FUCK YEAH! The start of this story made me start to hate google. But in light of this and their ultimatum to the Chinese government, I have new found faith in google to preserve the fundamental right of free speech. Fuck islam, fuck religion, go freedom on the internet!
are you guys serious? why are you so hateful? i mean you can respectfully disagree with religion but being so cruel is just horrible. i mean you guys remind me of the westboro baptist church. seriously im expecting someone to start talking about how much they hate “fags” and then the racsim starts. This is actually kind of sickening.
my criticism is being aimed at those people as well but i cannot believe that all of you dont think you are being a bit harsh by saying “fuck islam””fuck religion” you make it seem as if all those who identify themselves with a certain religion deserves the death sentence. If you all think you are so much better than those people maybe you should start acting like it
my criticism is being aimed at those people as well but i cannot believe that all of you dont think you are being a bit harsh by saying “fuck islam””fuck religion” you make it seem as if all those who identify themselves with a certain religion deserves the death sentence. If you all think you are so much better than those people maybe you should start acting like it
I have absolutely never implied that religious people should be: censored or harmed. I live in a free country where everyone is free to believe what they want, and I’d fight for someone right to believe in their god, even if I disagree with it, but I in no way condone that belief, and I certainly don’t respect people with such foolish beliefs.
You can ‘identify’ yourself with a certain religion, but do not for a second think that religious deserves some sort of respect just because it’s a religion. If I insulted your favorite political party, you would surely dislike my statements, but you should not feel personally attacked by this insult, since it’s not aimed at you.
Besides, your belief in a religion (that has followers that do very bad things), results in a tacit approval of their horrible actions, since in the end, you share common core beliefs.
you have got it all wrong. yes i am muslim but i DO NOT condone in anyway the tragic events that have happened here. i also DO NOT condone hating an entire group of people just because some of them do such horrible things. i believe all people deserve respect unless they have done something to show that they do not.
And i would be a bit offended if someone said “fuck all democrats” because that is something rude, disrespectful and hateful. I have probably not done anything cruel towards that person, so why should i be insulted like that?
Also, i did not want to get too emotionally involved in this but, how dare you say just because i was raised as a muslim in the United States and i still hold those beliefs that i approve of the beating of a raped girl?!?!? I in no way think that this is acceptable in the least!! It is disgusting! But please sir, do not insult me when i just want people to stop hating all muslims, or all of any group for that matter
What seems like hate is merely the manifestation of the nearly overwhelming frustration rational people feel when dealing with people who have voluntarily given up using the brain they claim god gave them. Belief in any religion is nothing more than the delusional behaviour of the gullible. You stated “you can respectfully disagree with religion”. Would You respectfully disagree with an adult believing in Santa Claus? You simply fail to understand that the only difference is no one will kill you or whip you for believing in Santa.
Don’t act surprised when atheists show believers the same level of respect they show us? i.e. nil.
Not condoning the barbaric behaviour of your fellow believers is not the same thing as speaking out against it. If you belong to a group that does wrong you are complicit, like it or not. Based on your comments it would be perfectly acceptable to be a member of the K.K.K. as long as you didn’t actually lynch anyone.
“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” Edmund Burke.
all of the athiests i know became athiests because a) of all the evidence that points against the existence of a god ,b) they believe that religion clouds peoples minds and makes them do horrible things, and c) that they believe that they can act much more civilized then most religious people. im sorry, i went to the assumption that all athiests shared these beliefs.
and im not sure whether i am muslim or athiest now. i am on the side of evolution and such but i find it comforting sometimes, to think that someone cares enough to watch over me. I agree with all the evidence and sometimes classify myself and completely athiest but i also like thinking that there is a god. So please stop being mean to me.
And i apologize i did think that was what condone meant, maybe i should pick up a dictionary next time.
Belief in any religion is nothing more than the delusional behaviour of the gullible.
Atheism is nothing more than the delusional behaviour of the gullible.
It doesnt take much. I can even use your words.
“Would You respectfully disagree with an adult believing in Santa Claus?”
How many people have you come across with belief in Santa? Billions upon Billions believe in God.
“Not condoning the barbaric behaviour of your fellow believers is not the same thing as speaking out against it. If you belong to a group that does wrong you are complicit, like it or not. Based on your comments it would be perfectly acceptable to be a member of the K.K.K. as long as you didn’t actually lynch anyone.”
KKK stands superamcy of the white race as core belief. Its main beliefs are not shared overwhlemingly by say at least 95% of human population. Religions like Islam or Christianty are gigantic compared to KKK. Both a massive religion and minute KKK are un-compareable. Its a badly made point and a eventaul logical fallacy.
