Draw Mohammed Day!
Happy Draw Mohammed Day! Depending on where you work, this might be considered NSFW. Enjoy! :)
If you want yours included here, email !
by Brook West
by Kordite
by Robert Brown
by Jared Watson
by Joseph Aubert
by Bud Webster
by William Sanders
by Freedom of the Press
by Jose
by Brian Thomson
by HumanistDad
By Andre
By Craig Agnew
By Seth Andrews
by Jared Watson
By Chris Heathen
by Mike Dunn
By Hal
By Isaac
By Biggles
by David Williams
By Incontinent Desecrator
May 20, 2010 @ 02:06:35
Thank You.
May 20, 2010 @ 02:42:24
Please include mine.
May 20, 2010 @ 06:43:24
Here is mine:
May 20, 2010 @ 07:49:51
Haha, ewwww!
Jul 13, 2010 @ 17:52:49
That is just hilarious! Nice job! It took me twice
May 20, 2010 @ 09:46:29
Most were very good!
Maybe if there was a universal “If there is another terrorist attack we will nuke Mecca.” message they would stop the terrorist attacks.
May 20, 2010 @ 09:48:45
here’s mine! http://i.imgur.com/GKL0O.jpg
May 20, 2010 @ 10:13:55
Very nice indeed. The best picture’s the one with the caption “Damn you’s a sexy bitch!”
May 20, 2010 @ 10:15:06
Another one: http://imgur.com/7y7vt.png
May 20, 2010 @ 11:31:34
Not mine, but was posted publically anyways..
May 20, 2010 @ 11:33:35
May 20, 2010 @ 11:59:32
most of these cartoons are pretty damn terrible but there are quite a few good ones
May 20, 2010 @ 12:40:11
Who needs ’em to be good!
May 20, 2010 @ 12:22:02
http://imgur.com/LKb2N.jpg here is mine
May 20, 2010 @ 12:51:35
I hate you.
I castigate you.
I’m muslim.
Prophet Mohammed is the best person.
Lailaheillallah muhammederrasulaah.
May 20, 2010 @ 12:57:00
I’m not. Problem?
May 20, 2010 @ 17:55:53
May 20, 2010 @ 15:36:20
Freedom of speech, haa! This is nothing but hate speech. So, by this it means that I have the right to insult and even lie about any person, nation or religion. So I can hurt anyone as long as I do not hurt him or her physically. All these drawings are pure evil-the work of devil. If anyone thinks people have the right to insult and make drawings and videos of anyone as they wish than I say that ‘anyone’ is inane, evil and a miserable loser. Wait! Don’t retaliate because according to you I have the right to insult you. If you answer back, it would prove that such a right is ridiculous. So don’t cut your own throat.
May 20, 2010 @ 17:27:10
Give ’em hell man! But dude answering back is the whole point! Protip: you can answer back to this too! Wow! And then, I might answer back to that! :D Whoa boggles the mind doesn’t it? That’s almost like a… what’s it called, discussion? Where we can air our opinions? Maybe discuss facts and ways to approach things, come to a better understanding of things? Maybe we can do that without forbidding each other the use of arbitrary words? Words… gosh what do we know about words, I know a saying that goes something like “a picture is worth a thousand words”. So we can establish a link between words and images! You could say they’re ideas in a communicable form eh? Wow… ideas are cool, especially since they form in your head and you can do whatever you want there (awesome).
And I won’t let any mother fucker tell me that I can’t express something, I don’t give a shit what fucking cowboy country or dead desert you hail from, I will speak my mind.
OK now your turn! :D
May 20, 2010 @ 17:57:45
no what he means is that there should be a certain limit to freedom of speech.
i dont know what the limit should be but around the point where i get offended enough to blow you up…..(around then)
May 20, 2010 @ 18:26:54
And I think there should not be. As I would take that as a limit to my freedom of thought. Like I said, images and words are our ideas in communicable form, limit one you limit the other.
Drawings of horrible violence? OK by me.
Cartoon child porn? OK by me.
Racist/bigoted caricatures and comics? OK by me.
I might not like what they stand for, I might not like the ideas, but I will allow them to be put forth. Because no actual physical harm happened in the creation of said ideas and subsequent images and words. Instead of screaming bloody murder and threatening violence unless they are banned, I will debate and argue with my words, my ideas and opinions against theirs. I will learn to understand them in this process, they will learn something too I hope, if I made good enough arguments. Understanding is better than mere tolerance, and definitively better than censorship.
Jun 20, 2010 @ 03:47:12
I think that perhaps there should be a limit to freedom of speech that puts down minorities.
This is because not everyone in the world is born with an equal footing, and may not feel as confident as your average first world, white (etc.), male to stick up for themselves. Also they might take it worse than your average first world, white, male.
