Look, i think this is funny, but maybe a little distasteful ( no pun intended)..
We can make a point, but we gotta realize that as humanists, this might be a bit too far
h? guix…hahahahaahahaha…i lyk dat pick….hmmmmmmmmm….hahahaha :D they are anti-religion….hahahahaha…..in philippines,more people is an antichrist…but not ANTI-RELIGION….hahahaahaaahahah….watdaFUCk picture….
i find this picture very sad and depressing. may the good lord have mercy on your perturbed souls… i will pray for you
I don’t want his mercy. He can shove his mercy right up his non-existent ass.
Yeah, I have to agree, WTF? Everyone knows it was JESUS who is the zombie! He came “back to life” after all, didn’t he?
Fantastic image. George Romero would smile. By the way, great idea for a zombie movie.
My other comment is that, boy, Jesus sure looks disappointed that these former friends of his “rose from the dead” before he did.
They are just consuming the body of Christ and partaking of his blood…they did not understand the metaphor he was using of the bread and wine.
Are you that deluded to think this is anything but a mockery of the foolish belief in a fictional being?
Sorry I should have included lol at the end of my previous statement.
If you are catholic, it’s not a metaphor but reality that you eat the body of Christ. Ew!!
Then is all bread the body of christ or do they have his body in some storeroom under the vatican?
Look, i think this is funny, but maybe a little distasteful ( no pun intended)..
We can make a point, but we gotta realize that as humanists, this might be a bit too far
Dudes of DECIEDE and CANNIBAL CORPSE must be torturing themselves fot not having come up with this for an album cover. /m/_
I think Exodus used this image on an album cover?
Are vegans going to hell if they don’t eat the flesh of Christ?
h? guix…hahahahaahahaha…i lyk dat pick….hmmmmmmmmm….hahahaha :D they are anti-religion….hahahahaha…..in philippines,more people is an antichrist…but not ANTI-RELIGION….hahahaahaaahahah….watdaFUCk picture….