Stefanie :Dustin,
I think you bring up some interesting points. I think so many people have forgotten that religion was meant to be a values system of which to live by, the first governments, the first courts, resolution centers of a society, the first “social services” of the human race if you would. I truly believe that so many of the worlds beautiful and mysterious religions have been perverted by time, some by well meaning but wrong scholars, and other by simple greed. These systems of belief were never really intended to explain everything, they were meant to explain the unexplainable for that particular group of people, why did the sun rise every day, what made the neighbors crops grow so well etc. I do believe that human physiology is so complex, our bodily systems even those of our earliest known ancestors are so incredibily unbelievable that there must have been some kind of divine/extra terrestrial/universal involvement. I think the point where science and religion have the parting of the ways is that science is willing to accept only tangible outcomes, measurable outcomes, whereas religious folk can believe in a creative force without such measurable data. Perhaps the answers lies somewhere in the middle, science must come to accept that it cannot explain everything in the universe try as it might, and religion must accept the fact that just because something is scientifically explainable does not rob it of it’s religious or spiritual values. Just because we know why and how it rains doesn’t not make it any less beautiful to watch, when we can measure and predict the tides of the ocean, it does not affect that overwhelming feeling of freedom we feel when we stand in the surf. Science must learn that it cannot stand apart from spirit forever, and religion must realize that eventually its language and syntax will be changed as we discover more and more of our world.
the understanding of religion increases and the understanding of science increases.
scientists used to say X many particulates in the air would put us into a nuclear winter. when Mt St. Helen went off it sent 10 times that amount of particulates into the air. scientists were wrong.
Dustin : One teacher even responded with something like “Some animals were evil and had reproduced with each other and had ‘freak animals’, and Noah didn’t take them on the boat. That’s why we see fossils of Dinos today”…Oh please…
theologists were wrong.
just because theologists interpret the bible wrong or scientists make wrong calculations and predictions doesn’t mean that all of science is wrong or all interpretations of the Bible are wrong.
neither dis proves or proves the other to say one is right and one is wrong.
they are both right but get interpreted wrong.
user error.
Stefanie :Dustin,
I think you bring up some interesting points. I think so many people have forgotten that religion was meant to be a values system of which to live by, the first governments, the first courts, resolution centers of a society, the first “social services” of the human race if you would. I truly believe that so many of the worlds beautiful and mysterious religions have been perverted by time, some by well meaning but wrong scholars, and other by simple greed. These systems of belief were never really intended to explain everything, they were meant to explain the unexplainable for that particular group of people, why did the sun rise every day, what made the neighbors crops grow so well etc. I do believe that human physiology is so complex, our bodily systems even those of our earliest known ancestors are so incredibily unbelievable that there must have been some kind of divine/extra terrestrial/universal involvement. I think the point where science and religion have the parting of the ways is that science is willing to accept only tangible outcomes, measurable outcomes, whereas religious folk can believe in a creative force without such measurable data. Perhaps the answers lies somewhere in the middle, science must come to accept that it cannot explain everything in the universe try as it might, and religion must accept the fact that just because something is scientifically explainable does not rob it of it’s religious or spiritual values. Just because we know why and how it rains doesn’t not make it any less beautiful to watch, when we can measure and predict the tides of the ocean, it does not affect that overwhelming feeling of freedom we feel when we stand in the surf. Science must learn that it cannot stand apart from spirit forever, and religion must realize that eventually its language and syntax will be changed as we discover more and more of our world.
the understanding of religion increases and the understanding of science increases.
scientists used to say X many particulates in the air would put us into a nuclear winter. when Mt St. Helen went off it sent 10 times that amount of particulates into the air. scientists were wrong.
Dustin : One teacher even responded with something like “Some animals were evil and had reproduced with each other and had ‘freak animals’, and Noah didn’t take them on the boat. That’s why we see fossils of Dinos today”…Oh please…
theologists were wrong.
just because theologists interpret the bible wrong or scientists make wrong calculations and predictions doesn’t mean that all of science is wrong or all interpretations of the Bible are wrong.
neither dis proves or proves the other to say one is right and one is wrong.
they are both right but get interpreted wrong.
user error.
That’s called the “god of the gaps”, you ignorant doorknob. Just because science cannot explain it right now doesn’t mean they can’t ever. The place you can put your “god” in is getting smaller and smaller every day, and soon you’ll have to accept that things with no basis in fact are not reasonable and can be very dangerous.
If a religious person does evil, a majority of religious people will say “Oh that’s not fair, I’m not like that, It’s not our religions fault.”
It’s understandable that she would be offended by the sticker (not sure what it’s supposed to mean exactly … dinosaurs hate Jesus? is it supposed to have the same message as the Darwin fish?) but she could have politely asked the car owner to move it instead of writing a nasty letter.
It means Dinos trump bullshit, carbon dating trumps fantasy and everyone needs to get over the fact that this rock we live on is millions of years older than what christians want to admit to.
Fact over Fantasy, the truth hurts
wow i cant believe this is even an argument… look at your housecat, your dog, your rat, your child… This is NOT how god made any of them in the beginning… we bred the dogs to have specific characteristics that suit our wants, this is called forced evolution.. we take two separate genomes and bring them together to create a new on with its own special characteristics… weve done this with cows, chickens, pretty much any domesticated animal.. however this also occurs naturally quite often in nature… in fact ALL the time.. dont believe me? Look into reindeer and caribou…Same with humans… When two parents have a child, and that child is not an exact 100% clone of one or the other of the parents (which is the case 100% of the time) then it is a new genome structure… do this for about 500 years and the newest generation wouldnt match the original generations genes, a dna test would register at 0%-5% at most…making that generation a completely independent generation from the originals… which is the literal definition of evolution… and we can witness it, measure it, and reproduce the results, so it is by definition…a fact. And humans are not descended from monkeys, were descended from apes… monkeys are part of the “prosimian” line… The actual missing link no longer roams the planet before you go that route… but alligators and crocodiles walk the earth together…crocs are descendants of gators, but theyre both still here… so that “why are there apes when there are still humans” arguement is moot either way.
now, i think Mista might be getting a little too passionate and maybe starting to hurt his own cause… but either way what he is saying is fact…provable fact…I think the word your all missing is hypothesis… meaning you have enough relevant data to formulate a theory, but no evidence or proof to back it up…a Theory is a stated fact that is backed by resource information and either imperical or physical evidence… now what your actually missing is logic… and before we get into a logic debate, let me define for you..
Logic is a predetermined answer based on assimilated data that is already available… meaning the information is already there, meaning it can in no way shape or form by definition be a fallacy. A fallacy is something that is implied without reasonable data to back up its existence, such as the tooth fairy or santa clause, who would be considered fallacies. Making an idea or hypothesis from nonexistent data is called an “assumption”. As in, theres not one thing you can prove for sure, 100% without a doubt from the bible, theres no imperical or physical data to back it up, therefore any revelation you derive from it, is by definition, an assumption. Whereas if you pick up a science book, you can infer that everything in there can be reproduced, measured, witnessed, and is by definition, a fact.
but proving evolution DOES disprove the bible in a way… because if one part of the bible is wrong, whats to say the rest isnt too?… Who are you as a human to pick and chose what parts of the bible are right or wrong? Its either the book of god and gods will, and its 100% correct, or there are parts that are wrong and nothing in it can be 100% trusted as truth… and if thats the case, if one thing is wrong, what if there is more?.. what if you follow the wrong things, and negate the whole point of following him in the first place since your going to hell anyways for defying gods word?..and since creationism has just been explained away in of the most prominent parts being that god created life just the way it is today… but if a housecat and caribou evolved new traits naturally within a couple hundred years for us to monitor (and they did), then creationism must be wrong…theres no other way it can go.. theres no argument in the world that can dispute proof you can see and touch. But real or not, this is who your following..
taken right out of the pages of your bibles…all these horrible things that you might have just skimmed over instead of reading…in truth, your following a narcissistic megalomaniac with abandonment issues inciting the need for constant love, as well as bipolar schizophrenia that causes him to lash out with murderous aggressiveness at those he (supposedly) loves the most. Now i know its silly, and i know im probably not as morally sound as a christian or god, but i have an aversion to child murder and virginal rape that prevents me from allying myself with this “loving” god… id rather not follow a psychopath like that even if he WAS real >.>
so how much proof do you need?… I hear a lot of christians crying for proof of no god… but i dont see them providing any to prove there is… theres a 100 explanations and facts to our side, just on this page alone, and you still ask for more “proof”… when your side has presented nothing even close to proof, yet you demand more from us without giving anything back. Maybe a kind and educated christian would be gracious enough to enlighten us with some real provable evidence that cant be shot down by the simplest of scientific fact.. once again fact being something you can witness measure and reproduce..And when we’re done, lets put them side by side and see who has more factual and conceivable information at the end to draw the most stable hypothesis on…and remember, no fallacies… No “god did it so we cant know”, or “Its just gods will” … or “He moved his hand and the mountains were created”… I want to know what about him moving his hand made the mountains move and what he created them with. So if you can give a response that doesnt sound like it came out of a disney movie with magical flying things and unexplainable magic, that would be fantastic… I mean its only fair, we give you indisputable facts that can be measured and proven, I only expect the same in return, if i want stories about magic and flying things, ill go watch Alladin. but the funniest part is how christians can keep a straight face trying to scientifically prove religion while preaching about invisible beings that control your destiny and preaching morality from a loving god who sends people to eternal torment at the hands of a being he himself created… I wonder if all those children he killed in the old testament went to hell or heaven…because he sure as hell didnt love them enough to keep them from being ripped from their mothers wombs and stomped on >.> my suggestion is you pick up a book that doesnt start with the word god or christian or holy. You might learn there are more than just a couple thousand pages of information in the world.
scenario 1.
If God exists, then he is transcendent (i.e., outside space and time).
If God exists, he is omnipresent.
To be transcendent, a being cannot exist anywhere in space.
To be omnipresent, a being must exist everywhere in space.
Hence it is impossible for a transcendent being to be omnipresence.
Therefore it is impossible for God to exist.
scenario 2
Either God can create a stone that he cannot lift, or he cannot create a stone that he cannot lift.
If God can create a stone that he cannot lift, then he is not omnipotent.
