About irReligion.org

Welcome to irReligion.org: the best place to have your soul condemned to hell by every sheep who believes the trash fed to them by religion. We do not believe in god(s), and we not do we put up with the crap of those who do. Religions are a blight on the people of this planet and we’re not going to take it anymore. More people have been killed in the name of “God” than any other cause throughout history. Some might think our viewpoint makes us intolerant, well, in a way we are.

We’re intolerant of religion’s lies.

If you’re asking why I would call them lies, it’s simple: If you say something that is not true, whether you in particular know it or not, it doesn’t matter if the message itself is a lie as it was when it was first created long ago. This perpetuation of the lie over the years does, not in any way diminish that lie, instead it makes it much much worse since no one has bothered to think about what it is they are repeating. This makes the messenger of the lie just as bad as the original liar.

In God we do not trust.

Feel free to email me your .

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  1. Dan
    Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 @ 10:34pm

    Love that you put it out there…we non-theist types take a lot from the uneducated, good luck and have fun! Dan


  2. zaphod2016
    Thursday January 11th, 2007 @ 7:23pm

    Long live the truth, and those who seek it.


  3. T Feds
    Wednesday July 11th, 2007 @ 10:16am

    Just because spell check is on doesn’t mean you don’t have to proof read.

    Im not hating your website (or loving it for that matter) however, how can you expect to have your opinions heard when your initial statement is on the offensive?

    Educate yourself and Stand UP for something as opposed to standing against another. Your opinions and views will be welcomed more freely. Its easy to bash, not so easy to support sometimes. I don’t disagree with you on everything, I just disagree with your way of going about it.

    Good luck!


  4. ram
    Friday August 3rd, 2007 @ 1:54am

    Hai everyone …
    thanks to the organizers of this website..
    I would like to point something.. i wont believe in god…i believe there is no such person called god
    u would have the same belief isnt it?? so why do we want to blame a person who is not present???
    Lets pass the message, the truth that there is no religion (irreligious).


  5. Sasha Lubetkin
    Wednesday August 15th, 2007 @ 11:54am

    Let us all bow down before the Great Spaghetti Monster in the sky!


  6. The Last Sane Christian
    Monday August 27th, 2007 @ 6:54pm

    It’s really depressing to be a Christian these days. I follow Jesus because he preached love, not hatred, and he taught acceptance. I believe that you can follow Jesus, and do his will in the world, even if you don’t believe in him. All you need to do is love your neighbor, and help those in need, and you will be rewarded, in this life and beyond. Try finding a Christian church that preaches that though.


    • Beau
      Monday March 1st, 2010 @ 7:09pm



    • Jazz
      Wednesday February 23rd, 2011 @ 7:41pm

      Don’t kid yourself. There are no sane Christians. There are no sane religions. Religion is propaganda. And its not hard to be a Christian. You pussy. When has it ever been hard to be apart of the majority. Instead of finding a church that preaches your preferred brand of biblical interpretation go out and engage in some modern day philanthropy. Or not. Go to church, raise your hands, sing & pray to something that doesn’t exist, give 10% of your income away to a man that interprets a literary publication that other humans wrote. Yeah that sounds depressing to me to now that I think about it. Your point about going out and doing good in the world with out the belief in literary character was a decent thought there cupcake. Why don’t you run with that. I mean Huck Finn is a amazing book (fictional too) with amazing things to learn that can be applied in life! It would be crazy for me to say I love my neighbors, and want to help others in Twain’s or Huck’s name. If they existed today they would slap me for ever doing so. Because that would be crazy! Enjoy. Just found this site today. Love it.


    • Phyl
      Wednesday June 29th, 2011 @ 12:06pm

      I don’t need to be persuaded with a reward. I want to be a good person because I think everyone should consider others’ happiness and not interfere with it, and treat one another the way they’d like to be treated. I do not need fear of going to hell to make me want to care for others. I’ll do it because I would want others to consider and respect me as I do for them.
      If you need a reward to convince you to be a good person, well now, you’re not a very good person are you?

      I love this website, just found it.