A small group like KKK normally have hierachy and authority. Religions like Islam do not. There is neither a central authority or hierachy that governs nearly 2 billion people. Although in case of Islam Quran and Hadith do stand as authority.
By your logic if there was alien race looking down you are implicit for being a member of human race.
Gigantic “group” like Islam is split into many faction one simply does not accept the authority of the other or holds same values. Take terrorism. Its only committed by sect known as Wahabiya. So if a member of Bareilvi, who have no history of terrorism – so how are they implicit?
If you actaully learnt first and took interest in human race then you might come up with something better than half baked ideas. The reason all belief system and ideologies are important to me are because they belong to humans
A hell of a lot of atheists claim to be good humanists yet fail to show it as is the cae here. Even you are not such an idiot to be unaware of the role RELIGION has actually played shaping up the human history. No matter how far you go RELIGION will always be there. Of course lot less quite but so are the people who do not believe in God.
There can be a subtle difference between disagreement, harsh condemnation and acceptance. whilst still . I do not hate or codemn other belief systems per se as they are important to other people. Yet I am totally convinced, just as you are, that what I beleive is 100% correct. If you do not tolerate others, they wont tolerate you. That leads to Wars. There is a way to disagree – a proper way. Where before hand you set out parameters. Not all out Condemnations. That does not work. Not like the athiest Priest Richard Dawkins.
Considering the way its going soon there will be a war between Atheist and Non-Atheists. Wait for it….. then it really will be fuck this fuck that.
Ah the old ‘millions believe so it can’t be wrong’ argument. It’s a shame it does nothing to support your argument. Millions once believed many things that we would now consider preposterous. Millions still believe religions other than yours, that doesn’t give them any credence does it? When religious people are the minority which is how things will be centuries from now (assuming the believers haven’t killed all the freethinkers) would believers accept that same argument that quantity equals accuracy. Or put more simply; if you believed in a minority religion do you think I could dissuade you of that belief by simply declaring it less popular than another?
As for your “member of the human race’ comment, nobody joins the human race. You are either human or not. If you can’t come up with a more intelligent argument than that I’ll excuse you as you have been brainwashed and know no better and I was taught to never make fun of the disabled.
I take a huge interest in the human race and it’s future potential, that is why I will always do my best to educate away the silly superstitions from those who were indoctrinated with religion.
There is no doubt that religion has shaped the way we live today.
There is no evidence it was in any positive way.
Religion will always exist as long as there are charlatans around that are willing to take advantage of the gullible.
There is certainly a difference between disagreement and harsh condemnation. Disagreement is usually reserved for when peoples opinions vary but none of these opinions will harm anyone. Harsh condemnation is reserved for those whose opinions are forced upon others and cause harm like whipping a woman for reporting a rape (feel free to add in any of the dozens of hate crimes committed by the religious).
There is already a war between atheists and believers. For atheists it is to save the minds of the next generation from the horrendous pollution of destructive religion. For Muslims (those who are represented in the press and therefore the only heard voice of Islam) it is to make everybody Islamic and obey sharia law. What rational reason can somebody possibly have to move from an Islamic country to a Christian country and then try and impose sharia law on everybody? It’s ludicrous.
Richard Dawkins is hardly a priest (in part because what he has to say isn’t based on millennia old superstition). He is simply stating our case clearly to a press that has previously ignored atheism.
If you want to believe some sky-fairy made everyone etc. go ahead. But to indoctrinate your children with it is tantamount to child abuse. If you had any real faith in your beliefs you would think them acceptable to adults that hadn’t been brainwashed since they were infants.
My belief on the subject is that religion should be classified as Adults Only. If you can’t convince an adult of something that you can indoctrinate a child to blindly believe, it must be childish.
In an idyllic future those who believe in religion will be treated, those who promote it to minors jailed.
Belief in any religion is nothing more than the delusional behaviour of the gullible.
Atheism is nothing more than the delusional behaviour of the gullible.
What exactly is gullible about trusting one’s senses and living your life in a rational manner?
It doesnt take much. I can even use your words.
Uhm okay, and in the process you said absolutely nothing.
“Would You respectfully disagree with an adult believing in Santa Claus?”
How many people have you come across with belief in Santa? Billions upon Billions believe in God.