If God cannot create a stone that he cannot lift, then he is not omnipotent.
Therefore god is not omnipotent.
Therefore he is not a god.
Unfortunately, we are not dealing with logic, reason or rationality.
A theist I knew who had studied elementary logic pointed out this:
God transcends logic.
God therefore CAN exist everywhere and nowhere.
God therefore CAN create an indestructable object and then destroy it.
I conclude that there is no point attempting to reason with these sort of people.
I now try to get a debate to a point where they are forced to admint that their beliefs are not logically, reasonably or rationally supportable. I figure it’s the nearest to successfully convincing them of the fallacy of their belief you can get
Religious truth isn’t of the scientific variety, and it errs big-time whenever it tries to do science’s job, just as science makes a fool of itself when it tries to weigh the soul or look for evidence of heaven in the clouds. Religious truth is internal, subjective, emotional, and non-empirical, and if it’s any good at all, it’s valid whether its holy books are fact or fable. If you need Genesis to be literally true in order for your faith to be valid, it’s not much of a faith at all.
Atheists have killed approximately 80 million people over the last 100 years.
Soviets (Lenin,Stalin) – 20 million
Chinese (Mao) – 60 million
This comes no where close to the numbers of dead due to Christianity (or Islam, for that matter), but it is incorrect to say that Atheists have killed no one, ever. There have actually been more, but I do not know for certain that they were actual atheists, so have not included them in the numbers (Pol Pot; Burmese Junta; Hitler [Jewish heritage, believed in mysticism]; Castro; numerous genocides in Africa)
Buuuuuuuuddy, buddy, buddy…
No one says, “that Christian murdered the liquor store clerk because of his religion..”. Do not make false correlations.
Stalin and Lenin did not kill in the name of a god that does not exist, neither did Mao. These people killed for 100% political reasons.
Do you think Geroge Tiller’s murderer did it for political reasons? No, he did it completely and utterly because of his religion.
I’ve never heard of someone killing in the name of atheism. Why? Because atheism isn’t ANYTHING. It’s the lack of something.
No one ever said atheists don’t kill/murder, because they certainly do, but they don’t kill in the name of no god, whereas religious folk frequently kill in the name of their god. They do it because they genuinely think they god wants them to kill.
Compare this to the cursades which had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with religion.
When an atheist attacks religion for bringing no good to man kind, there’s an obvious reason for this.
GrowUp : To the Atheists – not all Christians hate you. 85% of the country is Christian, and you hate all of us because of the 10% that are morons. I don’t hate you, I don’t hate gays, and I don’t hate people that get abortions. Please don’t hate me, and the others like me, simply because you have had a bad experience with some backwoods, Bible-thumping hillbilly.
I don’t recall ever saying I hate christians or even muslims.. I do however hate murderers and I hate religions that promote such actions or ways of thinking.
“Stalin and Lenin did not kill in the name of a god that does not exist, neither did Mao. These people killed for 100% political reasons.”
In order to get rid of the rabble-rousers (a.k.a. people that might convince the populace that the Communists were wrong), Stalin and Lenin had to rid the country of the Religious leaders. This was done to Christians, Muslims and Jews. This is the reason that Jews had to hide in Siberia for 60 years and true Islam is only recently starting to make a strong comeback in the predominately Muslim regions (Caucasus Mountains, Central Asia – Turkmenistan/ Afghanistan region).
The Chinese are still killing people to this day for following a certain religion. Granted, they are oddly selective in who they persecute (persecuting the Buddhists in Tibet but not the Muslims in Qinghai, for example), but it is still done.
“but they don’t kill in the name of no god, whereas religious folk frequently kill in the name of their god”
They may not kill in the name of no god, but they most certainly have killed others for their professed believe in a god (see above for a few great examples). And no, i am not referring to people that have been killed because they believe in a different religion, but the those who have died because they followed ANY religion.
“I don’t recall ever saying I hate christians or even muslims.. I do however hate murderers and I hate religions that promote such actions or ways of thinking.”
I have never murdered a soul, I do not advocate murdering anyone (except in extreme cases of self defense), and i am not my religion or my religion’s history.
Over all, this whole argument is moot. Some people will always be gullible enough to believe anything that someone in a perceived position of authority tells them, which means that religion will never fully go away. Most people will always think that they are right and the everyone else is wrong, which means that this argument will never end. So we might as well all just get over others not believing in what we believe in and get on with our lives. If everyone would just leave everyone else the hell alone and worry about our own lives instead, this would be a much, much better world.
Does anyone else not care what excuses people use to kill others en masse?! It’s ultimately all about power and getting more of it, so no matter if someone kills in the name of Christ or in the name of anti-religion or politics it’s still irrational and wrong, and it says nothing about the peaceful people that fall under the same banner. If you are a religious person then either these killings were commanded by God and were fully justified or they were the results of human failings. If you are an atheist then either these killings were reasonable or they were they were the results of human failings. As I can tell, no one here has defended the killings mentioned so I think that we can all agree that they were the results of some very bad, power-hungry people. To say that some way of thinking somehow took control of their minds and made them murder hundreds of thousands of people is like saying that Marilyn Manson was the direct cause of the Columbine shooting. If someone is going to kill that many people, they will find an excuse. These arguments seem like just the same lame arguments stating that violent video games or music turn kids into killers, they make no sense and if you follow them to their logical conclusion ultimately make no difference. Did anyone else see the episode of South Park where Cartman freezes himself for thousands of years and awakens to a world at war over which brand of atheism is the best? It may just be a silly cartoon, but it provides an interesting illustration for the point that it’s human nature to kill each other and scramble for power. Whatever the justification we create is, is merely incidental.
Alright Michael M, I’ll bite, but only because I believe you are utterly wrong here.
I would argue that there is a distinct difference between an individual’s decision to commit a crime such as murder, and the herd mentality that allows followers of religions to justify (to themselves) killing en masse.
Be it infidels, heathens, kaffirs, pagans, etc.
Once they are labeled as such then they are dehumanized just enough for the lord to smite them through the hands of his followers without losing any sleep.
There is also a difference between the political/religious leaders that order the killings, and their “footsoldiers” that actually do the dirty work.
The leaders may be the ones with agendas but their subordinates seldom reap any rewards.
You claim that it is unreasonable to assume that there is some “way of thinking that somehow took control of their minds and made them murder people.”
Actually you will find that religious indoctrination does EXACTLY that.
If you are raised under heavy indoctrination (of any faith) then you will not pick holes in what you are told.
You will never consider weakening the integrity of what you believe to be the ultimate truth.
You will show total devotion outwardly out of fear of being ostracised or you will strive to be totally devoted inwardly out of fear of eternal damnation.
You seem to be more moderate than the average religious nut so much of this talk of indoctrination most likely does not apply to you.
But there are many parts of the world (today and throughout history) where simple people do not have the luxury of choice or personal freedom.
If you want to talk about human failing then I would state that the greatest example of that is the prevalence and power of religion in modern times, not a few cherry picked examples of genocide.
Well, first off I’m not stating that systems of belief cannot be used to control people. Obviously they can. My point is that it doesn’t matter what the system is, anybody can either create a belief system or warp an existing one to enable them to manipulate others. I think that religion is humanity’s oldest way and most well-suited of doing that, but ultimately since there is no deity out there actually pulling the strings that I am aware of (I am actually a functional atheist not a religious moderate) whatever is done, is done by humanity and it’s creations. The system of knowledge is nothing more than a tool.
I’m not sure I’m ready to accept that indoctrination can completely account for the personal responsibility of the foot soldiers who carried out the orders of their insane leaders though. There must have been a moment in each of those soldiers’ lives (save for those who were psychopaths) where they had to make a conscious decision to ignore their better judgment and kill the innocent. It may not be an easy choice, and given the same circumstances you or I may have done the same things, but I don’t think that provides an adequate reason to carry out such heinous acts. Obviously, my inability to accept something does not affect reality, and maybe you disagree with me, but all I would ask for is some evidence that I am wrong and that indoctrination turns people into complete robots incapable of making a rational (albeit difficult) decision. The herd mentality is strong but it doesn’t make anyone do anything, it just provides a strong incentive to.
Mainly, I just think that it is a logical jump to say that the system of knowledge itself is what causes or allows atrocities. I think that the ultimate responsibility lies in the leaders that manipulate people and the followers who carry out the actions (to varying degrees, obviously). The atrocities that the religious folks on this site point to may not be good examples of the logical endpoint of atheism, but they do show that irrational supernatural belief is not necessary for indoctrination and mass murder.
I’m a strong Christian and honestly, I think this is hilarious. It’s a joke, don’t take it so literally. If the dinosaur was eating Jesus or something that could be offensive, but the fish is just a symbol of Christianity. A symbol in which has no divine authority or purpose.
so what if your Christian or Atheist, just take it as a good laugh.
I can’t read through all these posts, especially the ones about religion, so pardon me if these points have been raised. The comments I have read seem to be missing the whole point. This note is not meant to foster “thoughtful” discussion about atheism or Christianity. It’s a threat against someone’s personal property and, last time I checked, such threats are illegal and punishable by law in most states. I hope the recipient took the note to the apartment manager and the filed a police report. The great thing about the U.S. is that every citizen has the Constitutionally protected right to believe and follow whatever religion he or she wants. And that includes NOT believing, too. Society should not tolerate or try to justify threats like this. It’s inexcusable and I hope the note writer is punished.
I would bet money that the “offended” idiot doesn’t even know what the sticker means. It’s poking fun at the Christian belief that the earth is only about 5,000 years old. We have scientific evidence that dinosaurs existed millions of years ago. So, the dinosaur eating the fish is simply a way of rejecting that ridiculous belief.
And even if this Christian note writer is offended, it is not very Christian of him to threaten others. That kind of hypocrisy is why many people reject organized religion.
Please post a follow up! Did “Tierra Mesa Resident” follow through with his/her dastardly deed? Did the driver of the Toyota in question move out never to return again? Why do I get the feeling the “Tierra Mesa Resident” is a nine year old girl with an orange crayon? Whatever became of the first amendment?
Brilliant sticker indeed. Freedom of speech is a wonderful endowment of the United States of America and for us to be a truly educated society all perspectives must be brought to light.