  7. Ian
    Monday August 27th, 2007 @ 7:11pm

    Just wondering, how many possessions do you have? Are you really following him or do you just pick the parts of the bible that you like?


  8. Captain Doc
    Tuesday September 4th, 2007 @ 5:44am

    Thank you for letting me know that there are others who see through fairy tales for adults. I would like to raise a point to ponder. I often think about how it would be much easier if I could believe the lie. All of life would be much easier if I was truly able to believe that. “its in God’s hands.” You know, the basis of the elixir of the masses idea. I really try to leave people alone with their beliefs, as I get older. Whatever helps you sleep at night. I have tried to not have a bias towards religious people, but I can’t help it the more religious you are the less intelligent I will think you are. It’s ok with me that I will die and simply push up daises, but I think that most of us need that to not be true. That is why I tend to shy away from theological arguements, their ignorance is their bliss. Via Com Dios


  9. Joshua
    Friday September 7th, 2007 @ 11:15am

    ‘All of life would be much easier if I was truly able to believe that. “its in God’s hands.”’

    I tend to disagree. If there were a God, it would make the atrocities and tragedies of this world much harder to swallow. This is a terrible place, and everyone knows it. The only ones who don’t are ignorant.

    Kids are happy, right? I mean, give them something interesting to play with and they will be content for hours on end. However, as soon as they grow up and realize that this world is a world of responsibility and work, they become restless ingrates, looking to fulfill themselves with some external ideal. Sometimes it’s religion, sometimes it’s the opposite sex, and sometimes it’s material wealth. Sometimes it’s even drugs.

    What I’m trying to say is that there are things much worse than religion. Sure it has killed a lot of people in the past, but that’s not really why you hate it so much. You hate it because you can’t stand the thought that someone else, who looks as hypocritical as you imagine you would feel, seems genuinely happy. You can’t stand it, because you believe it’s untrue. The truth is, you have no idea what is really out there. Until we understand how our universe came to be, we can’t really say for sure if God created us, or if we created Him.

    Either way, I would imagine that none of you are heartless and cruel for heartlessness and cruelty’s sake, and such an inference leads me to believe that you wouldn’t take candy from a baby just because it’s unhealthy, and certainly not because you couldn’t enjoy it yourself. It makes the baby happy. Why are these people any different?

    If they truly are ignorant, they deserve our forgiveness. Or, do you beat your children and send them to bed without dinner for honest mistakes?

    Seriously now, show some common sense.


    • Jazz
      Wednesday February 23rd, 2011 @ 7:43pm

      Nailed it.


  10. Ian
    Friday September 7th, 2007 @ 2:45pm

    “What I’m trying to say is that there are things much worse than religion. Sure it has killed a lot of people in the past, but that’s not really why you hate it so much. You hate it because you can’t stand the thought that someone else, who looks as hypocritical as you imagine you would feel, seems genuinely happy. You can’t stand it, because you believe it’s untrue.”

    Religion is disinformation. Disinformation to me is worse than lying since it’s people who know they’re saying something that isn’t true and they say it anyway, just to mislead those that listen.

    Look at assholes like Ted Haggard or Jerry Falwell, hell, even the pope convinces people that condoms are evil.

    Also, I wouldn’t beat my children; nor would I send them to bed without dinner unless they knowingly did something wrong. Do something wrong once, you correct them and tell them not to do it again, if they repeat, then they deserve punishment.

    As for comes to religion “It makes me happy” is not a valid reason to live a lie.


  11. Commodore Angryy
    Friday September 14th, 2007 @ 7:47pm

    I love this kind of stuff. great works of art, and such originality. Wait, they stole that picture from us, the pastafarians. And it’s really funny, you see, our Holy Spaghettideity touches us to hold us down, at least he doesn’t watch us in the shower like xian God.


  12. Nioate
    Saturday September 15th, 2007 @ 8:34pm

    Let people believe what they want to.
    I hope you get stale beer.


  13. Ian
    Sunday September 16th, 2007 @ 2:36am

    I’m lost. What’s this about stale beer?