So, you’re telling me that because a lot of different people have different beliefs in different gods and different religions… this somehow gives credence to your beliefs? Talk about a logical fallacy…
“Not condoning the barbaric behaviour of your fellow believers is not the same thing as speaking out against it. If you belong to a group that does wrong you are complicit, like it or not. Based on your comments it would be perfectly acceptable to be a member of the K.K.K. as long as you didn’t actually lynch anyone.”
KKK stands superamcy of the white race as core belief. Its main beliefs are not shared overwhlemingly by say at least 95% of human population. Religions like Islam or Christianty are gigantic compared to KKK. Both a massive religion and minute KKK are un-compareable. Its a badly made point and a eventaul logical fallacy.
Here’s the irony in what you just said: You disregard the KKK as holding beliefs that less than 5% follow, yet you yourself ascribe to beliefs that are shared by probably an equal number of people. Islam is as you say, not centrally controlled and instead, is a lot of small ‘factions’ (a.k.a. sects). You cannot in one stroke dismiss a group’s beliefs based on the number of people that believe in it, only to turn around in your next statement, claiming that your beliefs are those of a smaller faction.. you’re contradicting yourself.
A small group like KKK normally have hierachy and authority. Religions like Islam do not. There is neither a central authority or hierachy that governs nearly 2 billion people. Although in case of Islam Quran and Hadith do stand as authority.
By your logic if there was alien race looking down you are implicit for being a member of human race.
I have no idea what you’re talking about…
Gigantic “group” like Islam is split into many faction one simply does not accept the authority of the other or holds same values. Take terrorism. Its only committed by sect known as Wahabiya. So if a member of Bareilvi, who have no history of terrorism – so how are they implicit?
Unless you condemn their actions, your common beliefs serve to give the terrorists further justification in their actions. They feel more people ascribe to their terrible beliefs that killing innocent people is the right thing to do.
If you actaully learnt first and took interest in human race then you might come up with something better than half baked ideas. The reason all belief system and ideologies are important to me are because they belong to humans
What you just said either doesn’t make any sense, or is completely devoid of logic.
A hell of a lot of atheists claim to be good humanists yet fail to show it as is the cae here. Even you are not such an idiot to be unaware of the role RELIGION has actually played shaping up the human history.
You mean with war, torture, murder, hate and slavery? Yeah, what a great accomplishment.
No matter how far you go RELIGION will always be there. Of course lot less quite but so are the people who do not believe in God.
You need to clarify this statement since it doesn’t make sense.
There can be a subtle difference between disagreement, harsh condemnation and acceptance. whilst still . I do not hate or codemn other belief systems per se as they are important to other people.
And here it is. This is the problem. This is why I say ‘fuck islam’. You just said above that only the Wahabiya commit terrorist acts, and now you follow up with the claim that we need to respect everyone’s beliefs; this of course means that you respect the beliefs of Wahabiya… which means you respect terrorists.
If you respect them, then you are my enemy. Plain and simple.
Yet I am totally convinced, just as you are, that what I beleive is 100% correct.
The key difference is what you believe has no proof or evidence to back it up, your beliefs are based entirely on what you want to be true and not what is true.
If you do not tolerate others, they wont tolerate you. That leads to Wars. There is a way to disagree – a proper way. Where before hand you set out parameters. Not all out Condemnations. That does not work.
Yes it does, notice how we’ve got soldiers in Afghanistan? Who started that war? A bunch of muslim terrorists attacked the united state and killed 3000 civilians.
Not like the athiest Priest Richard Dawkins.
What? Dawkin’s is not a priest. Priests are people who are religious, dawkin’s has no religion.
Considering the way its going soon there will be a war between Atheist and Non-Atheists. Wait for it….. then it really will be fuck this fuck that.
Use of childish insults is Rational? I dont think so.
Respect? no darling you didnt get it. Acceptance – not respect.I dont respect Christianty or Atheism or why should I – Its fairy tales. Read what I said. Then reply. Not the auto generated comments that you have built up.
Would you like to hear the evidence? We can debate that till the cows come home. You have no evidence of your believe. Its a reaction to religion. And do not tell me you understand Science. Or evolution. Its pretty obvious you dont. I have Masters in Genetics. Graduated in Physics though. What would oyu like to know?
Precisely – bunch of Muslim terrorists. I know that. You see, Muslims who codemn terrorism are never shown on media – not interesting enought. If you are intelligent – you would look past
What do you know aobut history of the Taliban and how they came to power? In fact do you know any History? Science? Logic? Rhetoric? Language? Literature? Art? What?
You mean with war, torture, murder, hate and slavery? Yeah, what a great accomplishment.