Well for you to be a truly educated society you should first kick out all the evangelicals from any position of power or politics because they are incapable of keeping church and state seperate.
I went to school for medical assisting. I had a lab teacher who was baptist. We watched a special on the human body that spoke about how the human body evolved and why. She fast forwarded through it and said that anything that supports evolution is a lie. I asked her about the fossil record and how that could be explained. She looked me in the eye and told me in her thick louisana accent “Honey, them bones is fake. Someone made them and planted them there. Its work of the devil.” hahaha
People would rather have faith in something they dont have to think about or prove than have to do any work and learn anything. Its just easier to be ignorant.
Okay, I hate organized religion, I hate Church, and I don’t trust the bible for shit but I am Spiritual and I believe in both God AND Evolution. Doesn’t mean I am right or wrong. I think we as people need to Coexist and stop hating each other for our differences. I find that the world is much more interesting when nobody is the same. Although, if someone is out right disrespecting you then I don’t think that you should tolerate it but don’t be so quick to jump the gun and hate others for being different than you. I feel that everyone is right in their beliefs OR lack there of for themselves and themselves alone. Don’t worry about the person next to you, let them worry about yourselves and don’t let it bother you. I may or may not get hate or agreement or nothing at all for this post… It just makes me very sad to see so much hate in the world. There are always exceptions to any type of person you try to be prejudice toward. There are some really great exceptions out there. We just need to give each other a chance.
Anyway, that whole Large Hadron Collider SCARES THE CRAP OUT OF ME! What if it does work and then we deal with a big black hole or if it doesn’t, then I am very silly to worry about it. What will happen!? I’d rather NOT know. @_@
When I said, “let them worry about yourselves and don’t let it bother you.” I actually meant, “let them worry about themselves and don’t let it bother you.”
Also, I may be spiritual but I still really like that bumper magnet. XD It’s hilarious!
The LHC does work and is working right now as you and I type our posts.
Don’t be a fool.
I’d have to argue that the concept of God and the fact of evolution are incompatible for one simple reason. First of all, you use the proper-noun form of God, implying belief in the abrahamic god. This god cannot exist in an evolving universe as any more than a delusion of man, and is by far the least compatible with evolution. Quite frankly, any god of any definition still becomes supernatural, and the supernatural is also itself incompatible with evolution and the natural.
For this reason alone, that is the incompatibility of supernatural and natural, you cannot rationally believe in both.
awesome, dont you just love it when these stupid people show just how stupid they are lol. i say you bleach a pic picture of it onto her front lawn lmao.
keep up the hard work pissing off creationist people, we want them to get angry.
I love how she calls it, “her complex.” Is she the owner of said complex? Because if she is, she probably needs to put a clause in the lease in the future. And if she isn’t, she needs therapy for her control issues.
What nerve some people have.
They need to get over themselves and accept that not everyone has the same views that they have.
Tsk tsk. Some people (i.e. Ms. Tierra Mesa here) are absolutely pathetic.
Sometimes I am ashamed to be a Christian – MY Saviour does not condone anonymous violence against skeptics, but urges me forgive them if they insult my feelings, and to pray for them.
Interesting as the discussion on the divine in this context may be… Judging by the style in which note was written and left, I suppose you have to do with a person with psychiatrical sort of problems, not an intolerant individual.
All theists should be shot. Faith is a virus of the mind. Once contracted, it takes over the host forcing them to believe faith is superior to reason, destroys the host and then attempts to replicate itself. We should cull them and call it the rapture. It’s good for them and it’s good for us normal people.
Haha! Psycho people. I’m gonna buy me one and put it on my car ’cause it’s awesome. I live in the anus of the bible belt, so it won’t take long for something to happen…
CourtnieAnnette Friday December 3rd, 2010 @ 7:47pm
It’s a fucking sticker. Who cares. If people minded their own business instead of getting upset by what others do this world would be a better place. If someone wants to have a sticker religious, non religious, anything it’s thier right. Just get on with your life and be happy with yourself. Not every fight is worth fighting.
Hahahahaha that sticker was great!! Made me laugh! Thanks!
I see it started quite a discussion too. I just want to say to whoever thinks this is wrong, then according to your logic, preachers in parks are wrong too, anyone who talks to me about religion if i didn’t ask them to do so are wrong, having stikcers of the little fish is wrong. I think that we all have a right to voice our opinions in which ever way we want (freedom of speech), if people decide to be insulted by my opinion then that is their problem not mine and they need to deal with that by themselves leaving me out of it! Also i’d like to point out that if religions are affecting the world and my life for that matter, I can talk (or paste stickers) about it like I would about any other problem like global warming for instance. Also, whoever doesn’t believe in evolution by this point in time, needs to go read up on it… seriouslly!
I think religions had a big and important part in the development of our present ways and they helped human kind come to this point, but now they need to be replaced. Religions in this era are draggin us down and threaten our existance. Most wars have religion as their main object and filisophies like “the earth was created by god for us”, “we are god’s children hence we are superior to all other living things”, “all of earth’s living things are here just for us to use them in which ever way we want and are inexhaustible”, etc are making sure the Earth is taken to a breaking point. Last but not least, it seems silly that most people in America believe in a European religion that was clearly though up in Europe, with all it’s events going on there (which are moslty copied form previous religions like egyptian ones all based in astrology). Europeans came to America, Africa, etc and forced their religions on our ancestors. To do so, they basically forhibited all other religions and killed everyone who opposed and here we have people defending this and actually getting mad at anyone who disagrees. Respect goes both ways! We need open minds on both sides. I apologize if i misspeled something; English is my second languange.
I’m atheist, but I hate most atheists. Many are too close minded, and usually are dicks in the process such as above. Let people believe what they want. Who are we to kill a persons belief that he/she will be reunited in the after life with a loved one?
Exactly! This is something I’ve been pondering on about in the last few decades. Why are those arrogant and misguided extreme atheists Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens so hostile towards one’s own personal beliefs? They are very harsh and cruel when they argue, especially Hitchens. He attacks creationism and shows no regret for it. Why…? Why so much anger against my God? We bring troubled families to our church a lot and because we want to help them get to know Jesus so He can turn their lives around for the better. So many people doing drugs, having promiscuous sex, killing others, all because they have given their life’s hopes and dreams over to the Devil. Jesus’ death on the cross was needed, because He wants to give us all eternal life. Sadly more people are most likely in Hell, away from other loved ones, suffering for all eternity. It is scary and seems “cruel” but trust me on this one! It’s just like when a judge sentences criminals. If you commit the crime you agree to take the punishment. God won’t just let *anyone* into Heaven unless THEY come to grips with the sins they have committed and surrenders his old ways in favor of Christ. I used to be in a garage rock band in the 1980s and we did lots of drugs. I have lost 2 friends to STDs and many of my so-called “friends” all deserted me and left me to die on the streets. Yes, I was in my 30s and I was a total bum, with long hair and ripped stained jeans. I didn’t even have a place to stay because I was broke and my record label was shut down for some stupid reason. You atheists have NO IDEA what the Lord did for me. So many years wasted partying hard, to many episodes of anxiety and depression, to the feelings of insecurity. I was an atheist and at the time I *thought* I was “right” that God doesn’t exist. However, one day Jesus came to me in my sleep and He told me that I can get my life back on track again. That’s when I saw two missionaries from a local church and they saw that I was poor and dirty. They gave me a job and provided me with food and shelter until I had a home to call my own. That was an amazing time, rebuilding my life with the help of the Lord!
Long story aside, Jesus is anything but bad for people. If you don’t like Him then all I can say is I pray that you look into your hearts and ask Him any question you have in mind. He loves us and wants us to be with Him in Heaven. I, for one, KNOW that I will be with the Lord in Heaven. It’s sad that man’s sick and twisted lifestyles can lure us all away from the Lord and instead towards the Devil! Praise God that my life has changed! Christ wants to help you, not betray you. He cares for us just like a parent.
It’s not right to FORCE people to change. When you do this it hurts our relationships because one will not allow the other to be who they are and truly live their own life.
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
37Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’b 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’c
40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.
If the bible says this and we do not do it then we are in the wrong.
On behalf of Christians please accept my apology and try to understand that we are growing everyday trying to get closer to living in the way Jesus told us to. We miss and forget many points.
*insert witty nickname here* Friday April 8th, 2011 @ 8:59pm
Despite being a teenager, I will choose to be the bigger man and walk away from this argument. Instead I will join the group of people, from all religions or lack thereof, who couldn’t give a shit what you believe in. Yes, I’m an atheist, but that doesn’t mean I hate all religions. Yes, I think this bumper sticker is cute, but that doesn’t mean I will immediately jump into an argument with the next religous person I see. I know a girl who’s a Christian and a lesbian. She sings in her church choir, but that doesn’t make her evil or stupid. Now, I will start an argument just as pointless as all yours. “rawr” does not mean “I love you,” but instead means “I’m going to eat you now” in dinosaurese.
An admirable yet pathetic post. Its perfectly reasonable to have no issue with someone over their beliefs or not, but to completely ignore the problems that arise, as you’ve implied you are going to do, is just purposeful ignorance.
I can respect anyone, regardless of their beliefs. However, if they try to impose their beliefs on me or say something very ignorant or hypocritical then I will have my speech. There are a load of morons (especially the kind that rehash on unfunny 4chan memes — fuck 4chan) in atheism as well, but at least they aren’t living in a delusion by assuming “Goddidit ‘n’ stuff.”
This is a perfectly reasonable stance and one that I shared for a long time.
You also have to remember however, while you and I were indifferent, other people started working to change some of OUR laws, the laws that affect OUR lives. Some people are working to skew OUR educational system to conform with THEIR religious views, even rewriting science foe OUR future generations.
Given the choice now, I may choose to not stand silent while this happens.
Interestingly the “Jesus Fish” has long been a pagan symbol: it’s the top half of the Ank, the female part, combined with the male member (the cross)- joining in recreating life. (It’s a sex symbol!) Christians never used such symbols until the 2nd and 3rd centuries.
Most people who display emblems like these hear mostly praise. Your parking lot neighbors who pause while passing your car will mostly be laughing. After all, christians are a kind and gentle sect that “turns the other check”.. Right!