    • Ham Nox
      Saturday November 28th, 2009 @ 9:19am

      Stale beer is what comes out of the beer volcano in Pastafarian Hell. In addition, the strippers from the stripper factory all have STDs. At least in one version of Pastafarian hell.
      Another version has Hell and HellLight. HellLite people are okay, they just have boring service industry jobs for failing to be pirates or being somewhat of jerks in their lives. There is a just and equitable redemption process in place for them. Actual FSM Hell is reserved for very few. They will do all the laundry, cleaning and heavy or unpleasant jobs that are there, and they will be Divided from the Pasta, the finest beverages and the fellowship of persons of good will and kind intent. There will also be a lot of boot licking involved…
      However, one of the nice things about the FSM is that he would never send a good person to hell just because they did not believe in him. Once in heaven, they might have to take a remedial course in worship and piracy, but that’s it.

      PS. I think this pic is hilarious. Being Pastafarian requires having a sense of humor, I don’t know what Nioate’s problem is.


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  14. Jesse
    Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 @ 1:45pm

    Hey Nioate, your comment contains just as much hypocracy as the bible.
    I hope you get stale communion.


  15. Josh
    Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 @ 4:11pm

    I PRAY that GODs LOVING HAND OF WRATH does not find you.


    • James
      Wednesday May 12th, 2010 @ 2:54pm

      God’s “Loving” hand of “Wrath?”
      Wow, you don’t need to be a physicist to get the irony in that.

      Hey, isn’t wrath one of the 7 deadly sins? or is god exempt from sinning?


    • Victor
      Friday June 24th, 2011 @ 3:25am

      Loving hands of wrath. What a sick contradiction and proof that your God is no more loving than the Nazi’s Hitler.


  16. Josh
    Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 @ 4:15pm

    Let people believe what they want to.
    I hope you get stale beer.

    whoa whoa whoa

    We are letting people belive what they want…No one forces them to read this site. No one makes laws for them based on what is posted here…..Who do you think we are…..Christian?


  17. Mensajero
    Thursday November 8th, 2007 @ 6:54am

    It always depresses me when people write off something as untrue, without true investigation of it. I respect that some of those here are searching for truth, both atheist and Christians. I am also overjoyed to hear the thoughts and boldness of my fellow Christians.

    Truly, if you search for truth as I do, don’t write Christianity and Christians off. Many Christians would love to discuss what you and ourselves have found in life, searching for what is absolutely true. Believe me, many Christians themselves do question their faith daily. If we do not question ourselves, how would we understand anything? God blesses those that test God’s word and who search for truth. So we should not idly bicker, but talk actively and peacefully with your brothers and friends around you! I encourage Christians to remain strong in fellowship, for each of us is not perfect as we are humans, sinners, and often hyprocrites (Corinthians holds plenty of examples). But together we stand strong and correct one another, knowing that through Jesus Christ we are cleansed of any and all transgressions. And
    we welcome all to come and share our fellowship to search for truth together, in the good times and bad.

    And I encourage my brothers who do not yet believe but wonder out loud their desire for truth. Visit a church, or even just talk to a Christian friend. There is only so much I can say in good time. And I also encourage you to read these verses, and to visit sites like http://www.notreligion.com.

    May the peace, love, and grace of The Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

    Revelations 2:2-4
    James 1:5-6
    2 Timothy 1:13
    Acts 18:26
    Acts 17:32
    Acts 14:15


  18. ted hammers
    Thursday November 8th, 2007 @ 6:55am

    imma going 2 cum n piss n ur eyes liberal fagget. then i will see u in hell. yes i am a christain. i believe that JESUS is OUR savoir. NOT MY savoir but OUR savoir GOD IS LIGHT


    • James
      Wednesday May 12th, 2010 @ 2:57pm

      imma gonna lrn 2 gt some a dat grammmmmeeeeeerz, and da spelling.

      Seriously, spell your words correctly, and use better grammar, you’ll look like less of an idiot.

      Also, a liberal is someone who likes change. Not exactly a bad thing.


