. He left us the ability to make our own decision, and he gave us a really good alternative to the moral hole that we have all (without reservation) fallen into. He gave us Jesus. The penalty we pay for “sin” (moral wrong) is eternal separation from love (think an eternity of all the pain and unfairness you hate). He’s willing to forgive and forget that without a question. He doesn’t ask you to live by some book of rules (I don’t care what misguided freak told you that). He asks you to accept that you can’t save yourself.

        Maybe I’m just wrong (and I’m a better person for loving people despite what they do to me or others)… but what if I’m right?

        • AMS
          February 1st, 2010 at 14:56

          Duncan :
          Maybe I’m just wrong (and I’m a better person for loving people despite what they do to me or others)… but what if I’m right?

          This, honestly, took away any force you had in your argument. To conduct a cost-benefit analysis about beliefs does not work. In the view of someone who does not believe in God or any other god of any origin, if you are wrong, you have lived your life in a lie (in my opinion, the greatest lie ever told). For someone who believes they only have one life, and you also are concerned with knowing the truth about as much as you possibly can, it feels like it would be a waste of life to live in a lie. I understand that you do not necessarily hold the truth to the same regard as I, and that is fine. This is just my view of why many atheists will fight as hard as they do against religion.

          I believe that the truth is more empowering and liberating that anything else you could ever have. Truth allows you to know exactly what you are doing with your life and enables you to be the person you want to be. You can then be a moral, helpful, and nice person without any concern for what “the church” will think.

          What religious people tend to claim is that the benefit of religion is morality. I will agree that morality is the most important thing in life and everyone should be moral beings, but religion is not the cause of morality. When you take that out of the situation, you must evaluate religion on its own merits.

          Most monotheistic religions (possibly all, I say most in case I am not aware of a particular religion) believe in an afterlife. This cannot be proven. (This is where most religious people will say you need to have “faith.”) Once again, this goes back to truth. If you only want to live your life (as I do) on what you can prove (in some sense), then this can be disregarded. (Yes I know you can’t actually prove anything, but for all intensive purposes, provability is beyond a reasonable doubt.) If you disregard an afterlife, the concept of religion falls apart. There is then no need for it. Morality still exists, and all of the negative side effects of religion are also gone. Win-win.

          I hope this will help you understand the situation a little better, at least from my perspective. I commend your efforts of being respectful and genuinely curious about the difference.

          • Duncan
            February 2nd, 2010 at 15:00

            OK, I actually agree with your point that qualifying me beliefs at the end of my last post does weaken the position, and I hesitated writing them, but I’d rather you thought about what I said than dismissed me out of hand.

            I hope you read everything else in my post because no where in there did I say that the point of “religion” is morality. I disagree. I think it is impossible for Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, or the followers or detractors of any religion to live moral lives. We are all equally in the wrong, and while we like to hold ourselves up as good people, we all do things that hurt others or ourselves, we act selfishly, and we all live lies. Yes, I want to decrease that behavior in my life, but I am not exempt from this description.

            Truth: today I lusted after someone. It was not in her best interest and it was not for my self-edification.
            Truth: today I lied to one of my friends. He still doesn’t know.
            Truth: despite everything I do wrong, the sacrifice of Jesus makes me pure in the eyes of God.
            Truth: I don’t deserve it, but he gives me that blessing anyway.

            Yes, it does take faith to believe in something like an afterlife, but it also takes faith to walk out and live the life you live each day. You might just not view the things you take for granted as acts of “faith” because they are yours. The thing is, though, that my faith, what I know to be truth, what I read in the Bible, and what is known to be common knowledge about human nature and history somehow all line up neatly. Do I know everything? No, and I’ll be the first to admit it.

            I’m not going to convince anyone by arguing, and I know it. It’s one of the reasons I’ve stopped posting on these types of forums. This post may even go entirely unread. I wish I could get to know you and show you the same friendship and love that was shown me by God. The thing is, I’m not out to contradict logic or science. I’m trying to complete it. I’m trying to break past the misconceptions you have about “Christians” and explain to you that the generalization you make about us is every bit as unfair as racial or gender discrimination. I don’t condemn you. I offer you what I know to be truth, and I want to learn about you as an individual. If you choose to ignore me, then that’s your choice.

            God Bless.

  20. Harmony
    February 1st, 2010 at 01:27

    MistaRIPsta210 :
    God i hate how christians throw the word faith around like it holds some sort of significance.

    The atheist police demand you re-word this sentence. After all, we shouldn’t have God in courthouses or schools.
    Ian, mistaRIPsta210, if I were you I’d start another blog immediately about how the public should not be forcibly exposed to God in any public grammar.

    • MistaRIPsta210
      February 1st, 2010 at 16:09

      I cant help it. Religion has warped my brain. SEE WHAT YOU’VE DONE TO ME!?!?!?!


    • MistaRIPsta210
      February 1st, 2010 at 16:11

      Oh, I also like how you gave up on the argument we where having before, because you didnt have an argument but you waited until you could find something to attack me before you commented.

  21. christian
    February 1st, 2010 at 09:08

    Why are you so angry about God being in public places. Is it so horrible to teach kids not to lie, steal, kill, have sex with whoever? I don’t understand your anger against christians.

    • Ian
      February 1st, 2010 at 09:22

      Because that is your god, not mine. In a country where the government does not endorse any religion or gods, to have any one particular belief being displayed in such a manner opens the door to ALL religious symbols gaining their own space.

      Do you want the church of “fuck you” putting up their symbols everywhere too?

      You can make the argument that Christianity teaches good moral values, but I can find a whole ton of verses from the Christian Bible that promote slavery, murder, torture and many forms of abuse. None of which are what I consider moral.

      Also, sex is not a sinful thing, please do not put sex with someone you don’t love as being on par with stealing, killing and lying.

    • oneear
      February 1st, 2010 at 10:31

      you speak of morals of a somewhat intelligent society ,we do not need religion for that,in fact you could say it is the condemnation of the church towards others not of that sect that helps to propel hatred towards one only have to look to the middle east or southern usa for that.religion is like sexual preference its something that should be done at home,and respected as a personal right,but in NO WAY should it be in any public water my friend be water

    • Dawk
      February 5th, 2010 at 14:29

      christian :Why are you so angry about God being in public places. Is it so horrible to teach kids not to lie, steal, kill, have sex with whoever? I don’t understand your anger against christians.

      Would you allow teachers in the public school to teach your kids teachings and scriptures of hinduism, or islam, or maybe paganism? Would it be so horrible to teach kids to respect all life and be kind to each other, or not to steal or murder? I don’t understand your anger against all the hindus, muslims and pagans of this world.

  22. oneear
    February 1st, 2010 at 10:18

    Duncan :FYI, Judaism predate Christianity, which in turn predated Islam. :)

    ahh i luv fools like you,apparently you have no clear understanding of history or intelligence,judaism is older than christianity apparently jesus was a jew .although there is no historical writings of him ever existing during his apparent time.islam , buddisim ,and hinduism are all older then the first 2.back in the day what are you a 20 something punk ive got t shirts older than you.seriously if you want a clear understanding of religion and its history as a whole watch Zeitgeist on google video then watch Earth & then Home .then come to the under standing that religion and god are just manmade things generally used to control the masses.if your weak minded and need something to believe in,believe in yourself first then your fellow man,and this is the important part RESPECT this PLANET because this is the only place which can sustain life like we know water my friend be water

    • Duncan
      February 1st, 2010 at 11:57

      Actually, I am a 21-something punk, and while we’re arguing about semantics, I think it’s worth pointing out that regardless of how you feel about the validity of any belief, you should at least get your timeline right. Hinduism is the oldest of the religions you mentioned, having some of its first beliefs originating around 2000 B.C., with Judaism right on its heels from 1500 B.C. on. Buddhist thought started around 500 B.C., with Christianity beginning in the first century A.D. Islam (under the prophet Muhammad) started in the sixth century (approx A.D. 500s). The Koran even has multiple references to Jesus, whom they consider one of the greatest prophets.