I think a good rule of thumb is: no hate speech about anyone who’s being oppressed in real terms right now. For example, don’t joke about women being stupid and useless until they actually get equal wage.
May 20, 2010 @ 22:17:18
Freedom of speech allows people just that: to freely express themselves — whether it be positive or negative — depending on those who react to it. Most of you Muslims are PROHIBITING our freedom of speech, just because we are making fun of your precious little moronic prophet. Imposing fear and prejudice upon another human being is the equivalency of a monkey getting screwed after the big gorrila finds out the monkey stole the gorrila’s banana. Organized religion is the prime example of just that.
May 20, 2010 @ 15:54:29
You’re damn right I can insult/criticize anyone I want. You live in Pakistan, good for you. I don’t. I live in a free country where my speech is not restricted by religious law. If I want to be critical of Islam, I have every right to do so.
When did I ever say you don’t have the right to complain back? By all means, go for it. What pisses me off, is people who threaten and commit acts of violence against those they disagree with. Like me, you have the right to disagree, but you don’t have the right to bar me being critical of Islam. I do not live under your bullshit Sharia laws.
May 20, 2010 @ 17:58:54
sharia says nothing about reacrting violently to critisism….
May 20, 2010 @ 17:59:22
its just the extremist muslims that do so
May 20, 2010 @ 19:33:43
Oh, riiiiiight….it’s always the “extremists”. It’s never the christians, it’s the “extremist christians”. It’s never the muslims, it’s always the “extremist muslims”. It’s never the jews, it’s the “extremist jews”. Tell you what: you give me a way that I can universally tell an extremist deist from a non-extremist and we can talk. Frankly, they all believe in an invisible sky-fairy, so they’re all bat shit fucking nuts.
May 20, 2010 @ 20:11:06
It’s not just the extremists that are the problem.
Moderates pave the way for extremism to exist.
Sure, those who do not act on their beliefs are no directly threatening problem in themselves, but that they continue to exist and believe these insanities is what allows for some to agree with their beliefs, and be substantially more fucking insane than they who merely fall for fairy tales.
Extremist or moderate, they all play their part.
May 20, 2010 @ 22:10:24
I politely disagree with your calling of us Deists as people who are “bat shit fucking nuts.” Take that insult and shove it in the face of Christians and Muslims, not us.
May 21, 2010 @ 07:34:58
Ah! You misunderstood me. Did I say you have no right to reply back. No! I said that if you reply back using insulting comments, then it means that you are offended by what I have said. If Muslims retaliate this work of evil, why do non Muslims point a finger and say: ‘You should shut up and should learn to be cool no matter how much we insult you.’ A very common idea. I heard something like this from so many non Muslims. According to your ‘freedom of speech’, hate speech is OK. Lying is OK. Starting pernicious revolutions against innocent people is OK. The drawings on this page are definitely hate speech. They are meant to offend Muslims. And not even a single drawing gives a true image of Muhammad (one was neutral though). So these drawings lie. They will hurt Muslims who see it, and will tend to turn non Muslims against Islam. So they can also do physical harm. But this means I can not only disagree with you, but insult you and turn people against you.
May 20, 2010 @ 17:06:18
Yeah, I suck at Paint.
May 21, 2010 @ 07:57:50
And what is freedom of speech. Freedom of speech does not mean that it is humane for us to bark like dogs. It is about expressing ideas based on logic and good reason. Debate. Criticism is defined something as twisting and turning the facts in order to give a wrong impression. This is wrong for any civilized society. We are not animals. Some of these images are criticism, but others are flagrant lies. If one thinks that Islam is wrong, then he or she should gives his arguments. Give me the arguments; I can reply. If someone is constantly telling others that you’re a (please don’t be offended; it is just a supposition. I do not believe in spreading lies) child abuser, and you know you are not, you would say that person is very evil. So why should you let him spread those lies. Drawing depicting images is not speech. It is deliberately done to offend others.
May 21, 2010 @ 08:59:36
Actually, freedom of speech has nothing to do with the content being shared.
It most certainly is not. Go look it up in the dictionary.
Aren’t you fortunate you have the right to call them lies. Imagine a world where you were threatened with death for calling something I said a lie? What a world that would be eh?
You must be new to this site. ;)
Call me a child abuser, I will simply tell you that you are incorrect and potentially lying (if you know that your claim is false). I will not however threaten you with death. I might sue you for slander, but that’s entirely different. In a free society we can claim what we want as long as it’s grounded in truth (or at the very least cannot be proven false).
When I said Islam is false, you cannot disprove my claim with any reasonable logic or evidence.
May 21, 2010 @ 10:56:00
See there! Ian said he would sue the person who would tell others that he (Ian) is a child abuser. Why??? Because he lied. By admitting this, Ian has made my argument easy.