    • Greenworld
      Friday March 18th, 2011 @ 4:26am

      Shut the hell up.


    • Victor
      Friday June 24th, 2011 @ 3:30am

      You Christians won’t be going to Hell, and thank God I will because I’ll finally be rid of you self-righteous fucks. You look like a complete fool, coming over here, using your slurs. You are nothing. You may think that your “Jesus” has saved you, but we know that you’ve just been corrupted by the organization called the Church.


  19. Mensajero
    Thursday November 8th, 2007 @ 7:02am

    the owner of this web sites loves little boys


  20. Ian
    Thursday November 8th, 2007 @ 11:10am

    “I PRAY that GODs LOVING HAND OF WRATH does not find you.”

    Sorry, but Love and Wrath coming from the same being means god is like “a husband that beats his wife to show her how much he loves her”.

    “May the peace, love, and grace of The Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.”

    How about just peace and love? Why does it have to be about a fictitious being all the time?

    “imma going 2 cum n piss n ur eyes liberal fagget. then i will see u in hell. yes i am a christain. i believe that JESUS is OUR savoir. NOT MY savoir but OUR savoir GOD IS LIGHT”

    For someone who calls himself a Christian, you sure have little in common with Christ.


    • James
      Wednesday May 12th, 2010 @ 2:59pm

      Lol, agreed.


    • Greenworld
      Friday March 18th, 2011 @ 4:27am

      Nah, he calls himself a “Christain.” That reminds me of a Deicide song.


  21. Mensajero
    Thursday November 8th, 2007 @ 5:57pm

    “Why does it have to be about a fictitious being all the time?” –Ian

    I hope you’ll see the grace of the Lord someday. What makes you believe that the Lord is fictitious?

    P.S. Where are these Christians coming from with so much filth in their mouth? Ted, what’s the deal? First, you are not to judge others (specifically, the Greek translation uses “condemn”). Discern and correct, yes, but not condemn. Second, Liberals serve an important part of American political belief’s and many serve well in government. You cannot simply write off any “liberals” or “conservatives” because they are “liberal” or “conservative”. Ian has a point.


  22. Ian
    Thursday November 8th, 2007 @ 7:29pm

    I’m still wondering why you wrote that I like little boys..


  23. Mensajero
    Friday November 9th, 2007 @ 12:24am

    Uh…I didn’t.

    Name copier probably.


  24. Ian
    Friday November 9th, 2007 @ 12:25am

    Yep you can copy names.

    Won’t this be fun.


  25. Jesse
    Monday November 19th, 2007 @ 3:08am

    Mensajero, nothing makes us beleive the Lord is fictitious. Its just that nothing makes us believe the Lord real. Do you believe the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists?


  26. Philip
    Tuesday November 20th, 2007 @ 6:14pm

    Religion is a lot more than the correct of incorrect beliefs of a group of people. Religion is a type of institution, just as government. At one time (and presently in a large number of places in the world) religion gave people their government.

    Saying religion is “stupid” or a lie is the equivalent to saying government is “stupid” or a lie.

    All things have “flaws”. It’s cruel and foolish to chastise others for their faults, whatever you seem them to be.

    Be kind.

    (On the other hand, I congratulate you for stirring up people and getting them to discuss… Hopefully they will use discourse and not resort to anger and untruths)


    • Victor
      Friday June 24th, 2011 @ 3:32am

      Government is stupid and a lie. Mine is at least.


  27. jadeda
    Tuesday November 20th, 2007 @ 7:02pm

    love the satire
    good clean fun


  28. Ian
    Tuesday November 20th, 2007 @ 11:35pm

    Philip: Religion no longer has any useful purpose in the world. It merely brings out (in some cases, the best in people, but in most cases) the worst in people.


  29. Ex Patriot
    Saturday December 8th, 2007 @ 3:56am

    first visit to your site. I will be back many times. I have been a non-believer all my life. I really can’t fathom anyone taking a book of mythology seriously, even if it contains some historical and geographical facts, so does the Greek myths and the Roman and the Norse ones also. Knowledge is the enemy of religion because with it people can think for themselves and this interfears with religions ability at mind control which all religion is just a form of mind control for its benefit.