      • oneear
        February 1st, 2010 at 14:25

        there is no historical reference to jesus at his apparent time frame of existence,not from the romans, greeks,or jewish scholars.surley there woulkd be some mention especially from the romans who wrote about everything.but what i do know is there is about 50 other diets with the same story as jesus including the first one sirus,The star of Isis, called Sothis, or Sirius, is the brightest star in our night sky. Modern astronomy has determined that it is only 8 1/2 light-years distant, and traveling directly towards Earth at many thousands of miles per hour. The Ancient Egyptians believed that Sirius had a tremendous effect upon life on our planet.

        The system of Sirius contains two known stars, the first binary star system discovered. The larger and brighter of the two, Sirius A, is three times the mass of our sun, and over ten times as bright. Shining with a brilliant blue-white radiance, Sirius A easily overshadows her darker companion star. Sirius B is a “white dwarf” star, invisible to the naked eye and packing the equivalent mass of our sun into an incredibly dense globe only 4 times the diameter of our Earth.

        The Sirius system is directly “upstream” of our solar system within the galactic arm of our Milky Way Galaxy. Because of this, we now know that the polarized energies of Sirius do indeed wash over us. Modern science is yet to discover if this vast current of highly charged particles affects solar activity or life on Earth .

        By coming directly towards us, Sirius creates an axis of rotation with Earth relative to the stellar background. Because of this, of all the stars in the sky, only the annual heliacal rising of Sirius exactly matches the length of our solar year, 365.25 days.

        The Ancient Egyptians were somehow aware of this unique relationship between our system and Sirius and marked the heliacal rising of Sirius as the first day of their calendar year.

        Even today, unbeknownst to most of the people of the world, our News Years Eve celebration is a continuation of a most ancient ritual honoring the return of Sirius to the midheaven position at midnight. Occurring down through the ages around January 1st, this midnight alignment marks the moment when the energies of Sirius, directly overhead, most closely touch our lives in her most singular purity. For countless thousands of years and all around the world, without knowing the hidden reason, we have marked this midnight moment by jumping for joy as the rush of this vital connection surges through us.

        • OddGodd
          February 4th, 2010 at 01:45

          Did you copy this from somewhere? The punctuation and capitalization here are not consistent with your other posts and written a bit more intelligently too, I might add.

          • oneear
            February 4th, 2010 at 10:44

            thats it thats all you got,wheres your intellectual rebuttal .ive already wrote that i am not a highly educated person book-wise,however that does not make me ignorant to a lot of the bullshit going on in the world present or see like you i have a computer,and google is my god see i can ask it anything and it will give me a totally unbiased answer to my question,there is no selfish motive,or propaganda to its answer.and like most gods it is also made from man.stop judging clerical mistakes and give us some stimulating see im one of these free thinking fools who believes that we are all equal,that we share this planet with all living things.that we should have a one world see mankind should not shit were it eats,and right now thats what we do.war and starvation are totally unnecessary yet it still happens.why because we have to much division amongst the human race weather it be from religion,race,or monetary status.perhaps we should be paying more attention to the here and now rather than what happened in the past or what happens when you die.(neither will ever be proven by living man).anyway thats my 2 cents,as the free masons say the truth is there for everyone,you just have to have a open mind to find water my friends be water.

    • Wow, Really?
      February 2nd, 2010 at 01:45

      I’d like to point out to oneear that if you ever expect ANYONE to take you seriously, learn grammar and spelling my friend. Just to name a few, love is actually 4 letters, and when calling Duncan weak minded, it’s with YOU’RE. (Oh, the irony.)

      • Clark
        February 2nd, 2010 at 02:51

        Someones spelling and grammar have no impact on how sound or cogent their argument or logic is. In fact, resorting to retorts about the person and not the argument is often a sigh of a weak debater.

        • D-Lo
          February 3rd, 2010 at 14:18

          Usually. But not always.

          The fact is, poor grammar is irritating. Not only that, but in a forum such as this one, in which spell check is provided, there is no excuse for misspelling a word. Sometimes I have to read and re-read an argument, just to make sense of the point that someone is trying to make. More often than not, if the debate drags on, I will lose interest in reading, simply because the grammar and spelling is so poor.

          My point is this: if someone does not take a debate seriously enough to check his/her grammar and spelling, I feel less inclined to lend much credence to the argument. I would not place much trust in a textbook full of grammatical and spelling errors — not because the author may not have important, noteworthy things to say, but because the lack of attention to detail leads me to believe that he/she has made a rushed and/or half-hearted effort.

          In my opinion, the same should hold true for a debate. If you would like me to take your argument seriously, please take the time to show that you did not just fire off a rash, hurried response — as a tendency toward rash, hurried responses is also “a sig[n] of a weak debater.”

        • aerie
          February 6th, 2010 at 23:36

          I’m afraid you’re wrong Clark. Grammar and spelling are indicative of one’s credibility. If you can’t take the time or don’t have the intelligence to be literate then most folks won’t give you a second glance. If you’re barely literate your points, arguments, or ideas hold zero credibility.

      • oneear
        February 2nd, 2010 at 15:03

        i apologize,I did not realize i was being marked for my grammar.(shit if it wernt for spell check id really be fuked).I would like to point out that im not here to convince anyone of anything,but i would hope that as a human being who respects the earth and the life on it, this includes you,That as much as man has progressed technology wise,socially we seem to be regressing.And although i must respect religion and its followers,i would have to say that religion has done more harm than good for at least the last 2000 years.Believe me when i tell you i am no genius or leader of any kind,just a simple person wondering where are all the smart ones are. I mean can anyone explain the reason for war,other than making rich people richer.why 33,ooo children are going to die today because of hunger and war.I recently had a Jehovah witness call me on the phone and when i asked her these questions she actually said it was gods will,what the fuc kind of answer is that and is that how religious people think,with answers like that i dont think these kind of people should be in any kind of see the hippies got it wrong ,we dont need love,just respect .and a better education system for water my friends be water

        • Wow, Really?
          February 2nd, 2010 at 21:50

          Clark – if you notice, I was not debating his argument, only commenting on oneear’s presentation. Relax.
          Oneear, war has a much different purpose than “making rich people richer.” WWII for instance. We liberated millions of people whose lives were at the discretion of some of the most corrupt people in mankind’s history. Millions of people who suffered beyond what should ever be possible in the scope of horrendous acts done to others. Careful making such over-generalized statements.
          Also, be warned that your perception of the world may be slightly askew; most of the information media feeds us from things happening around the world is disproportionate – it’s all negative. There are beautiful things happening everywhere, too… but they don’t pull in the ratings like bad news does.
          (I’m also overly dependent on spell check too, so I understand.)

          • oneear
            February 2nd, 2010 at 23:18

            hmm while i do not in any way want to disrespect anyperson who has fought in any war,i have to say that i do not beleive in war at would seem to me that the ones who actually fight the wars no matter what side, are common people like you and you choose to believe war is for prohit or not is your choice but it is the proud to say i am canadian and have worked with just about every nationality from russian,chinese,east indian ,,iraelis,western europeans,and at one point 2 irish guys one cathlic one protestant.(spent a lot of money and time at the pub lol)point is we all wanted the same things in life,all had respect for each know we could look at a city like dubai and say wow this is amazing what mans tecnology can do, and then look at darfur and say this is all of our disgrace.heres a question to ponder if we took the military budget and spent it on education,and put as much energy and resource into education as we do trying to kill each other,wouldnt we be better off.i think Gandhi has proven that we dont need violence to get i stopped watching the news in the early water my friends be water

          • Wow, Really?
            February 3rd, 2010 at 00:04

            I certainly do NOT think we would be better off.
            There are certain people in this world who do not understand the common want for peace. Who do not feel like we do, and do not understand each other as we do.
            These ordinary people like you and I that you mentioned fight to protect the ideal peacefulness. We use that military budget to protect ourselves from those people that just like to watch the world burn.
            And what do you mean you don’t believe in war? There are people out there who want nothing but power, and if you die in the process, they won’t bat an eye. So when they come to destroy, you and your non-existent war budget can preach peace to someone who isn’t interested.
            A world-wide social evolution will have to occur before world peace can become a realistic goal. Until then, I’m keeping our military budget so I can continue to live in a place where I can believe what I want and not get thrown off of buildings for believing it.