1)If you say that Islam is false, I will not threaten you at all. Why? The Holy Quran says:
“Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error. Whoever rejects false worship and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks. And Allah hears and knows all things.” [Surah al-Baqarah: 256]
“If it had been your Lord’s will, all of the people on Earth would have believed. Would you then compel the people so to have them believe?” [Surah Yunus: 99]
2)Islam can be logically, scientifically and morally proven to be true. I can do that. But still you have the choice whether to accept or reject Islam. And I am well aware of your critisisms of Islam. I debated an atheist who had dug up so much things against Islam. He failed to give sensible arguments against what I said.
3)These images don’t just say that ‘I don’t believe in Islam.’ They are made just to offend Muslims. Delibirately trying to offend someone is wrong.
4)The images lie. I have studied the history of Muhammad (peace be upon him). He was nothing like that. Even so many Christian scholars agree that he was the best human being ever known. Not me, but they say. If he was (Naauzubillah) a murderer, who did he murder? Name a single person. In fact, he forgave his mortal enemies. His mortal enemies used to give him their belongings so that he may keep them safe! The Holy Quran says that you can only fight to defend Islam:
“Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loves not transgressors. And kill them wherever you catch them and drive them out from whence they drove you out, for terrorism is worse than killing. But do not engage in combat with them at the sacred mosque unless they engage you in combat there. But if they combat against you, kill them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith. But if they cease, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. And combat them on until there is no more terrorism or oppression and there prevail justice and faith in Allah. But if they cease, don’t let there be hostility except to those who practice oppression.”
[Surah al-Baqarah: 190-193]
5) The images lie. We are not saying that we will kill you. We just want you to stop making these offending images. They lie. According to you, we have the right to find the artists and punish them (Ian said he would sue). But all we ask you is to stop this.
Islam has LOTS of scientific evidence. So it is true. If anyone wants the evidence, I will give them but not now because of my A level exams. Wait for about a month.
May 21, 2010 @ 11:54:03
1. Do you watch the news? Do you pay attention to what is going on in the world around you?
Apparently not.
2. I’m just going to go ahead and say no. You cannot prove the existence of anything supernatural, through any means whatsoever.
3. These images are intended to show muslims that what they are doing (threats of death and attacks on cartoonists) is wrong. What we have done here is retaliated against violence with non-violence.
4. This is simply not true. Your prophet was a pedophile and a violent, narcissistic, abusive person. He beat his wives, and had wives as young as 7 years old, having sex with them as young as 9 years old. These are historical facts about a person who claims divinity. He was a terrible person, everyone knows this.
5. I ask again, do you watch the news? Do you pay attention to the world in which you live? The death threats being made are being made by muslims because of simple cartoons.
This is why we draw these, to show the muslims that they do not have the right to commit acts of physical violence against those who simply wish to speak their mind, be it mocking them through drawing images, or through words.
And finally. No you don’t have any scientific evidence, no religion does, and no religion can. By all means list your evidence and your proofs, I’ll be more than happy to explain how they are wrong.
May 22, 2010 @ 08:40:21
I HAVE NO EVIDENCE! How can you know if I do or not. I did not even mention the facts which I think are evidence. So you are lying. I have already told two atheists that I will debate with them after my exams. I had already done some argument with one of them. He was very rebellious against Islam. He did say, after seeing my arguments, that: Maybe there is a God. But that was nothing, I will give him the real deal of evidence after my exams. I will give you the proof if I get time. If I forget, please remind me.
Jul 22, 2010 @ 13:45:22
Well, your exams are presumably over now. So, let’s hear it. Let’s hear your world-changing, rationality-defying, mind-exploding solid evidence of God’s existence.
We’re waiting…
Tick… tick… tick…
Jul 23, 2010 @ 11:48:35
Please don’t put ideas in his head, although I also await sk29999’s presentation.
Jul 23, 2010 @ 13:32:32
I’d be more than happy to debate you on this subject, send me some contact info in a private message through the forum section of the website.
May 21, 2010 @ 13:17:32
SK29999, What you have written here is unfounded nonsense.
Your argument is based on outrageous and ridiculous naive assumptions.
It only seems logical to you based on the “rules” of logic that you accept.
Your folly is that you believe that everything in the Qur’an and hadith is concrete.
It is not, little man (or lady)
Islam was founded on the template already laid out by the other Abrahamic religions, which in turn, were influenced by older, obsolete religions.
All of which dawned before the age of science and understanding.
Many persisting elements of these religions made sense in the illiterate age but today we should know better.
All the superstitions that permutate through the generations are a result of this ignorant mindset that is needed to keep these religions alive.
Now to tear apart your argument point by silly point:
1) “Let there be no compulsion in religion.”
I almost soiled myself when I read that.
The unnatural level of submission required of each muslim can only be attained through compulsion.
The obsessive-compulsive daily regiment of cleansing before prayer is a prime example.