  30. Barakabacca
    Sunday December 9th, 2007 @ 4:05pm

    You cannot possibly only believe (pardon the term) in just the things you can see, feel, touch… think, ponder, imagine develop – Do you “believe” in your self? And how did you come to be, think, imagine, ponder, blah, blah, blah?


  31. Ian
    Sunday December 9th, 2007 @ 7:55pm

    You’re right, I should believe in things that are completely beyond me and things I could not even begin to fathom. Good idea.


  32. CJ
    Friday December 21st, 2007 @ 11:26pm

    On behalf of Christians who have wronged and judged any of you, I apologize. May the next Christian you meet simply love and serve you, as Jesus would have. Some of the stuff Jesus-followers are saying on here makes me more frustrated than you. It’s not my job or desire to judge anyone, so blessings to you, and always seek truth.


  33. Hadron
    Tuesday January 1st, 2008 @ 11:30pm

    You’re close to the right track, although your arguments might be a tad sloppy and the grammar hurried. At least you’ve pretty well identified some logical problems with the currently popular God concept. These are sufficient to discredit that concept. Good work.

    Being a logical sort of thinker, of course you realize that your arguments only discredit the particular concept you chose to pick on. They could have been picked up from “The Soul of Anna Klane,” a novel published 30 years ago. But I’ll wager that your arguments came from your own understanding.

    Methinks that your next step is to read Michael Behe’s “Darwin’s Black Box,” which will offer you an interesting conundrum. By thoroughly studying a small, but investigatable subset of biological information, Behe shows that life, at least, cannot have “evolved” according to the mechanistic principles of Darwinism, leaving the inevitable conclusion that an “intelligent designer” is involved.

    Behe does not specify the designer.

    After reading him you will find that intelligence is a required component of at least the onset of biological life, which opens up additional possibilities. This does not discredit your anti-God logic. Putting your logic and Behe’s together, it would seem that there is a “God,” but not one who fits the definitions of current theology.

    I’m interested in webmaster’s reply to this, likewise Ian’s, and others who have learned to construct grammatically correct sentences.


  34. Ian
    Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 @ 12:15am

    I will never read anything by Behe. His science has been completely corrupted by his indoctrination and is wholeheartedly biased. He’s got conclusions which he then proves with shoddy ‘science’.

    By the way, I am the webmaster.


  35. jesse
    Thursday January 3rd, 2008 @ 7:49am

    hadron got a hardon from pseudo-science.


  36. Ham Nox
    Saturday November 28th, 2009 @ 11:19am

    Notice that the existence of the FSM is not being denied, for truly he does exist. RAmen.


  37. Greenworld
    Friday December 11th, 2009 @ 4:31am

    Eat His Noodliness’ vermicelli noodles, and ye shall be sauced with freshly ripe-tomato pasta. RAmen.


  38. BushidoSniper
    Tuesday April 13th, 2010 @ 9:17pm

    Its as simple as this.
    Atheists= Intelligent, witty, cocky, and steadfast. (general overview)
    Religion believers: Stupid, insecure, think of themselves in the highest degree, un willing.

    Anybody stupid enough to believe that “God” created us and all diversity in life is an idiot in my book. Atheists will be the only satisfied ones after death, because we know that there is no afterlife, no heaven no hell. No matter what you do in this life myou will end up in eternal darkness. No matter how much you “sin” or preach you will not go to heaven nor hell. There are probably a million examplesthat evolution took place and that the earth was created by a hail of meteors and a billion years worth of chemicals bonding and forming new organelles, not some stupid, half assed theory about how some magical man snapped and earth and animalsa and man was there.


  39. Eric
    Saturday May 29th, 2010 @ 11:45am

    Josh :I PRAY that GODs LOVING HAND OF WRATH does not find you.

    I heard something similar to this once said, “loving wrath.” The context, however, was far from religion (maybe): a Dominant had said it to her submissive in a BDSM scene.