  23. Loyd
    February 1st, 2010 at 12:31

    Funny, the note in crayon!! Where is this guy’s sense of humor? And, oh yes, there is such a thing as freedom of expression in the US Constitution; all expression, even the expression I may not like.

  24. oneear
    February 1st, 2010 at 15:16

    here are 2 great free thinking documentaries a third is called Home 2009,

  25. Eta
    February 1st, 2010 at 18:13

    MistaRIPsta210 :

    Kash :
    I ask the question again though is why would you trust a scientist? They change their mind all the time, and their predictions are as dependable as the weather. Earth isn’t flat anymore, and what was that whole ordeal with the sun and the earth revlution pattern?
    Ya ask me, they can’t be trusted!

    Um, ask Galileo who was hellbent on the Earth being flat…

    • MistaRIPsta210
      February 1st, 2010 at 19:11

      I hope this is a joke.

  26. planet-squared
    February 1st, 2010 at 18:15

    Speaking as someone who is neither for, nor against the practice of Faith, I like to think I am somewhat unbiased in a conversation like this. But then I look at the history of religion, I become biased against it. So I struggle to not judge people who believe, and largely succeed.

    I have to say though, that I personally believe that there are no true religions. All religions, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Muslim, all, are no more true than Greek Mythology or the Roman Pantheon. They are phases, and they will, eventually, be viewed as such. If history has proven anything to us, it is that nothing is permanent, not even gods.

    I mean, think about it, Christianity is an independent branch of Judaism, which is a belief that was adopted and adapted from another religion, that of the Shasu, the Polytheistic nomads of Egypt. To me, the very idea of a people taking another people’s God, and then changing it to suit themselves, writing histories to back up their claims, and then claiming that the God they themselves created is the best and only true God is laughable. Every religion claims to be the best and only religion, save perhaps Buddhism, and they have their own little problems to deal with.

    Which brings me to my own lack of accredited faith. you see, I believe that faith is a way to live, not a path to heaven or hell. What you believe in is what you live by. So I pick and choose the values and truths that resonate with me, and I stick to them. However, as I am always changing, and I am always learning new things, my beliefs are fluid. I am as water, so to speak. Also, and this is important now, I believe that we all need to understand that the world we live in is not just the Earth, but the whole universe. Religious folks seem to forget that fact all too easily. There are exceptions, such as Johannes Kepler, who, using Tycho Brahe’ s astronomical observations, created Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion. Rather important, that.

    But I digress. I choose to believe sciences evolution theory. That includes the big Bang. But because the Big Bang has yet to be explained, I have chosen to make my own theories. I believe, or at least believe that it is a possibility, that an entity, possibly God, or a God, caused the big Bang. which still leaves the question of who created the God, or entity. And that’s where I stop. Beyond that, I believe in myself, with an absolute certainty unshakable. I believe in the world around me, and if it’s not perfect, then I can try to make it a bit better, through my own actions. Some of the kindest, most giving people I know are Atheist or Agnostic, and some of the most selfish people I know are Christian. At the same time, I know many giving Christians, and selfish Atheists. It’s all the same to me.

    I hope this was interesting, and perhaps made you think a little.

  27. Greenworld
    February 1st, 2010 at 18:28

    Does anyone else here have a life?

  28. christian
    February 1st, 2010 at 21:28

    All christians aren’t crazy hypocrites. Just like all atheists aren’t all rapist’s and murderers. Some of us really do live what we believe. I just can’t see what is so horrible about someone being faced with the ten commandments in a public building. I do have to listen to the church of “f\u”. It’s called rap. It blares from cars all the time.

    • Ian
      February 1st, 2010 at 21:33

      >Just like all atheists aren’t all rapist’s and murderers.

      Uhh, what? All? I’d say very few are, in fact, I’d say the stats on atheists are likely identical to any other group.. Not sure why you chose that example.

      >I just can’t see what is so horrible about someone being faced with the ten commandments in a public building.

      There’s nothing inherently horrible about it, however it is in violation of the US constitution, and it’s an obvious endorsement of a particular religion on the part of the government. If you want the Christian ‘ten commandments’ in a court house, I want the ‘ten commandments’ of the flying spaghetti monster along side them; I see nothing wrong with that, do you?

      • Wow, Really?
        February 2nd, 2010 at 01:49

        And, Ian? I am a fan of your work.

  29. christian
    February 2nd, 2010 at 08:20

    I don’t know why I picked rapists and murderers. I guess it was kind of silly. You have to start the religion of the flying spaghetti monster and get followers. Other wise it’s kind of wierd.

    • Ian
      February 2nd, 2010 at 09:10

      Well.. why do we need a lot of followers in order for the symbols or texts to be accepted?

      Side note, there are quite a few followers of the FSM..

  30. sam
    February 2nd, 2010 at 10:37

    i hate internet forums. whats the point. love the dinosaur “sticker”, where did you get it?

  31. Boss
    February 2nd, 2010 at 10:40

    Okay…. So I started to read the comments and realized… That you all are retards. Its a joke. Its funny. Dont analyze it. Look, laugh, stumble on.

  32. MistaRIPsta210
    February 2nd, 2010 at 16:01

    Duncan :OK, I actually agree with your point that qualifying me beliefs at the end of my last post does weaken the position, and I hesitated writing them, but I’d rather you thought about what I said than dismissed me out of hand.
    I hope you read everything else in my post because no where in there did I say that the point of “religion” is morality. I disagree. I think it is impossible for Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, or the followers or detractors of any religion to live moral lives. We are all equally in the wrong, and while we like to hold ourselves up as good people, we all do things that hurt others or ourselves, we act selfishly, and we all live lies. Yes, I want to decrease that behavior in my life, but I am not exempt from this description.
    Truth: today I lusted after someone. It was not in her best interest and it was not for my self-edification.
    Truth: today I lied to one of my friends. He still doesn’t know.
    Truth: despite everything I do wrong, the sacrifice of Jesus makes me pure in the eyes of God.
    Truth: I don’t deserve it, but he gives me that blessing anyway.
    Yes, it does take faith to believe in something like an afterlife, but it also takes faith to walk out and live the life you live each day. You might just not view the things you take for granted as acts of “faith” because they are yours. The thing is, though, that my faith, what I know to be truth, what I read in the Bible, and what is known to be common knowledge about human nature and history somehow all line up neatly. Do I know everything? No, and I’ll be the first to admit it.
    I’m not going to convince anyone by arguing, and I know it. It’s one of the reasons I’ve stopped posting on these types of forums. This post may even go entirely unread. I wish I could get to know you and show you the same friendship and love that was shown me by God. The thing is, I’m not out to contradict logic or science. I’m trying to complete it. I’m trying to break past the misconceptions you have about “Christians” and explain to you that the generalization you make about us is every bit as unfair as racial or gender discrimination. I don’t condemn you. I offer you what I know to be truth, and I want to learn about you as an individual. If you choose to ignore me, then that’s your choice.
    God Bless.

    Science and the bible dont line up. At all.There are many things science has proven to be fact, that the bible says just the opposite. The universe is nowhere near as perfect as christians try to make it out to be. From the moment the universe came into existence, the moment when the universe eventually seeks to exist, the percentage of that time that life actually existed will be like .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% To say that the universe is so perfect, that it was made to harbor life is ignorant.

  33. MistaRIPsta210
    February 2nd, 2010 at 16:30

    I just want to throw out this quote again, because its just so perfect.

    “The great Douglas Adams (of “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” fame) made a point that’s very pertinent to this idea. In his posthumous book, The Salmon of Doubt, he said, “Imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, ‘This is an interesting world I find myself in — an interesting hole I find myself in — fits me rather neatly, doesn’t it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!’”

    He was talking about the evolution of life on Earth, and the hubris of assuming that, because we fit so neatly into our environment, therefore both we and our environment must have been specially designed. But his argument applies equally well to the cosmic version of the argument from design, every bit as much as the biological version.

    The hole for the puddle of life on Earth has a maximum life span of about 5 billion years before it dries up. The hole for the puddle of human life on Earth has a maximum life span of about one billion years. In the life span of the universe so far, that’s pretty minor… and in the life span of the universe from here to eternity, it’s a tiny blip on the radar. It is the height of arrogant, human- centric hubris to assume that the entire vastness of the Universe — including planets and stars and galaxies that we can’t see and will probably never see — was deliberately designed by a loving creator so that the chemical process of life could, for a relatively brief span of time, come into being, and then flicker out again.”