The repetitions of the prayers at frequent intervals, the constant NEED to remind your god that he is loved, the bullshit you have to mutter to yourself during each prayer.
In the ludicrous story of Mo’s (pube) ascent to the seventh heaven, your merciful, loving god ordered him to tell the simple folk to worship him 50 times a day.
Thankfully for you, the other prophets suggested that Mo (pube) go back and haggle it down to 5.
Wasn’t it lucky they were there to support your spineless prophet?
Otherwise you wouldn’t have the time to read all this rant in a single sitting.
2) Islam, the Qur’an and the accounts of Mo’s life all contain countless examples of content in direct contrast to acceptable logic, science and morality.
Suspension of disbelief is required for you to think otherwise.
You say you are an A Level student?
What you learn about in biology, chemistry and physics (to pick a few subjects) could well contrast with what your religion teaches you.
You would probably still accept them both even though they conflict with one another.
You accomplish this by compartmentalising your religious beliefs in a little proverbial safe in your subconscious and instructing your brain to to let that safe be approached by any logic or laws of science.
3) The images are not made JUST to offend muslims although undoubtedly that is the most common reason people posted them for. The original reason was as a response to the threats aimed at the creators of South Park for an episode that depicted Mohammed.
My personal reason for submitting a picture is to help the uptight muslims learn to handle criticism in a more dignified and diplomatic way.
4) “So many Christian scholars agree that he was the best human being ever known.”
I’m not gonna dignify that crap with a detailed response.
As for your Sura of the holy cow, to give such confusing and conflicting statements about the rules of engagement is bound to be open to abuse sinse it can be interpretted in so many ways.
But that’s OK because your backup plan is to blame the extremists for falsely interpretting or misunderstanding the meaning.
5) “The images lie”, actually the majority of these images were made in jest but you don’t get the joke because it isn’t designed with you in mind.
They are seen as amusing by those who aren’t offended by them.
Obviously you were offended, or you wouldn’t have dedicated so much valuable revision time to type the crap written above.
I look forward to reading your counter-argument next month.
May allah guide your pen to the right answers in your exams.
May 21, 2010 @ 18:32:48
i agree with you Hal but your hardly “ripping apart” his argument
May 21, 2010 @ 20:57:00
There really is no argument to rip apart in the first place.
May 21, 2010 @ 23:08:31
Neutral Views is the fakest nonbeliever I’ve ever seen on this site.
May 21, 2010 @ 11:18:35
Do you guys know why muslims don’t draw their prophet?
It is because the prophet didn’t wan’t anyone to draw him so that his followers (muslims)wouldn’t idolise his image like the christians did to jesus.
he wanted them to idolise god :O :O
May 22, 2010 @ 00:29:48
This coming from a believer!
May 22, 2010 @ 02:28:14
Oh, you’re good. Using the shallow term “believer” in an attempt to bring me down to the levels of idiotic Christians and Muslims just because of my Deism. Very cute.
May 22, 2010 @ 09:27:33
I have more negative omment son religion thn positive…
May 22, 2010 @ 12:44:58
I was teasing, Green.
May 22, 2010 @ 17:03:07
Lol, sorry ’bout that.
May 22, 2010 @ 11:16:17
Though I’m a nonbeliever, I don’t find these pictures funny. I think they’re stupid and illustrators just sank themselves to the level of those whom they despise in the first place.
May 22, 2010 @ 11:17:13
They’ve sank to the level of people who threaten to kill those whom they disagree with?
You are clearly mistaken.
May 22, 2010 @ 15:47:37
muslims don’t threaten to “kill” those who “disagree” with them.
they’re threatening to BOYCOTT those who MOCK them….
no murder…
May 22, 2010 @ 20:03:03
Do you watch your tv or keep up with any form of News? Mainstream or alternative?
May 23, 2010 @ 19:56:08
Have you ever heard of frikkin propaganda
May 24, 2010 @ 01:07:50
Right. Everything is propaganda. No room to pay a little close attention to see what is actually propaganda and what likely is not. Easier to go with “everything”.
May 24, 2010 @ 14:16:09
Heh, maybe it’s also a “propaganda” that us Atheists/Agnostics/non-Theists are “evil, immoral” people who “go out to rape and kill others”!
May 24, 2010 @ 14:16:56
Oh fuck, I just realized that I misspelled my name. LOL.
May 24, 2010 @ 14:35:38
No that’s just straight up true.
May 24, 2010 @ 16:57:32
go ef yourself Andre….
are you chritian?
I bet to “hell” you frikkin are
May 24, 2010 @ 18:53:47
Tough to spot a joke, eh?
You already called me this once, and I already explained to you that I am not.
Cut the rage.
May 26, 2010 @ 01:33:38
Yes you are right!
May 25, 2010 @ 17:27:18
was that you thaat i said it to?
imsorry i didnt realise….
but i really dont believe you…your christian
May 25, 2010 @ 18:44:34
You didn’t realize? I find that hard to believe considering you used my name.