But some areas are dangerous for the little critters. I personally use a magnetic backing and remove mine occasionally.
I live in the middle of the Bible Belt in Texas and I’ve had a Darwin fish on my car for about six years with no problem. Fortunately these are isolated incidents; unfortunately the people who pull this kind of stuff are crazies who you’re probably better off not messing with.
In fact, I delivered pizza ’round here for three years and had my Darwin fish up the whole time. Not one incident – not even when leaving my car idling in front of churches.
I did make sure to back into my parking spot at the edge of the lot when I visited the “Creation Evidence Museum” in Glen Rose, TX so that nobody walking by would notice it.
Personally, I like talking with people who disagree with my stickers and emblems. Usually when I see a couple of folks standing behind my car, I approach them hopeful of a chat. Often they cooperate. Sometimes with a threat that I’m “going to burn forever in Hell”; or that I must be a “goddamned liberal”. But more often than not, they are Supporters just admiring by statements. With those folks I tell them ” I got them at ” and then try to get them interested in a local freethought group.
If they are opponents, I try to start with a conciliatory statement. ” I really don’t hate christians, some of my best friends are christians, but some of the big churches get pretty Un-christian”. That often gets the baptists to start bashing the catholics, or the catholics to launch an attack on the mormons. Many of them tell me they don’t like Big Religion either, they value their “personal relationship with jesus”. I like to tell them about MY personal relationship with Richard Dawkins. I see talk with him at meetings once or twice a year, read his books. After that I continue to mention the scientists I know, or the medical doctors that save lives, or other Real People. At the end of the conversation I always end with a line like “Isn’t great that we live in a country where we can hold different opinions without worrying about being burned at the stake… anymore.”
PS. it’s interesting that this web site’s spell checker demands capitalization of religion names, denies the existence of “freethought” and asserts that Richard Dawkins doesn’t exist, while Jesus does.
ok so I’ve read alot of your comments and I’ve noticed that alot of you seem to KNOW what God wants or feels. Some may say thats because we have the “bible”. Every religion based on it interprets it differently. I would think you would be scared to even suppose you knew his intent. Who do YOU think you are?
anyways I do the best I can with what I feel is right. I have done good and bad. Like nature has good and bad. Its not intended (sometimes), it just is.
Oh and yes I believe in something bigger than myself or my universe for that matter. I do believe in evolution. Why can God not create life beyond your understanding? WHAtever Im going to bed. HMMF! haha
you must be kidding me…. Cause “dinosars are and artists creation to test our faith” is not good enough. Ignorance is going to be the death of facts. I’m so sorry. Keep that dinosaur up! Start writing notes to all the people who have the Jesus fish on them. Free speech is so important. So fuck them.
It’s appropriate to ridicule the ridiculous. Respect for religion simply means you’re left alone to practice it. A sticker I purchase to place on my car doesn’t constitute violation of that respect, however, violating the property I rightly own DOES constitute violation of my right to private property and my own beliefs and practice. “Freedom of religion” doesn’t mean freedom from skepticism, critique, opposition, competition, etc. It simply means you’re at liberty to believe and practice as you like PROVIDED you give the same liberty to others. Vandalizing my property voids your freedom of religion. If you don’t want to be civilized, don’t argue for civility.
id think in a place like England they would remember they went thru the blitz and made it by winning against the nazis the freedom of belief and thought….the words never again come to mind….realize that ww2 started in public parks and proaganda taught to uneducated people …now im a artist and when i looked at the depiction i couldnt find anything wrong with it animals eat animals …whaling came first to mind not a dinosure eatting christians …to be exact shouldnt it have been lions ???Tolerance for the ingnorance and arrogance of both partys is called for here!
I love its written in orange crayon like they live in a place where they are not allowed to have sharp things.I’ll take a stab at the perpetrators profile.Woman, divorced, perhaps an ex-teacher, with a compulsive behavior disorder, has gaudy religious shrines in her apartment, not very attractive, either has cats or children, neither like her much.She may work for the Salvation Army, or some such group where at least some people have to listen to her rantings.She complains a good deal to the landlord, he, and the maintenance man will know who she is.To smoke her out write some joyous but very irreverent Christmas song variations, sing them loudly during the holidays, she will confront you, when she does have the threat in your back pocket,unfurl it in her face and confront her, she will confess.Have a tape recorder in your pocket,play back the confrontation she will never bother you again. Or so I think the story goes.
LOL…She, quite often has dreams about the end of the world. twice, voted for George W. Bush, spends much of her day on Youtube and facebook making religious comments and maybe videos defending Jesus and the Holy Bible, she doesn’t know who the Midianites or the Amalekites are. She thinks that the large bird “die off” in Arkansas was confirmation of the rapture and that President Obama is in the process of starting the totalitarian Government.
Based on that, don’t worry about finding her, she’ll find you.
Yet if this was a dinosaur taking a bite out of the karan….everyone would be completely offended, call the person a racist pig and be ready to hang him. The truth is, if its of a Christian nature it is okay to be offensive.
People always say that religion starts wars. When reading this I find it funny how it can’t be the religions that make humans fight it must be humanity, because 90% or so of these people are even bickering with each other about their own beliefs. Or perhaps Atheism is an actual religion.
I don’t want to start any arguments but I stumbled upon this page and lately I’ve come across literally TONS of situations involving Atheists angry because of “religious views” on and off the internet. I feel I am a real Christian, whether others agree with me or not. Basically I personally want to apologize for anyone who has felt harassed by religious nuts. I grew up in a southern Baptist church and have strongly disagreed in views with them ever since, but I kept my faith and now feel stronger for growing up that way. I was thrown out of Sunday schools for disagreeing with the teacher. I don’t know what religious people did to those of you who are (no offence), but very obviously bitter. I am sorry for it though. I as a Christian, don’t believe that God should or would strike anyone here dead for their ideas. You know…I just get kinda tired of the person who is smart. This person will be a genius scientist, which means this person should be open to anything until proven. They even believe there could be life out in space. I know the flying spaghetti monster theory and all, but… how can you discover proof of things, if you refuse to believe in them in the first place. This doesn’t have to be God it can be anything.
G’orzak :I don’t even know where to begin. First of all, I didn’t hear about dark matter being “proven to be true”. If I recall, they think it exists, but they’re no sure yet. Also, you said that dark matter is “what’s left after the big bang”? News flash: THE ENTIRE FUCKING UNIVERSE IS WHAT’S LEFT AFTER THE BIG BANG.
Yeah guess what the entire universe is made of. Fuck you Christians are retarded.
Oh and the reason why people like Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens attack religion to the scale that they do is because of the extreme harm they are causing. Look at this planet you live on. look at war torn countries, do you not understand why they constantly kill eachother? They want our planet to evolve as a civilization. But we can’t do fuck all with religion still here. Open your eyes and stop taking shit so personal. It’s all religion not just yours.
tyler :Oh and the reason why people like Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens attack religion to the scale that they do is because of the extreme harm they are causing. Look at this planet you live on. look at war torn countries, do you not understand why they constantly kill eachother? They want our planet to evolve as a civilization. But we can’t do fuck all with religion still here. Open your eyes and stop taking shit so personal. It’s all religion not just yours.
what a perfect summarization, i will keep this paragraph in mind. and I think penn jillette said it best that believing in religion is just batshit crazy. i mean, you can go around performing simple tasks, and more complicated ones, but at the end of the day, you still believe that everything each of the 7 billion people do is watched by god, praying works when it works, and works when it doesnt because its gods will, a lady got pregnant and techincally would have had a perfect clone as her own because only her genes were there during conception, the entire human race is based upon the offspring of an intense and multigenerational incestial orgy, light was created before the sun, and the sun was created before the stars. You’re either a liar and you don’t believe, or you deep down are just plain batshit nutz.
In contrast to the religious discussion, I just want to point out that at first reading I thought this was a letter from a third grader. Then I realised that this is the handwriting of an adult. Oh.
Problems only arise when holy books interpreted as if they were literal history aimed at the intellect, instead of as the poetry that their writers intended to speak directly to the heart. It’s a metaphor, a symbol, it requires understanding not just the ability to read. It assumes a reader with enough emotional honesty to admit that something awesome underlies ordinary experience.
Friday March 5th, 2010 @ 11:53pm
the understanding of religion increases and the understanding of science increases.
scientists used to say X many particulates in the air would put us into a nuclear winter. when Mt St. Helen went off it sent 10 times that amount of particulates into the air. scientists were wrong.
theologists were wrong.
just because theologists interpret the bible wrong or scientists make wrong calculations and predictions doesn’t mean that all of science is wrong or all interpretations of the Bible are wrong.
neither dis proves or proves the other to say one is right and one is wrong.
they are both right but get interpreted wrong.
user error.
Neutral Views
Saturday April 10th, 2010 @ 8:56am
i think what your writing is very thoughtful but arent there much better pages to write iton than this
Saturday April 10th, 2010 @ 9:18am
Let me guess, your free stuff site would be a better place?
Thursday August 25th, 2011 @ 11:34pm
That’s called the “god of the gaps”, you ignorant doorknob. Just because science cannot explain it right now doesn’t mean they can’t ever. The place you can put your “god” in is getting smaller and smaller every day, and soon you’ll have to accept that things with no basis in fact are not reasonable and can be very dangerous.
If a religious person does evil, a majority of religious people will say “Oh that’s not fair, I’m not like that, It’s not our religions fault.”
Fuck you, it is. Quit defending it.
Saturday March 6th, 2010 @ 10:28am
Is it really her complex?
Saturday March 13th, 2010 @ 10:42am
It’s understandable that she would be offended by the sticker (not sure what it’s supposed to mean exactly … dinosaurs hate Jesus? is it supposed to have the same message as the Darwin fish?) but she could have politely asked the car owner to move it instead of writing a nasty letter.
Tuesday May 25th, 2010 @ 5:37pm
It means Dinos trump bullshit, carbon dating trumps fantasy and everyone needs to get over the fact that this rock we live on is millions of years older than what christians want to admit to.
Fact over Fantasy, the truth hurts
Saturday August 6th, 2011 @ 2:28am
Dragons are in the bible. Dinosaur = Dragon. Any questions?