You really havent got a clue? Just one example – Isaac Newton was Christian. So were many many ppl who build the modern world – its sceince arts literature … ya ya ya.
My God I thingk you need help. Anger and hate management.
I have no idea what you just said. Feel free to repost what you just wrote with proper editing and quotations and I will reply to that. What you just wrote was a bunch of randomness.
Jan 28, 2010 @ 00:59:27
FUCK YEAH! The start of this story made me start to hate google. But in light of this and their ultimatum to the Chinese government, I have new found faith in google to preserve the fundamental right of free speech. Fuck islam, fuck religion, go freedom on the internet!
Jan 29, 2010 @ 12:30:27
Islam is… Google? I’ll say!
Jan 29, 2010 @ 17:05:33
Fuck Islam.
Jan 31, 2010 @ 16:04:19
Islam is a caveman religion
Jan 31, 2010 @ 16:15:57
All religions are for cavemen…
Mar 01, 2010 @ 17:11:03
Do cavemen also practice yoga and meditation?
Feb 06, 2010 @ 16:39:18
All religions are shit. Fuck your gods.
Feb 12, 2010 @ 00:13:38
are you guys serious? why are you so hateful? i mean you can respectfully disagree with religion but being so cruel is just horrible. i mean you guys remind me of the westboro baptist church. seriously im expecting someone to start talking about how much they hate “fags” and then the racsim starts. This is actually kind of sickening.
Feb 12, 2010 @ 00:15:03
You obviously didn’t see the original post…
Feb 12, 2010 @ 00:19:40
i still think that people should stop being so hateful
Feb 12, 2010 @ 07:34:33
Then you should aim your criticism at people who do things like murder their daughter for talking to boys (https://irreligion.org/2010/02/09/turkish-girl-16-buried-alive-for-talking-to-boys/) or punish women for being raped, or tell women that they must wear a burkka.
Feb 12, 2010 @ 13:27:38
my criticism is being aimed at those people as well but i cannot believe that all of you dont think you are being a bit harsh by saying “fuck islam””fuck religion” you make it seem as if all those who identify themselves with a certain religion deserves the death sentence. If you all think you are so much better than those people maybe you should start acting like it
Feb 12, 2010 @ 14:50:09
I have absolutely never implied that religious people should be: censored or harmed. I live in a free country where everyone is free to believe what they want, and I’d fight for someone right to believe in their god, even if I disagree with it, but I in no way condone that belief, and I certainly don’t respect people with such foolish beliefs.
You can ‘identify’ yourself with a certain religion, but do not for a second think that religious deserves some sort of respect just because it’s a religion. If I insulted your favorite political party, you would surely dislike my statements, but you should not feel personally attacked by this insult, since it’s not aimed at you.
Besides, your belief in a religion (that has followers that do very bad things), results in a tacit approval of their horrible actions, since in the end, you share common core beliefs.
Feb 13, 2010 @ 01:38:48
you have got it all wrong. yes i am muslim but i DO NOT condone in anyway the tragic events that have happened here. i also DO NOT condone hating an entire group of people just because some of them do such horrible things. i believe all people deserve respect unless they have done something to show that they do not.
And i would be a bit offended if someone said “fuck all democrats” because that is something rude, disrespectful and hateful. I have probably not done anything cruel towards that person, so why should i be insulted like that?
Also, i did not want to get too emotionally involved in this but, how dare you say just because i was raised as a muslim in the United States and i still hold those beliefs that i approve of the beating of a raped girl?!?!? I in no way think that this is acceptable in the least!! It is disgusting! But please sir, do not insult me when i just want people to stop hating all muslims, or all of any group for that matter
Feb 14, 2010 @ 13:41:44
What seems like hate is merely the manifestation of the nearly overwhelming frustration rational people feel when dealing with people who have voluntarily given up using the brain they claim god gave them. Belief in any religion is nothing more than the delusional behaviour of the gullible. You stated “you can respectfully disagree with religion”. Would You respectfully disagree with an adult believing in Santa Claus? You simply fail to understand that the only difference is no one will kill you or whip you for believing in Santa.
Don’t act surprised when atheists show believers the same level of respect they show us? i.e. nil.
Not condoning the barbaric behaviour of your fellow believers is not the same thing as speaking out against it. If you belong to a group that does wrong you are complicit, like it or not. Based on your comments it would be perfectly acceptable to be a member of the K.K.K. as long as you didn’t actually lynch anyone.
“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” Edmund Burke.
And change your moniker as it is obviously a lie.