Doesn’t matter what you believe or what you don’t believe, it hides only you from truth, not others.
Jun 20, 2010 @ 03:41:27
(I’m an atheist but) have you considered that many of these pictures are quite racist?
Jun 20, 2010 @ 03:44:25
Racist how…?
Jun 20, 2010 @ 03:52:13
Women make up the majority of today’s graduates and will shortly be overtaking men in the white collar workforce. I don’t think women need a leg up here.
Freedom of speech never needs to be suppressed for any reason. Freedom of speech means protecting unpopular speech; which is speech YOU and I do not agree with. Popular speech does not need protecting, it’s the opinions of those who go against the majority that need protection.
I fucking hate the “God Hates Fags” church, but it’s their right to say it, and I will never suggest that they should “not be allowed” to say it. That said, fuck those assholes.
Jun 20, 2010 @ 04:03:12
I don’t know the statistics, but I imagine that working class women in the US (is this where you are from?) are consistenly underpaid for doing “women’s work”, ie. childcare workers and waiters are paid less than builders and labourers. That is the case here (Australia). It means that on average a full-time, female employee is paid 83c to a full-time, male employees dollar. It’s 66c for the part time and casual work force.
Saying that I’m not sad that there are more female than male college graduates, but I don’t think “college graduates” would be a majority in the US. Am I right? (I suppose I should just google this stuff).
I would say part of the reason that women are paid less than men (in Australia) are factors such as socialisation to be meek and put others’ needs first, and the devaluing of women which is perpetrated through such language as calling grown women “girls” or assertive women “bitches”.
Jun 20, 2010 @ 04:11:56
This protectionism is what’s keeping women down. What so many women do not understand is, when men call aggressive/assertive women “bitches” or whatever, it’s because they’re treating women the same they treat men on the job. Men in the office are VERY aggressive with each other, and as a result, if they’re treating women equally, will be just as aggressive with women who want such equality.
Treating women like victims only serves to keep them down. Business is very competitive, if they want to get an equal share, they need ti fight for it. Forcing companies to give out handouts, hurts everyone.
Jun 20, 2010 @ 04:51:08
I can see that side of the argument.
However, do you think that maybe putting women in these positions might teach men that women are capable of doing the job just as well as men? Maybe even with a little less aggression? That the “female” attributes women are socialised into might also be positive attributes that could benefit the company?
It so happens that my boss at work is a woman, she runs a government health centre. What amazes me about her is that she’s really understanding and listens and co-operates with people but ALWAYS manages to get her way. She seems soft, but she’s not soft on people and doesn’t compromise the standard of the work. It’s like a magic trick. And it’s really nice working under her.
Jun 20, 2010 @ 03:57:16
I guess in perpetrating the image of the big-nosed, violent Muslim.
It seems no coincidence to me that the west is at war in the Middle East, and a lot of these pictures of Muhammed portray him as violent. Every night on the news you hear that Muslims are violent (suicide bombers blows up wedding party). This is a myth perpetrated by the media to justify the wars in the Middle East. The thing is, these wars aren’t really about religion at all. They’re about resources and power. The people fighting on both sides want to keep control of both.
I think that there are probably some very violent Muslims in the Middle East, and some very peaceful Muslims in other places such as Singapore.
Jun 20, 2010 @ 04:03:00
Some? You think there’s only ‘some’ people that support sharia law? Sharia law is the epitome of everything I hate about religion. Until Muslims start rejecting it, I will not stop being hard on them.
Jun 20, 2010 @ 04:08:37
I interpret it as the rich and the powerful are using Sharia law to keep down a large part of the population. I think that it’s more politically convenient than based on any strongly-held belief.
Of course Sharia law is bullshit. And of course a certain part of the population who it is being used to keep down believe in it. Just as a lot of working class north americans vote republican and don’t believe in trade unions.
I’d like to see Muslims standing up to Sharia law as much as I would like to see North Americans standing up to the big corporations who run their “democracy”. But they’re probably too busy trying to gain control of their country back from the US military to worry about things like rights at home.
Jun 20, 2010 @ 04:13:03
I don’t believe that, I think a *lot* more people believe in that crap than you think.
Jun 20, 2010 @ 04:15:58
Maybe the people are the top believe it so much because it suits them so well.
Just like slavers were happy to believe that other races were inferior, and it also happened to make them a quick buck.
Jun 20, 2010 @ 04:26:40
What kind of world do you live in? You need medical help, and fast.
Jun 20, 2010 @ 04:45:46
I guess I live in a world where I think people have to look past the irrationality of religion to the people that it’s serving. A world where I think “power” is a better explanation than “people are just stupid”.
Jun 20, 2010 @ 06:47:00
who is islam serving?