Honest Ben
Monday July 25th, 2016 @ 10:01am
Dragons aren’t in the bible. In Job what is misinterpreted as a dragon is a crocodile.
Monday March 15th, 2010 @ 8:32pm
wow i cant believe this is even an argument… look at your housecat, your dog, your rat, your child… This is NOT how god made any of them in the beginning… we bred the dogs to have specific characteristics that suit our wants, this is called forced evolution.. we take two separate genomes and bring them together to create a new on with its own special characteristics… weve done this with cows, chickens, pretty much any domesticated animal.. however this also occurs naturally quite often in nature… in fact ALL the time.. dont believe me? Look into reindeer and caribou…Same with humans… When two parents have a child, and that child is not an exact 100% clone of one or the other of the parents (which is the case 100% of the time) then it is a new genome structure… do this for about 500 years and the newest generation wouldnt match the original generations genes, a dna test would register at 0%-5% at most…making that generation a completely independent generation from the originals… which is the literal definition of evolution… and we can witness it, measure it, and reproduce the results, so it is by definition…a fact. And humans are not descended from monkeys, were descended from apes… monkeys are part of the “prosimian” line… The actual missing link no longer roams the planet before you go that route… but alligators and crocodiles walk the earth together…crocs are descendants of gators, but theyre both still here… so that “why are there apes when there are still humans” arguement is moot either way.
now, i think Mista might be getting a little too passionate and maybe starting to hurt his own cause… but either way what he is saying is fact…provable fact…I think the word your all missing is hypothesis… meaning you have enough relevant data to formulate a theory, but no evidence or proof to back it up…a Theory is a stated fact that is backed by resource information and either imperical or physical evidence… now what your actually missing is logic… and before we get into a logic debate, let me define for you..
Logic is a predetermined answer based on assimilated data that is already available… meaning the information is already there, meaning it can in no way shape or form by definition be a fallacy. A fallacy is something that is implied without reasonable data to back up its existence, such as the tooth fairy or santa clause, who would be considered fallacies. Making an idea or hypothesis from nonexistent data is called an “assumption”. As in, theres not one thing you can prove for sure, 100% without a doubt from the bible, theres no imperical or physical data to back it up, therefore any revelation you derive from it, is by definition, an assumption. Whereas if you pick up a science book, you can infer that everything in there can be reproduced, measured, witnessed, and is by definition, a fact.
but proving evolution DOES disprove the bible in a way… because if one part of the bible is wrong, whats to say the rest isnt too?… Who are you as a human to pick and chose what parts of the bible are right or wrong? Its either the book of god and gods will, and its 100% correct, or there are parts that are wrong and nothing in it can be 100% trusted as truth… and if thats the case, if one thing is wrong, what if there is more?.. what if you follow the wrong things, and negate the whole point of following him in the first place since your going to hell anyways for defying gods word?..and since creationism has just been explained away in of the most prominent parts being that god created life just the way it is today… but if a housecat and caribou evolved new traits naturally within a couple hundred years for us to monitor (and they did), then creationism must be wrong…theres no other way it can go.. theres no argument in the world that can dispute proof you can see and touch. But real or not, this is who your following..
taken right out of the pages of your bibles…all these horrible things that you might have just skimmed over instead of reading…in truth, your following a narcissistic megalomaniac with abandonment issues inciting the need for constant love, as well as bipolar schizophrenia that causes him to lash out with murderous aggressiveness at those he (supposedly) loves the most. Now i know its silly, and i know im probably not as morally sound as a christian or god, but i have an aversion to child murder and virginal rape that prevents me from allying myself with this “loving” god… id rather not follow a psychopath like that even if he WAS real >.>
so how much proof do you need?… I hear a lot of christians crying for proof of no god… but i dont see them providing any to prove there is… theres a 100 explanations and facts to our side, just on this page alone, and you still ask for more “proof”… when your side has presented nothing even close to proof, yet you demand more from us without giving anything back. Maybe a kind and educated christian would be gracious enough to enlighten us with some real provable evidence that cant be shot down by the simplest of scientific fact.. once again fact being something you can witness measure and reproduce..And when we’re done, lets put them side by side and see who has more factual and conceivable information at the end to draw the most stable hypothesis on…and remember, no fallacies… No “god did it so we cant know”, or “Its just gods will” … or “He moved his hand and the mountains were created”… I want to know what about him moving his hand made the mountains move and what he created them with. So if you can give a response that doesnt sound like it came out of a disney movie with magical flying things and unexplainable magic, that would be fantastic… I mean its only fair, we give you indisputable facts that can be measured and proven, I only expect the same in return, if i want stories about magic and flying things, ill go watch Alladin. but the funniest part is how christians can keep a straight face trying to scientifically prove religion while preaching about invisible beings that control your destiny and preaching morality from a loving god who sends people to eternal torment at the hands of a being he himself created… I wonder if all those children he killed in the old testament went to hell or heaven…because he sure as hell didnt love them enough to keep them from being ripped from their mothers wombs and stomped on >.> my suggestion is you pick up a book that doesnt start with the word god or christian or holy. You might learn there are more than just a couple thousand pages of information in the world.
scenario 1.
If God exists, then he is transcendent (i.e., outside space and time).
If God exists, he is omnipresent.
To be transcendent, a being cannot exist anywhere in space.
To be omnipresent, a being must exist everywhere in space.
Hence it is impossible for a transcendent being to be omnipresence.
Therefore it is impossible for God to exist.
scenario 2
Either God can create a stone that he cannot lift, or he cannot create a stone that he cannot lift.
If God can create a stone that he cannot lift, then he is not omnipotent.
If God cannot create a stone that he cannot lift, then he is not omnipotent.
Therefore god is not omnipotent.
Therefore he is not a god.
Sunday May 23rd, 2010 @ 7:59pm
Unfortunately, we are not dealing with logic, reason or rationality.
A theist I knew who had studied elementary logic pointed out this:
God transcends logic.
God therefore CAN exist everywhere and nowhere.
God therefore CAN create an indestructable object and then destroy it.
I conclude that there is no point attempting to reason with these sort of people.
I now try to get a debate to a point where they are forced to admint that their beliefs are not logically, reasonably or rationally supportable. I figure it’s the nearest to successfully convincing them of the fallacy of their belief you can get
Tuesday February 11th, 2014 @ 12:41pm
Shut up athiest. You guys are just as bad as theists, and give science a bad nane.
Tuesday May 13th, 2014 @ 4:05am
Religious truth isn’t of the scientific variety, and it errs big-time whenever it tries to do science’s job, just as science makes a fool of itself when it tries to weigh the soul or look for evidence of heaven in the clouds. Religious truth is internal, subjective, emotional, and non-empirical, and if it’s any good at all, it’s valid whether its holy books are fact or fable. If you need Genesis to be literally true in order for your faith to be valid, it’s not much of a faith at all.
Friday March 26th, 2010 @ 4:05am
“My 2 cents” There, I feel better now.
Friday April 2nd, 2010 @ 11:04pm
Why are we assuming that the writer of the note was religiously offended? It’s clearly a child writing it. Maybe the kid just likes fish a lot.
Sunday May 23rd, 2010 @ 11:02pm
How is that “clearly” a child’s writing? It’s more legible than the writing of half the people I know…a lot of people just have poor penmanship.
Sunday April 18th, 2010 @ 6:34pm
Buuuuuuuuddy, buddy, buddy…
No one says, “that Christian murdered the liquor store clerk because of his religion..”. Do not make false correlations.
Stalin and Lenin did not kill in the name of a god that does not exist, neither did Mao. These people killed for 100% political reasons.
Do you think Geroge Tiller’s murderer did it for political reasons? No, he did it completely and utterly because of his religion.
I’ve never heard of someone killing in the name of atheism. Why? Because atheism isn’t ANYTHING. It’s the lack of something.
No one ever said atheists don’t kill/murder, because they certainly do, but they don’t kill in the name of no god, whereas religious folk frequently kill in the name of their god. They do it because they genuinely think they god wants them to kill.
Compare this to the cursades which had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with religion.
When an atheist attacks religion for bringing no good to man kind, there’s an obvious reason for this.
I don’t recall ever saying I hate christians or even muslims.. I do however hate murderers and I hate religions that promote such actions or ways of thinking.
Monday April 19th, 2010 @ 5:18pm
“Stalin and Lenin did not kill in the name of a god that does not exist, neither did Mao. These people killed for 100% political reasons.”
In order to get rid of the rabble-rousers (a.k.a. people that might convince the populace that the Communists were wrong), Stalin and Lenin had to rid the country of the Religious leaders. This was done to Christians, Muslims and Jews. This is the reason that Jews had to hide in Siberia for 60 years and true Islam is only recently starting to make a strong comeback in the predominately Muslim regions (Caucasus Mountains, Central Asia – Turkmenistan/ Afghanistan region).
The Chinese are still killing people to this day for following a certain religion. Granted, they are oddly selective in who they persecute (persecuting the Buddhists in Tibet but not the Muslims in Qinghai, for example), but it is still done.
“but they don’t kill in the name of no god, whereas religious folk frequently kill in the name of their god”
They may not kill in the name of no god, but they most certainly have killed others for their professed believe in a god (see above for a few great examples). And no, i am not referring to people that have been killed because they believe in a different religion, but the those who have died because they followed ANY religion.
“I don’t recall ever saying I hate christians or even muslims.. I do however hate murderers and I hate religions that promote such actions or ways of thinking.”
I have never murdered a soul, I do not advocate murdering anyone (except in extreme cases of self defense), and i am not my religion or my religion’s history.
Over all, this whole argument is moot. Some people will always be gullible enough to believe anything that someone in a perceived position of authority tells them, which means that religion will never fully go away. Most people will always think that they are right and the everyone else is wrong, which means that this argument will never end. So we might as well all just get over others not believing in what we believe in and get on with our lives. If everyone would just leave everyone else the hell alone and worry about our own lives instead, this would be a much, much better world.