Feb 14, 2010 @ 20:09:27
all of the athiests i know became athiests because a) of all the evidence that points against the existence of a god ,b) they believe that religion clouds peoples minds and makes them do horrible things, and c) that they believe that they can act much more civilized then most religious people. im sorry, i went to the assumption that all athiests shared these beliefs.
and im not sure whether i am muslim or athiest now. i am on the side of evolution and such but i find it comforting sometimes, to think that someone cares enough to watch over me. I agree with all the evidence and sometimes classify myself and completely athiest but i also like thinking that there is a god. So please stop being mean to me.
And i apologize i did think that was what condone meant, maybe i should pick up a dictionary next time.
Feb 14, 2010 @ 23:38:39
Belief in any religion is nothing more than the delusional behaviour of the gullible.
Atheism is nothing more than the delusional behaviour of the gullible.
It doesnt take much. I can even use your words.
“Would You respectfully disagree with an adult believing in Santa Claus?”
How many people have you come across with belief in Santa? Billions upon Billions believe in God.
“Not condoning the barbaric behaviour of your fellow believers is not the same thing as speaking out against it. If you belong to a group that does wrong you are complicit, like it or not. Based on your comments it would be perfectly acceptable to be a member of the K.K.K. as long as you didn’t actually lynch anyone.”
KKK stands superamcy of the white race as core belief. Its main beliefs are not shared overwhlemingly by say at least 95% of human population. Religions like Islam or Christianty are gigantic compared to KKK. Both a massive religion and minute KKK are un-compareable. Its a badly made point and a eventaul logical fallacy.
A small group like KKK normally have hierachy and authority. Religions like Islam do not. There is neither a central authority or hierachy that governs nearly 2 billion people. Although in case of Islam Quran and Hadith do stand as authority.
By your logic if there was alien race looking down you are implicit for being a member of human race.
Gigantic “group” like Islam is split into many faction one simply does not accept the authority of the other or holds same values. Take terrorism. Its only committed by sect known as Wahabiya. So if a member of Bareilvi, who have no history of terrorism – so how are they implicit?
If you actaully learnt first and took interest in human race then you might come up with something better than half baked ideas. The reason all belief system and ideologies are important to me are because they belong to humans
A hell of a lot of atheists claim to be good humanists yet fail to show it as is the cae here. Even you are not such an idiot to be unaware of the role RELIGION has actually played shaping up the human history. No matter how far you go RELIGION will always be there. Of course lot less quite but so are the people who do not believe in God.
There can be a subtle difference between disagreement, harsh condemnation and acceptance. whilst still . I do not hate or codemn other belief systems per se as they are important to other people. Yet I am totally convinced, just as you are, that what I beleive is 100% correct. If you do not tolerate others, they wont tolerate you. That leads to Wars. There is a way to disagree – a proper way. Where before hand you set out parameters. Not all out Condemnations. That does not work. Not like the athiest Priest Richard Dawkins.
Considering the way its going soon there will be a war between Atheist and Non-Atheists. Wait for it….. then it really will be fuck this fuck that.
Feb 15, 2010 @ 01:34:20
thank you very much mohammed, very well put
Mar 01, 2010 @ 08:53:07
Ah the old ‘millions believe so it can’t be wrong’ argument. It’s a shame it does nothing to support your argument. Millions once believed many things that we would now consider preposterous. Millions still believe religions other than yours, that doesn’t give them any credence does it? When religious people are the minority which is how things will be centuries from now (assuming the believers haven’t killed all the freethinkers) would believers accept that same argument that quantity equals accuracy. Or put more simply; if you believed in a minority religion do you think I could dissuade you of that belief by simply declaring it less popular than another?
As for your “member of the human race’ comment, nobody joins the human race. You are either human or not. If you can’t come up with a more intelligent argument than that I’ll excuse you as you have been brainwashed and know no better and I was taught to never make fun of the disabled.
I take a huge interest in the human race and it’s future potential, that is why I will always do my best to educate away the silly superstitions from those who were indoctrinated with religion.
There is no doubt that religion has shaped the way we live today.
There is no evidence it was in any positive way.
Religion will always exist as long as there are charlatans around that are willing to take advantage of the gullible.
There is certainly a difference between disagreement and harsh condemnation. Disagreement is usually reserved for when peoples opinions vary but none of these opinions will harm anyone. Harsh condemnation is reserved for those whose opinions are forced upon others and cause harm like whipping a woman for reporting a rape (feel free to add in any of the dozens of hate crimes committed by the religious).
