Why don’t people believe in God?
I laughed.
I’m so sick and tired of arguing with religious fanatics across the Internet. Why do they resort to such deluded thinking? Here is a pre-written example of how debates usually start and end whenever I start one with a believer:
Skeptic: Cancers and other diseases are terrible. Why do they even exist?
Believer: It’s because of The Devil.
Skeptic: And why doesn’t Yahweh know about this?
Believer: He does — it’s just that He gave us free will.
Skeptic: So… we can choose what kinds of diseases to acquire if we wanted to? Are you suggesting that people “choose” to acquire diseases? That doesn’t sound very logical…
Believer: NO!!! You don’t get it!!! God gave us free will and Man perverted His creations by eating from the Tree of Life!!!
Skeptic: OK, then how come Yahweh isn’t doing anything to prevent “The Devil” from causing diseases?
Believer: AGAIN — it’s because He gave US free will! We chose to sin and this is our penalty for breaking His rules. God can do anything He wants, you know.
Skeptic: Sorry, but I believe Yahweh was supposed to be “omniscient” and “omnipotent,” correct? An omniscient deity is a deity that is supposed to have infinite knowledge beyond time and space. An omnipotent deity is a deity that is supposed to have an unlimited amount of universal power and authority. That said, if Yahweh is argued to be both an “omniscient” and “omnipotent” deity, doesn’t it make you wonder why Yahweh isn’t really doing anything to prevent “The Devil” from causing all the negativity in this world? By the way, animals and plants also can have diseases of their own — does this mean that there are “devils” for animals and plants, as well as “gods” for animals and plants? I don’t seem to understand where you are going with this.
Believer: *Rolls eyes* Seriously, atheist! You just don’t understand God or His Word! He works in MYSTERIOUS WAYS! Animals don’t have souls because we humans are the chosen ones! Humans and animals have NOTHING in common!
Skeptic: First, nowhere did I ever mention that I am an atheist; what I may or may not believe is irrelevant to this debate. Merely, I am questioning your position and reasoning for it. Second, I don’t see why you’re pulling the “You just don’t understand!” card while at the same time claiming to have knowledge of the mind of your deity. Third, how do you know that we humans have nothing to do with other animals such as apes, for instance? Are we not mammals? Don’t both species share likeness in body structure, personality, reasoning skills, etc.? We, just like the apes, are warm-blooded and have genitals that we use for mating with the opposite sex so that the female may bear one or more offspring. Females feed their young just like other female mammals do. Isn’t that what other female mammals do? The fact that we humans are warm-blooded vertebrate animals that have genitals (which are used for reproducing new life) and that our females carry milk to feed our young is a no-brainer that we DO in fact belong under the classification of mammalians. What do you have to say to these points?
Believer: *Rolls eyes again* Well… YOU have NO BRAIN! Seriously, you’re just an evolutionist trying to lure me into the path of unrighteousness so that I too may burn in Hell for all eternity with you… you… you… HEATHENS! You hate God! The Devil is making you say all these things because he knows that you are allowing him to come in and ruin your life! You need Jesus! Jesus died for us!
Skeptic: Wow, you need to remain civil. You are getting nowhere in this debate if all you’re going to do is brand me as a “heretic.” Seriously, this is the 21st century — more and more people to this day are coming to a realization that Christianity and Islam are simply archaic, primitive belief systems and that there are better attempts to explain how the universe works and why we exist that don‘t necessarily rely on most religions. For example, the Bible makes claims of such ridiculous things such as humans being able to live for 500+ years, an old man single-handedly building a boat and packing hordes of animals (all of which he was said to have captured by himself) on it to survive a 40-day flood, a rib-woman conversing with a talking serpent (to add insult to the injury, absolutely NO mention of “The Devil” possessing the animal is to be found — not even in the highly-acclaimed King James Bible), sticks turning into snakes, a man whose physical strength was equivalent to the length of his hair, and so many others. It really is a surprise to me that there are people who still take these stories in a literal sense. Come now, none of these things have ever been supported by science. Oh wait, science is controlled by “The Devil.”
Believer: Ha, ha! You have no idea what you’re talking about, evolutionist atheist! All these stories are PROVEN and HISTORICAL accounts as recorded in the Bible! We still believe in God because we don’t want to go to Hell! You do! And yes, science IS now controlled by The Devil and he started a religion called Darwinism. Sound familiar?
Skeptic: Look. If I told you that a unicorn was hiding in my backyard, would you trust me? If not, then why? What if I also told you that you have to believe in the “Unicorn God” in order to be saved? Wouldn’t that sound ridiculous to you? Of course it would! There is no validity to such an absurd claim, neither yours of how this world was created from Christianity’s perspective.
Believer: That’s because you don’t know Jesus. Once you know Him, you never go back!
Skeptic: …Except I used to have a belief in Christianity but I no longer possess it.
Skeptic: Who are you to judge? I thought only Yahweh (and ONLY Yahweh) could judge us (if this particular deity DOES exist)? Doesn’t your book say that only those who may cast the first stone are the ones who never “sinned”?
Believer: Again, this is The Devil reaching out to you and feeding you lies so you can go and mock God! And stop calling Him ‘Yahweh’! There is only one TRUE God!
Skeptic: OK, I have to admit: I worship “The Devil” every night and I eat shellfish twice a week. Yes, I am mocking Yahweh.
Believer: *Smile* That’s more like it. So you admit you are possessed by The Devil! However, you can change! Come to my church! It’s the one TRUE church!
Skeptic: That would be LaVeyan.
I have come to a realization that arguing with religious people about religion is a total waste of time. However, it is fun to stir the pot with the faithful whenever irreligious people correct them on their misused logic! Still, I am of the position that there are better things to do than get involved with religious debates. I have a life, and I can’t be expected to debate blind sheep 24/7. The difference between me and them is that I make a living for myself by being fully focused on REALITY and they make a living wasting their lives with such outdated and unscientific philosophies. We only get one life — don’t waste it away on things that have already been proven false by science and most of all — logic.