Liberal Christian vs. Fundie Christian vs. Atheist
April 9th, 2011 | Categories: Deep Thoughts, Funny Stuff, Interesting, picture | Tags: atheism, atheist, bible, christian, christianity, church, creationism, darwin, evolution, faith, Funny Stuff, gay, god, jesus, picture, politics, religion, science
Wish I could read this – by the time I ctrl+ it large enough – it’s too blurry to read.
I’m on a laptop.
u can try clicking on it to enlarge.. try it
I just resized the image to make it cleared.
James Bond is a fundie christian? Who knew?!
If James Bond is a fundie christian, it’s simply proof that Christians are wrong. James Bond being religious – there is no God!… oh wait…
What’s world music?
It’s any music that isn’t considered “safe” by Christian Authorities. (i.e. Those who speak the loudest)
too long – did not read
Too fucking long.
Tried skimming a bit and then I “my gay friends”. That was enough.