There is already a war between atheists and believers. For atheists it is to save the minds of the next generation from the horrendous pollution of destructive religion. For Muslims (those who are represented in the press and therefore the only heard voice of Islam) it is to make everybody Islamic and obey sharia law. What rational reason can somebody possibly have to move from an Islamic country to a Christian country and then try and impose sharia law on everybody? It’s ludicrous.
Richard Dawkins is hardly a priest (in part because what he has to say isn’t based on millennia old superstition). He is simply stating our case clearly to a press that has previously ignored atheism.
If you want to believe some sky-fairy made everyone etc. go ahead. But to indoctrinate your children with it is tantamount to child abuse. If you had any real faith in your beliefs you would think them acceptable to adults that hadn’t been brainwashed since they were infants.
My belief on the subject is that religion should be classified as Adults Only. If you can’t convince an adult of something that you can indoctrinate a child to blindly believe, it must be childish.
In an idyllic future those who believe in religion will be treated, those who promote it to minors jailed.
Feb 12, 2010 @ 20:34:13
Thank you Ian. Calming down…
Feb 13, 2010 @ 01:45:42
im sorry, not to be rude but you were a bit fired up as well, were you not sir?
Feb 15, 2010 @ 09:35:25
What exactly is gullible about trusting one’s senses and living your life in a rational manner?
Uhm okay, and in the process you said absolutely nothing.
So, you’re telling me that because a lot of different people have different beliefs in different gods and different religions… this somehow gives credence to your beliefs? Talk about a logical fallacy…
Here’s the irony in what you just said: You disregard the KKK as holding beliefs that less than 5% follow, yet you yourself ascribe to beliefs that are shared by probably an equal number of people. Islam is as you say, not centrally controlled and instead, is a lot of small ‘factions’ (a.k.a. sects). You cannot in one stroke dismiss a group’s beliefs based on the number of people that believe in it, only to turn around in your next statement, claiming that your beliefs are those of a smaller faction.. you’re contradicting yourself.
I have no idea what you’re talking about…
Unless you condemn their actions, your common beliefs serve to give the terrorists further justification in their actions. They feel more people ascribe to their terrible beliefs that killing innocent people is the right thing to do.
What you just said either doesn’t make any sense, or is completely devoid of logic.
You mean with war, torture, murder, hate and slavery? Yeah, what a great accomplishment.
You need to clarify this statement since it doesn’t make sense.
And here it is. This is the problem. This is why I say ‘fuck islam’. You just said above that only the Wahabiya commit terrorist acts, and now you follow up with the claim that we need to respect everyone’s beliefs; this of course means that you respect the beliefs of Wahabiya… which means you respect terrorists.
If you respect them, then you are my enemy. Plain and simple.
The key difference is what you believe has no proof or evidence to back it up, your beliefs are based entirely on what you want to be true and not what is true.
Yes it does, notice how we’ve got soldiers in Afghanistan? Who started that war? A bunch of muslim terrorists attacked the united state and killed 3000 civilians.
What? Dawkin’s is not a priest. Priests are people who are religious, dawkin’s has no religion.
Fuck islam.
Mar 01, 2010 @ 08:55:48
Thanks Ian.
Feb 15, 2010 @ 10:59:00
Use of childish insults is Rational? I dont think so.
Respect? no darling you didnt get it. Acceptance – not respect.I dont respect Christianty or Atheism or why should I – Its fairy tales. Read what I said. Then reply. Not the auto generated comments that you have built up.
Would you like to hear the evidence? We can debate that till the cows come home. You have no evidence of your believe. Its a reaction to religion. And do not tell me you understand Science. Or evolution. Its pretty obvious you dont. I have Masters in Genetics. Graduated in Physics though. What would oyu like to know?
Precisely – bunch of Muslim terrorists. I know that. You see, Muslims who codemn terrorism are never shown on media – not interesting enought. If you are intelligent – you would look past
What do you know aobut history of the Taliban and how they came to power? In fact do you know any History? Science? Logic? Rhetoric? Language? Literature? Art? What?
You mean with war, torture, murder, hate and slavery? Yeah, what a great accomplishment.
You really havent got a clue? Just one example – Isaac Newton was Christian. So were many many ppl who build the modern world – its sceince arts literature … ya ya ya.
My God I thingk you need help. Anger and hate management.
Feb 15, 2010 @ 11:04:27
I have no idea what you just said. Feel free to repost what you just wrote with proper editing and quotations and I will reply to that. What you just wrote was a bunch of randomness.