    Therefore, god is into BDSM scenes on a cosmic scale. “Obey, or experience my loving wrath.”


  40. Eric
    Saturday May 29th, 2010 @ 12:00pm

    Hadron :You’re close to the right track, although your arguments might be a tad sloppy and the grammar hurried. At least you’ve pretty well identified some logical problems with the currently popular God concept. These are sufficient to discredit that concept. Good work.
    Being a logical sort of thinker, of course you realize that your arguments only discredit the particular concept you chose to pick on. They could have been picked up from “The Soul of Anna Klane,” a novel published 30 years ago. But I’ll wager that your arguments came from your own understanding.
    Methinks that your next step is to read Michael Behe’s “Darwin’s Black Box,” which will offer you an interesting conundrum. By thoroughly studying a small, but investigatable subset of biological information, Behe shows that life, at least, cannot have “evolved” according to the mechanistic principles of Darwinism, leaving the inevitable conclusion that an “intelligent designer” is involved.
    Behe does not specify the designer.
    After reading him you will find that intelligence is a required component of at least the onset of biological life, which opens up additional possibilities. This does not discredit your anti-God logic. Putting your logic and Behe’s together, it would seem that there is a “God,” but not one who fits the definitions of current theology.
    I’m interested in webmaster’s reply to this, likewise Ian’s, and others who have learned to construct grammatically correct sentences.

    A book to put on my next reading list (currently reading Gina Welch).

    Assuming there is an intelligence behind our universe, who, or what, designed this particular intelligence, and the intelligence behind that intelligence, ad infinitum.


    • Chris
      Friday September 17th, 2010 @ 2:51pm

      Hadron, I have recently studied artificial intelligence, and the principles of evolution can easily be demonstrated on a computer these days. I have constructed simple programs myself, and evolutionary robotics is making huge strides in computers gaining ‘intelligence’. Just because you don’t understand something, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. The technical term is emergence – the concept of complex, intelligent behaviour resulting from many small seemingly random occurrences.

      All evolution can be explained outside of a black box – you just need to understand a little more about genetics, mutation and crossover and other important concepts. Just the lack of understanding of something is not argument for ‘irreducible complexity’ as Behe argues. Things might be beyond his understanding, but there are plenty of people who do understand it.


    • Margie
      Monday May 2nd, 2016 @ 9:10pm

      Wow! Talk about a posting knokicng my socks off!


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  41. Eric
    Saturday May 29th, 2010 @ 12:20pm

    CJ :On behalf of Christians who have wronged and judged any of you, I apologize. May the next Christian you meet simply love and serve you, as Jesus would have. Some of the stuff Jesus-followers are saying on here makes me more frustrated than you. It’s not my job or desire to judge anyone, so blessings to you, and always seek truth.

    I have met both versions of Christians. I had attended a Baptist church of the intolerant kind for 10 years, pastored by my father-in-law. The doctrinal atrocities preached and practiced by them, as well as by others from many denominations, first prompted me to deny Christianity while defending Christ.

    “Are you a Christian?” I would be asked.
    “Depends,” I began my answer, “on what you know a ‘Christian’ to be. I accept Christ and reject man’s church.”

    That went on until I began questioning the infallibility of the Bible. If the Bible is true and relevant in our time, in its entirety, then I am prohibitted from entering the church building as I was born with assorted defects. What was my sin? Those Baptists said I was paying for the sins of my father, but had no clue what sin that was. I questioned more and more, and the answers I received weren’t sensible, reasonable answers.

    After drifting from church to church, the last church was ‘extremely’ Pentecostal. I became the subject of an exorcism on the second visit. With a deacon holding me from behind, the pastor began punching my stomach in an effort to dislodge the demon residing there.

    That was the proverbial last straw for me. Religion carries no weight, and only a residual influence, in my life. Without religion, there’s no god. Without god(s), there’s only that which can be observed, experienced, described, measured, tested, verified, repeat ad infinitum. Having matured, I have discarded not only McDermatroid (imaginary friend from Kindergarten) but also Jesus (imaginary friend from church).