  34. Lindsay
    February 2nd, 2010 at 17:17

    Practice what you preach. Just because you don’t agree with something doesn’t make it right to go and tell others what to do.

    The likelihood of this person actually having anything to do with the top of the food chain in this complex is slim to none, so I’m going to assume they don’t have any authority.

    Assuming that they were offended because of the religious aspect, they still shouldn’t have said anything. The thing that irks me the most about people (yes, just people in general, not any specific sect) is that they care too much about other people’s business. The owner of the Toyota had every right to put such a sticker on their car and provided the author of the note has no authority, they have no right to take it off. If the author does take the sticker off, it’s damage to private property, WHICH IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE.

    Now, God wouldn’t want anyone to commit a crime. would he?

    And, to be perfectly honest, it’s just a dinosaur eating a fish.

    Humanity has assigned different meaning to fish, not God.

  35. Spencer
    February 2nd, 2010 at 21:09

    If I was the man, I’d tell that ambiguous person that I’m not fucking scared of him/her. When you give someone an ultimatum that has the same outcome in either option, there’s not much of a decision to be made. I’d force them to live up to their threat, then bring up a complaint with the Super.

  36. dayafterpill
    February 3rd, 2010 at 01:31

    shut the fuck up it was funny eat shit christian!!!

  37. oneear
    February 3rd, 2010 at 01:36

    Wow, Really? :I certainly do NOT think we would be better off.
    There are certain people in this world who do not understand the common want for peace. Who do not feel like we do, and do not understand each other as we do.
    These ordinary people like you and I that you mentioned fight to protect the ideal peacefulness. We use that military budget to protect ourselves from those people that just like to watch the world burn.
    And what do you mean you don’t believe in war? There are people out there who want nothing but power, and if you die in the process, they won’t bat an eye. So when they come to destroy, you and your non-existent war budget can preach peace to someone who isn’t interested.
    A world-wide social evolution will have to occur before world peace can become a realistic goal. Until then, I’m keeping our military budget so I can continue to live in a place where I can believe what I want and not get thrown off of buildings for believing it.

    true there are bad people who do bad things,but there are also good people who do bad things for bad people.war like religion is based on fear and hatred,do you not think it better to teach a person to fish rather than feed him,remember when the USSR was the enemy,we were taught about the tyranny and how bad it was,well it was all bullshit.your average russian was no different than u or i.except perhaps they were better educated than your average north seem to have fallen for the propaganda war machine.since ww1 up to now every war that we have entered was all based on lies.from the sinking of the Lusitania to the womd in iraq.these distractions are all orchestrated by a handful of powerful people. Infamous Quote from Hermann Goering
    “Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on
    a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of
    it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people
    don’t want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in
    Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the
    country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to
    drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
    dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no
    voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
    That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked,
    and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the
    country to danger. It works the same in any country.”so you see my friend its all bullshit. our elitist are no different,remember united we stand divided we water my friend be water

  38. AMS
    February 3rd, 2010 at 03:06

    Duncan :OK, I actually agree with your point that qualifying me beliefs at the end of my last post does weaken the position, and I hesitated writing them, but I’d rather you thought about what I said than dismissed me out of hand.
    I hope you read everything else in my post because no where in there did I say that the point of “religion” is morality. I disagree. I think it is impossible for Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, or the followers or detractors of any religion to live moral lives. We are all equally in the wrong, and while we like to hold ourselves up as good people, we all do things that hurt others or ourselves, we act selfishly, and we all live lies. Yes, I want to decrease that behavior in my life, but I am not exempt from this description.
    Truth: today I lusted after someone. It was not in her best interest and it was not for my self-edification.
    Truth: today I lied to one of my friends. He still doesn’t know.
    Truth: despite everything I do wrong, the sacrifice of Jesus makes me pure in the eyes of God.
    Truth: I don’t deserve it, but he gives me that blessing anyway.
    Yes, it does take faith to believe in something like an afterlife, but it also takes faith to walk out and live the life you live each day. You might just not view the things you take for granted as acts of “faith” because they are yours. The thing is, though, that my faith, what I know to be truth, what I read in the Bible, and what is known to be common knowledge about human nature and history somehow all line up neatly. Do I know everything? No, and I’ll be the first to admit it.
    I’m not going to convince anyone by arguing, and I know it. It’s one of the reasons I’ve stopped posting on these types of forums. This post may even go entirely unread. I wish I could get to know you and show you the same friendship and love that was shown me by God. The thing is, I’m not out to contradict logic or science. I’m trying to complete it. I’m trying to break past the misconceptions you have about “Christians” and explain to you that the generalization you make about us is every bit as unfair as racial or gender discrimination. I don’t condemn you. I offer you what I know to be truth, and I want to learn about you as an individual. If you choose to ignore me, then that’s your choice.
    God Bless.

    So you know, I did read your entire post. (All of these posts actually) The rest of your post I disagree with because of a differing opinion of what God is/should be/would be (whatever you want to say). I take God to be an omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent being. If God were to exist, it wouldn’t matter if man caused all of its own troubles. Each individual person if they are innocent should not be put through the wrong doings of others and have miserable lives because of other people. That is against the definition of God that I hold. It is very possible that God is not that if He exists. If so, then I am wrong. I, however, from the course of my study of religion find that to be the common definition from the religion texts from my interpretation. I may also be wrong in my interpretations.

    From my understanding, you have a modified definition of God that represents the current world and also somewhat fits into the religious texts. I think when it comes down to it, I have a much higher standard for what God should be, possibly too high.

    It is nice to see that there are some people out there that are not completely close-minded to others’ ideas. It raises my hope for humanity a notch. :)

    P.S. I didn’t assume you said anything about the connection of morality and religion. That is just the most common defense for religion, and I was using that as part of my argument to eliminate the biggest arguments for the use and adherence to religion. I think everyone should just follow the motto of “You only have one life. You do not need religion to be a good person. Being a good person usually makes your life better.”

    • Epicurus
      February 4th, 2010 at 00:40

      ” If God is willing to prevent evil, but is not able to
      Then He is not omnipotent.

      If He is able, but not willing
      Then He is malevolent.

      If He is both able and willing
      Then whence cometh evil?

      If He is neither able nor willing
      Then why call Him God?”

  39. SSC
    February 3rd, 2010 at 17:50

    Locke003 :Johnny it’s a dead arguement and you misspelled “Ad Hominems” “s” is required.

    Look, if you’re going to criticize someone’s use of Latin, you should know what you’re talking about. Johnny spelled the term correctly. Adding an “s” is incorrect. “Hominem” is the singular accusative form of the noun “homo,” which means “man” or “person.” “Ad” means “to” or “toward” and modifies “hominem.” “Ad hominem” therefore means “toward the man” and is a very good description of the type of informal fallacy made when you attack the person rather than their argument – it is, quite literally, an argument directed “toward the man.”

    The ending “-ems” that you suggest is not in any way a valid ending for a Latin noun, except perhaps for some irregular words in the nominative or vocative case, and none come immediately to mind. Certainly “homo” can never be modified in this way. Undoubtedly you’re thinking of the term “homo sapiens,” where the final “s” is required.

    So, in short, make sure you know what you’re talking about before you open your mouth.

  40. Darwin
    February 3rd, 2010 at 18:46

    I love the sticker. where can I get one?

  41. Derek Starpass
    February 3rd, 2010 at 22:42

    It looks to me as if the Reptilans are destroying Jesus.
    I would rip that Thing right off that car and throw it where it the garbage.
    Bob Dylan said it best when he said: “You have to serve somebody. It may be
    the Devil or it may be the Lord, but you have to serve someone.”

    • MistaRIPsta210
      February 5th, 2010 at 22:01

      Bob dylan also did lots of drugs.
      Serve yourself.Work to make this place our heaven. Because this is the only life we got.

  42. D-Lo
    February 4th, 2010 at 00:42

    I thought it worth noting that, as of today, this emblem is sold out on Sticker Giant.