Jul 22, 2010 @ 13:43:16
Are you taking the fucking piss? You’ve just suggested all murder by Muslims is nothing but a conspiracy dependent on propaganda. Shut the fuck up!
Sep 04, 2010 @ 17:24:45
I posted Muhammad cartoons! https://irreligion.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=140
Nov 18, 2010 @ 21:25:30
im a muslim and im proud you should be ashamed and will burn in hell
Nov 18, 2010 @ 21:41:33
Yeah probably.
Nov 19, 2010 @ 05:16:02
Yeah, right. Give us one bit of non-religious evidence that Hell exists. The Quran’s statements aren’t sufficient evidence, because a) they’re pathetically contradictory, b) there’s zero evidence of a theistic God, and c) Hell is never given a location. So the Quran is Bedouin folktale nonsense, get over it, and now give us some evidence.
Nov 19, 2010 @ 07:27:10
Wait for it.
Durrr the quran!
Nov 19, 2010 @ 08:25:17
:D Guaranteed Quran-quotage on the horizon.
Jan 24, 2011 @ 11:30:47
You all who hate Muhammad is a dog waiting to die .
Jan 24, 2011 @ 14:24:08
Woof! Woof! Bark! Bark!
Nov 09, 2011 @ 23:08:54
While I am personally not offended by these drawings (I’m not a believer) take note that it’s these kinds of things that only adds fuel to the fire. Islamic extremists are SERIOUSLY FUCKING INSANE about their own religion and by putting up pictures of Muhammad for the public to see (including them) only strengthens their anger towards non-Muslims.
All of us in the West sit comfortably in our chairs with our smooth coffees while we laugh at all the crazy religious bigots, but in the middle east it’s difficult for them to feel comfortable, ESPECIALLY the innocent victims who are bombed DAILY by these cruel murderers. Just letting everyone who posts/reads negative things about Islam/Muhammad that they are only making themselves almost as BAD as the terrorists themselves. Not all Muslims are crazy bigots.
In my city we have a good amount of Muslim citizens and I personally know some of them. They are TRULY decent people who are just trying to live their lives out for their personal god and the religion they were brought up to believe in. It’s not their fault and you could learn a thing or two about them if you personally spoke with them. Not all Muslims are murderers. Al Qaeda is a cult of religious extremists (the ones that need to be erased off of the face of the planet).
So please don’t generalize all Muslims as “terrorists” because this is simply not true. There are fresh and delicious apples hanging from the tree, and then there are the rotten ones.
Again, I don’t believe in religion and I’m not offended by drawings of Muhammad. But REMEMBER! By posting these pictures online you are only encouraging terrorists to continue to kill innocent lives.
So please. PLEASE. If you care about the people who die day-to-day I beg you guys to quit it with this shit. This is not the way to fight back at extremists. If you lived in the Middle East and posted this on your blog the strict religious types would have had your heads sliced off for even ONE picture depicting the prophet Muhammad.
If you care about the people who fall prey to these vicious religious extremists then DO something about it! Going to war would be one way of cutting down on the extremist violence. That is, if you CARE about putting your own life on the line just to save more lives. Then we’ll talk, and you can say whatever you’d like about Islam or Muhammad for all I care.
Nov 09, 2011 @ 23:10:37
Oh for fucks sake, shut the hell up.
You’re equating me posting a cartoon online with someone who murders a bunch of random strangers?
Go to hell.
Nov 11, 2011 @ 04:12:07
Oh, threatening me to go to hell are you? But I thought there was no such thing? Since you’re not religious you don’t believe in it either.
But hey, thanks for taking my (detailed) post out of context and telling me to “shut the hell up” over the Internet. I wasn’t talking at all, just typing.
On to my response:
Yes, you are just as bad if not WORSE than the terrorists themselves. You may not be the one carrying out the attacks but your lack of consideration for the safety of “random strangers” (they are people too you know) by posting these pictures online only encourages more outrage from terrorists. You are the messenger who is adding fuel to the fire. If religion is to be blamed for the actions of others, then you are no different for doing this.
In a nutshell, people like YOU are encouraging these fanatical assholes to keep doing what they love to do best. When a terrorist feels even the slightest bit of remorse for the lives he’s taken and sees pictures of Muhammad floating around, how the fuck do you think he’s supposed to react to them? It’s only going to make him ANGRIER when cowards (like you) continue to stir the pot.
You sit comfortably in your chair, far from the war zone, sipping your warm tea/coffee/etc. with delight. You don’t know what it’s like for the people who live under shitty laws enforced by shitty politicians. The fact that you see them as nothing more than “random strangers” only makes you ignorant. These “random strangers” have families that constantly worry about them. They also each have their own unique set of goals to accomplish in their lives (like pursuing a career in science or philosophy). They each have dreams of their own, where they want to go in life, etc.