Michael M
Tuesday April 20th, 2010 @ 3:19pm
Does anyone else not care what excuses people use to kill others en masse?! It’s ultimately all about power and getting more of it, so no matter if someone kills in the name of Christ or in the name of anti-religion or politics it’s still irrational and wrong, and it says nothing about the peaceful people that fall under the same banner. If you are a religious person then either these killings were commanded by God and were fully justified or they were the results of human failings. If you are an atheist then either these killings were reasonable or they were they were the results of human failings. As I can tell, no one here has defended the killings mentioned so I think that we can all agree that they were the results of some very bad, power-hungry people. To say that some way of thinking somehow took control of their minds and made them murder hundreds of thousands of people is like saying that Marilyn Manson was the direct cause of the Columbine shooting. If someone is going to kill that many people, they will find an excuse. These arguments seem like just the same lame arguments stating that violent video games or music turn kids into killers, they make no sense and if you follow them to their logical conclusion ultimately make no difference. Did anyone else see the episode of South Park where Cartman freezes himself for thousands of years and awakens to a world at war over which brand of atheism is the best? It may just be a silly cartoon, but it provides an interesting illustration for the point that it’s human nature to kill each other and scramble for power. Whatever the justification we create is, is merely incidental.
Tuesday April 20th, 2010 @ 4:17pm
Alright Michael M, I’ll bite, but only because I believe you are utterly wrong here.
I would argue that there is a distinct difference between an individual’s decision to commit a crime such as murder, and the herd mentality that allows followers of religions to justify (to themselves) killing en masse.
Be it infidels, heathens, kaffirs, pagans, etc.
Once they are labeled as such then they are dehumanized just enough for the lord to smite them through the hands of his followers without losing any sleep.
There is also a difference between the political/religious leaders that order the killings, and their “footsoldiers” that actually do the dirty work.
The leaders may be the ones with agendas but their subordinates seldom reap any rewards.
You claim that it is unreasonable to assume that there is some “way of thinking that somehow took control of their minds and made them murder people.”
Actually you will find that religious indoctrination does EXACTLY that.
If you are raised under heavy indoctrination (of any faith) then you will not pick holes in what you are told.
You will never consider weakening the integrity of what you believe to be the ultimate truth.
You will show total devotion outwardly out of fear of being ostracised or you will strive to be totally devoted inwardly out of fear of eternal damnation.
You seem to be more moderate than the average religious nut so much of this talk of indoctrination most likely does not apply to you.
But there are many parts of the world (today and throughout history) where simple people do not have the luxury of choice or personal freedom.
If you want to talk about human failing then I would state that the greatest example of that is the prevalence and power of religion in modern times, not a few cherry picked examples of genocide.
Michael M
Tuesday April 20th, 2010 @ 5:46pm
Well, first off I’m not stating that systems of belief cannot be used to control people. Obviously they can. My point is that it doesn’t matter what the system is, anybody can either create a belief system or warp an existing one to enable them to manipulate others. I think that religion is humanity’s oldest way and most well-suited of doing that, but ultimately since there is no deity out there actually pulling the strings that I am aware of (I am actually a functional atheist not a religious moderate) whatever is done, is done by humanity and it’s creations. The system of knowledge is nothing more than a tool.
I’m not sure I’m ready to accept that indoctrination can completely account for the personal responsibility of the foot soldiers who carried out the orders of their insane leaders though. There must have been a moment in each of those soldiers’ lives (save for those who were psychopaths) where they had to make a conscious decision to ignore their better judgment and kill the innocent. It may not be an easy choice, and given the same circumstances you or I may have done the same things, but I don’t think that provides an adequate reason to carry out such heinous acts. Obviously, my inability to accept something does not affect reality, and maybe you disagree with me, but all I would ask for is some evidence that I am wrong and that indoctrination turns people into complete robots incapable of making a rational (albeit difficult) decision. The herd mentality is strong but it doesn’t make anyone do anything, it just provides a strong incentive to.
Mainly, I just think that it is a logical jump to say that the system of knowledge itself is what causes or allows atrocities. I think that the ultimate responsibility lies in the leaders that manipulate people and the followers who carry out the actions (to varying degrees, obviously). The atrocities that the religious folks on this site point to may not be good examples of the logical endpoint of atheism, but they do show that irrational supernatural belief is not necessary for indoctrination and mass murder.
Sunday May 2nd, 2010 @ 6:13am
hahaha, I have that same sticker :)
Neutral Views
Sunday May 2nd, 2010 @ 7:12am
well it is kinda….obscure…
if i waqs chritian i’d be offended too i guess…
Friday May 7th, 2010 @ 12:50am
I’m a strong Christian and honestly, I think this is hilarious. It’s a joke, don’t take it so literally. If the dinosaur was eating Jesus or something that could be offensive, but the fish is just a symbol of Christianity. A symbol in which has no divine authority or purpose.
so what if your Christian or Atheist, just take it as a good laugh.
Neutral Views
Friday May 7th, 2010 @ 5:59pm
Your just saying that…but really
Friday May 7th, 2010 @ 2:06am
People kill people and just about anything else they want.
Saturday May 22nd, 2010 @ 1:48pm
She must be insecure with her faith . . . I don’t find it insulting but amusing. Then again — I know my science.
Saturday May 22nd, 2010 @ 2:30pm
A girl who knows science? She’s a witch! Get her!
Monday September 20th, 2010 @ 8:46am
SHE TURNED ME INTO A NEWT!… but i got better.
Neutral Views
Saturday May 22nd, 2010 @ 3:50pm
have none of you seen this picture online?
it was posted on 4CHAN and everyone found it kinda funny.
this letter never actually happened
Sunday May 23rd, 2010 @ 7:57pm
Lol I don’t think that most of the people on 4chan are big on religion anyway; no matter how much my pastor enjoys the Japanese girl tentacle rape.
Sunday May 23rd, 2010 @ 7:49pm
Tough shit, whiner!!! Suck it up, coexist or fade into the sunset with the rest of the fundies.
Sunday May 23rd, 2010 @ 8:17pm
I can’t read through all these posts, especially the ones about religion, so pardon me if these points have been raised. The comments I have read seem to be missing the whole point. This note is not meant to foster “thoughtful” discussion about atheism or Christianity. It’s a threat against someone’s personal property and, last time I checked, such threats are illegal and punishable by law in most states. I hope the recipient took the note to the apartment manager and the filed a police report. The great thing about the U.S. is that every citizen has the Constitutionally protected right to believe and follow whatever religion he or she wants. And that includes NOT believing, too. Society should not tolerate or try to justify threats like this. It’s inexcusable and I hope the note writer is punished.
I would bet money that the “offended” idiot doesn’t even know what the sticker means. It’s poking fun at the Christian belief that the earth is only about 5,000 years old. We have scientific evidence that dinosaurs existed millions of years ago. So, the dinosaur eating the fish is simply a way of rejecting that ridiculous belief.
And even if this Christian note writer is offended, it is not very Christian of him to threaten others. That kind of hypocrisy is why many people reject organized religion.
Neutral Views
Monday May 24th, 2010 @ 11:49am
read my post which is only 5 above yours
Sunday May 23rd, 2010 @ 10:00pm
“my complex” ???? Does she own the building? And even if she does, she has no right to rip anything off someones car.
The ones who don’t believe in evolution are the ones who need it most.
Sunday May 23rd, 2010 @ 11:30pm
Brilliant sticker. :)
Monday May 24th, 2010 @ 7:35am
Please post a follow up! Did “Tierra Mesa Resident” follow through with his/her dastardly deed? Did the driver of the Toyota in question move out never to return again? Why do I get the feeling the “Tierra Mesa Resident” is a nine year old girl with an orange crayon? Whatever became of the first amendment?
Brilliant sticker indeed. Freedom of speech is a wonderful endowment of the United States of America and for us to be a truly educated society all perspectives must be brought to light.
Monday May 24th, 2010 @ 9:39am
Well for you to be a truly educated society you should first kick out all the evangelicals from any position of power or politics because they are incapable of keeping church and state seperate.
Monday May 24th, 2010 @ 9:32pm
I went to school for medical assisting. I had a lab teacher who was baptist. We watched a special on the human body that spoke about how the human body evolved and why. She fast forwarded through it and said that anything that supports evolution is a lie. I asked her about the fossil record and how that could be explained. She looked me in the eye and told me in her thick louisana accent “Honey, them bones is fake. Someone made them and planted them there. Its work of the devil.” hahaha
People would rather have faith in something they dont have to think about or prove than have to do any work and learn anything. Its just easier to be ignorant.
Tuesday June 8th, 2010 @ 12:12am
Okay, I hate organized religion, I hate Church, and I don’t trust the bible for shit but I am Spiritual and I believe in both God AND Evolution. Doesn’t mean I am right or wrong. I think we as people need to Coexist and stop hating each other for our differences. I find that the world is much more interesting when nobody is the same. Although, if someone is out right disrespecting you then I don’t think that you should tolerate it but don’t be so quick to jump the gun and hate others for being different than you. I feel that everyone is right in their beliefs OR lack there of for themselves and themselves alone. Don’t worry about the person next to you, let them worry about yourselves and don’t let it bother you. I may or may not get hate or agreement or nothing at all for this post… It just makes me very sad to see so much hate in the world. There are always exceptions to any type of person you try to be prejudice toward. There are some really great exceptions out there. We just need to give each other a chance.
Anyway, that whole Large Hadron Collider SCARES THE CRAP OUT OF ME! What if it does work and then we deal with a big black hole or if it doesn’t, then I am very silly to worry about it. What will happen!? I’d rather NOT know. @_@
Tuesday June 8th, 2010 @ 12:15am
When I said, “let them worry about yourselves and don’t let it bother you.” I actually meant, “let them worry about themselves and don’t let it bother you.”
Also, I may be spiritual but I still really like that bumper magnet. XD It’s hilarious!
Tuesday June 8th, 2010 @ 1:34am
The LHC does work and is working right now as you and I type our posts.
Don’t be a fool.
I’d have to argue that the concept of God and the fact of evolution are incompatible for one simple reason. First of all, you use the proper-noun form of God, implying belief in the abrahamic god. This god cannot exist in an evolving universe as any more than a delusion of man, and is by far the least compatible with evolution. Quite frankly, any god of any definition still becomes supernatural, and the supernatural is also itself incompatible with evolution and the natural.
For this reason alone, that is the incompatibility of supernatural and natural, you cannot rationally believe in both.