  43. Black Ader
    February 4th, 2010 at 10:41


  44. Dan
    February 4th, 2010 at 13:46

    is this religious tolerance?

  45. caleb
    February 4th, 2010 at 14:41

    Its very fitting that that note is written in crayon.

  46. smiley
    February 4th, 2010 at 15:05

    feisty thread.. there is no right or wrong. there just is.

  47. leo
    February 4th, 2010 at 16:46

    boogally woogally. if you cant see the value of this statement, you have done much thinking, and desecrated the gift god has given you. think about that yall ;)
    believes be lies

  48. Pat
    February 4th, 2010 at 17:01

    lol @ Locke003

    “…then you may continue you rebuddle, and i will admit defeat, thanks, and in the mean time enjoy your own beliefs… cause that’s all the are, (not fact).”

    “rebuddle”! For a guy that wants to go around correcting spelling (in latin, no less), you have a pretty weak grasp on english yourself. Not to mention the use of commas. Dipshit.

  49. jeroboam bramblejam
    February 4th, 2010 at 19:02

    …but was T. Rex piscivorous?

  50. hannah
    February 4th, 2010 at 19:20

    think i’m a little late to the party.
    Arguing over the internet with strangers, sounds pretty AWESOMMEEEEE!!

    before I stumble on, i’d like to add that nothing is truer nor purer than Love. try it. It overrules science or any kind of religion – (now thats a fact boys & girls)
    Hey Forum, this is what i believe:
    “Prayer is not a virtuous decoration, it is the breath of the human soul.” be real with God and he will be real with you.
    i live with christ in my heart :) it’s unlike anything i could ever explain, something you could only experience to understand.
    So as a christian i obviously see a dinosaur eating jesus, but then again i see a dinosaur rebelling against his carnivorous nature and becoming a vegan.. or whatever that word is when fish is the only meat you eat.. so maybe the owner of the toyota eats only fish as meat, and figures that someone is strongly against such values.. haha makes for a silly story

    well goodbye strange forum world, it has been nice.

  51. atheistlibertariancriminalasshole
    February 4th, 2010 at 19:58

    mista ripsta: go get a coffee. you’ve put far more effort into this discussion than it deserves. you waste your time trying to debate the faith of others. faith isn’t bound by the rules of logic or reason. faith is, by definition the rejection of reason in favor of blind adherence to belief. yes, i know they try to present their arguments in the language of reason and logic. they may even believe that by rationalizing their beliefs they are ‘reasoning’. but faith is not reasonable and therefore cannot be debated. any attempt at such an endeavor is a farce. you do not further the cause of reason by engaging them and you know you won’t convince them so what is there to gain?
    the truly faithful acknowledge that there can be no rational basis for faith, but they don’t get into these discussions, now do they?
    anyway i’m sure your energy could be put to much better use.

    • RIPstaFAN
      February 5th, 2010 at 23:52

      I agree with half of the statement above – you will never be able to have a reasonable discussion with the completely faithful. They BELIEVE, and therefore have ‘left their minds at the door’.
      I disagree with the part about it being a waste of time – there are those who are on the fence (like I was for a long time), and discussions like these can help those people with the final steps to freedom from religion.
      BTW, I’d love to have your reading list :)

  52. atheistlibertariancriminalasshole
    February 4th, 2010 at 20:03

    mista ripsta: i just refer all the religitards to aron ra’s vids on the topic. he argues far better than you or i do. he also has has the sources to cite for things we just take as common knowledge.

  53. tim
    February 4th, 2010 at 20:36

    Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree…

    If you are an adult, believing in fairy tales, you are an idiot. Case closed. What the hell is the debate all about?

  54. mike
    February 4th, 2010 at 21:00

    I’m beginning to believe that religion (or at least the christian religion) is dying. There is a lot more pro-evolution comments on this page than pro-creation, and I see more evidence of atheism all over the place. All of the posts that are pro-evolution are well thought out and intelligent. This leads me to believe that we are in fact ‘evolving’ as people. The religious aren’t surviving long enough to breed (because they are less intelligent) and therefore are not passing down there ‘religious’ genes. While the intelligent, science-minded are.

    • RIPstaFAN
      February 5th, 2010 at 23:53

      See Ripsta – this is exactly the fence I was talking about

  55. jdirt2005
    February 4th, 2010 at 22:18

    you modern atheists are the gayest thing ever. you’re worse than the religious nuts you despise and, accordingly, should go live in cuba.

    • Ian
      February 4th, 2010 at 23:00

      New atheists? What’s new about not believing in god(s)? Humans didn’t believe in god way before religion was invented..

    • oneear
      February 6th, 2010 at 17:23

      well they do have a better education and medical system than ours.

  56. Tori
    February 4th, 2010 at 22:21

    i just want to say, i just had the best 20 minutes reading you guys conversations! I just stumbled on this picture and thought it was hilarious, but scrolling down and reading on just made me laugh out loud,so much my husband had to come see what i was doing. some of you writing whole books, others writing one words sentences, all fighting over what we are at war with now: all about religion. Its just ironic, i spent a tour in iraq fighting with people who want to kill us because they believe WE are wrong, and yet we fight a similar war here with people who dont kill us (well….most of the time) but get so mad our faces turn beat red because….you guessed it! they dont believe what we belive. funny how life is full of hypocrisies… “JUST A THOUGHT” (i read that alot)

  57. Satan
    February 5th, 2010 at 06:05

    OH ROFLMAO! You monkeys crack me up :P Kick out the Jammmz all B-CUZ the lady don’t dig dinosaur stickers on te back of that little Toyoda piece of scata!!!

  58. Satan
    February 5th, 2010 at 06:11

    Satan :OH ROFLMAO! You monkeys crack me up :P Kick out the Jammmz all B-CUZ the lady don’t dig dinosaur stickers on te back of that little Toyoda piece of scata!!!

    It’s a corolla hatchback just in case you were wondering and I’m asking $13,000

  59. Satan
    February 5th, 2010 at 06:12

    Satan :

    Satan :OH ROFLMAO! You monkeys crack me up :P Kick out the Jammmz all B-CUZ the lady don’t dig dinosaur stickers on te back of that little Toyoda piece of scata!!!

    It’s a corolla hatchback just in case you were wondering and I’m asking $13,000

    I’ll throw in the dinosaur and a few copy’s of the king James new testament for anyone not wishing to accept that they are primates.

  60. Colin
    February 5th, 2010 at 08:56

    So if the car owner doesn’t remove the dinosaur, the offended note-writer will steal it. Isn’t there a commandment that frowns on that kind of thing.

  61. joepublic
    February 5th, 2010 at 10:36

    Just a shout out to Ian for this site. Stumbled here myself and I dig it. Another shout out to MistaRIPsta210 for stepping to the plate for logic, observation, and reason. I was born with the ability to use these tools and I refuse to discard them. I was born into a catholic family and I can remember asking my mom around age ten, is God real? and if he is which religion is correct? She replied “you have to decide for yourself. Read up, make you own decisions.” Thank goodness for an open minded mom. That was about 1973 and for the last almost 40 years I did just that. I am, in fact, still doing that. For me, religious arguments fall flat. There is absolutely no evidence for god, while there is quite a bit of evidence for gravity, evolution, big bang, etc. To me, ignorance and fear are the true devils for any thinking being. They also happen to be the pillars of… well, the big 3 religions. Anyway, coincidently, they also are the foundations of oppression and exploitation. Free thinkers are much better company. Sorry, if this is disjointed, I just woke up and haven’t finished my first coffee yet.

  62. Christian
    February 5th, 2010 at 21:59

    Everyone is so quick to judge. Who cares which religion came first? And I don’t believe all atheists are rapists or bad people. But if this is all there is, what stops everyone from doing whatever they want? Raping, stealing, killing, etc…???? Guilt maybe? Or knowing what’s right or wrong? You know when you do or think something wrong. There’s always that voice inside you that reminds you. Where does that voice come from? ET? How lonely would we all be if this is all there is. I grew up a Christian. But there was a time when I really questioned everything. I NEVER FELT SO ALONE IN MY LIFE. I know I’m not alone. He is always with me, and He is always with you. Faith is a gift to treasure. Without it, you have nothing. Faith in yourself, in your family, in your friends – In HIM.