    If any Christian asks to discuss this over coffee, I would agree on one condition. The waitress pour an additional cup of coffee. I pose the question: “Who will sit down and drink that cup last? McDermatroid or Jesus?”

    Eric, rambling


  42. Chris
    Friday September 17th, 2010 @ 2:42pm

    I love your site. It’s insightful and funny and nicely poignant. Keep up the good work.

    As a humanist and a long time admirer of Christ’s teachings, at the same time wondering where on earth Christians got their ideas from, I realised some time ago that religion is all about control. Not faith, but religion. The organised control of people. The more arbitrary the rules, the better the level of control.

    I don’t need a church to see my beliefs, I just need to go to a city, or a meadow. Life is beautiful and infinitely interesting. I don’t need someone to make up answers for me, I can find them myself. There is beauty everywhere around you if you look for it. I need no God to prove that to me.

    Life is beautiful without religion, and religion adds nothing to our experience or our life. It takes from us something most important though – our independence of thought, about what life is about. You don’t realise how much you are missing it until you truly gain it back.


    • Greenworld
      Friday September 17th, 2010 @ 5:15pm

      I agree with everything you say, and thanks a lot for the kind words about this site! I hope you check back here again. Anyways, I agree that religion adds nothing to the values of life; rather, it SUBTRACTS humanity’s potentials by telling us we’re nothing but units made to serve some angry, vicious God. And, if there’s any “suffering” because “God seddit”, then they say it’s “OK” to do that because “he” created the world; therefore, he has the “right” to deny the prayers of the innocent people who live in agony, while the rich can get the best medical care while *praising* their deities for helping remove their diseases. It’s just sickening. For humanity to live, religion must die.


  43. S.N.
    Monday September 27th, 2010 @ 1:47pm

    Need Facebook “I Like” or “Share” Button plz


    • Andre
      Monday September 27th, 2010 @ 2:12pm

      Copy/Paste URLs.


    • Greenworld
      Monday September 27th, 2010 @ 5:51pm

      Facebook can burn in hell, but I like your idea.


  44. GodKiller
    Friday February 25th, 2011 @ 6:43am

    People who believe in Gods are brainless shits……


  45. kurtisle
    Friday March 4th, 2011 @ 7:58pm

    Well, I am through here. This has become a mouthpiece for the Christian nutjobs. I don’t have time for these freaks. Sorry, you are doing exactly what they want…allowing them to flood your site to keep rational thought from catching hold here.

    Bye bye



    • Greenworld
      Friday March 4th, 2011 @ 11:51pm

      Welcome to irReligion.org: the best place to have your soul condemned to hell by every sheep who believes the trash fed to them by religion.

      All joking aside, I think you should stick around. There are more and more people leaving religion these days, and the more rational people get in debates the better. We obviously can’t force people to stop believing, but we should still make ourselves available in case they are willing to debate/discuss religion/god(s). You don’t have to be around this site 24/7, but at least check back every now and then for anything completely ignorant or retarded to respond to.

      Come on now, come join our legion of hellbound sinners…


    • timothoy
      Saturday April 9th, 2011 @ 8:26am

      quit your bitchin brah


  46. RZ
    Monday April 18th, 2011 @ 5:23am

    One who do not belive in one god ( Allah ) , He is fool …


  47. BA
    Saturday April 30th, 2011 @ 3:59pm

    Religion is what you believe, no more no less. If you believe there is a God you are religious. If you believe there is no God you are religious. Evolution, Christianity, Atheism, Muslim, Hindu….(endless list) all religion. If a belief can be observed (five senses) repeatedly with identical results each time it is science. All humans possessing a brain believe something so all humans are religious. To be negative toward the belief(s) of others is the religion we can do without. No Absolutes? Are you absolutely sure?


    • Ian
      Saturday April 30th, 2011 @ 4:24pm

      Evolution is definitely not a religion, nor is atheism.

      Neither atheism or evolution involve any preset views on morality, rituals, nor do they explain the nature of the universe.