Captain Obvious
Wednesday June 9th, 2010 @ 11:55pm
Typical fundamentalcase freak show. Dont like it, look the other way.
Neutral Views
Thursday June 10th, 2010 @ 2:38pm
Friday June 18th, 2010 @ 10:13am
awesome, dont you just love it when these stupid people show just how stupid they are lol. i say you bleach a pic picture of it onto her front lawn lmao.
keep up the hard work pissing off creationist people, we want them to get angry.
read my blog.
Thursday July 1st, 2010 @ 6:29pm
I love how she calls it, “her complex.” Is she the owner of said complex? Because if she is, she probably needs to put a clause in the lease in the future. And if she isn’t, she needs therapy for her control issues.
Friday July 2nd, 2010 @ 12:09am
Thursday July 8th, 2010 @ 4:31am
What nerve some people have.
They need to get over themselves and accept that not everyone has the same views that they have.
Tsk tsk. Some people (i.e. Ms. Tierra Mesa here) are absolutely pathetic.
Wednesday August 4th, 2010 @ 6:29am
Sometimes I am ashamed to be a Christian – MY Saviour does not condone anonymous violence against skeptics, but urges me forgive them if they insult my feelings, and to pray for them.
Tuesday August 31st, 2010 @ 4:27pm
Interesting as the discussion on the divine in this context may be… Judging by the style in which note was written and left, I suppose you have to do with a person with psychiatrical sort of problems, not an intolerant individual.
Tuesday September 14th, 2010 @ 5:59pm
All theists should be shot. Faith is a virus of the mind. Once contracted, it takes over the host forcing them to believe faith is superior to reason, destroys the host and then attempts to replicate itself. We should cull them and call it the rapture. It’s good for them and it’s good for us normal people.
Tuesday September 14th, 2010 @ 6:14pm
A great point Richard Dawkins made in his writings, except for the threats of violence, of course. ;)
Tuesday September 14th, 2010 @ 6:44pm
Do you mean his article on “Reginoil”?
Tuesday September 14th, 2010 @ 6:47pm
Correction: Gerin oil or Geriniol. Good essay.
Tuesday September 14th, 2010 @ 7:06pm
Yeah, that one.
Here’s the link to the article itself:
Friday November 12th, 2010 @ 10:54pm
When do I get that Dinosaur? Seriously, where do I get it?
Tuesday November 30th, 2010 @ 4:10pm
Haha! Psycho people. I’m gonna buy me one and put it on my car ’cause it’s awesome. I live in the anus of the bible belt, so it won’t take long for something to happen…
Wednesday December 1st, 2010 @ 11:29am
Pretty sure belts don’t have an anus.
This is just ridiculous.
Friday December 3rd, 2010 @ 7:47pm
It’s a fucking sticker. Who cares. If people minded their own business instead of getting upset by what others do this world would be a better place. If someone wants to have a sticker religious, non religious, anything it’s thier right. Just get on with your life and be happy with yourself. Not every fight is worth fighting.
Thursday January 6th, 2011 @ 10:03pm
Hahahahaha that sticker was great!! Made me laugh! Thanks!
I see it started quite a discussion too. I just want to say to whoever thinks this is wrong, then according to your logic, preachers in parks are wrong too, anyone who talks to me about religion if i didn’t ask them to do so are wrong, having stikcers of the little fish is wrong. I think that we all have a right to voice our opinions in which ever way we want (freedom of speech), if people decide to be insulted by my opinion then that is their problem not mine and they need to deal with that by themselves leaving me out of it! Also i’d like to point out that if religions are affecting the world and my life for that matter, I can talk (or paste stickers) about it like I would about any other problem like global warming for instance. Also, whoever doesn’t believe in evolution by this point in time, needs to go read up on it… seriouslly!
I think religions had a big and important part in the development of our present ways and they helped human kind come to this point, but now they need to be replaced. Religions in this era are draggin us down and threaten our existance. Most wars have religion as their main object and filisophies like “the earth was created by god for us”, “we are god’s children hence we are superior to all other living things”, “all of earth’s living things are here just for us to use them in which ever way we want and are inexhaustible”, etc are making sure the Earth is taken to a breaking point. Last but not least, it seems silly that most people in America believe in a European religion that was clearly though up in Europe, with all it’s events going on there (which are moslty copied form previous religions like egyptian ones all based in astrology). Europeans came to America, Africa, etc and forced their religions on our ancestors. To do so, they basically forhibited all other religions and killed everyone who opposed and here we have people defending this and actually getting mad at anyone who disagrees. Respect goes both ways! We need open minds on both sides. I apologize if i misspeled something; English is my second languange.
Tuesday March 15th, 2011 @ 12:52am
I’m atheist, but I hate most atheists. Many are too close minded, and usually are dicks in the process such as above. Let people believe what they want. Who are we to kill a persons belief that he/she will be reunited in the after life with a loved one?
Tuesday March 15th, 2011 @ 1:08am
Exactly! This is something I’ve been pondering on about in the last few decades. Why are those arrogant and misguided extreme atheists Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens so hostile towards one’s own personal beliefs? They are very harsh and cruel when they argue, especially Hitchens. He attacks creationism and shows no regret for it. Why…? Why so much anger against my God? We bring troubled families to our church a lot and because we want to help them get to know Jesus so He can turn their lives around for the better. So many people doing drugs, having promiscuous sex, killing others, all because they have given their life’s hopes and dreams over to the Devil. Jesus’ death on the cross was needed, because He wants to give us all eternal life. Sadly more people are most likely in Hell, away from other loved ones, suffering for all eternity. It is scary and seems “cruel” but trust me on this one! It’s just like when a judge sentences criminals. If you commit the crime you agree to take the punishment. God won’t just let *anyone* into Heaven unless THEY come to grips with the sins they have committed and surrenders his old ways in favor of Christ. I used to be in a garage rock band in the 1980s and we did lots of drugs. I have lost 2 friends to STDs and many of my so-called “friends” all deserted me and left me to die on the streets. Yes, I was in my 30s and I was a total bum, with long hair and ripped stained jeans. I didn’t even have a place to stay because I was broke and my record label was shut down for some stupid reason. You atheists have NO IDEA what the Lord did for me. So many years wasted partying hard, to many episodes of anxiety and depression, to the feelings of insecurity. I was an atheist and at the time I *thought* I was “right” that God doesn’t exist. However, one day Jesus came to me in my sleep and He told me that I can get my life back on track again. That’s when I saw two missionaries from a local church and they saw that I was poor and dirty. They gave me a job and provided me with food and shelter until I had a home to call my own. That was an amazing time, rebuilding my life with the help of the Lord!
Long story aside, Jesus is anything but bad for people. If you don’t like Him then all I can say is I pray that you look into your hearts and ask Him any question you have in mind. He loves us and wants us to be with Him in Heaven. I, for one, KNOW that I will be with the Lord in Heaven. It’s sad that man’s sick and twisted lifestyles can lure us all away from the Lord and instead towards the Devil! Praise God that my life has changed! Christ wants to help you, not betray you. He cares for us just like a parent.
Tuesday March 15th, 2011 @ 6:05am
Who shows Love and who is showing Hate? Is it strong to hate or is it weak?
Wednesday March 16th, 2011 @ 5:35pm
This completely made my day. Thank you for sharing your fellow man’s stupidity!!!!
Gold Striker
Saturday April 2nd, 2011 @ 5:57am
I’m a Christian.
It’s not right to FORCE people to change. When you do this it hurts our relationships because one will not allow the other to be who they are and truly live their own life.
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
37Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’b 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’c
40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.
If the bible says this and we do not do it then we are in the wrong.
On behalf of Christians please accept my apology and try to understand that we are growing everyday trying to get closer to living in the way Jesus told us to. We miss and forget many points.
Saturday April 2nd, 2011 @ 8:53am
I admire anyone brave enough to put that on their car. I’d be too scarred that those poor persecuted christians would bust out my windows!
Thursday April 7th, 2011 @ 5:56pm
HAHAHA I want one!
Thursday April 7th, 2011 @ 5:56pm
*insert witty nickname here*
Friday April 8th, 2011 @ 8:59pm
Despite being a teenager, I will choose to be the bigger man and walk away from this argument. Instead I will join the group of people, from all religions or lack thereof, who couldn’t give a shit what you believe in. Yes, I’m an atheist, but that doesn’t mean I hate all religions. Yes, I think this bumper sticker is cute, but that doesn’t mean I will immediately jump into an argument with the next religous person I see. I know a girl who’s a Christian and a lesbian. She sings in her church choir, but that doesn’t make her evil or stupid. Now, I will start an argument just as pointless as all yours. “rawr” does not mean “I love you,” but instead means “I’m going to eat you now” in dinosaurese.
Friday April 8th, 2011 @ 10:43pm
An admirable yet pathetic post. Its perfectly reasonable to have no issue with someone over their beliefs or not, but to completely ignore the problems that arise, as you’ve implied you are going to do, is just purposeful ignorance.
Friday April 8th, 2011 @ 11:01pm
I can respect anyone, regardless of their beliefs. However, if they try to impose their beliefs on me or say something very ignorant or hypocritical then I will have my speech. There are a load of morons (especially the kind that rehash on unfunny 4chan memes — fuck 4chan) in atheism as well, but at least they aren’t living in a delusion by assuming “Goddidit ‘n’ stuff.”
Wednesday April 27th, 2011 @ 5:26am
This is a perfectly reasonable stance and one that I shared for a long time.
You also have to remember however, while you and I were indifferent, other people started working to change some of OUR laws, the laws that affect OUR lives. Some people are working to skew OUR educational system to conform with THEIR religious views, even rewriting science foe OUR future generations.
Given the choice now, I may choose to not stand silent while this happens.
Wednesday April 27th, 2011 @ 5:29am
the above message was a reply to “insert witty nickname here”
Wood Gas
Thursday April 21st, 2011 @ 11:21am
Bad form, forgiving christian correspondence should always be in blue crayon.
Thursday April 21st, 2011 @ 6:11pm
Red is the color of The Devil!
Sunday April 24th, 2011 @ 10:31pm
I love how people are posting long comments, trying to point out why other people are wrong.
Monday April 25th, 2011 @ 3:24pm
The “How to Infuriate Someone” post is even funnier.