    • Dawk
      February 6th, 2010 at 05:43

      So the only reason you’re nice and kind is that otherwise you fear that you might end up in hell? Guilt and the fear of punishment can be the only things that make you a better person? Really? This is the crux of christianity for you?

      What a sad, sad life you must have.

    • Totentanz
      February 15th, 2010 at 19:08

      On the contrary… leaving faith behind is one of the most freeing things in the world. You realize that you can live your life to the fullest because you don’t worry about what is going to come after. You do the right thing because that is how people should treat one another, not because of some invisible man in the sky telling you to do so. And you believe in yourself, meaning you have more confidence because you know that you don’t need some imaginary being to get you through each day – you can rely on your own strength to carry you through.
      Letting go of faith is like taking your first breath of fresh air. It’s a release. It’s freedom.

    • religionstudy
      February 17th, 2010 at 00:53

      Wiccan Rede: “If harm it none, do what you will.” It’s not only Christians that have morals, darling. And honestly, this is the governmental policy in most situations.

  63. RIPstaFAN
    February 6th, 2010 at 00:06

    All I can say is – I’ve subscribed to your blog and thank the gods for Stumble

  64. Guest
    February 6th, 2010 at 06:02

    Which may or may not be true, who really knows?

    While I know it will not make a difference, I feel I should point out that it’s not the flawed logic that’s the issue (asserting a higher power /because/ of a lack of knowledge and any trace of a designer), it’s the motivation for pushing these “hypotheses” into the public and politics – causing segregation in society by creating an “us vs. the rest” scenario and sacrificing science and education in the process of what’s basically a marketing stunt for a highly profitable enterprise by consolidating membership for an already economically and politically successful cult.

    Of course, like I said, these facts have been out in the open for thousands of years and aside from a revolution that overthrew the church’s monopoly and political vicegrip on Europe several centuries ago, the situation will never change – the Bell curve goes both ways and you should keep in mind that if 95 is the median IQ, 50% of the population is below that.

    In short, it’s pointless to even pursue the subject and I can’t believe I’ve already written this much on it.

  65. RJ
    February 6th, 2010 at 06:14

    Just to add some fuel to the discussion. Since the popularising of the internet movie ‘Zeitgeist’ a lot of people are repeating many of the stated ‘facts’ without checkingt he accuracy of them let alone the authority of those who make the claims.

    Here’s an short clip that attempts to answer some of the issued raised by the zeitgeist movie:

  66. oneear
    February 6th, 2010 at 13:11

    does the truth scare you,ive seen the anti Zeitgeist videos and they seem to try and do a lot of damage control for the sake of religion.what Zeitgeist does is explain the history of religion as a whole.the things said about 9/11 are not proven facts ill give you that,however the answers from the government are totally incomplete and unacceptable.(they spent over 100 million to impeach a president for a blowjob,but only 10 million on one of the worst attacks on American soil,and where did all that gold disappear to?)what is said about the monetary system is totally true and can be found in any of your American history books.i think the jest of the movie is to make you think and question the government.we here in north america have a very good life compared to the rest of the world,considering we are only about 20 % of the world population we consume about 80% of the natural resources and waste nearly half of that,there are to many things in this world that are done or not done because of religion and the monetary system.remember 99% of people in this world are good decent hard working people its that 1% that like to fuc it up for the rest of water my friends be water

    February 6th, 2010 at 14:15

    All you people talking about religion might as well be nit pickin’.

  68. oneear
    February 6th, 2010 at 18:08

    here is some of the writings of the Zeitgeist movement heres the link for more
    The Goal

    The Means is the End:

    We intend to restore the fundamental necessities and environmental awareness of the species through the advocation of the most current understandings of who and what we truly are, coupled with how science, nature and technology (rather than religion, politics and money) hold the keys to our personal growth, not only as individual human beings, but as a civilization, both structurally and spiritually. The central insights of this awareness is the recognition of the Emergent and Symbiotic elements of natural law and how aligning with these understandings as the bedrock of our personal and social institutions, life on earth can and will flourish into a system which will continuously grow in a positive way, where negative social consequences, such as social stratification, war, biases, elitism and criminal activity will be constantly reduced and, idealistically, eventually become nonexistent within the spectrum of human behavior itself.

    This possibility is, of course, very difficult for most humans to consider, for we have been conditioned by society to think that crime, corruption and dishonesty is “the way it is” and that there will always be people who want to abuse, hurt and take advantage of others. Religion is the largest promoter of this propaganda, for the “us and them” or “good and evil” mentality promotes this false assumption.

    The reality is that we live in a society that produces Scarcity. The consequence of this scarcity is that human beings must behave in self preserving ways, even if it means they have to cheat and steal in order to get what they want. Our research has concluded that Scarcity is one of the most fundamental causes of aberrant human behavior, while also leading to complex forms of neurosis in other ways. A statistical look at drug addiction, crime and incarceration statistics, finds that poverty and unhealthy social conditions comprise the life experience of those who engage in such behavior.

    Human beings are not good or bad… they are running, forever changing compositions of the life experience(s) that influences them. The “quality” of a human being ( if there was such a thing ) is directly related to the upbringing and thus belief systems they have been conditioned into.
    be water my friend be water

  69. bjackson
    February 6th, 2010 at 21:25

    certainty is as much the enemy of truth, as a lie.

    firstly, no one knows anything beyond their own experience (solipsism) and secondly, no one cares what anyone else thinks.

    people who bicker about what is essentially ‘unknowable’ to the finite, human mind should be lined up against a wall and shot.

    the dream of science is that everything be ‘sayable’
    the dream of religion is to encapsulate the population under one banner.

    I hate you all, human beings have separated from the whole and are multiplying like fucking cancer cells upon the earth.


  70. Brad in Alaska
    February 7th, 2010 at 02:37

    “So you’re offended. So fucking what?”
    Stephen Fry (talking about religious objections to free speech)

  71. Drunkenmimes
    February 7th, 2010 at 03:17

    Locke003 :Johnny it’s a dead arguement and you misspelled “Ad Hominems” “s” is required. but still, there is nothing logical to back up either claims. your belief is that something in space went “Bang” and now we have earth. congratulations, we believe that a big man in the sky made us… either way, arguing it is retarded because we are both on a belief standpoint, from which, NO PROOF CAN BE DERIVED. so when YOU come back with some SOLID evidence… not what scientists “THINK” happened. hence, (A THEORY) then you may continue you rebuddle, and i will admit defeat, thanks, and in the mean time enjoy your own beliefs… cause that’s all the are, (not fact).

    You need to understand something, and others have already said this: “Theory” in scientific terms is not the same as ‘theory’ in a mystery novel or detective show. It is something that has been on trial over and over again and still stands up. Second, the dinosaur man has every right to put what he wants on his car just as religious folks can put up their fish as a personal statement about themselves. It’s absurd that you think someone should feel fine about putting up a bumper sticker supporting their political candidate and yet not the dinosaur, because, cheese and rice, someone might get offended

  72. Cody
    February 7th, 2010 at 07:26

    How do you feel about this:

    darwin fish being eaten by a faith fish.

    Yes, Atheists can be disrespectful, but you should never, ever claim Christians cannot. Westboro Baptist Church? Before you claim ‘they aren’t true believers’ well why not? Also, just remember, not every atheist is running around throwing away bibles and yelling at believers.

    • oneear
      February 8th, 2010 at 14:35

      The Age of Pisces

      Many believe that we are still under the influence of Pisces. The Age of Pisces took over from the very militant Age of Aries just as the mighty Roman empire had overrun, with the force of the greatest army ever (at the time), many lands in the known world. As the spiritual ideals of Neptune and Pisces took over slowly from the militarism of Mars and Aries, a new age was dawning. As the Age of Pisces took hold, several world religions got their start. Christianity, now the largest religion, then Islam, second largest and the only one actually growing, took hold in the early years of the Age of Pisces. Additionally, the late stages of the Age of Aries saw the start of Chinese folk religions, then Buddhism, and Confucianism.