      “a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. “


      • Greenworld
        Saturday April 30th, 2011 @ 5:01pm

        Actually, it is possible for atheists to become religious — we call them “humanists.” They actually do more for the world than Christians or Muslims combined.

        “a doctrine, attitude, or way of life centered on human interests or values; especially : a philosophy that usually rejects supernaturalism and stresses an individual’s dignity and worth and capacity for self-realization through reason”


    • Neutral Views
      Sunday May 1st, 2011 @ 8:19am

      so your saying “atheism” (which basically means no religion) is a religion?

      good effort mate, at least you tried


  48. BudM
    Tuesday June 14th, 2011 @ 9:04am

    The prefix “a” indicates a negative attribute of the descriptive word, thus: “not theism.”
    Theism is simply a belief in god(s). “Religion” is a “set of beliefs,” that can be “unusual”–not necessarily specific to “superhuman.” The PRACTICE of a religion involves following a set of standards. Follow Socrates> “Question everything!”
    “Ignorance is the greatest evil.”


  49. maleny
    Wednesday September 21st, 2011 @ 8:10pm

    I love God :) no matter I love God!!!God is everything good in the world.Good, is peace,love,tranquility,truth,hope, and faith! :) im an optimist and believe in Gods Good. God is Good!!!Im sorry that you are all an unbelieving group.But hey no matter what, God exists whether or not you want to believe in Him, He is still here!!!PRAISE THE EVERLASTING GOD OF LIFE!!!!


    • Ben
      Thursday September 22nd, 2011 @ 10:19am

      maleny :I love God :) no matter I love God!!!God is everything good in the world.Good, is peace,love,tranquility,truth,hope, and faith! :) im an optimist and believe in Gods Good. God is Good!!!Im sorry that you are all an unbelieving group.But hey no matter what, God exists whether or not you want to believe in Him, He is still here!!!PRAISE THE EVERLASTING GOD OF LIFE!!!!

      I love Zeus :) no matter (how little evidence) I love Zeus!!!Zeus is everything (I arbitrarily decide is) good in the world.Good, is peace,love,tranquility,truth,hope, and faith (both faith and truth, note – no conflict there At All)! :) im an optimist and believe in Zeuss Good. Zeus is Good!!!Im sorry that you are all an unbelieving group.But hey no matter what, Zeus exists whether or not you want to believe in Him, He is still here!!!PRAISE THE EVERLASTING ZEUS OF LIFE!!!!


      • Greenworld
        Friday September 23rd, 2011 @ 5:23pm

        Well… just using the word “god” can mean any of the thousands of millions of “gods” that have been introduced in the past up to now. Maybe maleny actually meant Zeus but didn’t want to get shit from the hardcore Christians here? :P


        • Ben
          Saturday September 24th, 2011 @ 5:18am

          Good point.

          You evasive bastard, maleny!


  50. Anna
    Sunday February 12th, 2012 @ 7:45pm

    Is the webstie for or against religion???


    • Margaretta
      Tuesday May 3rd, 2016 @ 12:45am

      I completely adore the humble strawberry. Particularly love them in a coconut smoothie with cinnamon and valn#la&i8230;. Don’t have a hysterical tale to tell – just lots of love for them and Family Webster to!


  51. Tidi
    Wednesday March 7th, 2012 @ 7:00am

    this one is so true.



  52. William
    Sunday January 11th, 2015 @ 11:08am

    I have found the truth “Fear” (uncertainty) is the most powerful God known to man kind and women unkind, every body bow down before him…


  53. Anonymous
    Thursday March 3rd, 2016 @ 10:01pm

    リンデの心は、彼らのムーンウォッチコレクションに加えていると、はい、あなたが尋ねる)-―がなされるだけで59へ行くことができる前に、月に2日間のサイクル数。ショパール時計コピー新しいリンデホワイトゴールドとブラックを始めたシリーズの最新の繰り返しで、ゴールド版の刻まれた18 kの形で見続けたfunkierで上昇した。スマートな方向に行って、このリンデ白く見えるパリッとしてすべてのビットとして冷静にその前任者として。 http://www.newkakaku.com/boq1.htm


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