“Devil Dog”: Woman Burned, Hanged Dog Who Chewed Bible, Say S.C. Police
Don’t forget, it’s atheists that are destroying the country and corrupting our youths….. *cough*
“Devil Dog”: Woman Burned, Hanged Dog Who Chewed Bible, Say S.C. Police
COLUMBIA, S.C. (CBS/AP) A Spartanburg County woman has been charged with felony animal cruelty, accused of hanging her nephew’s pit bull with an electrical cord and burning its body after the dog chewed on her Bible, authorities said Monday.
When questioned by police and animal control officers, Miriam Smith told them the female dog named “Diamond” was a “devil dog” and she feared it might harm neighborhood children, according to an incident report from the county’s Environmental Enforcement Department.
Smith, 65, was arrested Sunday and remains in the Spartanburg County jail. Bond had not been set.
She faces 180 days to five years in prison if convicted.
Authorities said the 1-year-old dog was kept outside on a chain and chewed the Bible that had been left on Smith’s porch. The dog’s remains were found under a pile of dried, cut grass. Part of the orange cord was still around the dog’s neck and a smell of kerosene still hung in the air, the animal control officer wrote in her report.
The dog was killed about two weeks ago when Smith’s nephew was forced to spend several days away from home because of winter weather in the area, authorities said.
Smith is the first person is Spartanburg County to face a felony charge under South Carolina’s tougher animal cruelty law, said Jaime Nelson, director of the county’s Environmental Enforcement Department.
Smith’s mental state will likely affect what kind of penalties she faces, Nelson added. He said he was stunned by how flat the woman’s emotions sounded as she recounted on tape what happened to the dog.
“She just acted like – what’s done has been done,” Nelson said.
Jan 26, 2011 @ 03:35:53
Oh give me a fucking break!
How the HELL is 180 days to five years a “tougher” sentence? Charge the bitch (no pun intended) with 15 years at the very least! Dogs are man’s best friend, you know? You DON’T abuse, neglect, or kill our best friends! They have feelings just as much as we do, and these “tougher” animal cruelty laws are laughable at best.
To be honest, a world without most humans is a better one. Fuck this shit…
Jan 26, 2011 @ 06:07:31
“Smith’s mental state will likely affect what kind of penalties she faces. [Nelson] was stunned by how flat the woman’s emotions sounded as she recounted on tape what happened to the dog.”
Well, if she’s mentally ill… it’s still wrong and everything, but really, it’s not an example of religion-inspired cruelty. People with mental disorders can do astoundingly cruel things with or without religion – the problem with religion is that it leads otherwise sane people to do cruel things. But I guess the trial will have to show if this is a case of the former or the latter.
Jan 27, 2011 @ 06:11:36
I shutter to think of what this woman would have done if she had caught her nephew,
instead of his dog defacing a Bible. Yikes!
Belief in a cruel God…
JT Hundley
Jan 27, 2011 @ 19:46:18
What’s really sick is that it was just a one year old puppy. The thing probably wasn’t even housebroken yet :(
Would this woman drown a baby for teething on a bible?
Jan 27, 2011 @ 22:32:54
babies go to heaven because they cannot consciously choose to sin or not, so obviously she would.
nice fuzzy christian logic right there… :\
Feb 25, 2011 @ 06:32:53
Fuck God Fuck the Pope fuck all you religious cunts…..