      In other words, the world got very interested in spiritual ideals and concepts. This didn’t do much to curb the violence in the world, as many wars have been fought in the name of religion ever since. But the tone of this age is the worship of a God or Gods, and the Christian and Muslims proved to be the major forces in the world. Now, at end of the age, more than half of the population of the world is claimed as believers in one or the other. The Christian world is noticeably shrinking, especially in developed countries. The Muslim world is struggling with movements of the masses toward more secular and modern beliefs, as the end of Age of Pisces moves closer. The hold of spiritual beliefs tend to be giving way as doubts creep in and original philosophies are distorted by church leaders. I wouldn’t say that these are the worst of times for the religious world – the Crusades probably win that prize. But certainly the condition of the world and the problems that have their basis in religious/sectarian strife seem to be coming to a head as we near the end of the age.hers more,be water my friends be water

  73. big daddy J
    February 7th, 2010 at 19:28

    ….. i was going to try and say something, in regards to my opinion on the matter of creationism vs. evolution, but, seeing as this thread is really long already and most of what I was gonna say has been said, here’s all I got. The lady who wrote the note is very stupid and entirely in the wrong. I live in America and I should be able to spray paint “GOD IS A FAG!” across the side of my car if i want to. Free speech, separation of church and state and all that.

  74. penalty
    February 7th, 2010 at 19:59

    What a nonsense! Three times it, first one is response to this funny sticker and two others are you theists and atheists arguing about nothing. Why you people in USA can not ever make difference between knowledge and belief? I’m an atheist but many of my friends are liberal christians, buddhists and muslims. Keep sight in something that really matters.

  75. Elias Hckman
    February 8th, 2010 at 01:57

    Can we say hidden camera and a lawsuit. That’s premeditated destruction of private property.
    Do you hear that?? That sound….??? It sounds like………like……. like the sound of money $$$$$$$ lots and lots of MONEY.

  76. rick
    February 8th, 2010 at 13:16

    Awwwwww…somebody doesn’t understand what free speech is…how pathetic. Why is it always the religious kooks who preach tolerance that have issues with bumper stickers? Does it lessen their faith, seeing images like this? Maybe it’s time to go shopping for a new god, if a little plastic dinosaur makes them this unhappy.

  77. Dellow
    February 9th, 2010 at 11:41

    I had the Darwin fish with legs on my car and got keyed multiple times, had to take it of

  78. adam
    February 9th, 2010 at 11:59

    The reason atheists hate on religion is because you religious people shouldn’t believe in a god, your wrong, you cant even argue. Its like being told 2+2=5 and believing it, its wrong but you believe it anyway. All they ever say is you just gotta have faith, but when i was a kid i believed in Santa and the Easter bunny but that didn’t make them real. When i tell christians that there were at least 10 other religions that they stole the whole jesus story from they just dismiss it as primitive religion. Now that my post is relative, i have a sticker on mine that says “f*** jesus” and people get so mad at me all the time some lady the other day is telling me im gonna burn in hell with the fags, i just laughed like that doesn’t exist your a moron.

    Locke003 :Ok, athiests are so inconsidereate about the subject of religion. hold on now hold on… Before you get all barking mad, let me explain. many religious followers are very tolerant of others and their beliefs. i do not poke fun at or mock the fact that atheists have no god do i? if someone has an “i love jesus” sticker on their car, it does not mean “I love jesus (and and if you don’t then hmm you can go fuck yourself.” no, it simply means what it says. If i was in ireland, and wore a shirt with an american flag on it… is it disrespectful? no you dunce. it is simply what i am interested in. now if a christian has a sticker on their car depicting an athiest being stabbed by a cross… then by all means… take issue with it. don’t be so narrow minded about your topic of atheis or whatever religion you may be, just because some took offense to a very offensive sticker. thank you.

  79. Ian (not the admin, just an admirer)
    February 9th, 2010 at 19:44

    Wow. I’ve got to say… I just read both pages of this thread in their entirety after–of course–stumbling upon this site, and I would simply like to suggest to whoever comes next to read it all and think logically and with reason, even if you consider yourself one of those faux “tolerant Christians” who only cherry-picks out of that book written by a bunch of sheep-herders and power-hungry fear-mongerers.

    Yes, Mista Ripsta has a lot of time on his hands and may not be as eloquent as you’d like, but at least he’s studied up and backs up his statements with evidence (and numerous educational links). Hence, to ALL of you intolerant fairy-tale believers (yeah, I said it, not just the Christians… Muslims, Jews, and Zeus-believers alike), growing up, were you taught how to THINK or how to BELIEVE?

  80. Mick
    February 10th, 2010 at 15:44

    Some people really need to lighten up i cant beleave a simple bumper sticker that i must admit i didn’t think was anything more than a dinosaur eating a fish until i read down could spark such debate. I live in Ireland a very God fearing country and i think i would be hard pressed to find someone to take offence to it.

  81. Phil E. Drifter
    February 10th, 2010 at 23:31

    You’re all gay for arguing about a dinosaur online.

    Also, there is no god. Get over it.

  82. Brrrandon!
    February 11th, 2010 at 01:39


    Clearly all this bickering and infighting between the morans of the intarwebs is totally useless and completely uncalled for!

    Not only is this note’s contents nullified because it’s written in fucking crayon, and probably by a woman, who must have a kitchen window that overlooks the parking complex. This is CLEARLY a photoshopped image, you can tell by the pixels in the “Y” of Toyota. I should know, I’ve seen a number of shops in my day, and this one is fairly good, but still detectable.

  83. Alchemist
    February 11th, 2010 at 11:28

    This is CLEARLY a photoshopped image, you can tell by the pixels in the “Y” of Toyota. I should know, I’ve seen a number of shops in my day, and this one is fairly good, but still detectable.

    Hahahaha – I’m surprised it took that long before someone cried ‘photoshopped!’

    @all – thanks for the laugh guys and galls – I’ve not had as much fun since the early days of CoFSM. I might hang around for a bit if that’s ok.

  84. Slambo
    February 12th, 2010 at 14:05

    Interesting that it’s written with a crayon.

  85. Eric
    February 12th, 2010 at 14:30

    Cait :Just as Christians shouldn’t lump together “non-Christian”, “heathens”, and “any other religion”, we ask that you don’t confuse all Christians. Firstly, there are dozens of different branches of Christianity, but we are considered Christians because we belief Jesus is the Messiah. However, our views, actions, and doctrines differ within each sect.
    It is unfortunate that there are some who preach the Gospel but fail to live it. I would like to apologize on behalf of those Christians you may have experienced in your lifetime who have caused you to believe we’re all ignorant, small-minded, and arrogant. I promise that there are some of us who are actually trying to be Christ-like, but, as you may know: Nobody’s perfect.

    How does this pertain to the story? I understand that not all christians are bad but over all you theist are the source of most major issues and some minor ones. So I think the best thing you could do as a christian in this forum is explain what this person is supposed to do to protect their property and their freedom from your fellow christians. Also I’d like to know what you as a christian do in your community to stop these things or do you just look away as you christians torment non christians. All I ever here from christians is deflection. You need to start taking responsibility for the actions of your group because no one else will. I believe that religion is a serious problem for modern society and unless it can prove its worth then it needs to be eliminated. This is one of the only things I agree with the Chinese government on.

  86. Tiny
    February 12th, 2010 at 16:55

    Science IS Spirit, God, Godess, Alah, Great Spirit, Creator etc.etc.etc.It’s all one. It’s all energy. We are all part of the same soul or spirit. This physical experience we have on planet Earth is for us to FEEEEEL. To Enjoy beauty or not see it. to learn-or not. To know love- or not. Always a choice. That’s the test, and the lesson and the experience. On this physical plane of Earth we can evolve and become in balance, or use to destruction the recourse, like a mold eating it’s host. Our Choice. That’s the positive and the negative of it. the good and evil, whatever words. Our choice. It’s still ALL ONE. That’s what God is right? Everything? then we are part of it. Not seperate. That’s what science is, right? All molecules? Not seperate. Always the same in always changing…We can tap into the energy…or not…our choice…No blame. Even the Bible tells us not to judge.