Tuesday April 26th, 2011 @ 8:00pm
Interestingly the “Jesus Fish” has long been a pagan symbol: it’s the top half of the Ank, the female part, combined with the male member (the cross)- joining in recreating life. (It’s a sex symbol!) Christians never used such symbols until the 2nd and 3rd centuries.
gary betchan
Monday May 2nd, 2011 @ 10:16am
Most people who display emblems like these hear mostly praise. Your parking lot neighbors who pause while passing your car will mostly be laughing. After all, christians are a kind and gentle sect that “turns the other check”.. Right!
But some areas are dangerous for the little critters. I personally use a magnetic backing and remove mine occasionally.
Atheist Dave
Monday May 2nd, 2011 @ 9:43pm
I live in the middle of the Bible Belt in Texas and I’ve had a Darwin fish on my car for about six years with no problem. Fortunately these are isolated incidents; unfortunately the people who pull this kind of stuff are crazies who you’re probably better off not messing with.
Atheist Dave
Monday May 2nd, 2011 @ 9:45pm
In fact, I delivered pizza ’round here for three years and had my Darwin fish up the whole time. Not one incident – not even when leaving my car idling in front of churches.
I did make sure to back into my parking spot at the edge of the lot when I visited the “Creation Evidence Museum” in Glen Rose, TX so that nobody walking by would notice it.
gary betchan
Sunday May 8th, 2011 @ 8:37am
Personally, I like talking with people who disagree with my stickers and emblems. Usually when I see a couple of folks standing behind my car, I approach them hopeful of a chat. Often they cooperate. Sometimes with a threat that I’m “going to burn forever in Hell”; or that I must be a “goddamned liberal”. But more often than not, they are Supporters just admiring by statements. With those folks I tell them ” I got them at ” and then try to get them interested in a local freethought group.
If they are opponents, I try to start with a conciliatory statement. ” I really don’t hate christians, some of my best friends are christians, but some of the big churches get pretty Un-christian”. That often gets the baptists to start bashing the catholics, or the catholics to launch an attack on the mormons. Many of them tell me they don’t like Big Religion either, they value their “personal relationship with jesus”. I like to tell them about MY personal relationship with Richard Dawkins. I see talk with him at meetings once or twice a year, read his books. After that I continue to mention the scientists I know, or the medical doctors that save lives, or other Real People. At the end of the conversation I always end with a line like “Isn’t great that we live in a country where we can hold different opinions without worrying about being burned at the stake… anymore.”
PS. it’s interesting that this web site’s spell checker demands capitalization of religion names, denies the existence of “freethought” and asserts that Richard Dawkins doesn’t exist, while Jesus does.
Monday May 9th, 2011 @ 8:01pm
You should put some sort of flesh eating bacteria on it.
Tuesday May 10th, 2011 @ 12:30am
ok so I’ve read alot of your comments and I’ve noticed that alot of you seem to KNOW what God wants or feels. Some may say thats because we have the “bible”. Every religion based on it interprets it differently. I would think you would be scared to even suppose you knew his intent. Who do YOU think you are?
Tuesday May 10th, 2011 @ 12:36am
anyways I do the best I can with what I feel is right. I have done good and bad. Like nature has good and bad. Its not intended (sometimes), it just is.
Tuesday May 10th, 2011 @ 12:45am
Oh and yes I believe in something bigger than myself or my universe for that matter. I do believe in evolution. Why can God not create life beyond your understanding? WHAtever Im going to bed. HMMF! haha
Friday May 13th, 2011 @ 2:12pm
you must be kidding me…. Cause “dinosars are and artists creation to test our faith” is not good enough. Ignorance is going to be the death of facts. I’m so sorry. Keep that dinosaur up! Start writing notes to all the people who have the Jesus fish on them. Free speech is so important. So fuck them.
Wednesday May 18th, 2011 @ 3:03am
i had that exact same one and i go to a conservative high school and those mitherfuckers ripped mine off!
Sunday May 22nd, 2011 @ 1:22am
It’s appropriate to ridicule the ridiculous. Respect for religion simply means you’re left alone to practice it. A sticker I purchase to place on my car doesn’t constitute violation of that respect, however, violating the property I rightly own DOES constitute violation of my right to private property and my own beliefs and practice. “Freedom of religion” doesn’t mean freedom from skepticism, critique, opposition, competition, etc. It simply means you’re at liberty to believe and practice as you like PROVIDED you give the same liberty to others. Vandalizing my property voids your freedom of religion. If you don’t want to be civilized, don’t argue for civility.
Sunday May 22nd, 2011 @ 2:13am
Bravo! Well said.
Friday June 3rd, 2011 @ 5:30am
id think in a place like England they would remember they went thru the blitz and made it by winning against the nazis the freedom of belief and thought….the words never again come to mind….realize that ww2 started in public parks and proaganda taught to uneducated people …now im a artist and when i looked at the depiction i couldnt find anything wrong with it animals eat animals …whaling came first to mind not a dinosure eatting christians …to be exact shouldnt it have been lions ???Tolerance for the ingnorance and arrogance of both partys is called for here!
Friday June 3rd, 2011 @ 7:38am
Lets look at this logically:
Religious extremists kill people.
Atheist extremists argue on the internet.
You tell me, am I really the one that needs to be “more tolerant”?
Friday July 8th, 2011 @ 7:35pm
what ever happened to free speech.they have the right to have that dinosaur have no right to touch dont like it.move
Sunday July 10th, 2011 @ 3:34pm
I actually don’t get it. I am assuming this orange crayon woman finds dinosaurs offensive? Does she think they are a subject that could be debated?
Lee Stevens
Wednesday July 13th, 2011 @ 10:32am
I love its written in orange crayon like they live in a place where they are not allowed to have sharp things.I’ll take a stab at the perpetrators profile.Woman, divorced, perhaps an ex-teacher, with a compulsive behavior disorder, has gaudy religious shrines in her apartment, not very attractive, either has cats or children, neither like her much.She may work for the Salvation Army, or some such group where at least some people have to listen to her rantings.She complains a good deal to the landlord, he, and the maintenance man will know who she is.To smoke her out write some joyous but very irreverent Christmas song variations, sing them loudly during the holidays, she will confront you, when she does have the threat in your back pocket,unfurl it in her face and confront her, she will confess.Have a tape recorder in your pocket,play back the confrontation she will never bother you again. Or so I think the story goes.
Thursday July 14th, 2011 @ 6:01am
LOL…She, quite often has dreams about the end of the world. twice, voted for George W. Bush, spends much of her day on Youtube and facebook making religious comments and maybe videos defending Jesus and the Holy Bible, she doesn’t know who the Midianites or the Amalekites are. She thinks that the large bird “die off” in Arkansas was confirmation of the rapture and that President Obama is in the process of starting the totalitarian Government.
Based on that, don’t worry about finding her, she’ll find you.
Monday July 25th, 2011 @ 4:16pm
Yet if this was a dinosaur taking a bite out of the karan….everyone would be completely offended, call the person a racist pig and be ready to hang him. The truth is, if its of a Christian nature it is okay to be offensive.
Tuesday August 2nd, 2011 @ 2:17am
People always say that religion starts wars. When reading this I find it funny how it can’t be the religions that make humans fight it must be humanity, because 90% or so of these people are even bickering with each other about their own beliefs. Or perhaps Atheism is an actual religion.
Tuesday August 2nd, 2011 @ 7:57am
What? At what point did Bickering become “war”? You don’t see anyone here murdering anyone, do you?
Tuesday August 2nd, 2011 @ 2:31am
I don’t want to start any arguments but I stumbled upon this page and lately I’ve come across literally TONS of situations involving Atheists angry because of “religious views” on and off the internet. I feel I am a real Christian, whether others agree with me or not. Basically I personally want to apologize for anyone who has felt harassed by religious nuts. I grew up in a southern Baptist church and have strongly disagreed in views with them ever since, but I kept my faith and now feel stronger for growing up that way. I was thrown out of Sunday schools for disagreeing with the teacher. I don’t know what religious people did to those of you who are (no offence), but very obviously bitter. I am sorry for it though. I as a Christian, don’t believe that God should or would strike anyone here dead for their ideas. You know…I just get kinda tired of the person who is smart. This person will be a genius scientist, which means this person should be open to anything until proven. They even believe there could be life out in space. I know the flying spaghetti monster theory and all, but… how can you discover proof of things, if you refuse to believe in them in the first place. This doesn’t have to be God it can be anything.
Tuesday August 2nd, 2011 @ 3:05pm
Really? What did you disagree with?
Sunday August 7th, 2011 @ 4:03am
Yeah guess what the entire universe is made of. Fuck you Christians are retarded.
Sunday August 7th, 2011 @ 4:13am
Oh and the reason why people like Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens attack religion to the scale that they do is because of the extreme harm they are causing. Look at this planet you live on. look at war torn countries, do you not understand why they constantly kill eachother? They want our planet to evolve as a civilization. But we can’t do fuck all with religion still here. Open your eyes and stop taking shit so personal. It’s all religion not just yours.
not crazy
Sunday February 12th, 2012 @ 1:50am
what a perfect summarization, i will keep this paragraph in mind. and I think penn jillette said it best that believing in religion is just batshit crazy. i mean, you can go around performing simple tasks, and more complicated ones, but at the end of the day, you still believe that everything each of the 7 billion people do is watched by god, praying works when it works, and works when it doesnt because its gods will, a lady got pregnant and techincally would have had a perfect clone as her own because only her genes were there during conception, the entire human race is based upon the offspring of an intense and multigenerational incestial orgy, light was created before the sun, and the sun was created before the stars. You’re either a liar and you don’t believe, or you deep down are just plain batshit nutz.
Tuesday January 7th, 2014 @ 10:24pm
In contrast to the religious discussion, I just want to point out that at first reading I thought this was a letter from a third grader. Then I realised that this is the handwriting of an adult. Oh.
Saturday June 14th, 2014 @ 12:31pm
Problems only arise when holy books interpreted as if they were literal history aimed at the intellect, instead of as the poetry that their writers intended to speak directly to the heart. It’s a metaphor, a symbol, it requires understanding not just the ability to read. It assumes a reader with enough emotional honesty to admit that something awesome underlies ordinary experience.