So what makes YOUR life any more meaningful than theirs? You don’t have to care about every person you see but it’s ignorant to dismiss them as “random strangers.” It clearly shows you don’t care about the lives of INNOCENT people. If that’s so, then why do I see countless posts on atheists having more morality than theists? Or are you just a LITTLE more moral than theists simply because you don’t need religion to be a pompous ass anyway?
By acting like an asshole, you give theists even more reasons to look down on us. I don’t like this. I don’t like being seen as a hateful person just because I lack belief. When you post this shit up you are clearly portraying atheism in a negative way.
You don’t have to like religion at all but you have to think about the lives of others if you want to be seen in a better light. DON’T fucking do this shit. Even more people are being killed because of the shit you ignorant assholes keep putting up. These terrorist savages are BRUTAL and they will stop at nothing to seek vengeance in the name of their religion.
Stop giving them encouragement.
Nov 11, 2011 @ 09:42:08
You have trouble with simple English colloquialisms, don’t you? I suppose if I told you to “piss off”, you’d assume I expected you to urinate?
When you’re raised in a religious world full of expressions like “bless you” after a sneeze, or “thank god” after something good happens, or “go to hell”, it’s relatively hard to shake them even after you stop believing. I’m sure you wouldn’t understand this though since you actually thought I was threatening you, even though the expression “go to hell” in no way implies any action on my part, so it’s no more of a threat than saying, “go fuck yourself”.
Go fuck youself.
This. Is. So. Clever.
You really do have a problem with standard expressions, don’t you.
Go fuck youself.
You are clearly mistaken, as I am not. I would dare even say I’m significantly better than a terrorist; In a good way, I’m not implying I’m better at being a terrorist. I feel I need to explain this to you, due to your trouble with language comprehension.
Oh my god! (like that one?)
You’re telling me that because I don’t bend to the demands of every terrorist on the planet, for the sake of all the people I don’t know in the world who might suffer at the hands of said terrorists, that I am worst than the terorists themselves! This is truely an amazing conclusion. I suppose next you’re going to blame me for your neighbors dog getting run over by a car? Maybe you want to blame me for cancer existing?
Well then, I guess I better just kill myself then, since my existence is clearly enraging muslims all over the world, and I don’t want to make them upset! It’s the least I can do. After all, their right to not be criticized is clearly more important than my right to free speech, CLEARLY. Being offended is the worlds most heinous crime, FAR WORSE THAN FUCKING BLOWING UP HUNDREDS OF RANDOM PEOPLE IN A CROWDED MARKET, YOU FUCKING SHITHEAD; CLEARLY.
You don’t understand how encouragement works.
Let’s look that word up for a second…
“the expression of approval and support”
Would you lookit that… apparently posting critical cartoons of islamic terrorists is actually APPROVAL of their disgusting actions and attitudes. Well I’ll be damned… all this time I thought I was doing THE EXACT FUCKING OPPOSITE.
I’m supposed to care about the feelings of a murderer? How about this, when he sees the cartoons, HE ACTS LIKE A FUCKING HUMAN BEING, and doesn’t go on a murderous killing spree. I guess that’s just asking too much, because clearly these people simply don’t know any better and cannot be expected to be civilized, right?
That is a real shame. Him being angry, I can’t live with that.
Mohammed was a disgusting old man that raped little girls. (factual statement)
Woops, guess I can. hah.
I sure can. *sip* Damn that’s some good tea.
Nah, I live in a perfect country without any problems at all.
Yeah, you don’t know what ignorance means either. Nothing in what you just said makes them not “random strangers” to me. If they have hopes and aspirations and all that crap, then they should:
A) Get the fuck out of a country that’s full of terrorists who want to kill them without any reason.
B) Try to reason with them and get them to see the truth, their religion is a fairy tale and has no basis in reality.
I would opt for A, since they’re not likely to see reason.
Meaningful? What does this have to do with anything?
I’m supposed to take responsibility for the lives of people I’ve never met, never will meet, and am physically not capable of caring for. None of my actions have been immoral, criticizing evil people who do harm to others, is perfectly acceptable. Caving to the demands of murderers is immoral, as it will only breed more brutality. When a terrorist says, “we want Lady Gaga to stop making music, or we’ll kill 1000 kittens!”, is Lady Gaga in any way responsible for the lives of those kittens? The answer is “no”. The people who killed the kittens are entirely at fault, this goes without exception. The demands of unreasonable people are unreasonable. You only give their actions credence by suggesting that it is the other way around, and that Lady Gaga is at fault. By doing this, they will see that their threats have worked, and will in turn make more threats and demands, and you will once again blame the wrong person/group. Slowly through an attrition of our collective rights, we will have lost to the terrorist cause. We will no longer be free individuals and instead be at the mercy of tyranical people who can only accept their way and no other.
Fuck that, and fuck you.