    • Totentanz
      February 15th, 2010 at 19:14

      It’s easy to run your mouth and say “existence is this” or that, blah blah. All you made are statements and you provided no reason for anyone to take them as anything other than opinion.
      It’s just like when you are handed religious propaganda and are told “did you know that you are going to hell if you don’t believe in god???” Uh, ok, so since you told me this it is automatically true?
      If that is so, then god says every woman I ever see whom I find desirable must immediately have sex with me or else they will die horribly. I said it is so, so it must be so.

  87. Tiny
    February 12th, 2010 at 16:58

    If we are free, we can make the choices, and speak our truth. Our constitution gives us the right to announce our truth. don’t like it? Too bad.

  88. Cody
    February 13th, 2010 at 02:34

    Thou shalt not steal. Though, I suppose they could just rip it off and leave it, for some reason I don’t think that’s what they had in mind.

    Also, this is quite intolerant of her. It is a bumper sticker, it shouldn’t be affecting her in any way.

    For everyone who claims that atheists are the bane of the earth, and that a Christian would never do something offensive to an atheist:

    Now, I find it hard to believe that any self-respecting atheist would be seriously offended by this. Even if they were, I doubt they would pursue it to this point.

    That said, Christians have done far more offensive things, like you know, picketing funerals:

    Oh but that’s right, they aren’t real Christians.

    What about the Klu Klux Klan?

    What about traditional Christians and their intolerance and persecution against homosexuals and atheists? Boy Scouts promote intolerance in the sense that they will not allow atheists and homosexuals to become members, yet they receive money from the government. It isn’t all black and white. There are intolerant, offensive, asshole theists. There are intolerant, offensive, asshole atheists.

  89. raist
    February 13th, 2010 at 14:39

    i’m sorry but i don’t get the significance of the dinosaur sticker?

    how is it an “insult” to christianity?

    • Ian
      February 13th, 2010 at 15:05

      A lot of people put those stupid Jesus Fish’s on their car, this is a shot at that implying that evolution is eating the Jesus fish..

  90. religionstudy
    February 13th, 2010 at 23:28

    As a precursor to what I’m about to say, I respect all religions. I have done extensive religious study in ALL religions, but I personally don’t believe in any supreme being. I have no chosen religion, however, I cannot say that I am atheist or agnostic. I am undecided. I am speaking strictly from a historical and educational standpoint.

    Gods of any form, whether it be monotheistic, polytheistic, pantheistic, etc. were originally created to explain natural phenomena. Ancient Romans and Greeks created their gods, Apollo, Athena, Zeus, Hera, etc. to explain unexplainable events that occurred. As did African tribes, ancient Egyptians, Hindus, and eventually Christians. And eventually, as these natural phenomena are explained, these gods, gods of sea, fertility, harvest, wisdom, are disregarded, declared fiction. Just as Hermes, Isis, and Ra are regarded as fictional, mythical, the Christian God, Hindu Krishna, Muslim Allah will all be proven unreal. It is the impossibly unproven truth. I know I will be met with cries of heresy, atheism, and probably dumbass, faggot (which is personally offensive as a gay rights activist), and plenty of other derogatory terms. However, you cannot deny the truth. If you believe in your God, tell me why the others cannot be real. Tell me why you don’t believe in all the gods. Tell me why ancient Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Native Americans, Africans, believed in their gods. Why are they wrong? Disprove my statement. Gods are simply made up to explain what we have yet to explain ourselves. Did Apollo really pull the sun across the sky in his flying chariot? No, he did not. The sun crosses the sky because the Earth rotates. Therefore, Apollo isn’t real. And soon, the new gods will be disproven, just as Apollo.

  91. Elvis
    February 15th, 2010 at 00:49

    I don’t know what’s going on with these huge blocks of text comments but (Probably people fighting over the internet, again..) I’d just like to say that sticker is AWESOME! I want one :)!

  92. zencruiser
    February 15th, 2010 at 02:35

    There is more than one issue here, but one isn’t ‘religion’- rather, that concern being addressed here is ‘fundamentalism’. Bobby Kenedy has it right, ‘if religion is the search for Truth, fundamentalism is the end of that search’… Fundamentalists (of any religion) actively and often militaristically prevent their followers – and often others – from pursuing truth…’WE are the truth! WE / OUR WAY is the Only Way! The Search is over! We have all the answers. And, in fact, if you keep pursuing Truth or question/challenge our dogma, we will end your life or at least try to make your life as miserable as we can – and that goes for your mother!’ So everyone, imo, who is threatened by fundamentalism is justified in feeling that way, and I, for one, can’t blame them for responding, even if it’s with a bumper sticker: it is right and justified to challenge everyone who seeks to prevent the discovery of truth. The dinosaur bumper sticker guy doesn’t know exactly how to successfully thwart fundamentalism; neither do I. What if that one-more bumper sticker WORKED?!? Did the job? Got us to the Tipping Point after which Fundamentalism faded into its rightful place in oblivion? We can all only try until the last our-way-or-else type has been rendered impotent. Of course, fundamentalists – Locke, say – are ony the second-most dangerous people in the world….the most dangerous are the Asamba bin Ladens and Karl Roves and James Dobsons and Constantines who have learned how to manipulate – and profit from – fundamentalists. Locke and your ilk – do you own a car? You must forthwith cease using it. Do you use an oven, have indoor plumbing, shoes, shirts or pants? You must also stop using these – you don’t ‘believe’ in them. The metalurgy, the chemistry…the SCIENCE from which all of these – AND the origin-of-the-universe theory AND the theory of gravity – all originate from ONE source: The Scientific Method. Here’s The Scientific Method, chalk-on-the-sidewalk for you: If I, here in North America (well, I’m in Spain now…but let’s say I’m home), go out in my backyard this afternoon and dig up a 50,000 year old human fossil, ALL of the books about humans-in-north-america have to be re-written. Over night. And here’s the kicker, Locke – they WOULD be… scientists – i.e. those who are searching for truth, and isn’t that most of us? – will desert a theory, no matter how dearly-held, in a heart beat simply owing to the presentation of new/valid/peer-reviewed (open to everyone) evidence. So if you can’t get behind the fact that no one had ever seen an atom before the first ‘atom’ bomb was triggered…turn in your car keys dude; you can’t have just the one (the car)…the car, the metal plumbing pipes in your house, your zillionaire ‘preacher’ friend’s private yacht…ALL from The Scientific Method. Deal with it.

    This is the best thread I’ve yet stumbled upon!

    Apologies aot — I’ve a cold, and I’m too achy to Check

  93. Guy
    February 15th, 2010 at 18:59

    Atheists talk too much. Keep the rational discourse to a minimum please.

    • Greenworld
      February 16th, 2010 at 16:06

      People are talking about the Big Bang Theory and other “first causes” just because a stupid dinosaur is eating a fish.

  94. gaba gaba gee
    February 16th, 2010 at 14:32

    I would leave the emblem and put a camera in my car

  95. Brian
    February 16th, 2010 at 17:02

    I remember when the adherents of another religion got all pissed off when someone made fun of their beliefs in a newspaper( Most Christians I know used this incident to show how intolerant THEY were….People who claim to follow the “one true path” will never be able to admit when their wrong and that’s what is wrong with organized religion Q.E.D.

  96. Brian
    February 16th, 2010 at 23:13

    LOL you should totally tape that note to the inside of one of your windows for everyone to see.

  97. Andrew
    February 17th, 2010 at 08:43

    Andrew :Actually a lot of christians accept the existence of dinosaurs. I’m an atheist but I recall Genesis God creating creatures that roamed the earth before Adam and Eve. They usually just have a problem with the idea of men coming from apes. That said anyone who can’t appreciate the humor in this sticker really needs to lighten up.

    I meant to say “…in Genesis…”

  98. Rachel
    February 17th, 2010 at 12:50

    Get a life! This is funny! It wasn’t meant, I’m sure for people who are lazy to get on here and argue about religion vs. science. Jesus Christ. (Pun intended.)

  99. Keti
    February 19th, 2010 at 13:46

    You should get another dinosaur emblem and attach it to the back of her/his car! I bet it would go unnoticed for weeks… maybe months. :D

  100. sideshow bob
    February 22nd, 2010 at 12:16

    yeaherno :I don’t think they are meant to be stuck on your nuts.

    If removal went horribly wrong that might qualify for a darwin award.

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