Ohhh.. I don’t know… maybe it’s because… WE DON’T THREATEN TO KILL PEOPLE! Are you really that daft? Do you have any concept of reality? I am a moral person because I do not harm others. Offending them with legitimate criticisms is morally sound; threatening to kill someone because they citicize you, is of course, immoral.
This doesn’t make any sense.
Nice, so.. being an asshole is “bad”.. killing people… is “ok”..
You’re a sick fuck.
I’m supposed to care if a murdering ‘theist’ looks down on me? These are immoral people who deserve no respect, and they will never get any from me.
Uh oh.. are you going to take away my membership card?!
See, here’s what you don’t seem to understand.. you and I, have nothing in common.
Not-believing in something, is not a thing. I am without religion or ‘faith’.
We have as much in common as two people who both don’t collect stamps. GOLLY, we should start a club about that! We’ll call it the “we don’t collect stamps club”. And any time someone says something like “collecting stamps is a waste of time”, we’ll kick them out of the group for lack of respect.
If being seeing in a better light means I have to bow to the incessant complaints and demands of terrorists or giving respect to those who deserve none, then I will be very extatic living in a world of negative views towards me.
I have a better idea, how about you stop telling me what to do. I live in a free country, and I will assert my rights as I see fit.
WRONG FUCKHEAD. People are being killed because of asshole religious terrorists. PERIOD. There is no two ways about this. I don’t kill anyone, I don’t promote the killing of anyone, I in no way approve of their actions, and am constantly railing AGAINST the killing of innocent people, and will always back those who are trying to stop these killings.
This is the first true thing you’ve said in that entire passage.
As I stated before, go to hell.
Nov 12, 2011 @ 01:26:53
“People are being killed because of asshole religious terrorists. PERIOD.”
I didn’t say that. I said that MORE people are being killed because of what you sick fucks are doing. You may never have committed a murder but you’re influencing it nonetheless, even if it’s not intentional. Somewhere in this world, an extremist or two reading your page are even more outraged than before.
You are one fucked up individual. It is a shame that awful people such as yourself actually exist, but this is not a surprise. Reading through your post almost made it seem like you’re some tobacco apologist going “Well, don’t blame the cigarettes we make for taking the lives of millions of people and counting PER year; blame the people who smoke them. And don’t blame us cigarette companies for producing them either. It’s not our fault people are dying because of us.”
What a sick, terrible person you are. And as for people being able to leave the country: what if they can’t? What if they are financially-bound and are thus forced to remain in their countries, being told what to do by the government when on top of that there is mass killings.
Like I said, you don’t have to give a shit about EVERYONE yet at the same time you should do YOUR part in trying to REDUCE the killing rate. As I’ve said before various times, these pictures only encourage more outrage. YOU are contributing to that. There is NO WAY around it. Idiot.
You are a very jaded, angry person. I probably wouldn’t feel sorry if a terrorist tracked you down, just for these things you’ve said. You are an uncaring asswipe and deserve to suffer for all eternity, if such exists.
Where did I imply atheism was a “religion” or a “faith”?
I’ll take back everything I said here if you and your relatives/friends go and live in fucked up countries like Pakistan for a month. Go submit your Muhammad pictures to a Pakistani site where the webmaster can look up your IP (don’t use any proxies). Then by the end of the month if you survived come back and tell me how it went. You don’t know what it’s like to lose a family member or a close friend to brutal terrorism.
Once you understand what it’s like for them to suffer under brutal terrorist attacks, you will understand. And vice-versa. Your way of saying “fuck them” shows what a terrible, negative person you are.
And as for your “Lady Gaga and kittens” analogy, you seem to be missing the point. It is quite OBVIOUS that publishing images of Muhammad means that you are disrespecting the religion of Islam in the worst possible way. You could have just said the stories are false and that there is no god, but YOU are directly slamming their prophet to which they look up to. You overgeneralize religious people as “evil murderers” when in fact not all of them are like this. Terrorists are to be killed, that’s for sure. But Muslims who believe in their religion and doesn’t try to control the lives of others are worth respecting, even if you don’t believe in their religion.
It seems like your site “irReligion.org” only focuses on spreading negativity towards the monotheistic religions of the middle east. Why aren’t you also slamming Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Ancient Egyptian Religion, and a thousand other religions of the world? After all, they’re delusional and meaningless right?
Indeed, I want nothing in common with a disgusting piece of shit such as yourself. I have more kindness and respect for others than you would ever have. Your immaturity and anger issues only convinces theists how “bad” and “evil” atheists are if one were to personally meet you. I don’t want atheists to be generalized by the words and actions of disgusting people like you.
Nov 12, 2011 @ 20:26:43
Dude, you’re just repeating yourself. I replied to everything you said already in my last post.
Also, you equating free speech and freedom to the tobacco lobby… fucking golden. You’re a genuine idiot.